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Dairy Free Skin Benefits

Dairy Free

“Cow’s milk, eating cheese… My skin — my acne flares up” I can’t count the number of times clients point to their acne sighting dairy products as the culprit. Or eczema. Skin conditions generally. Dairy free skin benefits are a no brainer. So they say.

WHAT’S THE REAL STORY? Must we give up dairy for acne free, clear, healthy looking skin? Read on to find the precise science behind dairy and acne.

dairy free

dairy free

There’s no definite link between dairy and acne, but there are theories about it. What does this mean exactly?

Going dairy free can be recommended as a trial and error method to treat adult acne using naturopathy — HOLD THE PRESS — At Susannah Makram Clinics we just don’t do trial and error. We do functional. We help manage conditions like adult acne using care pathways designed for only you.

So, whats’ the real story?

In an article he wrote for a medical journal in 2008, F. William Danby, MD, a skin expert who promotes the possible dairy-acne connection, explained how the two may be related. Milk contains components related to the hormone testosterone that may stimulate oil glands in the skin, setting the stage for acne.

It’s generally accepted that excess sebum, hormones, bacteria and hyper proliferation of follicular cells are the major etiologic factors for acne. [1]

Candida Diet Problem

The problem with the candida diet

GAPSGut And Psychology Syndrome diet SCD and other very low-carbohydrate diets ALL do ONE thing. A typical Candida diet REMOVES every possible source of GLUCOSE or SUGAR in the diet. This can lead to ketone production.

Studies, for example, show that neutrophils, which are white blood cells, are less able to kill Candida when ketones are present. There are studies of diabetic patients with ketoacidosis—a lot of ketone production—developing Candida overgrowth.

Candida Diet

There are studies of obese people developing Candida albicans infections when fasting causes ketosis. So there’s evidence pointing to the idea that KETONE PRODUCTION is not a good idea.

Candida Diet


Personalised nutrition

The organic acids test is a really good place to start. WHY? Because your personalised nutrition plan CAN work – over time (ask us how long) as we keep it simple, focusing on your health story.

All health professionals agree that candida albicans is a yeast living in the gut and in the vagina. Normally it causes no serious problems there. It’s one of many microbes – known as gut flora – that colonise the large intestine.

When the balance of this flora is disrupted – most commonly by antibiotics – the “good” microbes may be killed off, allowing harmful ones including candida albicans, to proliferate. The first result is likely to be vaginal thrush.

candida albicans

candida albicans

Susannah is among naturopaths or the naturopathic community who believe this yeast can’t be ignored. It needs consideration in the systems review for certain illnesses. The medical profession largely dismiss such claims. They insist that in people with a normal immune system, candida causes problems only in the throat and vagina.

The right host (genetics may play a part here) and given the right conditions, candida can erupt into systemic candidiasis. This can affect many parts of the body. Candida albicans can multiply by feeding on undigested sugars and starch and change from a yeast to a fungus.

Candida triggers

Disordered microbial balance has various triggers. Candida triggers include antibiotic use, the pill, HRT, steroids, stress and a diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar bachelor schreiben lassen. Candida can produce gases and waste products and sometimes alcohol. ‘Leaky gut’ can result when it uses its roots – hyphae – to penetrate through mucosal barriers and into tissues. This allows poisonous waste products to gain access to the bloodstream.

The bloating or discomfort we feel along with tiredness is from the large food molecules that are incompletely digested.

The immune system is triggered into action when this happens ghostwriter seminararbeit. It causes inflammation, excess mucous production and many of the symptoms associated with candida albicans.

Candida symptoms

Candida symptoms are food intolerance, fatigue, hormonal irregularities, headaches and arthritis. If the immune system is overloaded and compromised by stress, it fails to meet the challenge akademisches ghostwriting. So yeast problems or candida albicans persist.

