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Posts Tagged ‘obesity gene’

DNA Test For Weight Loss – Results

Stubborn Belly fat

Why spend 5 hours in the gym? Imagine achieving your optimal MET (metabolic equivalent) taking the dog for a walk?!
Our laboratory DNA test analyses 4 genes that have been clinically proven to affect your response to diet and exercise.
Stubborn fat e.g. belly fat is a different kind of fat. The result of our DNA Diet may help you. Here’s how:

Is it safe?

YOU GAIN sensible advice so you won’t sacrifice important nutrients or indeed your own time by exercising unnecessarily.

Why are we storing fat around our middle, stubborn fat around our thighs, our hips or upper arms? Stubborn belly fat is a different kind of fat that leads to all kinds of health complications. Taking this DNA test doesn’t just highlight WHY diets have failed us in the past….

Belly fat is a more dangerous fat

Belly fat is a more dangerous fat


Feeling discomfort, low in energy, lacking confidence that comes with stubborn fat and being tired all the time?

DNA Test For Weight Loss

DNA Diet Test analyses for healthy weight loss at Susannah Makram Clinics gives clear:

(1) % values for optimal fats, carbs, proteins to consume daily for healthy weight loss.
(2) Suggestion for which proteins, carbs, fats you should consume daily for your healthy weight loss
(3) Clear instructions on how to achieve your optimal MET on a day by day, week by week basis

Our genes might hold the key to understanding why diets have failed in the past. We call the study of how this works epigenetics.

Why take the DNA Diet Test for Weight Loss at Susannah Makram Clinics

From your buccal swab sample we have used a process, called the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). This copies the DNA of your genes many times over. This means we can generate sufficient quantities to analyse your genetic material. This is not uncomfortable at all and is all over very quickly!

The DNA Diet test for weight loss lets us identify unique DNA sequences in some of your genes. You get these results within 7-10 working days in hard copy or email, however you prefer to receive them.

Identifying unique DNA sequences

Certain changes (polymorphisms) in these genes have been studied in detail. Evidence correlates these polymorphisms with your weight management and response to specific food. See these in your DNA Test For Weight Loss Results. (e.g. below)


DNA Test For Weight Loss

Taking the buccal swab sample

  • The term ‘Buccal swab’ refers to a DNA collection process involving cells taken from the cheek (from the inside mouth area).
  • Buccal Swabs are sterile. Therefore, it is essential to preserve a sterile test environment. They are produced for medical use. Unless you are allergic to cotton, they should not cause an irritation.
  • An advantage of a Buccal swab is that it allows you to take a DNA sample, in a non invasive way, that is accurate.
  • Buccal swabs should be taken when your mouth is empty. It is best if you swallow first, then swab the inside of your cheek for approximately 30 seconds. The feel is an impression as hard as if you were brushing your teeth.
  • Having a cold should not cause contamination or interferences to your Buccal Swab Sample of DNA testing

Your DNA Test For Weight Loss Results Explained

Not only will the test determine the percentage quantity of fat, protein and the amount of carbohydrate you should be eating but also the type of fat exactly and what type of carbohydrate exactly.



Four primary diet and lifestyle factors

i) exercise, ii) obesity risk, iii) sensitivity to carbohydrates and iv) sensitivity to saturated fats.

Your DNA Test For Weight Loss makes a complete assessment of weight management, both environmental factors (diet and lifestyle) and previous medical history need to be considered in conjunction with the accompanying genetic profile.

Only gene variants that have a beneficial, moderate or high impact on metabolic processes are analysed. These are described in detail in your report. Your report is delivered to you once the laboratory investigation on your buccal swab test has been processed. These gene variants will have impact or a mild impact to your personalised nutrition The required alteration or tweaking is made to your Naturopathic Portfolio

Gene Name for each Area of Activity is reported. The areas of activity of interest in the DNA Test for Weight Loss are:

DNA Weight Loss

DNA Weight Loss

Metabolism and Absorption    FABP2 Ala54Thr PPARG Pro12Ala     ADRB2 Arg16Gly     ADRB2 Gln27Glu   APOA5 T>C
Fat metabolism, obesity and satiety    APOA2 -265 T>C
Regulation of metabolism and feeding behaviour    MC4R T>C
Insulin sensitivity and regulation of energy intake  FTO T>A   TCF7L2 C>T
Exercise responsiveness     ADBR3 Trp64Arg
Circadian rhythms     CLOCK T>C
Fat storage      PLIN G>A
Inflammation     TNFA -308 G>A
Taste sensitivity    TAS1R2       SLC2A2 (encoding GLUT2)
Addictions and Overeating      DRD2

Genetic variations for each named gene are stated. Your Results and Gene Impact are in printed out for you in the list above.

Each gene tested has an impact score in your DNA Weight Loss Report


These results are only a guideline. You are as unique as your DNA.  Eat. Drink. Take. Make. Your Naturopathic Portfolio is Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective.

Weight Loss DNA Test

Gene Mapping

THE FAT GENE: Gene mapping for weight loss is a science. DNA fit for healthy weight loss uses data in our fat cells. These play a role in how food gets used. Since 2007, researchers have known that a gene called FTO was related to obesity. What they didn’t know, was how the fat gene was linked to obesity.. Do you have the fat gene? Keep reading…

So, researchers couldn’t tie the FTO gene or fat gene to appetite or other known factors. Now experiments reveal that a faulty version of the gene causes energy from food to be stored as fat rather than burned.

Why Does This Matter?

