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Archive for March, 2015

French Way To Eat

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French Way To Eat

We know what we eat is important. What about how we eat — does this impact our health? Can the way we eat impact our healthy weight loss goals?

FACT: Healthy weight loss — even the way we’re eating has an impact.  [tweetthis twitter_handles=”#nutritiontips”]Even when it comes down to weight loss, the way we are eating has an impact. [/tweetthis]
Sick and tired of having an app or device telling us far we’ve come or how limited or movement or breathing is? Technology isn’t answering OUR BODY’S NEEDS. We’ve got to take ownership. In our modern instalife our eyes are bigger than ever. So, it’s not easy. We’ve got to use this lifestyle, however. It’s the biggest vehicle for this change.

1. The French Way to Eat to absorb More Nutrients and Energy From Your Food

Chewing our food properly breaks it down from large particles into smaller particles. It’s these smaller particles that are more easily digested.

Small particles make for easier digestion and nutrient absorptionPathogens – bacteria and parasites – don’t often forcibly invade or take over our digestive system. Instead they are opportunistic organisms. So basically they’re able to flourish when there is undigested food or excessive waste products for them to feed upon. Pathogens can then multiply out of control, excreting their own waste products and damage the walls of our intestine. Leaky gut can result. It’s a serious problem where partially digested foods, fungi, bacteria and parasites enter into the bloodstream. This can cause a wide range of adverse effects to your health.

French way to eat

French way to eat

Chew your food properly! The first stage of digestion starts in the mouth. Without complete coating in saliva it is unlikely that proper carbohydrate digestion will occur.

Recent research presented at the 2013 Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and Food Expo in Chicago showed, in fact, that when participants chewed almonds longer, the smaller particles were better and more quickly absorbed by the body.

Fast Fact! Chewing your food properly means chewing up to 32 times per bite of food on average

French Way To Eat

How Are You Eating?

Choosing certain food affects our health but even after those greens – that surely can’t be bad for me… Why am I still feeling bloated and tired and generally not on form? Is this you?

2. The French Way to Eat to Turn Your Digestive System into Your Personal Powerhouse

Simply changing the way that you eat can improve your slumped energy levels & symptoms of (chronic) fatigue.  

Saliva contains digestive enzymes. So the longer you chew, the more time these enzymes have to start breaking down your food. This makes digestion easier on your stomach and small intestine. One of these enzymes is lingual lipase, an enzyme that helps break down fats, for example.

French Way To Eat

French Way To Eat

The chewing process predigests your food into small pieces. This partially liquefies it, making it easier to digest. Digestion is actually a very demanding task for your body. It requires a great deal of energy that can be expended on other things, equally, throughout the day.

You feel more refreshed, calm and alert as a result of not overloading Your Personal Energy Powerhouse! – Your Digestive System.  thanks you, your body thanks you. You are hearing that look younger but even better, you feel it!

3. The French Way to Eat: Don’t Let It Linger

When large particles of improperly chewed food enter your stomach, they may remain undigested when they enter your intestines.

The right environment is necessary to avoid excess bacteria lingering in your intestines. Bad bacteria here will begin to break the larger food pieces down. In other words they will start to putrefy, potentially leading to gas and bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, cramping and other digestive problems.

Fast fact! It takes time (generally about 20 minutes) for your brain to signal to your stomach that you’re full!   [tweetthis twitter_handles=”#weightlosstips”]It takes about 20 mins for your brain to signal to your stomach that you’re full[/tweetthis]

4. The French Way to Eat: Enjoy and Taste Your Food

At consultation the “glazed” look is common. It is the one that comes over a patient asked about their ‘typical’, day-to-day diet or even what they ate a movement ago!

If you don’t remember your food, your food will find it harder to work for you. To lose weight healthily, optimise energy levels and stabilise levels of hormones, essential nutrients, and blood sugar etc. you need your food to work for you. Make sure you have what you eat covered in your EAT DRINK TAKE MAKE.


Genetics of Stubborn Belly Fat

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Belly Fat Stubborn 

At Susannah Makram Clinics we test for 13 genes impacting metabolism and exercise. Isn’t it frustrating exercising and dieting but never losing weight – the stubborn belly fat?

Healthy weight loss requires knowledge found in our GENES.
This DNA test provides specific information regarding fat distribution so we can burn stubborn belly fat with the right changes to our diet,

Stubborn body fat and body mass index BMI in particular have genes or SNPs we’re interested in. Do they hold the key to your successful healthy weight loss?

Let’s not waste more time on the wrong diet. In fact, stop dieting. These genes all meet stringent criteria for utility in genetic screening tests. Start losing stubborn fat like belly fat.

Fat Gene

Fat Gene


Lose Belly Fat

What’s the right percentage of carbs, fat, protein for us to lose weight?

What genetics are involved to get rid of stubborn belly fat?

Your test results may tell you the personalised answers you need to achieve your healthy weight loss goals.

All genes tested meet the following stringent criteria for utility in genetic screening tests:

Fat Gene

Fat Gene

  • Have proven biological function. Many of the genetic variations in the test panel produce a change in the amino acid structure of the protein and change theactivity of the protein. Other variations in the panel affect transcription factors in DNA-based communications.
  • Have a plausible biological role in weight management. For example, some of the gene variations produce a change in the amount of fat absorbed from a meal or alter carbohydrate metabolism that has a direct correlation to stubborn belly fat.
  • Have evidence from clinical studies, that individuals with different genotypes have a differential response to either certain diets or different levels of physical activity.