It’s this list of diverse symptoms that patients take to their GP hausarbeit schreiben lassen kosten.  It’s unlikely that the words candida albicans will be mentioned. Naturopaths and osteopaths like Susannah become specialised in treating chronic illness and chronic pain, for this reason.

In the four phases

Have you had a single episode of thrush and then never again? The nature of treating fungal overgrowth keeps to In The Four Phases rigidly because fungal overgrowth is commonly recurrent ghostwriting preise. Rebuilding your beneficial gut bacteria is a vital part of getting rid of fungal overgrowth or candida albicans overgrowth for good.

Anti-inflammatory foods

Anti-inflammatory foods

Here’s 4 anti-inflammatory foods and easy ways to reduce inflammation. Anti-inflammatory foods aren’t always easy include in our daily diet so we’ve picked out the best swaps to make as well as pro-tips like avoiding sugar… and gluten and dairy too!

Is sugar free anti-inflammatory? What’s inflammation exactly? Follow us as we answer these questions here. 

Osteopathy and nutrition: ligament sprains and muscles strains produce inflammation. So WHAT CAN WE ACTUALLY EAT to support our body’s in-built healing process?
Here are 4 anti-inflammatory foods to eat for their natural anti-inflammatory properties. Our bodies produce inflammation or release inflammatory markers a response to stress or ‘foreign invaders’.

4 Foods to Relieve Pain

1. JERF. And if you can’t eat enough fruit and vegetable daily consider taking them like this.  Just eat real food Avoid process food – hydrogenated oils ++sugar & salt -contribute to inflammation / joint pain.

Processed food

anti-inflammatory foods

4 anti-inflammatory foods

PRO-TIP: If we just eat real food rather than processed food we’re over half way there! Anti-inflammatory food doesn’t come out of a crisp packet. Foods that are as close to their natural form as possible are really the best kinds of anti-inflammatory foods. Even if it’s not coming from the farm directly, we can try to reduce pesticide and chemical fertiliser content. Follow us for tips on how here. 


Swap this for this. Ketchup and other condiments for real spices or real foods, e.g. turmeric, Liposomal Curcumin
Ginger, ground pepper corns, cayenne pepper, tamarind etc…

PROTIP:Liposomal Curcumin /Resveratrol can remain in the blood for longer, at a higher concentration. And unlike many commercial supplements in varied delivery systems, liposomal delivery is exceedingly safe. Liposomal Curcumin/Resveratrol is made with only natural non-GMO ingredients



turmeric uses

turmeric uses




2. Inflammatory markers:
C-reactive protein (CRP) Especially with high CRP levels, you want to do everything possible to reduce inflammation. Turmeric (and probiotics according to studies)

Acute inflammation is your body’s appropriate response to infection or trauma. You’ve experienced a sore throat, rash, hives, or a sprained ankle.

But inflammation should do its job and then leave. With allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease, or asthma, an overactive immune response and chronic inflammation can slowly wreak havoc. Eventually this can lead to illness and rapid ageing. Your CRP levels should be less than one. Anything higher provides a giant warning sign that you have hidden inflammation.

4 Foods Relieve Pain

3. Choose high quality protein sources. We cover plant based protein sources here. If you’re going for fish remember it’s 2-3 portions weekly and see the golden rule. For eggs, fish, poultry and meat remember the golden rule: pastured, free-range or grass fed. Why? Because we are what we eat and what what we eat eats!

4 Foods Relieve Pain

4. Alcohol — 1 ounce / 1oz distilled spirits daily. 5 oz wine or 12 oz beer for women and double for men. Soft drinks — swap soft drinks for unsweetened ice tea. Cheers!

Manuka honey vs raw honey

Manuka honey is simply honey made from one specific plant – the manuka tree. This tree is found in New Zealand. Consumption of manuka honey may offer antibacterial benefits for the health of the digestive system which sugar alone cannot, but research is limited for this.

