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When IVF Fails

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Infertility Treatment

INFERTILITY CARE PATHWAYS depend on 1) WHEN infertility diagnosis made (2) age (3) your partner’s age (4) many personal preferences. When IVF fails we reassess these causes. At Susannah Makram Clinics we view infertility as a complete care pathway. That this may be supported by our individual body wellness is where we come in.

When IVF Fails

When IVF fails your decision to go ahead with the same treatment for infertility is usually put into question. This is a natural reaction to have.

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is the most common ART technique. When IVF fails, the decision to continue with another IVF cycle, at the earliest possible time, is not one to take lightly. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is any fertility treatment in which the egg and sperm are handled.
IVF involves stimulating and retrieving multiple mature eggs from a woman, fertilising them with a man’s sperm in a dish in a lab, and implanting the embryos in the uterus three to five days after fertilisation.


When IVF Fails

IVF Success Rates

IVF-conceived babies now account for 2% all babies born in the UK.      [tweetthis]IVF-conceived babies now account for 2% all babies born in the UK[/tweetthis]

The success rate of ART is lower after age 35. This is according to new figures on infertility treatment us and outcomes. these figures are released annually by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA).

When choosing a fertility clinic carrying out IVF treatment The HFEA presents success rates for every licensed clinic.

Some women need just one or two therapies to restore fertility. It is possible that several different types of treatment may be needed before you are able to conceive.

GENETIC and CHROMOSOMAL issues causing FAILURE OF IMPLANTATION in IVF – The high rate of chromosomal abnormalities in human embryos.

  • As women age, the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in mature eggs increases significantly. Studies have shown that starting in early 30s, the rate of chromosomal abnormalities in human eggs (and therefore in human embryos) starts to increase significantly.
  • The rate continues to increase with advancing female age. By mid-40s a very high percentage of human embryos are chromosomally abnormal (over 75%).
  • It’s believed that this is mainly due to problems with the spindle apparatus in the egg nucleus. The spindle is involved with properly lining up and segregating the chromosomes as the egg matures at the time of ovulation.
  • Older eggs have an inefficient spindle apparatus that does not line up the chromosome pairs properly. “Mistakes” are made when splitting pairs of chromosomes. This leads to eggs that don’t have the proper balance of 23 chromosomes – and will result in a chromosomally abnormal embryo if fertilised.
  • It has been shown that about 1% to 2% of human sperm are chromosomally abnormal on average – as compared to about 20% to 90% of human eggs (depending on female age).

    When IVF Fails

PGS – preimplantation genetic screening can be done on embryos prior to transfer to evaluate chromosomal competence.

Other “genetic causes” of implantation failure

  • Implantation failure is probably caused by other genetic mutations sometimes. With a perfectly normal “karyotype” or chromosome complement.
  • There are tens of thousands of genes in the human genome. A lot of places where something can go wrong.
  • With time there will be genes discovered that are crucial for efficient embryo implantation. These will be both on the embryo side and on the uterine side. Perhaps they will involve the immune system as well.

INFERTILITY treatment involves commitment that is significantly financial, physical, psychological and time consuming. Male infertility treatment for general sexual problems or lack of healthy sperm at Susannah Makram Clinics use advanced male fertility diagnostics to outline effective treatment protocols for couple to choose from. Tests identify and support improvement for (normal sperm count and) poor sperm quality.

Your Naturopathic Portfolio to improve sperm quality at Susannah Makram Clinics supports ICSI if used in an IVF cycle as described.

Female fertility continued 

15 Fertility Rate Facts To Know Now

Fertility Rate – 15  Facts  – What You Need to Know Now If You Ever Want Kids

It’s likely you’re unsure of your current fertility rate. Modern times are affecting our fertility rates. Our fertility rates are subject to changing trends and patterns. We know lifestyle choices during pregnancy affect the health of your baby. What about food, exercise and other lifestyle choices we’re making today? Do they affect our fertility rate, our potential future?

These are choices we are making today.

“15 Fertility Rate Facts To Know Now”

‘One in six couples has problems starting a family’       [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#fertility #pregnancy”]’One in six couples has problems starting a family’ [/tweetthis]

In a word, yes. Lifestyle factors can affect a woman’s chances of getting pregnant. This is by natural and assisted conception. It’s not just women, male partners affect chances of pregnancy too. Your fertility rate or your current fertility profile should enable you to face facts.

Why Fertility Rates Are On The Decline

Let’s get clued up now. Here’s why:

  1. One in six couples has difficulty having a baby – in 40 per cent of these cases the difficulty is associated with the man.         [tweetthis]In 40% of #infertility cases, the cause, for 1 in 6 couples, is associated with the man[/tweetthis]

Equal responsibility is about sharing knowledge and open communication. 

  1. Timing is just about everything when it comes to fertility –

In a normal cycle of 28 days, the woman ovulates normally on day 14 (14 days after the start of menstruation). The most fertile day would be on day 14 and the most fertile week is that which goes from day 11 to 17.

