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Healthy Recipes

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Healthy Sauerkraut Recipe

My Name is Susannah Makram. I typically work with families and CEOs. I work with West End production managers, directors, actors, producers. WE need safe and immediate treatment for back pain and health concerns zapping their energy. We need help to feel energised within our modern lifestyle and I empower them to take ownership of their health journey.

Safe. Clinical. Practical. Effective

That is our Naturopathic Portfolio ethos. How can we make it yours? How can we make it work for you In The Four Phases?

Healthy Recipes

Sometimes our clients want snacking inspiration. Their lifestyle encourages taking time to organise meals and more importantly, they enjoy it!

Healthy recipes

Healthy recipes

Vegan recipe

Fermented Foods Are More Digestible & Safer To Eat Than Many Raw Foods

eg. sauerkraut and cabbage – sources of probiotic and prebiotic – dairy free, raw, vegan food, respectively,

Recipe Sauerkraut


Cabbage – 1 small to medium – approx 2 ounces
1 Tablespoon medium grain sea salt or non-iodised salt
1 Teaspoon caraway seeds, juniper berries (optional)

  1. Cut the cabbage in half. Cut out the thick core and stem end and compost or discard them.Thinly slice the cabbage into shreds or small pieces (think coleslaw)
  2. Loosely pack the sliced cabbage into a clean, wide mouth glass jars, sprinkling in the salt as well as the caraway seeds and juniper berries (if using) as you fill the jars. It is not necessary to sterilise the jars for lacto-fermented foods. the jars do have to be pristine clean, however. Pack the cabbage, salt and spices down firmly as you add them to the jar. Once the jar is almost full, loosely cover it and let it sit for 2 to 4 hours. During this time the salt should draw enough juice out of the cabbage to completely cover the solid food. If it doesn’t, top the kraut off with a brine made of 1 teaspoon non-iodised salt dissolved in 1 pint filtered or non-chlorinated water.
  3. Pour the salt brine, if necessary, over the cabbage and spices. Gently press down on the cabbage and spices to release any air bubbles and to submerge them in the brine. Cover the jar loosely with a lid. Place the jar on a plate to catch any overflow that may happen once active fermentation gets going. Leave the jars at room temperature for 3 days. During this time, remove the covers at least once a day and check to see that the vegetables are still submerged in the brine (add additional salt brine if necessary). You should start to see some bubbles on top – a sign that fermentation is underway.
  4. By the end of the 3 days, the sauerkraut should have a clean, lightly sour smell and taste. Put the jars in the refrigerator (no need to put plates under them at this stage). Wait at least 5 more days for the flavor of your sauerkraut to develop. This recipe also works well with red cabbage.

Fermented Vegetables – Why? Tangy tasting, mineral rich, nutritionally dense, gut healing to name a few… WORRIED YOU’RE NOT EATING ENOUGH FRUIT AND VEG? It’s too bloating? You’re missing out on this bloat-free gem.

Lacto-fermentation is the process that produces traditional dill pickles, kimchi and sauerkraut.

Lactic acid is a natural preservative that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria.

The “lacto” portion of the term refers to a specific species of bacteria, namely Lactobacillus. Various strains of these bacteria are present on the surface of all plants, especially those growing close to the ground, and are also common to the gastrointestinal tracts, mouths, and vaginas of humans and other animal species.

Lactobacillus bacteria have the ability to convert sugars into lactic acid. The Lactobacillus strain is so named because it was first studied in milk ferments. These bacteria readily use lactose or other sugars and convert them quickly and easily to lactic acid. However, lacto-fermentation does not necessarily need to involve dairy products.

Do you want more simple dairy free recipes? Gluten free recipes? Throughout the next few weeks we’ll be showing you how to make the most out of seasonal food when you subscribe to Susannah Makram TV. Perhaps you don’t have time to make these so what you need to know is what and HOW? 

Sugar free recipes

Naturopathy at the Bulgari Hotel Spa is fad free. Sugar free diet? Who is paleo any way? We’re personalised: that’s the VIP everyone @ Susannah Makram clinics is. What’s the number one healthy recipe for weight loss? It’s yours. Follow


1. Value our body and its powerful capacity to self repair
2. Value our time and WE know what WE want
3. Value what’s most important – Health is Wealth
4. Value our contribution to the world

When we know what we want, there is only ONE question. HOW?

