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How to fix scoliosis

How to fix scoliosis

Here’s how to fix scoliosis when you know what’s scoliosis exactly. If you have it, you need to know who can help. By fixing it are you getting rid of curvatures forever or only dealing with pain if there is any. We’re covering it all in one go.

Scoliosis Categories

Scoliosis is any abnormal sideways curvature of the spine measuring at least 10 degrees on an x-ray. Extreme cases of scoliosis can be disabling, causing lung and heart complications. The general categories are structural scoliosis and nonstructural or functional scoliosis.

Structural vs. Nonstructural Scoliosis

Here are two general categories for scoliosis:

  • Structural scoliosis is by far the most common category of scoliosis. It involves spinal rotation in addition to the side-to-side curvature of the spine. This type of scoliosis affects the spine’s structure and is considered permanent unless the spine receives treatment.
  • Nonstructural scoliosis, also known as functional scoliosis, results from a temporary cause and only involves a side-to-side curvature of the spine (no spinal rotation). The spine’s structure is still normal.

When we do an orthopaedic standing exam at Susannah Makram clinics for osteopathy we are looking at the scoliosis curve in motion. If a client with nonstructural scoliosis or functional scoliosis bends forward or lies down, the scoliosis curve will likely disappear for as long as this position is held.
Structural scoliosis is typically considered more serious because it doesn’t straighten out on its own and can potentially result in more spinal deformity.

scoliosis and osteopathy

how to fix scoliosis


Common Causes of Nonstructural Scoliosis

While non-structural scoliosis is relatively uncommon, here are some ways it can occur:

  • Muscle spasms. If a major muscle in the back starts to spasm, the spine can be pulled in one direction and a sideways curve may result.
  • Difference in leg heights. This is when one leg is significantly longer than the other – either by bone length, pelvic positioning (therefore in appearance etc. In either instance a scoliosis curve may be present while standing.
  • Inflammation. This is when an area of the body to one side of the spine or the other starts to become inflamed. Cupping massage with hot and cold therapy can be extremely helpful to reduce inflammation. Where present a scoliosis curve can result. Some possible extreme causes could be of inflammation can be appendicitis or pneumonia.
scoliosis exercise

scoliosis exercise

Scoliosis and Osteopathy

Signs of Scoliosis can include:
• Uneven musculature on one side of the spine
• Rib prominences or prominent shoulder blade, caused by rotation of the rib cage in Thoracic scoliosis (mid back)
• Uneven hips, arms (shoulders) or leg length

How to fix scoliosis that is non structural scoliosis is quite common with osteopathy. We tend to find this with muscle imbalance any way. Sometimes it’s very small and barely noticeable. You can learn about ways to maintain a better posture to keep your functional scoliosis at bay after osteopathic treatment.

Osteopathic approach to scoliosis

Osteopathy can help when looking into how to fix scoliosis. We’re asked how to fix scoliosis without surgery often in clinic. Contact us for your healthy journey outlook for using osteopathy and exercises for scoliosis.
Treating Scoliosis at Susannah Makram Clinics – osteopathy and Scoliosis.

osteopathy and scoliosis

osteopathy and scoliosis

How much does your scoliosis affect your day to day movements and functions? Osteopathy with Susannah can help by reducing inflammation often created by small tears in overused muscle fibres with scoliosis using cupping massage combined with cyrotherapy.

Also, mobilising the thoracic spine (mid back), sternum, ribs, shoulders and associated muscles by gentle but precise traction and stretching.

Working into the fascia to stretch the diagram, and hip muscles, actively and passively to regain lost muscle memory and also lumbar spine. trying to increase the range of movement in both areas.

Reverse scoliosis with exercise

Mobilisation of the pelvis is also be necessary to aid leg length and in turn, help straighten the lower back and further up the spine. This is best when worked into day to day gym or exercise programmes of the client. At Susannah Makram Clinics we personalise dynamic movement strength training according to the client

Find out more



Shin Splints

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Shin splints definition

Shin splints are an overuse injury of the origin of the tibialis posterior muscles. There is micro-bleeding at the junction between the bone cover (periosteum) and muscle origin. Our posture before we begin exercising is a springboard to encourage healing. Optimising our posture supports the return from rest to exercise. Then you can establish shin splints recovery. You can supply the missing link between the initial healing stages of an injury like shin splints, normal (or even improved) function and performance. Find out more.

