Call  020 7060 3181


Healthy Weight Loss Packages



It’s not a four week weight loss plan it’s 3 safe healthy weight loss packages. You choose from the weight loss packages and they keep you on track. You don’t have to compromise the lifestyle you’re accustomed to. SAFE. CLINICAL. PRACTICAL. EFFECTIVE.

fat burner

fat burner

Healthy Weight Loss Packages


TEST and products – rather than a standard NHS weight loss plan we consider your lifestyle. 

Gene Mapping for Healthy Belly Fat Burning

Find out your optimum percentage of proteins, fats, carbohydrate and which foods, for your optimal belly fat burning plan. This is will processed into a practical day to day sample meal plan and easy to follow guide based on your lifestyle. Eg, for eating out, traveling, personal chef.

Obesity is highly heritable and it probably involves genes that pass from parent to child. Body weight is clearly impacted by diet. So the environment and personal habits also play a role.


Personalised nutritional 4 week weight loss plan. This is not a generic keto diet or vegan weight loss plan. It’s targeting your goals safely and effectively while making it easy to follow. Weight loss shakes keep you hungry and we need to keep a long lasting routine for long term results.

2 60mins consultations

No anticellulite cupping massage treatments

Belly fat is a more dangerous fat

healthy weight loss packages

Healthy Weight Loss packages


TEST and products

Gene Mapping for Healthy Belly Fat Burning


Personalised nutritional 9 week plan
3 60mins consultations with:

Anticellulite cupping massage treatments

Cupping massage stimulates the circulation of the blood and also activates the burning of fat. Manual Lymphatic Drainage works well if the cellulite is accompanied by water retention.
Cellulite is a combination of fat, toxic cellular wastes and fluids that form a gel-like material. Some of the science: Poor micro-circulation causes damage and a build-up of waste products.
Detox Cupping Massage:
☑️ Targets Cellulite
☑️ Tones and tightens
☑️ Activates fat burning

Healthy Weight Loss Packages


Fast weight loss plans or sticking to exercising more and eating less isn’t always effective. Isn’t it frustrating when we’re eating healthy and going to gym five times a week and still we’re not losing weight?!


TEST and products

Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Testing Full Blood Count [+ for hormone balancing; vitamin deficiencies – For hair loss, thinning hair, adult acne, unexplained tiredness, anxiety, low sex drive ]

Leave no stone unturned!

There’s a strong positive relationship between healthy gut bacteria and weight loss

Obesity is highly heritable and it probably involves genes that pass from parent to child. Body weight is clearly impacted by diet. So the environment and personal habits also play a role.


12 Week personalised nutritional plan

4 60mins consultations with:
Anticellulite cupping massage treatments

Cupping massage stimulates the circulation of the blood and also activates the burning of fat. Manual Lymphatic Drainage works well if the cellulite is accompanied by water retention.


Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

Call  020 7060 3181