Weight Loss

Weight Management Genetic Testing has been all over the news in the US – The Today ShowThe Wall Street JournalCBS Morning News – In America they are calling it personalised medicine

We are calling it boundary breaking functional medicine at Susannah Makram Clinics because we know who this test will work for and why so there is no time wasting and false hope

The DNA test for healthy weight loss

Fat Gene

Fat Gene

  • Genetic testing

    Who is the right candidate? Find out here

How to eat healthy take out

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How to eat healthy take out

How to eat healthy take out in London. As well as London most healthy food names are in Denmark. If you enjoy a healthy lunch for takeout we proved all the hacks for all the dietary requirements here. If we’re missing yours ask us for it here. 

So, here’s the the round up! How to eat healthy takeout for lunch. lunch ideas in the city of London are easy! Here are options from Susannah to your PA. For gluten free or dairy free; meat free; low cal or paleo –we’re here! No time to look at nutrition labels. We do it for you! READ ON….

Healthy Lunch London City

Corporate wellness doesn’t account for feeling a little overweight, tired , bloated and looking like it.  Reach YOUR performance peak. HOW?
Nutrition makes up for 80% of lifestyle changes impacting our health & wellbeing. 
What’s your health story ? Are you susceptible to back pain?

healthy lunch London

how to eat healthy takeout


We always read the fine print. Susannah reads the label so you do not have to. We don’t live in a spa – although, that’s a nice thought isn’t it?

Healthy Lunch London City. Regular updates, menus change! Contact us

The Ultimate Guide: healthy lunch London City – top 4 nutritious lunch items to grab across the road

It’s a jungle of chains out there. Take a first step.

Is your digestive system overworked? Nutritious Beverages to give your overworked digestive system a rest 

  1. Raw Press CITRUS (Immune booster Vitamin C infusion)
  2. Imbibery Cashew Mylk (blood sugar stabiliser)
  3. Nosh Raw Smoothie Coconut, Banana & Acai Berry 250ml (anti-aging, antioxidant delivering)
  4. Press LONDON GARDEN2 (nature’s anti-inflammatory, skin food)

Want to learn more about these guys Follow us!

Healthy lunch London city – Nutritious snack foods to grab on-the-go that are Gluten Free – Vegan – Vegetarian 

Gluten free Snacks

Impossible? Think again.

  1. Raw Press Cafe Baked Sweet Potato With Herb Oil and Coconut Yoghurt
  2. Planet Organic LoveRaw Cacao and Maca Bar
  3. Good Life eatery Sport’s Bites
  4. Pret Dairy Free Coconut Yoghurt Pot
Where To Find Healthy Lunch Options in the City

Where To Find Healthy Lunch Options in the City

Nutritious lunch to grab on-the-go – Vegan & under 490 Calories 

  1. Tibits Mexican Quinoa Bowl
  2. Zizzi VEGAN Lentil ragu
  3. Pret Falafel Mezze
  4. The Good Life Eatery Warm Bowl Quinoa Baked sweet potato falafel

Nutritious lunch to grab on-the-go – Vegan, Gluten Free & under 500 Calories 

  1. Crussh Organic Medium Armenian Daal and Crussh 5 a day wheat free
  2. The Good Life Eatery Vegan Walnut Mince, Jacket Sweet Potato, Mashed Avocado, Chipotle Cashew Cream with a Mixed Green Salad
  3. Zizzi VEGAN GF pizza
  4. Daylesford Organic Rainbow taboulleh – avocado on walnut & summer squash toasts, sriracha mayonnaise, beetroot relish

Nutritious lunch to grab on-the-go – Vegetarian & under 415 Calories 

  1. EAT Chile non carne very big
  2. Raw Press cafe Baked Sweet Potatoes with Herb Butter and Coconut yoghurt with Kale Balsamic salad
  3. Crussh Free Range Egg Mayo and Mustard Cress
  4. Marks and Spencer avocado salad sandwich
Healthy Lunch London City

Healthy Lunch London City

Nutritious lunch to grab on-the-go – High Protein & under 510 Calories 
  1. Daylesford Organic Whole Body Organic Protein Bowl
  2. Wagamama Warm Chicken Salad
  3. Tossed Own Large Salad, Tuna, Egg, Spinach, Broccoli, Spring Onion, Peas, balsamic vinaigrette
  4. Itsu Mixed Sashimi

Nutritious lunch to grab on-the-go High Protein and under 350 Calories

  1. Pod Food Pod Hot and Skinny Piri Piri Chicken
  2. Core Collective Baked Salmon Fillet
  3. Itsu Salad Chicken and Avocado
  4. Crussh Zero Noodle with Ginger teriyaki Chicken

Gluten free Wraps, Salads & Sandwiches London

  1.  Joe and The Juice Sandwiches
  2.  7/8 Salads at Fait Maison 
  3. The Good Life Eatery Wrappers Delight and Juana Burrito?
  4. 5/6 Salads at L’Eto

Nothing from the corporate lunchbox is advised without consideration of individual health.  

What would YOU do if you got ENERGY back? Subscribe for the unique 4 part mini series.



Stress Test Questionnaire

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Stress and Sick

Chronic stress can have debilitating consequences on our mind and our body.
DID YOU KNOW? Our body is hard-wired to react to stress in ways that actually protect us. It’s our natural stress response. It works for us against threats from predators and other aggressors.

