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Archive for September, 2015

Best hydrating drink

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Best hydrating drink

Resident Nutrition expert Susannah caught up with Women’s Health Mag to talk hydration. FAQ: How many litres of water should I drink a day? The model answer considers our daily physical activity and our health status. How much water we need is different depending, therefore, on our lifestyle. Our Mayfair and Knightsbridge, London lifestyle is on-the-go. Find your tailored Eat DRINK Take Make plan according to YOUR lifestyle.

Best hydrating drink

Best hydrating drink

The climate we live in also alters our recommended daily amount fluid intake. Water is our body’s principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of our body weight. If you want to know when you should be drinking water to guarantee healthy weight loss ask us.

best hydrating drink

best hydrating drink

Mineral water anyone? What makes the best hydrating drink? Let’s face it, sometimes, water gets boring. How much water should we drink each day away way? Especially when we’re working up a sweat, we need to replenish our lost water. Chugging litres of the stuff can become a chore. So, let’s pep up our water bottle!

Best sports drink

Sports drinks are increasingly regarded as an essential adjunct for anyone doing exercise, but the evidence for this view is lacking. Of course the best hydrating drink will always differ from individual to individual, depending on our body’s needs and what our health status is like at any given time. Even the guidelines for how much water we should be drinking vary.

Water is our body’s principal chemical component. Water makes up about 60-70% of our body weight. Every system in our body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells. It also provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.

Lack of water can lead to dehydration. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired.

What would you do if you got your energy back?

Drink more water

Water is your body’s principal chemical component and makes up about 60-70% of your body weight. One part of our body that relies on adequate water intake is the kidneys. The kidneys are organs that might not get as much attention as our heart or lungs. However, our kidneys are responsible for many functions that help keep the body as healthy as possible.

How much water should we drink each day?

According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), an adequate intake for men is approximately 13 cups (3 liters) a day. For women, an adequate intake is around 9 cups (2.2 liters).

Hop over to Women’s Health Mag to read Susannah’s water pep up recommendation here.

Candida Albicans

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Anti fungal cream

Candida or fungal overgrowth on the rise? Anti fungal cream for Athletes’ foot, muscle aches, fatigue, bloating thrush? Fundal overgrowth affects the body. Here’s how, why and here’s what you can do without the candida diet.

What’s the real story?

Symptoms of candidiasis vary depending on the area of the body that is infected. London Naturopath Susannah follows client’s health story. For simple solutions we need to retrace steps. Find patterns in our health.

Why does this matter?

Then we can optimise what is helping us and eliminate what is hindering us. Until we can start from scratch and start eating wider ranges of foods. All the while, nourishing our bodies properly is key. Sound difficult? It’s not, with the right guidance.

We’ve finally made it. We’re at our doctor’s. Hands up. Who’s gone away with a prescription for an anti fungal cream for any of the above?
complementary health specialist may well say that we’re suffering from an overgrowth of candida or candida albicans. This can only be beaten In The Four Phases.

Candida albicans

Candida albicans is a topic of high debate between complementary therapists and the medical community. Mainly, because diagnosing the presence of candida albicans was inaccurate. Almost everyone has some yeast living in their digestive tract. Not so much now, in the right care, using the right clinical and functional approach.

Diagnosis by symptoms can be accurate. However, it’s just not enough data to functionally treat candida overgrowth. If an anti-candida programme makes symptoms vanish or improve, this can confirm the diagnosis of yeast overgrowth. Many a naturopath relies on this elimination diagnosis to treat fungal overgrowth.

Candida overgrowth symptoms

If we’ve got digestive issues like chronic diarrhoea or IBS or constipation, candidiasis may play a role.    [tweetthis]Digestive issues? Chronic #diarrhoea #IBS #constipation – #candidiasis may play a role[/tweetthis]

It’s the same with acid reflux or a sluggish metabolism. Similarly, when we’re not losing weight or not burning fat efficiently. Being tired all the time, harbouring that gut too. How common are all of these though, in modern times? We can see how easy it is to include or exclude reasons that might the key to improving these symptoms by eating differently IN THE FOUR PHASES.

Candida albicans or fungal overgrowth is diet and lifestyle acquired. Therefore, the functional approach to treating candida overgrowth requires changes to diet and lifestyle.

candida albicans

candida albicans

Functional analysis

Making complex carbohydrates even more difficult to break down is mentioned as part of the functional approach. This is the theory with Gut and Psychology Syndrome GAPS and Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD). The organic acids test is a really good place to start.

The idea is if you have a fungal overgrowth, you should avoid disaccharides and polysaccharides. That’s because they’re difficult to break down and they may potentially feed these overgrowths or infections.

The idea is to resume microbial balance. That’s really the focus of any kind of treatment for fungal overgrowth.

How to balance hormones

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How to balance hormones

Here’s how to balance hormones. Female sex hormone levels drop up to 90% during the ageing process. How to balance hormones as we age starts with recognising symptoms of hormone imbalance. We go through this here too. When we’re not feeling our normal self we use functional tests to make sure we have the right hormone reset diet as well as any supporting treatment options available.