What causes shin splints?

Excessive running with faulty alignment in the lower leg is the most common cause. Shin splints, also known as medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS),  are an overuse injury.

shin splints pain

shin splits pain

Symptoms of shin splints i.e. what you notice

  • Pain – usually on the inside of the shin bone (tibia) extending over a length of 10-20cm. The pain usually comes on gradually and is worse with running.
  • If the pain is a focal pain (i.e. all the pain is over a 1-2cm area) then it is possible you have a stress fracture, rather than periostitis.
  • Compartment syndrome is when the pain is concentrated in the muscles rather than the bone-muscle junction.

Shin splints

For shin pain not shin splints it’s a good idea to attend a consultation and find out if shin splints treatment can work for you.

Investigations required to confirm shin splints

Usually none are required. If a stress fracture is suspected, then an x-ray may confirm this if symptoms have been present for longer than a month. Otherwise, a bone scan or CT scan is needed. Compartment pressure studies can help confirm a diagnosis of compartment syndrome. Compartment syndrome occurs when injury causes generalised painful swelling and increased pressure within a compartment. This is up to the point that blood cannot supply the muscles and nerves with oxygen and nutrients.

low back pain exercises


Immediate Treatment

  • First aid – an ice pack or ice massage can be helpful after painful activity.
  • Mechanical correction of over-pronating feet is essential. A podiatry referral may be recommended but this depends on the individual.
  • Osteopathy, including myofascial release and a muscle rehabilitation problem
  • Surgery is only required for confirmed compartment syndrome or very severe cases of periostitis lasting many months.

Recovery time

Average recovery time is 2-4 weeks for periostitis, 6-8 weeks for stress fracture and several months for compartment syndrome.
Avoiding reoccurrence is key.

shin splints treatment

shin splints treatment

Recovery sequence, treatment and with osteopathy with Susannah

  • Step 1 Ice packs and osteopathic treatment to correct posture as there will be an overuse mauscle pattern throughout the spine, pelvis and hips as well
  • Step 2 Myofascial release and foot and ankle mobilisation to change movement pattern and aid muscle rehabilitation.
  • Step 3 Continue swimming and cycling, and only restart running, they say after at least two weeks when symptoms have settled but it varies from individual body to body. Starting on grass initially is a good idea.
  • Step 4 Dynamic posture training to enhance running routine and prevent recurrence of injury

See what products I recommend for at home care by getting in touch.
Every individual body will benefit to the maximum when they are advised based on their health history and how shin splints present. Likewise footwear and running shoes.


Healthy Weight Loss Packages



It’s not a four week weight loss plan it’s 3 safe healthy weight loss packages. You choose from the weight loss packages and they keep you on track. You don’t have to compromise the lifestyle you’re accustomed to. SAFE. CLINICAL. PRACTICAL. EFFECTIVE.

fat burner

fat burner

Healthy Weight Loss Packages


TEST and products – rather than a standard NHS weight loss plan we consider your lifestyle. 

Gene Mapping for Healthy Belly Fat Burning

Find out your optimum percentage of proteins, fats, carbohydrate and which foods, for your optimal belly fat burning plan. This is will processed into a practical day to day sample meal plan and easy to follow guide based on your lifestyle. Eg, for eating out, traveling, personal chef.

Obesity is highly heritable and it probably involves genes that pass from parent to child. Body weight is clearly impacted by diet. So the environment and personal habits also play a role.


Personalised nutritional 4 week weight loss plan. This is not a generic keto diet or vegan weight loss plan. It’s targeting your goals safely and effectively while making it easy to follow. Weight loss shakes keep you hungry and we need to keep a long lasting routine for long term results.

2 60mins consultations

No anticellulite cupping massage treatments

Belly fat is a more dangerous fat

healthy weight loss packages

Healthy Weight Loss packages


TEST and products

Gene Mapping for Healthy Belly Fat Burning


Personalised nutritional 9 week plan
3 60mins consultations with:

Anticellulite cupping massage treatments

Cupping massage stimulates the circulation of the blood and also activates the burning of fat. Manual Lymphatic Drainage works well if the cellulite is accompanied by water retention.
Cellulite is a combination of fat, toxic cellular wastes and fluids that form a gel-like material. Some of the science: Poor micro-circulation causes damage and a build-up of waste products.
Detox Cupping Massage:
☑️ Targets Cellulite
☑️ Tones and tightens
☑️ Activates fat burning

Healthy Weight Loss Packages


Fast weight loss plans or sticking to exercising more and eating less isn’t always effective. Isn’t it frustrating when we’re eating healthy and going to gym five times a week and still we’re not losing weight?!


