How to eat for good skin (today) starts by optimising gut health. That means your gut lining including integrity of live organisms. Functional blood chemistry analysis leads us to targeted gut health optimisation.
It takes time to cover up skin issues so rather than waste time remember experts say skin health is gut health. Before working on the underlying causes to our skin issues likes acne, we’ve got tot make sure our gut is working properly. That’s important for natural remedies for acne as well and any other acne treatment.
Good skin diet
Natural remedies for acne are part of the good skin diet at Susannah Makram Clinics.
But can we get rid of acne; psoriasis; eczema; excessive dryness/oiliness naturally? Can we get rid of complex skin issues like HS, naturally?
Personalised skincare: management or maintenance targets skin problems; gives us:
(i) Knowledge and
(ii) Realistic expectations.
How to fix your gut (today)
EXPERTS SAY GUT HEALTH IS skin health but what does that mean? How do we heal our gut?
Skin that’s hydrated, toned and blemish free. Younger looking skin. All natural. That’s what we all want.
What are the best and worst skincare and makeup products for your health? LET’S START THE CONVERSATION.
Susannah is a London naturopath – nutrition expert – who’s seen it all. She’s an osteopath too!
When our skin looks dull and tired, it can really get us down. It doesn’t matter how much makeup we artfully apply. It takes time to cover blemishes and it’s like everyone’s looking at us — for the wrong reasons! Refreshed skin looks sexy. Like we’ve just had the best sleep ever.
Hormone imbalance diet
Once we’ve got a healthy working gut we can tackle underlying conditions such as hormone imbalance. Signs of hormone imbalance often require testing so as we use functional blood chemistry analysis we’re not going to miss any (sex) hormone imbalance. Optimising our hormone function and secretion using our diet can help with many skin conditions.
Anti-inflammatory diet
When our skin is irritated, inflammation occurs. We’ve all got different triggers for this inflammation. For example, food triggers like gluten or dairy or sugar. Triggers like perfumes or chemicals on our skin or ingested as pesticides on our food or drugs we take when ill. But triggers don’t appear without a cause. We don’t suddenly become sick from cow’s milk for example.
Our lifestyle is the single biggest game changer when it comes to skincare – at any age.
How to eat for good skin
If your skin is rebelling by breaking out in acne it can affect aspects of our day-to-day lives. Facial wrinkles mean it’s time to stop overcomplicating. Start simplifying and find out how to eat for goof skin. It’s the best investment we can make to save us time covering up with product, spending vast amounts of our hard earned cash on facials, botox, filler, Swiss skincare products.
Susannah’s Skincare Consultation and Treatment
Healthy skin that’s strong and supple really takes years off your face and body. Not just that. It gives you that feel good factor. That glow you always wanted.

Susannah helps you understand the reasons why your skin behaves the way it does.
Tweaking our nutrition for healthy skin is a process.
We’re 50% into our health journey when we make this discovery together. Let’s clear up acne. Is it really eczema? Eczema or psoriasis, what’s our psoriasis trigger? Are dark under eye circles permanent? Can I slow down the signs of ageing? Why’s our skin so dry or oily?
Our skin is readily responsive to internal and external factors because it’s our body’s largest dynamic organ. Our dynamic skin is our body’s largest organ, responding to internal & external factors.
Find out more about this here or contact us today to ask your specific question about how we can help you.