Raw Honey Health Benefits

Raw honey is honey that hasn’t undergone any heat processing. The resulting ‘raw’ or uncooked honey product leaves the vast majority of bio-active compounds intact.

What’s in raw honey?

Raw honey will contain a much greater variety of bio-active compounds than regular honey. Often these are in a much greater quantity than even manuka honey.
As raw honey can be made from any plant, the quantity and variety of plant derived compounds is very variable. However, bee derived compounds will be much more consistent in their presence and quantity. One such compound is a peptide called bee-defensin, which exists in 2 forms (bee defensin-1 and bee defensin-2), and is a natural part of the bee-hives immune system. This peptide is a known antibacterial agent. Consuming bee-defensin is thought to help promote digestive system health and the immune system, although conclusive evidence is limited.

4 Foods Relieve Pain: Other compounds found in raw honey include a number of polyphenols. For example: caffeic acid and catechins (which are also found in green tea). These polyphenols are known to exert antioxidant properties on the body.

These polyphenols can help the body protect against a range of ailments which are associated with oxidative damage. A number of these compounds will also be in manuka honey, and possibly generic honey. However, they’ll generally be found in higher quantities in raw honey.
NB. The high sugar content of all honey, although it may contain beneficial compounds that can promote our health, will still have an impact on our levels of insulin.


DID YOU KNOW? Our joints and our gut – therefore also our brain! – function best when we eat a diet rich in whole grains. But what about gluten – does this cause inflammation in our gut? —– FAST FACT -> You can find and eat wholegrain gluten free food so if you’re following a gluten free diet you don’t have to miss out on the healthful benefits of wholegrains!


Healthy Snack Recipes

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Vitamix Recipes

Healthy snack recipe inspiration needed? Look no further! We’re in season — bikini season, bikini body, healthy body ready all year round. HERE’S THE REAL STORY: consuming nutrient rich snack foods doesn’t always rely on Vitamix recipes.

Nutribullet recipes make things like healthy smoothies and raw food recipes easy. So a vitamix blender and a nutribullet are handy. But here’s the best part!…

They’re not for everyone.
Susannah, nutrition expert, shares some lesser known nutritious and delicious foods to eat. better still, you can eat healthy on the go. Nutrient dense foods fill you and keep blood sugar levels stable in between meals.

Healthy Snacks

Activated nuts – how? Why should we eat activated nuts? If we’ve got unsalted nuts, they can be great to top up on good fats and minerals like zinc. Zinc is an amazing blood sugar stabiliser. It’s really hard to get zinc in our day-to-day modern lifestyle and diets. Selenium, magnesium and calcium, antioxidants and gluten free and wheat free fiber or fibre.
We can activate our own nuts…

Why does this matter — here’s the deal:

Healthy Snack Recipes

Why would we activate nuts if they’re so nutritious?  Nuts are healthy. Healthy snack recipes made with nuts are numerous! So let’s start with this awesome improvement on the nut ingredient itself. Nuts can contain phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors. Enzyme inhibitors act by binding to enzymes and decrease and/or block their actions. The enzyme inhibitors are beneficial to nuts, as they prevent the nuts from prematurely sprouting. However these same enzyme inhibitors also act on our body’s digestive enzymes, preventing proper digestion and absorption of all the nutty goodness of nuts.
Activated Seeds
Seeds also contain small amount of phytic acid, which our digestive system is also unable to break down. Eating large amounts of raw nuts or raw seeds can therefore sometimes lead to feeling ‘heavy’ or with a discomforting fullness, even nausea.
Recipe to Activate Nuts

OK, so it’s not a recipe as such. But here are the steps to follow to activate half a cup of nuts.
Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in enough water to cover the amount of nuts or seeds activating. For seeds add another half teaspoon of salt.
In a large bowl place the nut or seed of choice for activating and cover this with the salt water solution.
Soak for the required 6-7 hours.
Strain and rinse the nuts and seeds
Spread over a dehydrator rack, or baking tray.
Dry the nuts in the dehydrator for around 6-12 hours. 4-8 hours for seeds.
If drying in the oven, set the oven at the lowest temperature possible, preferably no more than 65C. Stir or turn them occasionally, for the required drying time.
The nuts and seeds should be crunchy. they should be tasty and now they’re bio-available nuts and seeds.