TEST and products

Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Testing Full Blood Count [+ for hormone balancing; vitamin deficiencies – For hair loss, thinning hair, adult acne, unexplained tiredness, anxiety, low sex drive ]

Leave no stone unturned!

There’s a strong positive relationship between healthy gut bacteria and weight loss

Obesity is highly heritable and it probably involves genes that pass from parent to child. Body weight is clearly impacted by diet. So the environment and personal habits also play a role.


12 Week personalised nutritional plan

4 60mins consultations with:
Anticellulite cupping massage treatments

Cupping massage stimulates the circulation of the blood and also activates the burning of fat. Manual Lymphatic Drainage works well if the cellulite is accompanied by water retention.


Frozen Shoulder Treatment

Frozen Shoulder Causes

If you’ve ever wondered “what’s frozen shoulder pain like?” Can I have frozen shoulder treatment at home? You probably need to check in with our osteopath specialist Susannah. Osteopathy with Susannah for frozen shoulder works to reduce pain and improve mobility. The anatomy of the shoulder makes it the most mobile joint of the body. This helps explain the causes of frozen shoulder from an osteopath’s view. At Susannah Makram Clinics London we provide clients with frozen shoulder symptoms, both knowledge and understanding of how symptoms of immobility and pain can be improved.

causes frozen shoulder

causes frozen shoulder

The bones, ligaments and tendons that make up our shoulder joint are encased in a capsule of connective tissue. Frozen shoulder occurs when this capsule thickens and tightens around the shoulder joint, restricting its movement. These are the first signs of frozen shoulder.

Doctors aren’t sure why this happens to some people and not to others. Like the frozen shoulder pain down arm query, it’s not straightforward. This is why osteopathy works differently for management of frozen shoulder pain symptoms. We will outline how next. Although Doctors aren’t sure, it’s more likely to occur in people who recently had to immobilise their shoulder for long periods of time e.g. after surgery or upper body fracture. Also, more susceptible to frozen shoulder symptoms are people with a history of diabetes, thyroid disorders, tuberculosis, cardiovascular disease and Parkinsons.

Frozen Shoulder Symptoms

Frozen shoulder symptoms typically develop slowly and in three stages. What are the first signs of frozen shoulder?

  • Freezing shoulder stage: Any movement of the shoulder causes pain and  shoulder range of motion starts to become limited.
  • Frozen shoulder stage: Pain may begin to diminish during this stage. However, the shoulder becomes stiffer. Using the shoulder also at this the frozen shoulder stage becomes more difficult.
  • Thawing stage. Range of shoulder motion shoulder starts to improve.

Each of the the three developmental stages can last a number of months.

frozen shoulder treatment

frozen shoulder treatment

Frozen shoulder treatment

As an osteopath Susannah views the entire body’s interaction with the shoulder. How the shoulder interacts in day to day movements, in stillness or semi stillness i.e. seated postures, as well as sleeping postures. The over and underuse of small muscles and their attachments into the spine and surrounding structures or attachments, such as the rib cage can be manipulated by touch.

With gentle and precise pressure, the diaphragm and accessory muscles of breathing, can be stretched. Tension in the diaphragm can be worked on directly and also the fascial attachments, by alleviating tension throughout the sternum and intercostal musculature. This is according to change  breathing patterns in movement and in rest.

To summarise how Susannah works, it’s by changing posture patterns that contributed to the cause or directly caused the symptoms of frozen shoulder, at any stage. Frozen shoulder treatment at home by giving advise for frozen should exercises is an important part of our care.



frozen shoulder treatment

frozen shoulder treatment


Osteopathy with Susannah Makram for frozen shoulder works because the shoulder’s movement in relation to the body is key to getting long-term results. Osteopathy with Susannah works differently.

