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Posts Tagged ‘PCOS diet’

How to balance hormones

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How to balance hormones

Here’s how to balance hormones. Female sex hormone levels drop up to 90% during the ageing process. How to balance hormones as we age starts with recognising symptoms of hormone imbalance. We go through this here too. When we’re not feeling our normal self we use functional tests to make sure we have the right hormone reset diet as well as any supporting treatment options available.

How to use the pill

The pill is used by 3.5 mil in the UK currently – roughly one in three women of reproductive age. So are we using The Pill for birth control now more than ever? This figure is over 10 mil women in the US.
The oral contraceptive is particularly popular in the 18 to 30 age group. Usage of the Pill declines sharply after the age of 35.

Are women destined to suffer? Suffering from mood wings, muscle loss, poor sleep, memory difficulties, sexual problems? PMS, menopausal symptoms and other problems are all signs of female hormone imbalance.

This is manageable. Not the result of mutant genes destroying our sexual vitality as we age. At Susannah Makram Clinics we focus on what’s creating these imbalances – and mange the underlying problem In The Four Phases. 

Modern medicine

The Pill

With gum disease existing in nearly half of this population, research investigating the relationship between the pill and gum disease provides us with a timely warning.
We need to consider the impact that oral contraception may have – not only on our dental health – but in terms of overall female hormone imbalance.

Side Effects of Birth control

Side Effects of Birth control

How to balance hormones

Birth Control Pills

Do birth control pills invariably lead to a female hormone imbalance? Let’s start at the start!
Research into the birth control pill’s effect on the mouth shows altered levels of salivary proteins and immune function.
This immunity acts as the mouth’s protection mechanisms against disease.
So when this immunity is lowered it can allow bad bacteria, housed in plaque on the surface of teeth and gums, to increase inflammation of the gingival tissues.
This is especially the case when bad bacteria are not removed properly by brushing and flossing. Hormonal changes that occur whilst taking the birth control pill also alter the blood supply to the gum tissues. This results in an increased inflammatory response to the presence of dental plaque.

Because gum disease doesn’t stop at your mouth, having regular dental health checks are advisable. Gum disease has known links to wider health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, that are well established.

—> Keep reading for the basics of Female Hormone Imbalance. SUBSCRIBE to our video mini series on How to Balance Hormones naturally.

Research has shown that taking the birth control pill or combined oral contraceptives for 12 months or more can increase your susceptibility to gum disease. However, this depends on the condition being present in the first place. So if you’re looking after your dental hygiene well, you most likely won’t be affected by the increased risk that the pill may introduce.

Take home advice. Have a complete dental check-up and notify your dentist that you’re considering commencing the pill. Consult with your GP on the risks and side effects of different contraception pills. If you’re diagnosed with gingivitis or gum disease, you may want to post-pone commencing the pill until your disease levels are under control. Maintain diligent oral hygiene in order to keep your gum health in top shape, with regular 6-month dental check ups.

Female hormone imbalance

Hormone imbalance –our body’s internal rhythmic responses to external stressors. When we talk about female hormone imbalance we are referring to sex hormones. These have the general role in the body of growth and reproduction. In particular, the female sex hormones oestrogen and progestin are known to influence physiological outcomes like libido, fatigue, hair loss, mood levels and brittle bones. Due to this influence on the body’s processes, it’s well known that possible side effects and risks of taking the birth control pill, which alters these hormones, can include chronic diseases. An in-depth look at side effects of the pill is here.  Hormone imbalance symptoms can stem from such chronic diseases as heart disease, osteoporosis and certain types of cancer.

Female hormone imbalance

How to balance hormones

Why do female sex hormone levels drop up to 90% during the ageing process?

Hormone imbalance symptoms

Functional nutrition is powerful through its holistic approach. Personalised nutrition aims to achieve the highest expression of individual health, so while this is a list of symptoms, we should only look at the surface. We might ask yourself if the following plague us and if we want to do something about it.

We may have a mild or moderate or severe female hormone imbalance. So, this is only a guide. For example, the more of these health concerns or issues you are experiencing, the more you might be looking at a female home imbalance that is treatable using the right personalised nutrition.

PMS symtoms

Premenstrual syndrome. Premenstrual food cravings (especially sugar or salt). Premenstrual migraines. Monthly weight fluctuation. Oedema, swelling, puffiness, or water retention, bloated, headaches, mood swings. Tender, enlarged breasts.
Feel depressed or unable to cope with ordinary demands.
Timely backache, back pain joint or muscle pain.
Irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, or light bleeding.
Experiencing infertility.
I use birth-control pills or other hormones.
Breast cysts or lumps or fibrocystic breasts. A family history of breast, ovarian, or uterine cancer.
Uterine fibroids.
Anxiety, night sweats, hot flashes or insomnia. Heart palpitations.
Lowered sex drive.
I have dry skin, hair, and/ or vagina.
Noticing changes in memory or concentration.
Bloating or belly fat weight gain. Facial hair.