activated nuts

activated nuts

Healthy hummus recipe

Blend in Nutribullet or Vitamix blender the following. Serve with crudites of choice.
Chickpeas softened with Pinch Himalayan sea salt
Small section crushed garlic clove (optional)
Two Tablespoon Olive oil or Rapeseed oil
Juice of Half lemon, 2 capfuls apple cider vinegar
Sumac and Cumin to taste – Refrigerate

healthy hummus recipe

healthy hummus recipe


Healthy Smoothie recipe

Blend in Nutribullet or Vitamix blender the following.
One small cup coconut yoghurt or regular full fat plan unsweetened yoghurt
Add handful of berries of choice
Add coconut water
Add chopped peeled small cucumber
Add tablepoon maple syrup
Add half small ripe avocado — see * how to ripen avocados

Blend and enjoy.
How to Ripen Avocados
Place in a fruit bowl as fruit ripens efficiently next to other fruit.


Ski Injury

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Common Ski Injury

Ski injury – commonly: knee injury; shoulder dislocation; other shoulder injury; neck muscle pain from sprains and strains – make up the majority of clients here. Concussion is common, therefore:

  • Sports injury prevention
  • Preparing the body for impact and climate change is popular with oversees clients.

Physical therapy with Susannah and the team: osteopathy in Knightsbridge, CHELSEA, is:

snowboarding injury

ski injury

Ski injury

KENSINGTON & CHELSEA  Osteopath Susannah believes posture assessment isn’t limited to ergonomics at a work station.
Improve body movement with Susannah. Musculoskeletal balance of our bodies in motion requires assessment.

London osteopath Susannah uses her client’s strengths to fine tune control. That’s the secret to long-lasting care before skiing and after the ski season.

Ski Verbier

Ski Verbier

Sports Injury

How we’ll recover from a fall is not coincidence. It’s not purely down to body mechanics and functional movement either. Muscle sprains and strains, small tears in soft tissue, inflammation and pain.

A snowboarding injury followed by neck pain, for example, or low back pain, knee pain, is totally dependent on our total body wellness. We run corporate wellness clinics in London, in the city. Our team of specialists include physicians, surgeons, orthopaedic consultants and physical therapists. We look after the effects of stress and lifestyle on body health.

So if your not sure if you need an MRI or and X-Ray we’ll tell you and we’ll help you decide on your care pathway. Back pain and neck pain can be secondary to a snowboarding injury.

Functional osteopathy for ski Season includes:

  • Trigger Point Therapy
  • Cranio-sacral Therapy or Cranial Osteopathy
  • Myofacsial stretching and sliding cupping
  • Strain Counter Strain Techniques
  • Controlled Joint traction and mobilisation
  • Gentle Joint Adjustment


Back and neck pain are never normal. As a Kensington and Chelsea osteopath in London, I’m trained to guide you to the safest first step.

West End Osteopath

Harley Street Osteopath

Functional nutrition and lifestyle advice can make your ski season even better. How? Nutrition and tissue repair can be enormously helpful to your sports injury recovery. As a London naturopath, osteopath my knowledge of the body and it’s response to the environment, to trauma and to nutrition is what makes my client’s health journey with me unique.

Wheat Intolerance Symptoms


People with wheat intolerance will still experience adverse symptoms from gluten free products

Wheat belly

Is belly fat a wheat intolerance? Gluten-free foods are BOOMING. William Davis’ book “Wheat Belly” drew attention to many people to wheat and the gluten free diet.