Frozen shoulder treatment identifies why the symptoms persist and from where in order to alleviate pain and restore range of movement. Susannah assesses how the body as a whole is reacting to the changes in the shoulder joint affected and whether the frozen shoulder is a reaction to changed movement patterns in the lower limbs, e.g. hips and pelvis; or in breathing mechanisms; or the spine over all. For example, the resting position of the shoulder joint is affected by restrictions in mobility or structural or postural changes in the spine, as well as larger muscle or soft tissue tension or tightness.


Magnesium Salt Baths For Health

Magnesium Salt Baths For Health

Most of us also have too much calcium in our bodies, relative to our magnesium levels. This is mainly from fortified foods and imbalanced soils. Magnesium is essential to nearly 300 biochemical reactions in our body. Most people are deficient in Magnesium… in fact, you probably are too. 

We’re eating food cultivated from soils depleted of minerals like magnesium. Conventional fertilisers use nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and do nothing to replenish magnesium levels.

organic farming

organic farming

We’re drinking water depleted of magnesium. Fluoride in drinking water binds with magnesium, creating a nearly insoluble mineral compound that ends up deposited in the bones. Its brittleness increases the risk of fractures. Many bottled mineral waters are quite low in magnesium, or have a very high concentration of calcium, or both.

So how can we take Magnesium salt baths for health? A relaxing way to raise your magnesium sulfate level is to take Epsom salt baths or foot baths. Transdermal absorption of magnesium has been used to increase magnesium levels and bypass gastrointestinal absorption. 20mins is recommended but you can get a more detailed recommendation by report here. 

salt bath health benefits

magnesium salt baths for health

Ancient Magnesium Minerals

Magnesium Deficiency May Speed Ageing

Magnesium deficiency affects the way the cells age. Accelerated cellular ageing affects the way tissue functions.
Magnesium sulphate for pain relief in the form of magnesium sulfate level is best via take Epsom salt baths like Ancient Magnesium Minerals

Magnesium is necessary for hundreds of functions within the body, but is especially important for:

Magnesium acts as a natural calcium channel blocker. It’s important in pain processing. Magnesium sulfate is ideal for pain. Using Magnesium Salt Baths For Health is recommended also here. 

salt bath for health

salt bath for health

Ancient Magnesium Minerals


How to treat acne

How to treat acne

How to treat acne is by finding the cause(s). Read on for the list, how to test, treat, get results. Also, we cover how to know if it’s acne or something else right here. Oil (sebum) in our skin is made by sebaceous glands that reside in our hair follicles. When cellular debris blocks pores, the sebum becomes trapped. Bacteria feed on sebum then multiply.
The result is a comedone.

Click here to find out more about acne treatment options for:

  • Bacteria management – increase recovery rate and improve wound healing
  • Acne Scarring – linked to collagen depletion in the area of the acne lesion
  • Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation – Linked to trauma of the acne lesion as melanocytes become activated in the immune process.

Acne and skin problems may not be life-threatening, but they’re associated with depression, anxiety, and social isolation.

Types of Acne


Types of Acne

unnamed (4)

How to treat acne

Inflammatory Acne

Papules: Pink or red bumps without a white or yellow centre.

Pustules: Red bumps with a white or yellow centre of pus. Pustules are formed when the plug inside a pore traps oil and bacteria, which draws white blood cells to the area to fight infection. Pus is made up of dead white blood cells.

Cysts and nodules: Larger (and often painful) acne lesions that extend into the deeper skin layers. Cysts and nodules can last for months, destroy the follicle and lead to permanent scars.

Non-Inflammatory Acne 

Blackheads and whiteheads (aka open and closed comedones) occur when a plug made up of sebum and dead skin cells can be seen inside a follicle (pore), but does not cause any inflammation or redness.

Blackheads: If the plug enlarges and stretches the pore, it is referred to as a blackhead. Blackheads aren’t trapped dirt. Rather, the dark colour is a build-up of melanin and oxidised oil.
Whiteheads: When a thin cover of skin traps the plug, it prevents the oil from oxidising. This keeps it white and creates a whitehead.

treating acne

how to treat acne

Teen Acne vs Adult Acne

Adult skin is different than teenage skin. It produces less oil, has a slower rate of cell turnover, and heals at a different rate. Products designed for teenage skin are often too harsh for adults, so using them can lead to irritation and dryness. At the same time, adults are concerned with visible signs of ageing like fine lines, wrinkles and uneven skin tone.