Imagine you have access to why your healthy weight loss goals are hindered. Sound too good? KEEP READING….
We’ve a far greater chance of success following our personalised care pathway. With a healthy weight loss goal we help you reach your target.

The faulty gene doesn’t explain all obesity. It was found in 44% of Europeans but only 5%of blacks. So, other genes are clearly at work. Food and exercise still matter.

Read a break down of genetics factors affecting weight loss here in this sample DNA Diet report.

Keep reading to see how your result at Susannah Makram Clinics is shown on your DNA Weight Loss Test Report. READ as No Impact, Low Impact, Medium Impact, High Impact.

What’s the Real Story?

Possessing this ‘glitch’ doesn’t determine whether we are obese but may predispose us to obesity. Those of us with two faulty copies of the gene (one from our mother and one from our father) weighed an average of 7lbs more than those without them.

Genetic Testing For Weight Loss – Weight Loss DNA Test

Genetic testing is said to predict our chances of getting sick with critical illness. Weight Loss DNA Test reports are for healthy weight loss. Functional testing provides an algorithm that regular blood work does not. It’s hard to know how effective these tests are when we haven’t seen many long-term studies on DNA testing by laboratories up and down the country.
This is why, when it comes to offering you a personalised care service, sometimes conventional medicine alone just doesn’t work.

  • The Weight Loss DNA Test for healthy weight loss. What is this? We elect to use gene mapping at Susannah Makram Clinics that has been designed to assist health practitioners in effectively managing our body weight. The results provide guidelines we can use in your Naturopathic Portfolio for Weight Loss. Diets, in general, do not always target specific body fat or belly fat loss. There are health reasons to avoid body fat accumulation in these areas. Your test results help us identify what we need to do to burn fat in these areas.
  • The Weight Loss DNA Test is based on genetic differences in nutrient metabolism and body fat regulation.
  • Genes involved in regulation of energy expenditure, appetite, and fat metabolism, all play an important role in weight regulation.
  • 40% to 80% of the variance in body weight is due to genetic factors. This helps to explain why not everyone becomes obese even though people may be exposed to similar environments.

    Weight Loss DNA Test

    obesity gene

    Weight Loss DNA Test

  • From your buccal swab sample taken in for laboratory testing at the clinical consultation rooms we collect DNA accurately. This sample is used in a process, called the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). This copies the DNA of your genes many times over so that we can generate sufficient quantities to analyse your genetic material. You can see this in action when you subscribe to Susannah Makram TV
  • Four diet and lifestyle variables are analysed for the role they play in your weight management. These are your:
    i) Obesity Risk
    Research has clearly shown that individuals respond differently to carbohydrate in the diet. For some, reducing carbohydrate intake improves weight loss and prevents weight gain.
    ii) Saturated Fat
    Individually, we differ in our response to the quantity and quality of fat in our diet. Our genes may influence how we absorb fat. Not just that. Also our ability to burn up fat.
    iii) Carbohydrate
    Research has clearly shown that individuals respond differently to carbohydrate in the diet. For some, reducing carbohydrate intake improves weight loss and prevents weight gain.
    iv) Exercise
    Exercise is an important part of weight loss. However, some individuals require higher exercise intensities. Some of us need greater time spent exercising to mobilise their fat stores.
Complete Care System

Weight Loss DNA Test

    • Weight Management Genetic Testing has been all over the news in the US – The Today ShowThe Wall Street JournalCBS Morning News – In America they are calling it personalised medicine.
    • All genes tested meet the following stringent criteria for utility in genetic screening tests, including that they:
      • Have proven biological function. Many of the genetic variations in the test panel produce a change in the amino acid structure of the protein and change theactivity of the protein. Other variations in the panel affect transcription factors in DNA-based communications.
      • Have a plausible biological role in weight management. For example, some of the gene variations produce a change in the amount of fat absorbed from a meal or alter carbohydrate metabolism.
      • Have evidence from clinical studies, that individuals with different genotypes have a differential response to either certain diets or different levels of physical activity.

Nutrigenomics – Weight Loss DNA Test

  • Genotype Results show a break down of every genetic variation tested for with the impact of this gene on you as an individual. The gene is measure with regards to how it affect your weight loss by nutrient metabolism and body fat regulation. Your result for each variable tested is shown on your DNA Weight Loss Test Report as No Impact, Low Impact, Medium Impact, High Impact. On your report the genes identified and their role is explained. As shown in 9. and 10. below the areas of genetic activity are broken down into Absorption and metabolism
    Fat metabolism, obesity and satiety
    Regulation of metabolism and feeding behaviour
    Insulin sensitivity and regulation of energy intake
    Exercise responsiveness
    Circadian Rhythms
    Fat Storage
    Taste Sensitivity
    Addictions and Overeating 
  • An example of one of the genes test is CLOCK – Circadian Locomotor Output Cycles Kaput (CLOCK), an essential element of the human biological clock, is involved in metabolic regulation. Carriers of the C allele are less successful losing weight than the TT genotype. In addition, those with the C allele have reduced sleep, report morning fatigue and show an evening preference for activities. They also have higher ghrelin levels which regulates appetite, potentially altering eating behaviour and weight loss.
  • ADRB2 Arg16Gly This ADRB2 receptor protein is involved in the mobilisation of fat from fat cells for energy in response to catecholamines, and modulates lipolysis during exercise. The G allele has been associated with obesity, and G allele carriers are more likely to gain and regain weight and lose weight more slowly. These carriers are less able to mobilise fat stores in response to exercise. In these individuals it is important to emphasise diet for weight management as exercise may be less effective.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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