Is a wheat free diet good for a wheat allergy or GLUTEN ALLERGY IE coeliac disease? What’s the difference? What are wheat intolerance or wheat sensitivity symptoms? What foods contain wheat? READ ON TO FIND OUT.

It can be tricky with food labels. Here’s how to deal with it. Let us deal with the rest!

Wheat Intolerance Symptoms

Wheat intolerance symptoms differ from coeliac disease. They are poorly defined. They als vary considerably from one affected person to another. Symptoms tend to include: (i) abdominal discomfort, (ii) nausea, (iii) tiredness, (iv) bloating and (v) altered bowel habit. Wheat intolerance isn’t caused by an immune reaction. Symptoms of wheat intolerance or any food intolerance can be very unpleasant. But they can’t cause life-threatening reactions or consequences unlike true wheat allergy or food allergy.

Humans have eaten grains for 10,000 years. So why are so many us going gluten free for health reasons?  In evolutionary terms this amount of time isn’t very long at all. Before it time we hunted and ate animals. We foraged to eat fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. HERE ARE 5 GLUTEN FREE WHOLEGRAINS.

wheat intolerance symptoms

wheat intolerance symptoms

Is there a difference between wheat free and gluten free?

Stress can affect the immune system. So, if you reduce your stress levels, you may find new results. You can feel your food intolerances – including wheat intolerance symptoms – improve.
Can we go back to eating the foods we love after food intolerance testing? When this food is deemed as reactive in our body’s systems? LET’S FIND OUT. 

People with wheat intolerance will still experience adverse symptoms from gluten free products

Wheat Allergy

Wheat allergy is caused by an IgE reaction to one or more of the proteins found in the wheat grain. See the differences between food intolerance and food allergy here. Wheat contains four types of protein: 1) Globulin 2) Albumin 3) Glutenins 4) Gliadins

[tweetthis]People with #wheat #intolerance will still experience adverse #symptoms from #glutenfree products[/tweetthis]

Foods containing Wheat

FOODS CONTAINING WHEAT include breads; cereals; vegetable products (e.g. vegetable pate, tinned beans, vegetable tempura, breaded vegetables, flour; pasta; sauces and condiments; desserts; beverages; medication; confectionary;  Glue on labels and postage stamps. Sometimes, a food label may not specify wheat but another form of wheat product.

Wheat Products

Durum wheat, spelt (triticum spelta), kamut (triticum poloncium). Couscous; Bran, wheat bran, wheat germ, wheat gluten; Farina; Rusk; Semolina, durum wheat semolina; Cereal filler, cereal binder, cereal protein. Flour, wholewheat flour, wheat flour, wheat starch; Starch, modified starch, hydrolysed starch, food starch, edible starch; Vegetable starch, vegetable gum, vegetable protein

Osteopath In London

Back pain

Back pain isn’t normal. Our London osteopath sees low back pain; sciatica; musculoskeletal issues; sports injury.


Spinal manipulation therapy

Spinal Manipulation Therapy

Studies show high prevalence of sciatica. It’s not as uncommon as we think. We offer chronic pain solutions, functional posture assessment and comprehensive care pathways.

Did you know?
There are around 5,000 osteopaths in the UK who undergo an extensive, four-year training and are a closely regulated profession with very high standards.

Our reviews show what optimising health means to medical doctors, the elderly, high performance CEOs.
Low back pain is commonly seen by London osteopath Susannah. But we’re all in need of personalised care and advice. Either an osteopath or chiropractor might employ spinal manipulation or adjustment “back crack”, to free up joints that have become compressed. Spinal manipulation is one physical therapy technique we offer as part of a whole spectrum of treatments that are effective for musculoskeletal conditions. Find out what osteopathy feels like if you’re not sure. 0207-060-3181
Find out what happens when a new patient comes to our London clinic for osteopathy with Susannah here.