Our body’s stress-response system is usually self-limiting. Once a perceived threat has passed, hormone levels return to normal.
As adrenaline and cortisol levels drop, our heart rate and blood pressure return to baseline levels, and other systems resume their regular activities. Increased cortisol levels commonly challenge those with high stress jobs that go on to suffer with metabolic syndrome. You can work out the likelihood and prevent this if you take ownership at the right time.

Chronic Stress

When stressors are always present, we constantly feel under attack. That fight-or-flight reaction? It stays turned on.The long-term activation of the stress-response system — and the subsequent overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones — can disrupt almost all your body’s processes. This puts you at increased risk of numerous health problems.

Your levels of stress – how do they add up?
Take this stress test and add up your scores. The results at the end are a guide.   [tweetthis]The 60 second #stress test – add up your scores. The results at the end are a guide.[/tweetthis]

Stress Test


  • Under 45 years [1]
  • 45–54 years [3]
  • 55–64 years [2]
  • Over 64 years [2]

Weight and Stress

Body Mass Index **

  • Lower than 25 kg/m2 [1]
  • 25–30 kg/m2 [2]
  • Higher than 30 kg/m2 [3]

BMI Calculator

Divide your weight in kilograms (kg) by your height in metres (m) then divide the answer by your           height again to get your BMI.  [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#weightloss #nutrition”]How to work out your #BMI [/tweetthis]

Fat and Stress

Waist circumference measured below the ribs (usually at the level of the navel)


  • Less than 94 cm [1]
  • 94–102 cm [2]
  • More than 102 cm [3]


  • Less than 80 cm [1]
    Stress Management

    Stress Management

  • 80–88 cm [2]
  • More than 88 cm [3]

Stress Test

Have you ever taken medication for high blood pressure on regular basis?

  • No
  • Yes [1]

Have you ever been found to have high blood glucose (eg in a health examination, during an illness, during pregnancy)?

  • No
  • Yes [1]

Have any of the members of your immediate family or other relatives been diagnosed with diabetes (type 1 or type 2)?

  • No
  • Yes: grandparent, aunt, uncle or first cousin (but no own parent, brother, sister or child) [2]
  • Yes: parent, brother, sister or own child [3]
  • Stress Test Score – to checklist Below

    • 0 = Never/Rarely
    • 1 = Occasionally/Slightly
    • 2 = Moderate in Intensity or Frequency
    • 3 =Intense/Severe or Frequent

    ✓ My ability to handle stress or pressure has decreased.

    ✓ I am less productive at work.

    ✓ I seem to have decreased in cognitive ability. I don’t think as clearly as I used to.

    ✓ My thinking is confused when hurried or under pressure.

    ✓ I tend to avoid emotional situations.

    ✓ I tend to shake or am nervous when under pressure.

    ✓ I suffer from nervous stomach indigestion when tense.

    ✓ I have many unexplained fears/anxieties.

    ✓ My sex drive is noticeably less than it used to be.

    ✓ I get lightheaded or dizzy when rising rapidly from a sitting or lying position.

    ✓ I have feelings of greying or blacking out.

    ✓ I am chronically fatigued; a tiredness that is not usually relieved by sleep.

    ✓ I feel unwell much of the time.

    ✓ I notice that my ankles are swollen — the swelling is worse in the evening.

    ✓ I usually need to lie down or rest after sessions of psychological or emotional pressure/stress.

    ✓ My muscles sometimes feel weaker than they should.

    ✓ My hands and legs get restless — experience meaningless body movements.

    ✓ I have become allergic or have increased frequency/severity of allergic reactions.

    ✓ When I scratch my skin a white line remains for a minute or more.

    ✓ Small, irregular dark brown spots have appeared on my forehead, face, neck and shoulders.

    ✓ I sometimes feel weak all over.

    ✓ I have unexplained and frequent headaches.

    ✓ I am frequently cold.

    ✓ I have a decreased tolerance for cold.

    ✓ I have low blood pressure.

    ✓ I often become hungry, confused, shaky or somewhat paralyzed under stress.

    ✓ I have lost weight without reason while feeling very tired and listless.

    ✓ I have feelings of hopelessness and despair.

    ✓ I have decreased tolerance. People irritate me more.

    ✓ The lymph nodes in my neck are frequently swollen (I get swollen glands on my neck).

    ✓ I have times of nausea and vomiting for no apparent reason.

    ✓ I am easily fatigued

    ✓ I often have to force myself in order to keep going.

    ✓ Everything seems like a chore

    ✓ I have difficulty getting up in the morning (don’t really wake up until about 10:00am

    ✓ I suddenly run out of energy

    ✓ I usually feel much better and fully awake after the noon


    ✓ I often have an afternoon low between 3:00-5:00pm

    ✓ I get low on energy, moody or foggy if I do not eat


    ✓ I usually feel my best after 6:00pm

    ✓ I am often tired at 9:00-10:00 pm, but resist going to


    ✓ I like to sleep late in the morning

    ✓ My best, most refreshing sleep often comes between


    ✓ I often do my best work late at night (early in the


    ✓ If I don’t go to bed by 11:00pm, I get a second burst of

    energy around 11:00pm, often lasting until 1:00-2:00am

    45-65… It is unlikely that you experience significant amounts of stress to impact your lifestyle or health at present
    65-90… It is unlikely that the stress you experience is negatively impacting your health at present
    90-150… The stress you experience may be having serious negative health implications  
    150+… It is likely that the stress you experience is having serious negative health implications  
    Health Conditions associated with Chronic Stress 
    Type 2 diabetes – Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome – infertility – Autoimmune diseases – Depression – Anxiety Disorders – Digestive problems -Heart disease – Sleep problems – Weight gain – Memory and concentration impairment
    How to find the UNDERLYING issues that PREDISPOSE us to chronic illness.
    What or why are they TRIGGERED by PROLONGED periods of STRESS?
    How do we nip it in the bud BEFORE we’re sick?