Cholesterol – Debunking Myths

High fat diet cholesterol

HIGH FAT DIET – What’s this? HIGH CHOLESTEROL DIET works by lowering intake of dietary fat – true or false? High fat diets like paleo or bullet proof, low carb or Atkins cause cholesterol problems, correct? Not true, entirely. One of the biggest cholesterol myths out there has to do with dietary fat. READ ON AS WE BREAK THIS DOWN…Susannah debunks cholesterol myths.
✗ Trans fats or hydrogenated fats and saturated fats promote abnormal cholesterol, whereas…

✔ Omega-3 fats and monounsaturated fats actually improve the type and quantity of the cholesterol your body produces.          

LOW fat diet

LOW fat diet

Cholesterol Level – What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty substance produced by the liver. The body uses it to help build your cell membranes, the covering of your nerve sheaths, and much of your brain. It’s a key building block for our hormone production: testosterone, oestrogen, progesterone and cortisol. 

✔ The biggest source of abnormal cholesterol is sugar and specifically High Fructose Corn Syrup.

✗ “Corn sugar” or High Fructose Corn Syrup HFCS and cane sugar are essentially the same

HFCS and cane sugar are NOT biochemically identical or processed the same way by the body.     

“The digestion, absorption, and metabolism of fructose differ from those of glucose. Hepatic metabolism of fructose favors de novo lipogenesis (production of fat in the liver). In addition, unlike glucose, fructose does not stimulate insulin secretion or enhance leptin production. Because insulin and leptin act as key afferent signals in the regulation of food intake and body weight (to control appetite), this suggests that dietary fructose may contribute to increased energy intake and weight gain. Furthermore, calorically sweetened beverages may enhance caloric over-consumption.” (i)

✔ HFCS contains toxic levels of mercury because of chlor-alkali products used in its manufacturing.

✔ Consumption of high fructose corn syrup, which is present in soft drinks or fizzy drinks, many juices, and most processed foods, is the primary nutritional cause of most of the cholesterol issues

Harmony & Sensuality. Romantic Blond Female in Black Dress resting in Armchair. Satisfaction


✔  Total cholesterol is not as critical as the following:

  • Your levels of HDL “good” cholesterol vs. LDL “bad” cholesterol
  • Your triglyceride levels
  • Your ratio of triglycerides to HDL
  • Your ratio of total cholesterol to HDL

✗ Your lipid profile as often requested by your GP will indicate levels of LDL – keeping this in check is enough to keep you off statins e.g. Lipitor

✗ It is not important to know that there are different sizes of cholesterol particles.

✔ There are different sizes of cholesterol particles. There are small and large particles of LDL, HDL, and triglycerides. The most dangerous are the small, dense particles that act like tiny bullets, easily penetrating your arteries. Large, fluffy cholesterol particles are practically harmless–even if your total cholesterol is high. They bounce off the arteries like beach balls and cause no harm.

✔ The risk of arterial plaque is the more accurate heart attack risk assessment

✔ CVD – as with all disease states – can be prevented or targeted treatment can be administered only by determining the cause; examination and assessment of overall health, the interaction of your genes, lifestyle, and environment that ultimately determines your risks — and the outcome of your life. We practice this functional approach here

Rancid or oxidised cholesterol results from oxidative stress and free radicals, which trigger a vicious cycle of inflammation and fat or plaque deposition under the artery walls.        [tweetthis]Rancid or oxidised #cholesterol results from oxidative stress and free radicals[/tweetthis]    That is the real danger: When small dense LDL particles are oxidised they become dangerous and start the build up of plaque or cholesterol deposits in your arteries.

✔ What is the point in discovering that this is the case by targeted testing if there is no solution? The solution is your Naturopathic Portfolio: Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective management of this cause or the causes of this type of inflammation. If oxidative stress is a factor then the right antioxidant therapy will play a part – at the right time – in the right way, that is bioavailable and therefore taken up and used by your body to eradicate this issue.

✗  By the time there is inflammation it is too late 

✔ As discussed, cardiovascular illness results when key bodily functions go awry, causing inflammation, imbalances in blood sugar and insulin and oxidative stress

✔ We use the science of nutrigenomics, or how food acts as information. This can be used to stall or totally prevent some predisposed disease risks by turning on the right gene messages with our diet and lifestyle choices. That means some of the factors that unbalance bodily health are under your control, or could be given the right test and therefore, treatment.genetic-makeup

✗ Diet, nutritional status, stress and activity levels cannot be assessed accurately.

✔ The right tests can reveal problems with a person’s blood sugar and insulin, inflammation level, level of folic acid, clotting factors, hormones, and other bodily systems that affect your risk of cardiovascular disease.

What do we mean by inflammation and how do we reduce it?