Osteopath In London

Osteopaths and chiropractors undergo four years of training, and must complete a programme of further education every year in order to be allowed to stay on the General Osteopathic Council register and the General Chiropractic Council, respectively.
Any chiropractor who is not on the register is practising illegally. Similarly, under the Osteopaths Act 1993, it is an offence for anyone to describe themselves as an osteopath, either expressly or by implication, unless they are registered.
People are advised never to visit a chiropractor or osteopath without first checking their credentials – and with good reason.
Susannah is registered with the General Osteopathic Council.

Osteopath In London

Osteopath In London

Spinal Manipulation therapy

Osteopaths generally work across the whole body, regarding it as a single, functional unit. They concentrate more on soft tissues and stretching, using manual therapy. Your osteopath may suggest exercises to promote posture correction.



If we ignore the warning signs of neck pain and back pain we might end up with a problem requiring urgent attention or one that requires us taking rather a lot of time off work. We describe this service, not as a a luxury, but rather an investment. If we don’t change, our posture will and so our optimal health goals diminish.
We take greater risks from this point onwards. It takes longer to fix a problem the longer it has been there.

Ask us what we can do for you. Find out exactly what it is you’re investing in. This way you’ll not only know what you’re getting but you’ll never find this type of knowledge or experience elsewhere. It’s not found in a product and it’s a personalised type of care that takes years of experience to deliver. Knightsbridge osteopathy. If it’s good enough for Gwyneth…

Healthy Recipes

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Healthy Sauerkraut Recipe

My Name is Susannah Makram. I typically work with families and CEOs. I work with West End production managers, directors, actors, producers. WE need safe and immediate treatment for back pain and health concerns zapping their energy. We need help to feel energised within our modern lifestyle and I empower them to take ownership of their health journey.

Safe. Clinical. Practical. Effective

That is our Naturopathic Portfolio ethos. How can we make it yours? How can we make it work for you In The Four Phases?

Healthy Recipes

Sometimes our clients want snacking inspiration. Their lifestyle encourages taking time to organise meals and more importantly, they enjoy it!

Healthy recipes

Healthy recipes

Vegan recipe

Fermented Foods Are More Digestible & Safer To Eat Than Many Raw Foods

eg. sauerkraut and cabbage – sources of probiotic and prebiotic – dairy free, raw, vegan food, respectively,

Recipe Sauerkraut


Cabbage – 1 small to medium – approx 2 ounces
1 Tablespoon medium grain sea salt or non-iodised salt
1 Teaspoon caraway seeds, juniper berries (optional)

  1. Cut the cabbage in half. Cut out the thick core and stem end and compost or discard them.Thinly slice the cabbage into shreds or small pieces (think coleslaw)
  2. Loosely pack the sliced cabbage into a clean, wide mouth glass jars, sprinkling in the salt as well as the caraway seeds and juniper berries (if using) as you fill the jars. It is not necessary to sterilise the jars for lacto-fermented foods. the jars do have to be pristine clean, however. Pack the cabbage, salt and spices down firmly as you add them to the jar. Once the jar is almost full, loosely cover it and let it sit for 2 to 4 hours. During this time the salt should draw enough juice out of the cabbage to completely cover the solid food. If it doesn’t, top the kraut off with a brine made of 1 teaspoon non-iodised salt dissolved in 1 pint filtered or non-chlorinated water.
  3. Pour the salt brine, if necessary, over the cabbage and spices. Gently press down on the cabbage and spices to release any air bubbles and to submerge them in the brine. Cover the jar loosely with a lid. Place the jar on a plate to catch any overflow that may happen once active fermentation gets going. Leave the jars at room temperature for 3 days. During this time, remove the covers at least once a day and check to see that the vegetables are still submerged in the brine (add additional salt brine if necessary). You should start to see some bubbles on top – a sign that fermentation is underway.
  4. By the end of the 3 days, the sauerkraut should have a clean, lightly sour smell and taste. Put the jars in the refrigerator (no need to put plates under them at this stage). Wait at least 5 more days for the flavor of your sauerkraut to develop. This recipe also works well with red cabbage.