Select products formulated with both specified adult acne and teen acne in mind.

Does the Gut-Brain-Skin Axis hold the secret to naturally get rid of acne? Receive your specific nutritional needs for long-term skin health goals.

How to fix hormonal acne

The enzyme 5-alpha reductase plays a vital role in the production of sebum and is directly affected by hormones. Acne treatment cream and options likes using acne treatment roaccutane come with informed choices at Susannah Makram Clinics and careful instructions for use. This is in combination with targeted, goal driven nutrition for skin.

Women often experience fluctuating hormone levels around the time of their periods, during pregnancy and in the years surrounding menopause. Switching or stopping birth control pills also causes hormonal changes.

Acne treatment for men

Men’s skin and male grooming in particular needs special care. Men can have mores sensitive skin.The epidermal barrier is a highly organised tissue. It responds efficiently and rapidly to the changing environment in order to maintain a state of balance.

Testosterone increases oil secretion all over the body, as is particularly evident on the face. By adulthood, most men normalise their oil production so acne isn’t a life-long skin problem. However, factors including cellular and immune function, are also major players in the development of acne.Shaving greatly increases the risk of UV damage and premature ageing.

how to eat healthy

How to eat healthy

Fast, tasty, 6 ingredient recipes show how to eat healthy. So here they are. Most are two serving recipes that don’t require much food prep or make a mess in the kitchen. You do need a good blender for most. Check them out and let me know what you think. 

6-ingredient healthy recipes:

Light, nutrient dense, comforting, wholesome recipes for you and the family. Easy healthy recipes below require no more than six ingredients.

How to eat healthy

Watercress Soup with Cashew Cream
Pea and Mint Soup
Vanilla Swirl Smoothie
Courgette and Pearl Barley Risotto

Healthy dinner ideas for two

Amazing healthy recipes can be quick and easy.  You can use a few ingredients in the right way and have an easy healthy dinner for two. It’s stress free comfort and delicious, nourishing cuisine.


6-ingredient quick healthy recipes

Serves two


  • spring onions  2, sliced 
  • olive oil 
  • watercress  140g bag
  • parsley  ½ a bunch
  • vegetable stock  400ml, hot
  • lemon  1, zested and juiced


  • STEP 1

    Sautee spring onions in olive oil until soft. Tip in most of the watercress, all the rocket and parsley. Stir though until wilted, then add the vegetable stock. Bring to a simmer and season well. Blend until a stick blender until smooth. Add most of the lemon zest and season with a little lemon juice.

  • STEP 2

    Divide between bowls, then add a tbsp of cashew cream to each bowl. Scatter with more lemon zest and watercress leaves to serve if you like

    Worried you’re not getting enough fresh fruits and vegetables daily?

    healthy soup recipe

    how to eat healthy

    VANILLA SWIRL SMOOTHIE – 6-ingredient quick healthy recipes

    2 tbsp Complete by Juice Plus+ Vanilla
    150g strawberries
    1 banana frozen
    3 dates
    3 tbsp hemp seeds
    1 tsp beetroot powder

    6-ingredient smoothie

    6-ingredient smoothie


    PEA AND MINT SOUP – 6-ingredient quick healthy recipes

  • 2 spring onions
  • garlic ½ a clove
  • vegetable stock 225mg
  • frozen peas 75g
  • chopped mint 1 tbsp
  • lemon juice a squeeze


    1. STEP 1

      Put 2 chopped spring onions into a pan, ½ a crushed garlic clove and 225ml vegetable stock. Bring to the boil, turn down the heat and simmer. Add 75g frozen peas and simmer for 5 minutes.

    2. STEP 2

      Stir in 1 tbsp of chopped mint and a squeeze of lemon juice, then pour into a food processor or liquidiser and whizz until as smooth as you like.


      Courgette and Pearl Barley Risotto – Serves Four

olive oil
onion 1 large, diced
1 clove garlic
pearl barley 200g
vegetable stock 600ml, hot
courgette 2, shredded


Heat a tablespoon of olive in a frying pan and fry the onion until soft. Add the garlic for a minute, then add the barley. Stir with the onion and pour over the hot stock. Cover and simmer for 40 minutes, or until the barley is tender. Stir through courgette with lots of seasoning, and simmer for another 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and serve.