We test for inflammation  here Cardio C-reactive protein. This is a marker of inflammation in the body that is essential to understand in the context of overall risk. Your C-reactive protein level should be less than 1.

Inflammation can arise from poor diet (too much sugar and trans and saturated fats), a sedentary lifestyle, stress, autoimmune disease, food allergies, food intolerance, hidden infections such as gum disease, and even toxins such as mercury. All of these causal factors need to be considered anytime there is inflammation. We conduct clinical consultation and examinations to evaluate these in order to target your treatment effectively.
Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective 

✗  Cholesterol levels are the best indicator to predict Coronary Heart Disease

✔A major study done at Harvard found that people with high levels of a marker called C-reactive protein (CRP) had higher risks of heart disease than people with high cholesterol. Normal cholesterol levels were NOT protective to those with high CRP. The risks were greatest for those with high levels of both CRP and cholesterol. (ii)

✔ Metabolic Syndrome or Insulin Resistance can be tested and treated to manage pre-diabetes (typically in middle age and in PCOS patients) before full blown DM2 takes over. This can prevent or slowly reverse reliance on blood-sugar regulating medication, commonly Metformin 

✔ The side effects of statins have been called to question recently in a research study by the Cleveland Clinic. Problems including muscle pain and weakness have been called to question in this recent study. Statin intolerance is real. (iii)

Elevated levels of a substance called homocysteine (which is related to your body’s levels of folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12) appears to correlate to cardiovascular illness. We measure Homocysteine. Your homocysteine measures your folate status and should be between 6 and 8. Where problematic levels occur, they can be easily addressed by adequate folic acid intake, along with vitamins B6 and B12.

(i) Bray, G.A., Nielsen, S.J., and B.M. Popkin. 2004. Consumption of high-fructose corn syrup in beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity. Am J Clin Nutr. 79(4):537-43. Review.

(ii) Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FA, Genest J, Gotto AM Jr, Kastelein JJ, Koenig W, Libby P, Lorenzatti AJ, MacFadyen JG, Nordestgaard BG, Shepherd J, Willerson JT, Glynn RJ; JUPITER Study Group. Rosuvastatin to prevent vascular events in men and women with elevated C-reactive protein. N Engl J Med. 2008 Nov 20;359(21):2195-207.

(iii) Steven E. Nissen, MD et al Efficacy and Tolerability of Evolocumab vs Ezetimibe in Patients With Muscle-Related Statin Intolerance. JAMA. Published online April 03, 2016. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.3608

Genetics of Stubborn Belly Fat

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Belly Fat Stubborn 

At Susannah Makram Clinics we test for 13 genes impacting metabolism and exercise. Isn’t it frustrating exercising and dieting but never losing weight – the stubborn belly fat?

Healthy weight loss requires knowledge found in our GENES.
This DNA test provides specific information regarding fat distribution so we can burn stubborn belly fat with the right changes to our diet,

Stubborn body fat and body mass index BMI in particular have genes or SNPs we’re interested in. Do they hold the key to your successful healthy weight loss?

Let’s not waste more time on the wrong diet. In fact, stop dieting. These genes all meet stringent criteria for utility in genetic screening tests. Start losing stubborn fat like belly fat.

Fat Gene

Fat Gene


Lose Belly Fat

What’s the right percentage of carbs, fat, protein for us to lose weight?

What genetics are involved to get rid of stubborn belly fat?

Your test results may tell you the personalised answers you need to achieve your healthy weight loss goals.

All genes tested meet the following stringent criteria for utility in genetic screening tests:

Fat Gene

Fat Gene

  • Have proven biological function. Many of the genetic variations in the test panel produce a change in the amino acid structure of the protein and change theactivity of the protein. Other variations in the panel affect transcription factors in DNA-based communications.
  • Have a plausible biological role in weight management. For example, some of the gene variations produce a change in the amount of fat absorbed from a meal or alter carbohydrate metabolism that has a direct correlation to stubborn belly fat.
  • Have evidence from clinical studies, that individuals with different genotypes have a differential response to either certain diets or different levels of physical activity.

Weight Loss

Weight Management Genetic Testing has been all over the news in the US – The Today ShowThe Wall Street JournalCBS Morning News – In America they are calling it personalised medicine

We are calling it boundary breaking functional medicine at Susannah Makram Clinics because we know who this test will work for and why so there is no time wasting and false hope

The DNA test for healthy weight loss

Fat Gene

Fat Gene

  • Genetic testing

    Who is the right candidate? Find out here

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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