  1.  Consultation is Key
  2.  Physical Exam is Key
  3.  Special Investigations may include blood pressure average reading, adrenal stress test, blood sugar readings, blood work
  4.   Naturopathic Portfolio  HOW is stress affecting our health? Do we require special investigations? One type of stress management doesn’t work for every body. If working in a high stress job is affecting our health but we can’t check out into a spa then we need to know what to do to prevent chronic illness.

Stress Benefits

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Stress benefits

Can stress be a good thing? What’s the best stress management? Stressed out has negative connotations in every language.

Being stressed, however, is arguably the most universally acceptable response to modern day living and some may even say stress benefits them.

Can stress ever be a good thing?

Stress can help you:

…Under the right conditions & as long as you’re careful to differentiate between the good and the bad.


Let’s look at the Research

In studies on rats, they found that significant, but brief stressful events caused stem cells in their brains to proliferate into new nerve cells that, when mature two weeks later, improved the rats’ mental performance. Berkeley researchers noted: “You always think about stress as a really bad thing, but it’s not,” said Daniela Kaufer, associate professor of integrative biology at the University of California, Berkeley. “Some amounts of stress are good to push you just to the level of optimal alertness, behavioural and cognitive performance.”

Key points about Good Stress: 

  •  Good stress, “eustress,” from the Latin prefix “eu-” meaning “good” or “beneficial.”
  • It is proven that these short periods of stress may help improve brain function and learning as they trigger the “fight or flight” response ingrained in all humans that allows us to learn, grow and achieve more quickly
  • This type of stress isn’t associated with the type of damage that long-term periods of negative stress can do
  • “Good” stress tends to occur in short-term bursts of motivation that challenge one to achieve more expansive goals
  • Unable to control the outcome of negative situations? This is when good stress can help one accomplish their goals, whether  facing a tight deadline at work, getting ready for a test or preparing for a speech.
  • Even if one’s stressors are things to be excited about, they may still experience temporary periods of acute stress that help propel them forward and enable them to overcome obstacles.


 How Do You Know When Stress is “Good” or “Bad”?


  • Bad Stress is a chronic state
  • Short-term stressors provoke the mind and body to positive action whilst Chronic Stress or Bad Stress is so damaging is that, when you trigger the “fight or flight” mode mentioned above – your body undergoes a host of physiological changes
  • Physiological changes occur to your:
  • Immune system
  • Reproductive system
  • Excretory and digestive systems  – all of which are **designed to help you respond to short-term stress

As a Naturopath Susannah sees the active consequences of stress a lot in practice because Naturopathic medicine is a distinct health care profession. We emphasise prevention, management and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and naturally occurring substances that encourage our unique inherent self-healing process.  The naturopathic ethos underpins osteopathy thus. The practice of naturopathic medicine includes modern and traditional, scientific and empirical methods.

At Susannah Makram Clinics we can carry out the Adrenal Stress Test  to correctly identify between the “good” stress and the “bad” stress. Your Functional nutrition is as unique as your DNA. What does that mean exactly?

Lifestyle Nutrition

Whether stress benefits us depends HUGELY on our nutrition and our environment. We can’t always change the latter but we can certainly change the former.

The easier we make this transition for you the more likely you are to follow it and achieve your goals for healthy:

(i) weight loss (ii) skin and hair (iii) body that performs optimally

We can use functional testingz to identify trends in health. So we can optimise health and deliver care pathways. We offer our clients choices, involving you in every step of their health journey.

Find out if you have stress benefits. Or could you be suffering from a chronic stress related illness?  Take our stress questionnaire  here

Why I do Surgical Observation

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Learning For Health

Surgical observation is good practice for physical therapy practitioners – the osteopath, chiropractor, physiotherapist –  working in an integrative way as a team is the difference between a chiropractor and an osteopath? What is the difference between an osteopath and a physio?


Why I do surgical observation boils down to 4 simple things that distinguish the way I work from other physical therapists.

  1. Anatomy Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective
  2. Tissue Health is dynamic Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective
  3. Gut Health is dynamic Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective
  4. Functional Medicine Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective

– Anatomy – Structure Governs Function – Osteopathic Principle in practice

Guess what? The human body is not a textbook. Guess what else? A live human body with live tissue structures is unique.

Functional healthcare

Personalised Nutrition

Personalised Nutrition

Functional Medicine incorporates the latest in genetic science, systems biology, and understanding of how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of disease.  At Susannah Makram Clinics we use this model in our Naturopathic approach to nutrition as prescription

Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership.

Susannah Makram believes in knowing the right treatment that is best for the patient at every step. This begins by booking a consultation with Susannah to find out the factor or factors influencing your complaint.

Doctor comes from the Latin Docere which means to teach and this is applied throughout Susannah’s time with patients during the ongoing treatment or treatment. Consistent reassessment in order to confirm or reject a diagnosis and offer a prognosis based on the decision made by the patient to progress with treatment requires clear and effective communication between the patient and Susannah.