If you need more inspiration on how to eat healthy follow @susannahmakram for up-to-date tips. Feeling like it’s hard to find healthy choices on the go? We showcase top health food chains so you don;’t waste time. @susannahmakram dissects takeout menus  for every dietary requirement and presents them in her stories weekly! So if you’re following us you’ll follow our health journey.


knee pain non surgical treatment

Knee Pain

Knee pain can be complex and take time to resolve. An osteopath will work with you to understand the cause(s) of your knee problem. This is important as it impacts estimated recovery time, which you will discuss with your osteopath.

knee pain skateboarding

knee pain non surgical treatment

Osteopathy For Knee Pain

Depending on your age, fitness, knee pain diagnosis and how long you’ve had this and other musculoskeletal pain, Susannah discusses your care pathway options. As an osteopath we are treating the body as a whole.

Referred pain is not to be confused with radiated pain. We can have pain behind the knee or pain at the front of the knee. Pain in the knee can travel up and down the knee. It can also be accompanied by pain in the groin or pain in the low back. Knee pain accompanies pain in the gluts occasionally with walking over time.

knee exercises

knee exercises



We may use a variety of massage, rhythmical articulation and stretching techniques to try and improve the movement in your knee and reduce tension in any tight muscles.non surgical treatment

Knee Pain non surgical treatment

Treatment is different in every individual and we may work to improve mobility and tissue health the joints above and below the area, i.e. the hip and the ankle and sometimes the low back if we feel they are contributing to your knee pain.

Knee Exercises

We will work together on knee exercises and hip stabilising and offer advice and care towards improved dynamic posture. We look at how you use your knee in day to day activities as well as lifestyle habits that may be contributing to your knee problem.

Additional benefits: knee pain non surgical treatment 

• Relief from tension and muscular pain
• Easier and fuller breathing
• Responsive relaxation
• Improved performance in sport, dance and singing
• Improved ease of movement in everyday activities
• Increased overall vitality
X-rays, scans or other tests may be required to make a diagnosis and we may refer you to your GP for any further treatment.

Book online now!


Ancient Magnesium Minerals


Detox Diet Plan

Detox Diet Plan

You ask, we listen to requests for a simple detox plan online . We’ve compiled top tips and ingredients to inspire. Starting each morning with two large glasses of pure water is a great start. Hydration is key to flush out toxins! Drinking room temperature water or matcha tea in the morning kickstarts our metabolism and helps our body perform at its best. Cinnamon improves the insulin secretion, stabilises the blood sugar levels and increase the glucose metabolism. These all boost a healthy weight loss plan.


fat burner

fat burner


Simple Healthy Meals

What to include: 

Soups – for more recipes like this request our 10min meal packages 
Low sugar Juices packed with raw green salad leaves that DON’T interfere with your health goals
non processed snacks like oat cakes or ryvita crakers
simple fats like avocado or heavy metal-free, plant based shakes
Miso soup, sauerkraut and other gut friendly fermented foods

detox recipes

detox diet plan

What to exclude:

Processed foods including packaged noodle soups, potato chips, biscuits, cakes
Processed foods including baked good made with refined flour
Processed food including cured meats and cheeses
Processed dairy and wheat
Fizzy drinks and squash including those made with sugar substitutes

Natural detox

The body’s own detox system. Our natural detox diet plan. We tend to forget that our body is equipped with a detoxification system of its own, including the following:

The skin.  Toxins are not eliminated in perspiration. Our dynamic skin is our body’s largest organ, responding to internal & external factors. It provides a barrier against harmful substances, from bacteria and viruses to heavy metals and chemical toxins.

The respiratory system. Fine hairs inside the nose trap dirt and other large particles that may be inhaled. Smaller particles that make it to the lungs are expelled from the airways in mucus.

The immune system. This exquisitely orchestrated network of cells and molecules is designed to recognise foreign substances and eliminate them from the body. Components of the immune system are at work in blood plasma, in lymph and even in the small spaces between cells.

The intestines. Peyer’s patches — lymph nodes in the small intestine — screen out parasites and other foreign substances before nutrients are absorbed into the blood from the colon.

