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Posts Tagged ‘diet for getting pregnant’

Male Infertility Treatment

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Male Infertility Treatment

The journey of the sperm to the egg is a long and hard one. Only the healthiest specimens will make it. And, of course, this journey has to occur at the right moment given that the egg is ready only once a month.

One in six couples has difficulty in having a family. In 40% of cases, the problems are related to the man.

Traditionally, the diagnosis of male infertility has relied on semen analysis. The SpermComet provides unique information that no other test offers.

Male Fertility

Did you know that the lifestyle of men as well as their age and different environmental factors play key roles in the conception process and male fertility in general?

 This is because the quality of a man’s sperm affects and the possibility of achieving pregnancy and the quality of sperm varies daily so timing is everything.

By measuring damaged DNA in individual sperm, the SpermComet Test can predict the success of infertility treatments and fast-track couples to the treatment most likely to succeed, leading to significantly reduced waiting times and improved chances of conception.

The head of the ‘Comet’ is undamaged DNA and the tail is damaged DNA. From the tail of the ‘Comet’ we can measure exactly the amount of damaged DNA in each individual sperm.

…………………………. and based on these results – a percentage of your sperm DNA damage – treatment can be administered at precisely the right time to maximise your chances of conception. Timing matters because:

  • On average, sperm take approximately 74 days to develop and another 20 additional days to be fertile.
  • In a cycle of 28 days, the woman usually ovulates 14 days after the start of menstruation. That is the most fertile day to have intercourse, and the most fertile week is that which goes from day 11 to 17. Although it is possible to conceive at any time if ovulation is irregular, the ideal scenario is to maintain sexual relations in this week.
  • The supplement we use at Susannah Makram Clinics is designed to be taken for a minimum period of three months. The initial results can  clinically observed from three months following the renewal of the sperm

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A combination therapy is available for men to take their lifestyle and habits into considered in a safe, private and clinical environment.


Naturopathic Consultation at a Susannah Makram clinics + Correct Male Fertility Testing 

= Time Saved and 100% clarity about treatment from this point onwards

Nutritional Supplement + The Naturopathic Portfolio = improved chances of conception. 

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

Call  020 7060 3181