– Tissue Repair & Gut Health – Health is more than the absence of disease

An MRI scan or CT scan or an x-ray do not expose the integrity of tissues inside and outside of joint capsules to the degree that an endoscopic surgical procedure can.

At Susannah Makram Clinics we carry out consultations and a physical exam and any special testing to include:

Orthopaedic testing. Cranial and peripheral nerve function assessment. Blood pressure, pulse, and further special testing related to gut health. We carry out saliva or buccal swab testing if this is the accurate and convenient way to capture data by testing.

Capturing genetic material for use in healthy weight loss for stubborn fat or weight gain using The Obesity Gene Map  Blood work is sent for when necessary to produce accurate results. These are sent back to Susannah and used to help personalise your treatment for your complete care. Skin prick testing for food allergies, testing for hormonal imbalances and food intolerance test may also be recommended for this purpose.

Functional Health

Functional Health


Naturopaths use a holistic approach and recognise that health is more than the absence of disease. Naturopathic nutrition is a type of nutritional therapy that relies on the background of your practitioner.  Osteopaths are highly competent healthcare professionals, recognised by the NHS as fully qualified to diagnose and treat independently.

Functional care address the WHY. WHY are you unwell? this is what needs to treated in order that you are able to take ownership of your health.  Otherwise, what tends to happen unfortunately, is that a lot of effort is made but results are the same.

Good gut health relies on an environment that is conducive to nutrient absorption. pH levels must be optimal and structural obstructions or lesions in the lining of the gut must be pinpointed and their cause revealed in order that the Susannah Makram Naturopathic Nutritional Portfolio for you is safe, clinical, practical and effective. In the Four Phases.

Sperm DNA testing UK

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Sperm DNA

Testing Sperm DNA damage  can help couples optimise diet and lifestyle for fertility. DNA fragmentation testing, The Tunel assay and sperm chromatin dispersion Halo test will be compared. Read on. At Susannah Makram Clinics we offer the best type of sperm DNA fragmentation testing  – a type of male fertility testing. At consultation we address the pros and cons of test so you can decide. Ask us how. 0207 060 3181

Couples – who benefits from a sperm DNA test?

Sperm DNA testing UK consultation . We provide essential information regrading lifestyle and our environment based on your health and fertility story so far. We outline what use of the test means for you and your partner. We can suggest which clinics guide couples to their bespoke treatment, for their particular needs. These include couples with:

  • Unexplained infertility
  • Men with normal semen by semen analysis (normal sperm count and sperm motility) prior to IVF
  • Couples who have had unsuccessful IVF 
  • Couple with no success using ICSI
  • Couples who have had miscarriages

Sperm DNA damage – Which Test?

The Comet assay – The SpermComet Test – Lewis Fertility testing at Susannah Makram Clinics

Extensive clinical trials and statistics that prove this test is the best indicator for, not only choosing the right treatment, but also to test when Sperm DNA Damage reversal IN THE FOUR PHASES is successful thus.


Sperm DNA testing Uk

All testing in and outside of the UK to measure sperm DNA damage are different. The Spermcomet test is described by Prof Lewis and was featured in Daily Mail recently. The current range of sperm DNA tests measure different aspects of DNA damage. The tests all have different sensitivities. The tests also provide information that may or may not provide couples with treatment advice.

The four tests most often used today are: 1) the Comet assay, 2) SCSA, 3) the terminal transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay, and the 4) Sperm Chromatin Dispersion (SCD or Halo) test.

We want only the best for couple visiting our clinic for consultation. If we recommend the test we use data collected to actively reverse sperm DNA damage. this care pathway is unique for every couple at Susannah Makram Clinics. 


The Comet assay – The SpermComet Test

The comet assay is a second generation sperm DNA test. Unlike the other three tests, it quantifies the actual amount of DNA damage per sperm. Super DNSA testing UK – result guide can de found here.

One major advantage of this assay is that it uses only 5000 sperm. Therefore, it is suitable for the assessment of small samples left over from clinical use, or for samples where only a few sperm are available.

The Comet assay can measure both single and double strand breaks. With an additional step, the SpermComet can measure even altered bases.

This is useful because we do not yet know which types of DNA damage are most deleterious to male fertility.       [tweetthis]We do not yet know which types of #DNA damage are most deleterious to #malefertility. [/tweetthis]

The Comet is sensitive, repeatable and capable of detecting damage in every sperm. This is high sensitivity is evident of fertile donors. Since 2010, clinical thresholds for the diagnosis of male infertility and the prediction of successful IVF have been established.

At Susannah Makram Clinics we use The Comet Assay in our laboratory testing


The Sperm chromatin structure assay

The SCSA is a fluorescence cell sorter test which measures the susceptibility of sperm DNA to denaturation after exposure to heat or acid conditions.

The clinical threshold for this test is a DNA fragmentation index (DFI) of 30%- that means 30% of the sperm have damage (with quantification into moderate or high damage) and 70% have no detectable damage.

Couples with >30% damage are more likely to have success with ICSI than IVF

The TUNEL assay

The TUNEL assay detects ‘nicks’ (free ends of DNA) by incorporating fluorescent stained nucleotides. This allows the detection of single and double stranded damage.

The TUNEL has major potential but robust clinical thresholds have yet to be established.

