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Posts Tagged ‘supplements’

Stress Benefits

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Stress benefits

Can stress be a good thing? What’s the best stress management? Stressed out has negative connotations in every language.

Being stressed, however, is arguably the most universally acceptable response to modern day living and some may even say stress benefits them.

Can stress ever be a good thing?

Stress can help you:

…Under the right conditions & as long as you’re careful to differentiate between the good and the bad.


Let’s look at the Research

In studies on rats, they found that significant, but brief stressful events caused stem cells in their brains to proliferate into new nerve cells that, when mature two weeks later, improved the rats’ mental performance. Berkeley researchers noted: “You always think about stress as a really bad thing, but it’s not,” said Daniela Kaufer, associate professor of integrative biology at the University of California, Berkeley. “Some amounts of stress are good to push you just to the level of optimal alertness, behavioural and cognitive performance.”

Key points about Good Stress: 

  •  Good stress, “eustress,” from the Latin prefix “eu-” meaning “good” or “beneficial.”
  • It is proven that these short periods of stress may help improve brain function and learning as they trigger the “fight or flight” response ingrained in all humans that allows us to learn, grow and achieve more quickly
  • This type of stress isn’t associated with the type of damage that long-term periods of negative stress can do
  • “Good” stress tends to occur in short-term bursts of motivation that challenge one to achieve more expansive goals
  • Unable to control the outcome of negative situations? This is when good stress can help one accomplish their goals, whether  facing a tight deadline at work, getting ready for a test or preparing for a speech.
  • Even if one’s stressors are things to be excited about, they may still experience temporary periods of acute stress that help propel them forward and enable them to overcome obstacles.


 How Do You Know When Stress is “Good” or “Bad”?


  • Bad Stress is a chronic state
  • Short-term stressors provoke the mind and body to positive action whilst Chronic Stress or Bad Stress is so damaging is that, when you trigger the “fight or flight” mode mentioned above – your body undergoes a host of physiological changes
  • Physiological changes occur to your:
  • Immune system
  • Reproductive system
  • Excretory and digestive systems  – all of which are **designed to help you respond to short-term stress

As a Naturopath Susannah sees the active consequences of stress a lot in practice because Naturopathic medicine is a distinct health care profession. We emphasise prevention, management and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and naturally occurring substances that encourage our unique inherent self-healing process.  The naturopathic ethos underpins osteopathy thus. The practice of naturopathic medicine includes modern and traditional, scientific and empirical methods.

At Susannah Makram Clinics we can carry out the Adrenal Stress Test  to correctly identify between the “good” stress and the “bad” stress. Your Functional nutrition is as unique as your DNA. What does that mean exactly?

Lifestyle Nutrition

Whether stress benefits us depends HUGELY on our nutrition and our environment. We can’t always change the latter but we can certainly change the former.

The easier we make this transition for you the more likely you are to follow it and achieve your goals for healthy:

(i) weight loss (ii) skin and hair (iii) body that performs optimally

We can use functional testingz to identify trends in health. So we can optimise health and deliver care pathways. We offer our clients choices, involving you in every step of their health journey.

Find out if you have stress benefits. Or could you be suffering from a chronic stress related illness?  Take our stress questionnaire  here

Why I do Surgical Observation

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Learning For Health

Surgical observation is good practice for physical therapy practitioners – the osteopath, chiropractor, physiotherapist –  working in an integrative way as a team is the difference between a chiropractor and an osteopath? What is the difference between an osteopath and a physio?


Why I do surgical observation boils down to 4 simple things that distinguish the way I work from other physical therapists.

  1. Anatomy Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective
  2. Tissue Health is dynamic Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective
  3. Gut Health is dynamic Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective
  4. Functional Medicine Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective

– Anatomy – Structure Governs Function – Osteopathic Principle in practice

Guess what? The human body is not a textbook. Guess what else? A live human body with live tissue structures is unique.

Functional healthcare

Personalised Nutrition

Personalised Nutrition

Functional Medicine incorporates the latest in genetic science, systems biology, and understanding of how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of disease.  At Susannah Makram Clinics we use this model in our Naturopathic approach to nutrition as prescription

Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership.

Susannah Makram believes in knowing the right treatment that is best for the patient at every step. This begins by booking a consultation with Susannah to find out the factor or factors influencing your complaint.

Doctor comes from the Latin Docere which means to teach and this is applied throughout Susannah’s time with patients during the ongoing treatment or treatment. Consistent reassessment in order to confirm or reject a diagnosis and offer a prognosis based on the decision made by the patient to progress with treatment requires clear and effective communication between the patient and Susannah.

– Tissue Repair & Gut Health – Health is more than the absence of disease

An MRI scan or CT scan or an x-ray do not expose the integrity of tissues inside and outside of joint capsules to the degree that an endoscopic surgical procedure can.

At Susannah Makram Clinics we carry out consultations and a physical exam and any special testing to include:

Orthopaedic testing. Cranial and peripheral nerve function assessment. Blood pressure, pulse, and further special testing related to gut health. We carry out saliva or buccal swab testing if this is the accurate and convenient way to capture data by testing.

Capturing genetic material for use in healthy weight loss for stubborn fat or weight gain using The Obesity Gene Map  Blood work is sent for when necessary to produce accurate results. These are sent back to Susannah and used to help personalise your treatment for your complete care. Skin prick testing for food allergies, testing for hormonal imbalances and food intolerance test may also be recommended for this purpose.

Functional Health

Functional Health


Naturopaths use a holistic approach and recognise that health is more than the absence of disease. Naturopathic nutrition is a type of nutritional therapy that relies on the background of your practitioner.  Osteopaths are highly competent healthcare professionals, recognised by the NHS as fully qualified to diagnose and treat independently.

Functional care address the WHY. WHY are you unwell? this is what needs to treated in order that you are able to take ownership of your health.  Otherwise, what tends to happen unfortunately, is that a lot of effort is made but results are the same.

Good gut health relies on an environment that is conducive to nutrient absorption. pH levels must be optimal and structural obstructions or lesions in the lining of the gut must be pinpointed and their cause revealed in order that the Susannah Makram Naturopathic Nutritional Portfolio for you is safe, clinical, practical and effective. In the Four Phases.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

Call  020 7060 3181