How to use the pill

The pill is used by 3.5 mil in the UK currently – roughly one in three women of reproductive age. So are we using The Pill for birth control now more than ever? This figure is over 10 mil women in the US.
The oral contraceptive is particularly popular in the 18 to 30 age group. Usage of the Pill declines sharply after the age of 35.

Are women destined to suffer? Suffering from mood wings, muscle loss, poor sleep, memory difficulties, sexual problems? PMS, menopausal symptoms and other problems are all signs of female hormone imbalance.

This is manageable. Not the result of mutant genes destroying our sexual vitality as we age. At Susannah Makram Clinics we focus on what’s creating these imbalances – and mange the underlying problem In The Four Phases. 

Modern medicine

The Pill

With gum disease existing in nearly half of this population, research investigating the relationship between the pill and gum disease provides us with a timely warning.
We need to consider the impact that oral contraception may have – not only on our dental health – but in terms of overall female hormone imbalance.

Side Effects of Birth control

Side Effects of Birth control

How to balance hormones

Birth Control Pills

Do birth control pills invariably lead to a female hormone imbalance? Let’s start at the start!
Research into the birth control pill’s effect on the mouth shows altered levels of salivary proteins and immune function.
This immunity acts as the mouth’s protection mechanisms against disease.
So when this immunity is lowered it can allow bad bacteria, housed in plaque on the surface of teeth and gums, to increase inflammation of the gingival tissues.
This is especially the case when bad bacteria are not removed properly by brushing and flossing. Hormonal changes that occur whilst taking the birth control pill also alter the blood supply to the gum tissues. This results in an increased inflammatory response to the presence of dental plaque.

Because gum disease doesn’t stop at your mouth, having regular dental health checks are advisable. Gum disease has known links to wider health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, that are well established.

—> Keep reading for the basics of Female Hormone Imbalance. SUBSCRIBE to our video mini series on How to Balance Hormones naturally.

Research has shown that taking the birth control pill or combined oral contraceptives for 12 months or more can increase your susceptibility to gum disease. However, this depends on the condition being present in the first place. So if you’re looking after your dental hygiene well, you most likely won’t be affected by the increased risk that the pill may introduce.

Take home advice. Have a complete dental check-up and notify your dentist that you’re considering commencing the pill. Consult with your GP on the risks and side effects of different contraception pills. If you’re diagnosed with gingivitis or gum disease, you may want to post-pone commencing the pill until your disease levels are under control. Maintain diligent oral hygiene in order to keep your gum health in top shape, with regular 6-month dental check ups.

Female hormone imbalance

Hormone imbalance –our body’s internal rhythmic responses to external stressors. When we talk about female hormone imbalance we are referring to sex hormones. These have the general role in the body of growth and reproduction. In particular, the female sex hormones oestrogen and progestin are known to influence physiological outcomes like libido, fatigue, hair loss, mood levels and brittle bones. Due to this influence on the body’s processes, it’s well known that possible side effects and risks of taking the birth control pill, which alters these hormones, can include chronic diseases. An in-depth look at side effects of the pill is here.  Hormone imbalance symptoms can stem from such chronic diseases as heart disease, osteoporosis and certain types of cancer.

Female hormone imbalance

How to balance hormones

Why do female sex hormone levels drop up to 90% during the ageing process?

Hormone imbalance symptoms

Functional nutrition is powerful through its holistic approach. Personalised nutrition aims to achieve the highest expression of individual health, so while this is a list of symptoms, we should only look at the surface. We might ask yourself if the following plague us and if we want to do something about it.

We may have a mild or moderate or severe female hormone imbalance. So, this is only a guide. For example, the more of these health concerns or issues you are experiencing, the more you might be looking at a female home imbalance that is treatable using the right personalised nutrition.

PMS symtoms

Premenstrual syndrome. Premenstrual food cravings (especially sugar or salt). Premenstrual migraines. Monthly weight fluctuation. Oedema, swelling, puffiness, or water retention, bloated, headaches, mood swings. Tender, enlarged breasts.
Feel depressed or unable to cope with ordinary demands.
Timely backache, back pain joint or muscle pain.
Irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, or light bleeding.
Experiencing infertility.
I use birth-control pills or other hormones.
Breast cysts or lumps or fibrocystic breasts. A family history of breast, ovarian, or uterine cancer.
Uterine fibroids.
Anxiety, night sweats, hot flashes or insomnia. Heart palpitations.
Lowered sex drive.
I have dry skin, hair, and/ or vagina.
Noticing changes in memory or concentration.
Bloating or belly fat weight gain. Facial hair.

Symptoms peri menopause

Symptoms peri menopause. Hot flashes, mood swings, headaches, irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, fluid retention, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness, brain fog, muscle and joint pain, low sex drive, weight gain.