The sperm chromatin dispersion (Halo) test

The Halo test is a ‘cheap and convenient’ kit form of sperm DNA testing. It is a simple and inexpensive assay, available in fertility labs for in house use.

Unlike all the other tests, the HALO measures the absence of damage, rather than the damaged DNA in sperm.

One limitation of the assay is that its low-density nucleoids are relatively faint, with less contrasting images.

To date, correlations have been observed between DNA and other sperm parameters. Few correlations between sperm DNA damage and ART outcomes have been established with the Halo test, even in large studies.

Sperm DNA Fragmentation Testing

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When IVF Fails
MORE THAN 60,000 IVF CYCLES take place in Britain each year. Just 24% of these treatments lead to live births. At Susannah Makram Clinics we’re here to use information highlighted below. This helps map out a care pathway centred around optimising your health.    [tweetthis]There are >60,000 #IVF cycles in Britain p.a. Only 24% of these lead to live #births[/tweetthis]

When IVF Fails

IVF Implantation Failure. Why does in vitro fertilisation sometimes fail?

When IVF fails it’s a frustrating situation for couples and their fertility doctors. Sperm DNA Fragmentation Testing results can help be a guide for couples.

Why do we do sperm DNA fragmentation testing at Susannah Makram Clinics London?
Email from client: “We have followed your instructions and the Aneuploidy test went down from 60% to 14% which is a very good result. I feel fine and have lost weight…” — Mr. R (Dubai)

Before booking your appointment with Nutrition Expert Susannah for referral we’ll help assess the need for Sperm Fragmentation Testing. This way you know what to expect when you book your appointment with Susannah. Will this data be helpful in your case, on your fertility journey? The extent of this is covered in your initial consultation when a full history taken.
We use this test at Susannah Makram Clinics London – with use of previous reports and investigations and your medical case history. When it comes to helping you make nutrition and lifestyle changes we answer: How will these benefit you and your partner?
The SpermComet Test for Sperm DNA Fragmentation Testing helps couples decide whether IVF is best first or again. Sperm DNA fragmentation reports guide couples to help them map out their fertility treatment route. At Susannah Makram Clinics we’re here to use this information to map out a care pathway centred around optimising your health.
There is an equation we can use to illustrate the implantation process:

  • Embryo quality + receptivity of uterine lining = chance for implantation and pregnancy
  • We know that many human embryos will arrest (die) before day 5
  • Unfortunately, embryonic arrest also occurs after day 5
  • Some of the embryos that are transferred that ” look good” will die after they are placed in the uterus
  • This is the explanation for IVF failure in the large majority of cases
  • It is usually a weakness in the embryo that leads to failed implantation
  • On the average, only about 25% of transferred embryos continue to develop and become kids
  • This percentage of implanting embryos is greatly dependent on female age – see below
    • About 45% implant under age 35
    • About 15% implant at age 40-42

When IVF fails, couples often ask why the embryos did not stick. When IVF fails we ask why the uterus isn’t accepting the embryos. Rarely is the answer straightforward, unfortunately.

At Susannah Makram Clinics we feel passionately about this. We care greatly that information is provided to patients at all times. Especially in this difficult time, so time is not wasted and that right treatment is offered. We care to avoid heartache.

Unexplained infertility

Unexplained infertility is a frustrating conclusion for couples. It’s a very unsatisfactory diagnosis for couples and clinic alike. In our latest study we have shown that 80% of couples diagnosed with idiopathic infertility have sperm DNA damage (>25% damage per sperm).

This suggests that sperm DNA damage is the cause of infertility in a substantial number of men if we compare these levels of damage we reported in sperm of donor men with proven fertility

When IVF Fails

When IVF Fails

Sperm DNA Fragmentation Testing


The percentage of implanting embryos is greatly dependent on female age. Typically female age is the main factor responsible for unexplained infertility. This is especially the case after repeated failure of  IVF cycles. Find out more about this in detail here.

Which couples benefit from a sperm DNA test?

Sperm DNA testing will provide essential information on which clinics can guide couples to bespoke treatment for their particular needs. These include couples with:

  • Unexplained infertility
  • Men with normal semen by semen analysis prior to embarking on IVF
  • Couples who have had unsuccessful IVF
  • Couples who have had miscarriages

Sperm DNA Fragmentation Testing

We are testing Sperm DNA damage so we may guide couples with low damage to intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF). We are pro patient choice.

Sperm DNA Fragmentation Testing

Sperm DNA Fragmentation Testing


Guiding couples with high DNA damage to ICSI and only couples who would not benefit from testing are advisable but ultimately it is the couples’ choice. With oligo-astheno-terato-zoospermia there is no treatment other than ICSI for couples. It helps to understand what this means. That is why we take the time to explain all options available to couples following any fertility results.

At Susannah Makram Clinics we use the SpermComet Test for Sperm DNA fragmentation testing. Find out why here

6 Reasons: Osteopathy, Nutrition and health

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Functional Osteopathy

Knightsbridge and Chelsea Osteopath Susannah helps optimise professional performance. HOW? Physical therapy techniques unique to osteopathyFunctional osteopathy treats the body as a whole.
How we move is our dynamic posture. Osteopathic techniques with a focus at Susannah Makram Clinics enhance two things: form and function.  We do this to capitalise on our body’s unique inherent strength.
We do this to optimise health. PRO-TIP: Don’t ignore warning signs.

SAFE. CLINICAL. PRACTICAL. EFFECTIVE. Does it always include functional nutrition? 

