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Posts Tagged ‘naturopathy’

Gut Microbiome and Fertility

Gut Microbiome and Fertility

Recap then gut microbiome and fertility. The human microbiome consists of the microbes living on and within our human bodies. Most of these bugs inhabit our large intestine. There, a few pounds’ worth of bacteria, yeasts, archaea and even viruses. These help digest food, calibrate our metabolic and immune function and hold off would-be invaders.

There’s growing evidence that the pathogenic effects of bacterial vaginosis may not be confined to the lower genital tract.

Fertility Nutrition

Most studied is how gut microbiota affects an individual’s risk of obesity and other metabolic conditions. In both men and women weight management plays a pivotal role in reproductive heath, pre conceptual care, without and throughout use assisted reproductive technologies.      [tweetthis]In men & women weight management is crucial to reproductive heath, pre-conceptual care[/tweetthis]

Much more attention should be paid to the impact of obesity on fertility in both women and men. This appears to be particularly important for women before assisted reproductive technologies are used. Treatment of obesity may improve androgen imbalance and erectile dysfunction, the major causes of infertility in obese men.

Gut Microbiome and Fertility

Gut Microbiome and Fertility

Female Fertility – The Vaginal Microbiome

A special subset is the vaginal microbiome. The vaginal microbiome inhabits the vagina and successful reproduction, as it turns out, owes an immense debt to this microbial community.

A healthy vaginal microbiome produces lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide. These maintain a level of acidity that keeps troublemaking microbes at bay. When the vaginal community becomes unbalanced, on the other hand, acidity decreases. The wrong microbes may then invade or, if they’re already present, bloom. How does this happen?

The Role Of The Vaginal Microbiome In Fertility – Reproductive Health & Beyond

This disturbance can cause bacterial vaginosis—not really an infection, but an out-of-whack ecosystem. It sounds like a trifling problem, and half of women with vaginosis may display no obvious symptoms. But this minor-seeming imbalance can have major consequences.

Vaginosis increases the risk of contracting secondary infections, from herpes to HIV. But even on its own, the microbial shift may prompt low-grade inflammation that can derail reproduction. It can prevent fertilisation in would-be mothers, prompt spontaneous abortion in pregnant women, and increase the risk of preterm birth later in pregnancy.

Many factors affect the vaginal ecosystem—smoking, stress, diet, the number of sexual partners, and obesity. One of the most direct ways to upset the vaginal microbiome may be douching.

The Role Of The Vaginal Microbiome In Fertility – Bacterial Vaginosis & Miscarriage

The consequences of bacterial vaginosis can be devastating. In a study of 1,950 urban women in Philadelphia, for example, vaginosis in the first trimester more than doubled the risk of spontaneous pregnancy loss in the second. In Belgium, vaginosis more than quintupled the risk of early preterm birth.

Vaginosis-related microbes have been implicated in roughly one-quarter of all preterm births. For the most vulnerable group of children, those born extremely preterm, or before 25 weeks, the number perhaps doubles.
Studies in Kuopio Finland by this Finnish group have since replicated the finding among 15-to-17-year-olds, implying that the consequences of prenatal inflammation persist into adolescence and probably adulthood.

Does the vaginal microbiome play a role in IVF?

personalised nutrition

personalised nutrition


Influence of bacterial vaginosis on in-vitro fertilisation and embryo implantation during assisted reproduction treatment.

Although an altered vaginal microbiota has been demonstrated to affect parturition, its role in assisted reproductive technologies is uncertain.
Clinical findings suggest that routine screening for bacterial vaginosis in the hope of improving the success of IVF treatment is not justified. The prevention of complications in pregnancy associated with bacterial vaginosis might be a more relevant indication for screening at the time of IVF treatment, in particular patients with tubal disease, if treatment were shown to be effective for that particular purpose. However, antibiotic treatment before IVF has been shown to be positively disadvantageous for IVF by encouraging other organisms.

Pro Aging


Pro Aging requires HEALTH – SO WHAT IS HEALTH?

Pro ageing is the new anti aging or ageing well. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity – World Health Organization, 1948.


If I’d known I was going to live so long, I’d have taken better care of myself – Leon Eldred


There seems to be a general trend in the one-size fits all approach to nutritional and lifestyle trends like Paleo or Life Extension & Calorie restriction that encourage their followers to seek longevity of life. This goal is human nature – inherent within the healthy psyche.

Evolution and our intelligence is seeking out the best environment for our body – that is as unique as our DNA – so that we carry the gene of full health potential at all times.

The background of leaders in health or wellbeing is revealing and pro aging is the term most likely sed to describe accurately what we mean when we talk about reversing the signs of aging.  To make an informed decision about healthcare and treatment, I advice that you investigate the background of your chosen healthcare professional. Pro aging factors in real time intrinsic aging processes. It looks at harnessing what makes these processes health and potentially rejuvenating when it comes to your inside out body health and beauty. Tap into The Body Youth Code to learn more.

Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. If you have a healthy lifestyle, your diet and nutrition are set, and you’re working out, you’re going to feel good. – Jason Statham


Sickness comes on horseback but departs on foot – Dutch Proverb
In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired – Unknown


The awareness that health is dependent upon habits that we control makes us the first generation in history that to a large extent determines its own destiny. – Jimmy Carter


Drugs are not always necessary. Belief in recovery always is. – Norman Cousins
A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. – Tom Stoppard
In health there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties. – Henri-Frederic Amiel

He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything. – Arabic Proverb


time for a checkup

Conventional medicine is the medicine of WHAT – what disease, what pill.

Functional medicine is the medicine of WHY — why is this symptom occurring now and in this way? What is at the root? Treating the cause of disease and not just the symptoms is the only way you will ever receive successful treatment results for your health concerns or signs of ageing affecting your:

weight management
energy levels – fatigue or chronic pain & chronic fatigue
hair health and skin health – quality and appearance

… because of systemic illness or hormonal imbalance, genetic precursors or metabolic factors, common variable immune deficiency and primary and secondary immunodeficiency syndrome, toxicity from medication or side-effects of medication, etc…                                                                                                                                                                                       The osteopath seeks to correctly identify the WHY 

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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