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Instagram review osteopathy

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Tamara Al Gabbani SM Susannah Makram
لمراجعة والعلاج الطبيعي الحديث عن آلام الظهر وأكثر من ذلكSee More
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Tamara Al Gabbani SM Susannah Makram
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Instagram review

Instagram review osteopathy


We reach out and answer questions about osteopathy and cupping massage. We exclusively offer aesthetic osteopathy in Knightsbridge and Chelsea — find out more.

Instagram Review Osteopathy

Follow us. See a day in the life of Knightsbridge Osteopath and naturopath Susannah.

Cupping massage

Why’s cupping massage good for cellulite and water retention? What is cellulite exactly? Have you considered seeing real results for example, of natural aesthetic treatments lie cupping massage for cellulite and receiving safe advise about rounded shoulders and ageing posture?

Cupping massage stimulates the circulation of the blood and also activates the burning of fat. Manual Lymphatic Drainage works well if the cellulite is accompanied by water retention.

Tamara Al Gabbani instagram

It was such a pleasure to meet Tamara and I suggest you follow our instagram accounts to find out what we got up to on her last visit to London…

Susannah Makram - Author

Susannah Makram is recognised as one of the leaders in complementary health and functional medicine in the UK, having written for the mainstream press as well as regularly on her own blog.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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