Sleep and Skin

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Sleeping Beauty

BBeauty Arabia is the go-to for on trend beauty tips. Secrets to beauty that last long after the makeup has come off – check it out! Susannah sat down with the team to spill natural skincare secrets. Does our skin suffer when we lose snooze time? What’s happening to our skin when we sleep? Does the real life, modern sleeping beauty exist?

sleep and skin

sleep and skin

Clear skin overnight

Acne and blemishes can trouble us at various stages in our lives. I know, it really isn’t fair, is it? We know about all kinds of skin problems, like acne, with triggers that need care and attention. Have we ever considered the importance of sleep in this equation though? Does it really make a difference? Find out here.


sleep and skin

sleep and skin

Sleep and skin

What’s happening to our skin overnight might shock you. Sleep and wrinkles are a pertinent topic of discussion for skin experts. We want options. We want to know what really makes a difference when it comes to antiaging skin care. Susannah summaries the shocking effects of sleep deprivation on skin here.

Luxury Skin care

Head over to Beauty Arabia and get the facts on overnight skin care. Luxury skin care often include overnight serums and overnight creams, moisturisers, skin caviar etc.

AlumierMD was created by a team of experienced PhD biochemists, physicians and skin care specialists.

They developed scientific formulations using innovative ingredients at optimal levels within advanced delivery systems.

Find out more. 

What if, all along, it was that you got pice of mind from these products? What if, all along it was that extra hour of good old fashioned zeds that left you waking up more beautiful and with younger looking skin?

Nutrition for skin

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Nutrition for skin

Healthy glowing skin is what we all want. It makes us comfortable no matter what. It gives us that confidence every time we step out. We ooze sex appeal. We all know that one person whose skin glows with no filters.

If we don’t feel comfortable in our own skin, we end up spending too much of our precious time hiding or concealing our skin issues.

  1. If you want to heal your skin, first and foremost, you have to heal your gut.
  2. Hormonal balance – The Body Youth Code talks about this balancing act.
  3. Genetics are primer essential to use in the building blocks of healthy skin foundation.
  4. Advanced Glycation End Products and oxidative stress are easy to zap after 1,2,3.

Nutrition for skin or personalised nutrition for healthy skin is all about the tweaks here and there that make your diet unique. There are several mechanisms that enable The Body Youth Code to turn on your body’s amazing ability to break down and assimilate nutrients. When Susannah carefully selects these for you in a way that doesn’t overcomplicate your lifestyle, you feel empowered. This is when our nutrition for skin can actually reverse signs of ageing or target specific conditions such as acne, psoriasis eczema etc.

Our skin is a dynamic, continuously self renewing organ. Our skin is the largest organ of the human body & so it must be taken care of at every stage of life.

Healthy skin diet

The skin microbiome consists of resident and transient microbes. Making sure that the skin barrier, normal resident flora and immune responses are intact keeps these microbes in check.


nutrition for skin

nutrition for skin

Epidemiological evidence shows a clear association between gut problems and skin disorders.
If you want to heal your skin, you have to heal your gut.
In order to heal your gut, you have to correctly identify the reason for any dysfunction.

After 25 years begins the natural biological process of ageing of an organism and this process begins with the skin.

Or skin gradually loses its elasticity due to the lack of collagen and elastin.

In other words, the quantity of collagen fibres, responsible for the elasticity of the skin decreases with time.
The remaining fibres we have become incapable of retaining as much moisture as before. Because of this our skin becomes drier and looks older. Our skin doesn’t regenerate properly, showing lowered immune functions.

Nutrition for your skin type

How often do we hear this at skincare counters or when we go for facial? Well, the same goes for nutrition for skin. Sure, there may be some hard and fast rules that everyone can take home but we believe, like you, in individual care.

Just like there’s bacteria on skin we also have bacteria in our gut that’s responsible for how our skin and body respond to food, stresses and our environment. The functional approach to healthy skin explains why we might have the best diet in the world but still have so-so skin.
Susannah wants to give your skin the best possible refreshed, revitalised glow. Non porous skin looks better under any lighting. When we create the right internal environment by nutrition for skin our skin responds readily in a way that protects.

Without addressing the underlying causes of your skin issues, even the healthiest diet leaves your skin defenceless and prone to all kinds of damage that is harder to repair with time. Who wants to wave a flag at negative influences of our environment when we should be enjoying our holiday in sunny climates? Our skin becomes more vulnerable over time. If we don’t take good care of it now it won’t carry out the function of a being a barrier to these negative influences, as it did in our younger age.

nutrition for skin

nutrition for skin

Wrinkles, low turgor and unhealthy discolourations of our skin signal we need to give our skin more care. We want to help you build the best foundation to the point that you are confident you know more about your body and more about your skin. You will be able to reasonably judge what signs of aging are part of a natural process and what signs aren’t.
Most of all we want to give you the power to have the right nutrition dos and don’ts that will actually make a difference you can see, a difference you can measure.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

Call  020 7060 3181