In London our modern lifestyle means chronic back pain and chronic health concerns recur. —->>>  Why?

Is it stress? What makes us tired all the time? Get stubborn belly fat, skin conditions and poor hair health?
Can  functional nutrition boost performance by a notch after osteopathy?


When’s the best time to have osteopathy?

“Health is more than the absence of disease. Health is about jobs and employment, education, the environment, and all of those things that go into making us healthy.”

Posture and Health

What does being healthy mean to you? Total body wellness or simply feeling balanced? Form and function. The best way to visualise these two things is via our posture. Our posture and health are interconnected.

Are you fatigued at work? Bloated or experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms of stress and anxiety? Chest pains? Feel like you cannot breath properly, you have aches in your joints? Poor posture can lead to an impairment to blood flow through the chest. This strains the blood vessels below the chest to produce a weakness in blood flow to the brain and cause fatigue (Orthostatic intolerance).

Nutrition and health

An internal chemical and hormonal imbalance sets us up for illness. One example can be seen in this study linking Low Immune Function and Intestinal Bacterial Imbalance to the Etiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis. There’s a case for diet and lifestyle alone to be a potential cause of non specific chronic lower back pain. Osteopaths look to treat the cause of pain or disease. Our training includes studying the pathophysiology of disease. Inflammation must exist for a reason. Pain, therefore, must exist for a reason. Put simply, poor posture from lower back pain or an injury we are accommodating for leads to our disrupted patterns of healthy:

(i) breathing (ii) digestion (iii) sleep (iv) responses to nutrition  (v) respones to stress

osteopathy, nutrition

osteopathy, nutrition

Osteopaths are highly competent healthcare professionals, recognised by the NHS. Osteopathy is a way of detecting, treating and preventing health problems. Osteopathy, nutrition and lifestyle change support is health optimisation. How are you feeling?

Osteopathy, Nutrition

The Missing Link In Functional Care. A clinical background in Osteopathy Matters. 6 Reasons – Osteopathy, Nutrition.

  1. Osteopathy seeks to find dysfunction. All the while we’re examining and treating the body as a whole.
  2. Using our understanding of disease pathophysiology and pain pathways are the greatest diagnostic tools of the osteopath.
  3. Correctly identify the cause or causes linked to why you are seeking nutritional therapy to begin with are the only way to deliver the correct therapy or therapy as treatment.
  4. “You can have inflammation without pain, but there is no pain without inflammation”. One cause of pain is metabolic. A type or stage of inflammation indicates a homeostatic imbalance. Both osteopathy and naturopathy adhere to the principle of helping to create the right environment. This is for optimal homeostatis (balance). It means the body will heal itself, as it does in nature. We help this bodily process to happen to the best of its ability.
  5. Clinically, common tests to diagnose inflammation are erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), white blood cell count, albumin levels (and other biomarkers). These tests are nonspecific. So, an abnormal result might be from a condition unrelated to inflammation. With osteopathy, nutrition and lifestyle as a means of optimising health, it’s important to know about this. Recognising signs and symptoms of acute, sub-acute and chronic inflammatory process, for example. Also, being able to interpret laboratory reports thus, is unique and invaluable for healthy weight loss results, unexplained fatigue etc.
  6. Our hormones have a complicated relationship with our Central Nervous System as well as our Cardiovascular Systems.

Functional testing in osteopathy, nutrition

Conventional medical testing will usually produce a result only when you’ve developed a disease. Often you may feel ill long before there is a “measurable pathology” – you know something is wrong but your tests keep coming back clear. Sound familiar? 

Should I Have My Child Vaccinated?

Are Vaccinations Safe?

The 2014-2015 flu vaccine or flu jab offers protection from currently circulating H1N1 and H3N2 flu strains. As well it offers protection from two strains of influenza B.

Should I have my child vaccinated?

Childhood vaccines protect children from a variety of serious or potentially fatal diseases. These include diphtheria, measles, meningitis, polio, tetanus and whooping cough. Still, you may wonder about the benefits and risks of childhood vaccines – and rightly so.

Vaccines and Immunisations – 10 Facts

  1. To answer the question – should I have my child vaccinated? – we need to fully understand that vaccination prevents deaths every year in all age groups from diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), and measles. It is one of the most successful and cost-effective public health interventions.
  2. In 2010, an estimated 109 million children under the age of one were vaccinated with three doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP3) vaccine. These children are protected against infectious diseases that can have serious consequences like illness, disability or death.
  3. An estimated 19.3 million children under the age of of one did not receive DTP3 vaccine. Seventy percent of these children live in ten countries, and more than half of them live in WHO’s Africa and South-East Asia regions.
  4. Over 1 million infants and young children die every year from pneumococcal disease and rotavirus diarrhoea. A large number of these deaths can be prevented through vaccination. Public-private partnerships facilitate the development and introduction of vaccines & the supply of vaccines has been significantly expanded.
  5. Global measles has declined by 74% thanks to intensified vaccination campaigns. Polio cases have decreased by over 99% & annual deaths by neonatal tetanus have fallen

    Are childhood vaccinations safe?

    Are childhood vaccinations safe?

    Susannah is interested in this topic because when you come to see her in clinic you are unwell or sick. There is a medical history or story to this illness – starting from birth. This story is told by your body’s defence mechanisms or immunity. The way your body identifies and then responds to pathogens changes your treatment from PHASE ONE – FOUR. Which of those pathogens also changes your treatment with Susannah.

