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Dietitian vs Nutritionist

What is the difference? Dietitian vs Nutritionist

There’s a lot of confusion about dieticians and nutritionists and coaching so, firstly, knowing what you want to achieve from changing your diet and lifestyle habits is important. Secondly, if you’re unsure about what services are offered – ask us. We won’t bite, promise! What’s a naturopath and an osteopath and HOW can we help you know about use nutrition to feel better?


  • Nutritionists typically work for public bodies or for the government as opposed to seeing individuals on a one to one basis. They generally advise organisations on matters of health and nutrition and formulate information for the public or for their employer.
  • ‘Nutritionist’ is not protected by law in the UK. This means that anyone is able to assume the title in a professional capacity, even if they do not possess adequate training and experience.
  • However, only those who are registered with the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists (UKVRN) (regulated by the Association for Nutrition) are able to refer to themselves as a ‘Registered Nutritionist’, or as a ‘Registered Public Health Nutritionist’.
  • Though nutritionists are not permitted to issue or alter medical prescriptions, they may recommend certain supplements

Dietitian vs Nutritionist


  • Many work principally within the NHS.
  • They are statutorily regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). Because dietitians are regulated healthcare professionals, they are qualified to treat certain medical conditions.
  • Must be trained to University degree level or above.
  • The British Dietetic Association is the single professional body for dietitians and is responsible for the design of the curriculum.
  • Typically a dietitian vs nutritionist will advise people with special dietary needs such as those with kidney disease diabetes or cancer.

Susannah believes that taking ownership of your health begins with your first step to making an informed decision. Your health journey may or may not require you to understand options available to you, for example, dietitian vs nutritionist is a question you may need to ask. If you are not sure who the right specialist is to guide you safely through your health journey, you should feel comfortable to make enquiries first and understand that the process demands their to be a good fit between yourself and your specialist. Otherwise, it is making it hard work for you to achieve the desirable results you have in mind or to understand fully whether or not these expectations are realistic.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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