Fermented Vegetables – Why? Tangy tasting, mineral rich, nutritionally dense, gut healing to name a few… WORRIED YOU’RE NOT EATING ENOUGH FRUIT AND VEG? It’s too bloating? You’re missing out on this bloat-free gem.

Lacto-fermentation is the process that produces traditional dill pickles, kimchi and sauerkraut.

Lactic acid is a natural preservative that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria.

The “lacto” portion of the term refers to a specific species of bacteria, namely Lactobacillus. Various strains of these bacteria are present on the surface of all plants, especially those growing close to the ground, and are also common to the gastrointestinal tracts, mouths, and vaginas of humans and other animal species.

Lactobacillus bacteria have the ability to convert sugars into lactic acid. The Lactobacillus strain is so named because it was first studied in milk ferments. These bacteria readily use lactose or other sugars and convert them quickly and easily to lactic acid. However, lacto-fermentation does not necessarily need to involve dairy products.

Do you want more simple dairy free recipes? Gluten free recipes? Throughout the next few weeks we’ll be showing you how to make the most out of seasonal food when you subscribe to Susannah Makram TV. Perhaps you don’t have time to make these so what you need to know is what and HOW? 

Sugar free recipes

Naturopathy at the Bulgari Hotel Spa is fad free. Sugar free diet? Who is paleo any way? We’re personalised: that’s the VIP everyone @ Susannah Makram clinics is. What’s the number one healthy recipe for weight loss? It’s yours. Follow


1. Value our body and its powerful capacity to self repair
2. Value our time and WE know what WE want
3. Value what’s most important – Health is Wealth
4. Value our contribution to the world

When we know what we want, there is only ONE question. HOW?

Sugar Free Diet Skin Benefits

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Sugar in The Skin

Luxury skincare anti wrinkle cream for ageing skin requires routine. Accelerated ageing, without proper care and nourishment of skin is instantly visible. Degenerative effects of ageing are similarly seen in other organs. Because of its visibility, our skin outwardly discloses to the world many aspects of our inner health.
If we want to heal our skin we have to heal our gut. How do we do this?



ANSWER: Glycation

Glycation is an abnormal process involving sugar binding to a protein, for example fructose to collagen. When the bound sugar and protein are exposed to free radicals they form multiple protein combinations called Advanced Glycation End Products or AGEs. Advanced Glycation End Products hang around in the dermis (the thick layer of living tissue below the epidermis which forms the true skin) and manifest as sallowness in the skin.

You can see this reaction taking place in food; for example baked goods. Or in the delicious sugar shell on the top of a crème brûlée. This making of soft food to hard is glycation. When we eat it, the AGEs from these devilishly delicious nibbles are deposited in the skin.

dairy and acne

dairy and acne

Yes, eventually all carbohydrates are converted to sugar. Even things like brown rice. Less than in the eyeing you up in the fridge! Worst total body offender of the sugar world? That award goes to high fructose corn syrup – corn syrup that has undergone enzymatic processing to convert some of its glucose into fructose. This increases the rate of glycation by 10 TIMES when compared with regular glucose. People with diabetes should be particularly careful, as they will have twice as many AGE deposits in the skin as people without diabetes. And no surprises here but that lifestyle habit, smoking, increases the rate of AGE deposition too!

So what does it do to the skin, exactly?

  •   It makes collagen and elastin stiff and decreases skin elasticity (hello wrinkles)
  •   Inactivates antioxidant enzymes
  •   Increased death of fibroblasts and keratinocytes (not cool)
  •   Makes skin cells more sensitive to UV

Now that you’ve put down that New York Cheesecake slice… Here’s something you can DO.

First, find out if this something that could change your life. Why? It has been suggested that restricting your calorie intake is a way of reducing AGE formation and could increase your lifespan; but who wants to live on 1600 calories a day? Or if you do, don’t you need to know the exact effect this will have? What if its not what you want? Contact us. Find out what we do. Will it help you?