  1. The medical definition of infertility is the failure to conceive following twelve months of regular unprotected intercourse After this time your GP will refer you for:

A blood test to measure ovulation is required. The most common cause of ovulation problems is polycystic ovaries.

Chlamydia can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and fertility problems. So this might be tested for also (vaginal swab or urine test). Male sperm count and motility are measured at this stage from a sperm sample.

  1. Secondary infertility accounts for 60 percent of infertility cases – that is, when a couple has trouble conceiving after they’ve already had a baby or more — is more common than primary infertility, when first-timers have trouble.
  1. Women are at their most fertile between the ages of 20-24

There are both advantages and disadvantages to giving birth at different ages. Overall, being healthy parents puts you in good stead.


Female Infertility

15 Fertility Rate Facts To Know Now

  1. Female fertility begins to decline at age 30.

If you are over 40, you may want to start your quest for a second pregnancy with a fertility expert on hand. Similarly, if your partner is over 40, you may want to get a specialist on board from the beginning.

  1. Sperm DNA damage has been identified as a major contributor to male infertility        [tweetthis]Sperm DNA damage has been identified as a major contributor to male #infertility[/tweetthis]

The quality and quantity of the sperm diminishes from the age of 25. Damage to sperm DNA (sperm DNA fragmentation) affects every fertility checkpoint and can increase the risk of miscarriage.

The SpermComet assay is a second generation sperm DNA test. It is the ONLY test that can measure the extent of damage in individual sperm.

  1. Men Do Have a Biological Clock

Males can produce viable sperm — and father babies — well into their AARP years. However, older men are more likely to have fertility issues. Also, due to dipping testosterone levels, there is a decrease in quantity and quality of sperm. Sperm strength, motility and other factors.

Male Fertility Testing

Male Fertility Testing


  1. More than half of all pregnancies conceived through IVF in women over age forty are produced through donor eggs. Egg freezing or (new techniques like) vitrification is not a taboo subject any more.


  1. Female infertility is typically caused by one or more of these factors:

Damage to fallopian tubes (tubal infertility)
Uterine or cervical causes
Ovulation disorders


  1. Success in assisted conception is dependent on the quality of the sperm and eggs

Egg quality falls with age. Hence, one of the strongest predictors of whether an IVF cycle will be successful is the age of the woman. A major cause of this is the development of chromosomal abnormalities in the egg as it matures, which can in turn be passed on to the embryo.

Genetic screening is available to help choose the best embryo(s) to replace and thus increase the pregnancy rate.


  1. Cough medicine can help you get pregnant, laptops and briefs can impair sperm production. Saliva is a sperm Killer & position doesn’t really matter. Common Chemicals Are Fertility Inhibitors

Expectorants loosen up mucus in your chest but they are also able to loosen up cervical mucus – if antihistamine-free. Looser cervical mucus is easier for sperm to hitch a ride in!

Not all bodily fluids get along. In fact saliva is a sperm killer. The truth is most lubricants and massage oils are fertility unfriendly. So it is best to go without when you are baby making.

Some studies have shown that the now-infamous Bisphenol A (BPA) can decrease fertility in women. Perfluoronated chemicals (PFCs), used in Teflon, have also been shown to affect the menstrual cycle.

15 Fertility Rate Facts To Know Now Continued…

  1. Both Prescription & Recreational Drugs affect fertility as does smoking cigarettes

Some antidepressants (like SSRI’s) can raise a woman’s serum prolactin level. This can interfere with normal ovulation. Even certain antiemetic (anti-nausea) medications can alter prolactin levels.

Using any drugs, even cannabis, can affect the menstrual cycle. Heavier drugs like opiates have been shown to suppress the reproductive cycle. They affect the centers of the brain that control release of the female hormones.

Smoking cigarettes – even secondhand smoke – has been shown to reduce fertility time and time again.


When IVF Fails

When IVF Fails


  1. An Unhealthy body weight may prevent you from having children

Being overweight, obese or underweight can have negative consequences for one’s ability to conceive. This is because obesity can interfere with normal hormone function and fertility. The only treatment available to successfully reverse sperm DNA damage is largely dependent on two things. These are nutrition and nutritional supplementation.

  1. Fertility is a sensitive subject for a reason and there are support groups. Fertility and therapeutic counselling is also available for couples trying to conceive naturally. These are also there for individuals and couples using assisted fertility methods.

15 Fertility Rate Facts To Know Now

Susannah understands that when a couple hears a diagnosis of  ‘unexplained infertility’ it’s incredibly frustrating. When natural conception or assisted reproductive fertility treatment haven’t been successful, it’s difficult to hear. The most common assisted fertility treatment is IVF.  We put together 15 fertility rate facts to know now because you want to understand what the next steps are. You want to move forward from this, when ready. You should be able to discuss these steps and come to a decision together.

Nutrition impacts 80% of your modern lifestyle. This impacts every single factor affecting fertility. This goes for both men and women. If you  take ownership of your health you can make sure that the right changes impact you and your partner for the best.


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