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Adult Acne

Adult Acne
Treat adult acne in 4 phases without prescription medication. Find out about natural anti inflammatory products like: hinokitiolCanadian Willowherb ™, resveratrol and tea tree oil, oligopeptide-10 instead of synthetic antibiotics where resistance is a growing problem.

Adult acne

Phase 1: Exfoliate to remove cell build-up
Phase 2: Reduce the amount of acne bacteria (P. acnes)
Phase 3: Control sebum production. Repair skin texture and tone
Phase 4: Protect against inflammation and UV damage

Adult Acne

Adult Acne

Adult Acne treatment

Adult skin or adult acne is different than teenage skin or teenage acne.
(i) It produces less oil
(ii) Has a slower rate of cell turnover
(iii) heals at a different rate.
Products designed for teenage skin are often too harsh for adults. Using them can lead to irritation and dryness. At the same time, adults are concerned with visible signs of aging. Signs of ageing: fine lines, wrinkles and uneven skin tone.

natural skin care

natural skin care

Adults can get acne in their 30s, 40s and 50s. Some will even develop it for the first time as an adult. This is referred to as adult-onset acne.

Acne affects 25% of men and 50% of women at some point in their adult lives. 


Causes Adult Acne

(i) Stress
(ii) Hormone Fluctuations
(iii) Skin care products and hair care products
(iv) Underlying Medical Condition
(v) Side-effect of medications
(vi) Genetics

At Susannah Makram Clinics we use our nutrition and lifestyle combined with carefully selected skin care prodtcs based on our client’s precise skin requirements. We offer natural solutions and discuss treatment options available to our client.

Inflammation is a cause and a result of acne. White blood cells are drawn to acne lesions as an immune response to P. acnes bacteria, which in turn causes inflammation.

It’s critical to block UV rays with a broad-spectrum sunscreen that contains ingredients to help calm acne and maintain the skin’s delicate moisture balance.

What’s your optimal natural skin care regimen?


Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

Call  020 7060 3181