The liver. As the body’s principal filter, the liver produces a family of proteins called metallothioneins. These are also found in the kidneys. Metallothioneins metabolise dietary nutrients like copper and zinc but also neutralise harmful metals like lead, cadmium and mercury to prepare for their elimination from the body. Liver cells also produce groups of enzymes that regulate the metabolism of drugs. This is an important part of the body’s defense against harmful chemicals and other toxins.

The kidneys. Our kidneys efficiently filter out waste substances and move them out of the body. So we need to optimise their function throughout our detox diet plan. Cupping massage can help with this

Detox teas

Dandelion (Herba Taraxaei) Dandelion, often known to the general public as a pesky weed. However, it’s been know for centuries in natural medicine for its many benefits. It helps the stomach and liver functions, and has an effect on reducing swelling and sores. Dandelion is credited with an anti-inflammatory action and decreasing the size of abscesses. We can add dandelion and the following roots to our detox diet plan.
Dandelion contains essential fatty acids, antioxidants and phytonutrients, that all reduce inflammation throughout the body. This can relieve pain and swelling.

dandelion tea

dandelion tea

Dandelion acts as a mild laxative that promotes digestion. It stimulates appetite and balances the natural and beneficial bacteria in the intestines. It can increase the release of stomach acid and bile to aid digestion, especially of fats.

This weed-like superfood is a diuretic that helps the kidneys clear out waste, salt, and excess water by increasing urine production. In French it is called pissenlit, which translates roughly to “wet the bed.” This inhibits microbial growth in the urinary system too. Dandelion also replaces some of the potassium lost in the process.


Dandelion has been shown to improve liver function by removing toxins and reestablishing hydration and electrolyte balance. It also increases the release of bile.

healthy vitamix recipes

healthy vitamix recipes

“How do I make a green smoothie and are green smoothies really that good for me?” These and other FAQs answered below.


Servings: 1 serving

1 cup fresh baby spinach
3/4 cup coconut milk
1 cup frozen pineapple

Add coconut milk and spinach to blender. Blend on high speed until completely smooth.
Add frozen pineapple and blend again, until smooth.

are smoothies healthy

are smoothies healthy


Are Smoothies healthy?

  • Smoothies can support digestive health, sweep toxins through the digestive tract and aid regular elimination
  • Satisfy hunger and sustain energy over time
  • Balance blood sugar levels
  • Smoothies retain all of the fibre of the greens and fruit, rather than removing it. In nature, vegetables and fruit are found with both their fibre and juice intact and we can’t improve on nature.
  • Fibre is important for ongoing cleansing by sweeping out toxins on a regular basis.
  • So, smoothies can help keep our digestive tract and body clean as well as keeping us more full
healthy vitamix recipes

healthy vitamix recipes


Blend in Vitamix blender the following.
One small cup coconut yoghurt or regular full fat plan unsweetened yoghurt
Add handful of berries of choice
Add coconut water
Add chopped peeled small cucumber
Add tablepoon maple syrup
Add half small ripe avocado — see * how to ripen avocados

Blend in vitamix and enjoy.
How to Ripen Avocados
Place in a fruit bowl as fruit ripens efficiently next to other fruit.

Healthy Smoothie Recipes

Healthy choices like smoothies at one point in the day don’t cancel out less healthy choices other times in the day. So, the idea is that they replace these foods or leave less room in the diet for them. Blending  fruit releases the natural sugars from within the cell walls so they’re “free sugars”. Free sugars include any added sugars and the kind we should all be cutting down on to protect our teeth and help maintain a healthy weight .

Are there any health risks to using greens in smoothies? Read here. 

Including fruit and veg in our diets throughout the day means there is more chance of that happening.
It can be terribly hard to fit all this into our hectic city lifestyles.

healthy soup recipe

healthy soup recipe

Healthy vitamix Recipes – SOUP

2+ cups water
2 white onions
2 cloves garlic
1 head cauliflower
2 cups mushrooms – button and portabella mix
1/4  cup pecans + 1/4 cup cashews
Himalayan salt & ground black pepper to taste
Makes two large servings.

Boil the water and steam the vegetbles. Add to vitamix blender along with the nuts and blend. Add seasoning to taste.


Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

Call  020 7060 3181