    The Body Youth Code supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual. PHASE ONE: It is important to understand this following. The microbiome plays its role, ensuring your gut health is optimal. This is a foundation upon which the subsequent PHASES 2-4 are built.

    Chronic illness

    You will not feel better from chronic illness unless this (his)story is understood. Susannah’s treatment addresses the cause or causes of health concern. This might be chronic illness, weakness, tiredness, chronic pain. It may be your general inability to improve your health by losing weight. You may want to improve skin health and subsequent appearance. Similarly, creating optimal conditions for fertility, regaining your hair health.

    What is a vaccination and immunisation?

    Adaptive immune systems or non-speciifc immunity are natural unless or until they are provoked. This is by injecting a small amount of weak or dead infectious agent through our skin to trigger a immune response. You are unique and your body will react differently today as it did in the past but how your body will react to treatment today is product of many such factors, that we enquire about at consultation. You can subscribe to Susannah Makram TV to learn a bit more about this process.

  6. Immunisation not only protects children from vaccine-preventable diseases. It also serves as an opportunity to deliver other life-saving measures, such as vitamin A supplements to prevent malnutrition, insecticide-treated nets for protection against malaria and deworming medicine for intestinal worms.
  7. There Are Suspicions That vaccines Cause Autism

    Suspicions that vaccines cause autism exist even though the original study by Andrew Wakefield  that posed this hypothesis has been debunked in many subsequent studies. There are suspicions that the vaccines are poisonous and harmful, rather than protective. There’s also a lack of concern for the diseases the vaccines protect against. Despite much controversy on the topic, researchers have not found a connection between autism and childhood vaccines. In fact, the original study that ignited the debate years ago has been retracted. Although signs of autism may appear at about the same time children receive certain vaccines — such as the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine — this is simply a coincidence.

  8. To fully understand the studies on the reproduction of the wild chicken pox virus compared to the vaccine virus in the body, or the data on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, one would need expertise on microbiology, immunology and statistics.
  9. The vaccination debate isn’t even as simple as to vaccinate or not. Among those who decide to vaccinate their children there are conversations about the recommended vaccine schedule, and if it is too taxing for a child’s young body.
  10. So you are still likely asking the question: should I Have My Child Vaccinated? After all, if vaccines truly worked, then why would the parents of vaccinated children be concerned of risk by exposure to un-vaccinated children? The World Health Organisation  (WHO) underscored this fact in their report titled, Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals. They wrote that, “Children under two years of age do not consistently develop immunity following vaccination.” Therefore, vaccines can fly “below the radar” of our immune system.

Summary. Should I have my child vaccinated?

Depending on your child’s age and health, you might be able to choose between a flu jab and the nasal spray vaccine:

  • Nasal spray The nasal spray flu vaccine can be given to children 2 years and older. It’s recommended for healthy children ages 2 through 8 years. If the nasal spray is not immediately available, the flu shot should be used. Side effects of the nasal spray might include runny nose, cough, fever, wheezing, headache and muscle aches.
  • Flu jab Flu jabs can be given to children 6 months and older. Side effects might include soreness, redness or swelling where the shot was given, low-grade fever, or muscle aches.

It is also important to consider how many doses of flu vaccine your child needs:

  • 2 doses. If your child has not had the flu vaccine before and he or she is younger than 9, plan for two doses. these 2 doses are given at least four weeks apart. Begin the process as early as possible. If your child is exposed to the flu before the second dose or isn’t able to get the second dose, he or she is more likely to get the flu.
  • 1 dose. If your child has had the flu vaccine before — or your child gets the flu vaccine for the first time at 9 or older — one dose is enough. Timing is still important, though. It takes up to two weeks after vaccination for a child to be fully protected from the flu.

Vaccinations – Protection For Children And The Elderly

Does the flu jab or flu shot or flu or influenza vaccine really protect my child, or even the elderly i.e. vulnerable populations? If you are a parent you are asking again: should I have my child vaccinated? This review is saying there is not enough evidence either way to say anything about the efficacy of vaccines in this vulnerable population. This study seems to suggest that the influenza vaccine is not an evidence-based recommendation but rather a recommendation based on a belief system.

Firstly, if you have made the decision to vaccinate (influenza vaccine specific) your child you should note the following and query your paediatrician or family doctor if:

  • Your child is not feeling well.
  • Your child recently had other vaccines.
  • Your child has any medical conditions. The doctor will likely recommend a flu shot rather than the nasal spray vaccine if your child is younger than 5 and has asthma or a history of wheezing. Similarly, the nasal spray flu vaccine isn’t recommended for children on long-term aspirin treatment or those who have nerve disorders, a weak immune system or certain other medical conditions.
  • Your child is allergic to eggs. The flu vaccine contains tiny amounts of egg protein. If your child has an egg allergy or sensitivity, he or she will likely be able to receive a flu vaccine. However, you might need to take special precautions. This means waiting in the doctor’s office for at least 30 minutes after vaccination in case of a reaction.
  • Your child had a severe reaction to a previous flu vaccine.The flu vaccine is not recommended for anyone who had a severe reaction to a previous flu vaccine. Check with your child’s doctor first, though. Some reactions might not be related to the vaccine.

You should be registered with a GP if you are a resident in the UK. They can offer this vaccination or immunisation service. Yearly flu vaccines are also recommended for adults — especially those who have close contact with young children.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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