[1] Zouboulis CC. Acne and sebaceous gland function. Clin Dermatol. 2004;22:360–366.
[2] “Diet and Acne,” published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Lead author  Whitney P. Bowe MD, FAAD

Story of health

Tired all the time? Is it chronic fatigue syndrome? Insomnia, stress, susceptibility to back pain, stubborn fat, recurring infections like thrushskin conditions – these are all commonly seen by Susannah here. It’s not coincidence. We’re getting sicker and fatter – as a nation but also, our health concerns keep coming back. Why?
Currently, we go to the GP. Everything’s “within normal range” we’re told. But they’ll keep an eye on it. Then it’s already happening. We’re on metformin. Statins. We’re on drugs for life.

Modern medicine

Modern medicine

A transformation in healthcare is underway. We’re transitioning from the science and art of treating disease to the science of health and lifestyle healthcare. Standard GP tests don’t offer any insight into our health. They only test for markers that indicate a specific disease or absence thereof.

Story of health

Reference ranges are based on a severely unhealthy population. These ranges only indicate the levels at which we HAVE the disease or the illness. Rather, at Susannah Makram Clinics we’re looking at what’s OUR basic requirement for optimum health.

You see, we might know when we’ve high cholesterol at the moment we need statins or lipid lowering drugs. But what if there was more to this story? What if we have metabolic syndrome. Does it matter? At Susannah Makram Clinics we believe it does. Why? We’re talking about a whole other treatment in that case.

Lifestyle medicine

Lifestyle medicine

Our modern lifestyle may highlight the very need for this transformation, this change. we’re assessing the state of health of our body to see

i) The interactions between systems of our body
ii) How the patterns of these these interaction influence our health

We analyse our functional test results in this way. So we can give you our special formula:

Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA)

Blood Chemistry and CBC Analysis – Clinical Laboratory Testing from a Functional Perspective, is currently used as a teaching tool in medical schools and institutes of higher learning in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and is the go-to blood chemistry reference manual on the desks and in the clinics of thousands of physicians and healthcare practitioners worldwide.

Pattern analysis of blood chemistry can effectively identify physiological imbalances and nutritional deficiencies by viewing and understanding the complex relationships that exist among blood chemistry factors.

Why blood and who takes it? Blood testing is a medically accepted, proven and a reliable assessment procedure providing a wealth of information on the health and status of our patients. At Susannah Makram Clinics we arrange it so you can have your blood sample drawn at the location you choose. But there is one requirement. The centre must have a centrifuge. This is a device used to spin the blood sample.

Story to health

Story of health

Blood Reference Guide – Clinical Conditions

Blood Chemistry and CBC Analysis – Clinical Laboratory Testing from a Functional Perspective helps thousands of practitioners worldwide. Clinical knowledge cannot be replaced but use of FBCA can help you in your day-to-day practice. Do you want to know more about Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis? Contact us.

Answers before drugs

Imagine having answers about eczema or psoriasis. Knowing the triggers or why you have it in the first place. Knowing why stubborn belly fat remains – even after slogging it out in the gym. What about finding small changes we can make to boost our performance, nip excess belly fat in the bud – before it severely affects our health. A way to successfully sleep at night, healthy weight loss, fat burning, get your energy back. A way to look younger, have clear skin, perform, live, grow.

Better health with drugs

At Susannah Makram Clinics we work with the medical community. What can we  achieve after we’re on the slippery slope of necessary pharmaceutical intervention? Well, it’s hard to say exactly. But if we can help manage symptoms to improve function, mobility, energy levels, we find how we do this at your consultation. We can make every day count and better still, pains and aches that persist, can be manageable. We’re here to help manage chronic disease, not cure it. We’re here to improve health, quality of life i.e. function. 

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

Call  020 7060 3181