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Posts Tagged ‘cara delevingne psoriasis’

Scalp Psoriasis Treatment


Psoriasis in any form can leave you feeling stressed, frustrated and oftentimes ashamed. Covering up psoriasis can be a challenge. Psoriasis is not the only skin flaking scalp condition. Three of the most common scalp conditions tend to cause flaking. These are psoriasis, eczema and seborrheic dermatitis.
It’s difficult in the City where we tend to wear darker shades of suit in when most publicly exposed. I see scalp psoriasis in naturopathy clinic in Knightsbridge typically with CEOs travelling. In Mayfair and Harley Street naturopathy clinics I’m seeing more males in the City struggling to keep scalp psoriasis at bay.

Scalp Psoriasis in The City

Scalp Psoriasis in The City

Psoriasis is a non-contagious, auto-immune condition. It is characterised by skin redness and irritation. Plaque psoriasis is the most common presentation.
Scalp psoriasis treatment needs to be managed using a complete care system. This is because scalp psoriasis affects about 50% of psoriasis sufferers. The thick plaques can extend down from the hairline to the forehead.

Scalp Psoriasis Treatment

Scalp Psoriasis Treatment

Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis can be uncomfortable, if extremely itching. At Susannah Makram clinics we have found, more commonly, there to be a stigma and embarrassment surrounding flaking and skin scales. Changing hair styles regularly, to hide extreme dandruff, becomes a ways of life. Psoriasis tends to be a chronic problem, lasting many years, unless it is treated using a functional approach In The Four Phases.

Scalp Psoriasis Treatment

For employers:

Approximately 60% of psoriasis patients missed an average of 26 days of work a year due to their illness. This study demonstrated that income and employment were negatively impacted among patients with severe psoriasis. This was in comparison with mild psoriasis.

2-3% of the total population have psoriasis. This is according to the World Psoriasis Day consortium.       [tweetthis]2-3% Total population have psoriasis, according to the World Psoriasis Day consortium.[/tweetthis]

Studies show 10-30% of people with psoriasis also develop psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis is the most prevalent autoimmune disease in the U.S.

Do you think you might have it? Scalp psoriasis may not cause any symptoms at all so it’s easily missed. If it is itching, it is the most extreme. It often fluctuates in severity and extent.

The good news is psoriasis adapts to treatments quickly. There are a variety of internal and external paradoxical factors contributing to the clinical course of this disease. Like many skin conditions, therefore, it is not very well understood. So although psoriasis is commonly encountered, it is a challenge for conventional medicine alone.
A functional approach investigates this complex nature of the disease to find out WHAT is causing the symptoms – WHY do you have it NOW? What caused your psoriasis in the first place might not be what is causing the flare ups today.

Normally, T cells travel throughout the body to detect and fight off foreign substances. The foreign substances come from viruses or bacteria. If you have psoriasis, however, the T cells attack healthy skin cells by mistake. This is the same action happening to heal a wound or fight an infection. Autoimmune diseases generally respond well to an anti-inflammatory diet. Anti inflammatory diets work best once bad bacteria in the gut are killed off.

Read more about Scalp Psoriasis treatment and FAQs HERE.

How To Treat Psoriasis

Psoriasis Facts

Here’s how to treat psoriasis by treating its cause. Natural remedies can work if we start at the root of the problem, there’s no point chugging celery juice if you’ve got a leaky gut. Psoriasis affects 2% – 3% of the UK. Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition that causes thickening, redness, scaling.

Psoriasis Triggers

The causes of psoriasis remain unknown but it can run in families. It can be precipitated by illnesses. Psoriasis, therefore, is believed to be linked to problems with the immune system. Stress or even some medications may trigger psoriasis. When you have psoriasis, your body starts producing too many skin cells. Although there is no cure, per se, the condition can be well controlled using the Susannah Makram Clinics functional care approach.

Celebrities With Psoriasis

Cara Delevingne – model, Hollywood actress – revealed her psoriasis trigger – stress. Catwalk modelling made her ‘hate herself and her body’. Kim Kardashian suffers with psoriasis and dedicated time on Keeping up With The Kardashians to showcase her psoriasis symptoms and shame.

Psoriasis can affect the whole of the skin including the scalp and nails. Occasionally it can be associated with arthritis – characterised by remission and ‘flare ups’.

Many diseases that seem totally unrelated to the gut, such as eczema or psoriasis or arthritis, are actually caused by gut problems

So if you have to get you gut working properly, how do you get good gut health? Here’s how to treat psoriasis…

Gut Health and Psoriasis

1) EAT 2) DRINK – what food should I cut out for good gut health? gluten, dairy, yeast, corn, soy and eggs yeast, corn, soy and eggs? – e.g. irritants associated with food intolerance or (common) inflammatory triggers.

ASK the questions. Ask why before you do decide to go gluten free and dairy free. Understand why you are advised to avoid yeast, corn, soy and eggs. If asked to go sugar free, is this sugar or specifically high fructose corn syrup?
Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective management of food intolerance or suspected allergies is a process. PHASE 1 and PHASE 2 use elimination of the suspected food. If indicated this will confirm your diagnosis so your Naturopathic Portfolio treatment works for you.

How To Treat Psoriasis

3) TAKE 4) MAKE – functional laboratory testinggut health analysis. e.g. testing for SIBO To treat the right, if any, infections or overgrowth of bugs like parasites, small bowel bacteria, or yeasts. This is part of PHASE 1-2. You might not need any special tests at all.

psoriasis and nutrition

how to treat psoriasis 

E.g. Taking digestive enzymes with food or taking the right probiotics as recommended for you. Susannah takes care to consider the right dosage when treating psoriasis. How to treat psoriasis properly factors dosage into your 4 PHASE Portfolio due to timing and bioavailability. These are tailored to have the best possible effect on your overall health. Your Naturopathic Portfolio is an unique as your DNA. Our body systems are complex. Nutrition is an exact science. Your Portfolio is simple. EAT DRINK TAKE MAKE for you only. Taking extra omega 3 fat supplements may help cool inflammation in the gut.
Gut-healing nutrients such as glutamine and zinc may work for you but it depends on what exactly needs healing, requires attention.

There is no trial and error in the functional medicine method. You have to treat the cause to get the result. 

What does Psoriasis look like?

There are several clinical patterns of psoriasis:
Chronic Plaque– The commonest variant, it tends to occur on the extensor aspects of the elbows and knees and in the scalp. Skin changes include pink or red inflamed, thickened plaques with copious white scale (see image).
Sebopsoriasis – similar to scalp psoriasis but can occur on the face, chest, armpits and groin
Flexural – raw, red areas in the groin, armpits or under the breasts
Guttate – multiple small spots of psoriasis that erupt on the trunk following a sore throat or illness (see image).
Erythrodermic – extensive disease covering more than 90% of the body surface area.
Palmoplantar pustular – pus-filled inflamed spots and the palms and soles
Pustular – the most severe form of psoriasis, skin lesions are red, tender and filled with pus spots

Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis Treatment


Psoriasis Treatment

Conventional treatment of psoriasis can be divided into three basic strategies depending on severity, namely creams, phototherapy (ultraviolet/sunlight) or systemic medication (oral or injectable drugs). Creams include emollients, soap substitutes, vitamin D, tar, steroids. Phototherapy involves precise doses of ultraviolet light being delivered by a medical UV-machine. Systemic medications include tablets such as acitretin, methotrexate and ciclosporin or injectables such as etanercept, adalimumab or ustekinemab. These powerful drugs are reserved for severe or life-limiting psoriasis.

Chances are, we’ve come across some one who is suffering from psoriasis. They’re likely being treated using methods of conventional medicine. This means their psoriasis is being treated symptomatically. Have we ever wondered why they’re still suffering from psoriasis? By pioneering and pushing the boundaries of functional healthcare in UK at Susannah Makram Clinics we’re dedicated to achieving excellence in healthcare by managing chronic conditions, treating he cause of dysfunction. We’re documenting successful treatment outcomes daily.

When we want to heal our skin we need to heal our gut. When we have knowledge we have power. When we take ownership of our health, we see and feel changes in every aspect of our lives. In the four phases. 

SUBSCRIBE to Susannah Makram TV for our unique video mini series on naturopathic skincare In The Four Phases.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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