Symptoms peri menopause

Symptoms peri menopause. Hot flashes, mood swings, headaches, irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, fluid retention, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness, brain fog, muscle and joint pain, low sex drive, weight gain.

When IVF Fails

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Infertility Treatment

INFERTILITY CARE PATHWAYS depend on 1) WHEN infertility diagnosis made (2) age (3) your partner’s age (4) many personal preferences. When IVF fails we reassess these causes. At Susannah Makram Clinics we view infertility as a complete care pathway. That this may be supported by our individual body wellness is where we come in.

When IVF Fails

When IVF fails your decision to go ahead with the same treatment for infertility is usually put into question. This is a natural reaction to have.

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is the most common ART technique. When IVF fails, the decision to continue with another IVF cycle, at the earliest possible time, is not one to take lightly. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is any fertility treatment in which the egg and sperm are handled.
IVF involves stimulating and retrieving multiple mature eggs from a woman, fertilising them with a man’s sperm in a dish in a lab, and implanting the embryos in the uterus three to five days after fertilisation.


When IVF Fails

IVF Success Rates

IVF-conceived babies now account for 2% all babies born in the UK.      [tweetthis]IVF-conceived babies now account for 2% all babies born in the UK[/tweetthis]

The success rate of ART is lower after age 35. This is according to new figures on infertility treatment us and outcomes. these figures are released annually by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA).

When choosing a fertility clinic carrying out IVF treatment The HFEA presents success rates for every licensed clinic.

Some women need just one or two therapies to restore fertility. It is possible that several different types of treatment may be needed before you are able to conceive.

GENETIC and CHROMOSOMAL issues causing FAILURE OF IMPLANTATION in IVF – The high rate of chromosomal abnormalities in human embryos.

  • As women age, the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in mature eggs increases significantly. Studies have shown that starting in early 30s, the rate of chromosomal abnormalities in human eggs (and therefore in human embryos) starts to increase significantly.
  • The rate continues to increase with advancing female age. By mid-40s a very high percentage of human embryos are chromosomally abnormal (over 75%).
  • It’s believed that this is mainly due to problems with the spindle apparatus in the egg nucleus. The spindle is involved with properly lining up and segregating the chromosomes as the egg matures at the time of ovulation.
  • Older eggs have an inefficient spindle apparatus that does not line up the chromosome pairs properly. “Mistakes” are made when splitting pairs of chromosomes. This leads to eggs that don’t have the proper balance of 23 chromosomes – and will result in a chromosomally abnormal embryo if fertilised.
  • It has been shown that about 1% to 2% of human sperm are chromosomally abnormal on average – as compared to about 20% to 90% of human eggs (depending on female age).

    When IVF Fails

PGS – preimplantation genetic screening can be done on embryos prior to transfer to evaluate chromosomal competence.

Other “genetic causes” of implantation failure

  • Implantation failure is probably caused by other genetic mutations sometimes. With a perfectly normal “karyotype” or chromosome complement.
  • There are tens of thousands of genes in the human genome. A lot of places where something can go wrong.
  • With time there will be genes discovered that are crucial for efficient embryo implantation. These will be both on the embryo side and on the uterine side. Perhaps they will involve the immune system as well.

INFERTILITY treatment involves commitment that is significantly financial, physical, psychological and time consuming. Male infertility treatment for general sexual problems or lack of healthy sperm at Susannah Makram Clinics use advanced male fertility diagnostics to outline effective treatment protocols for couple to choose from. Tests identify and support improvement for (normal sperm count and) poor sperm quality.

Your Naturopathic Portfolio to improve sperm quality at Susannah Makram Clinics supports ICSI if used in an IVF cycle as described.

Female fertility continued 

Weight Loss DNA Test

Gene Mapping

THE FAT GENE: Gene mapping for weight loss is a science. DNA fit for healthy weight loss uses data in our fat cells. These play a role in how food gets used. Since 2007, researchers have known that a gene called FTO was related to obesity. What they didn’t know, was how the fat gene was linked to obesity.. Do you have the fat gene? Keep reading…

So, researchers couldn’t tie the FTO gene or fat gene to appetite or other known factors. Now experiments reveal that a faulty version of the gene causes energy from food to be stored as fat rather than burned.

Why Does This Matter?

Imagine you have access to why your healthy weight loss goals are hindered. Sound too good? KEEP READING….
We’ve a far greater chance of success following our personalised care pathway. With a healthy weight loss goal we help you reach your target.

The faulty gene doesn’t explain all obesity. It was found in 44% of Europeans but only 5%of blacks. So, other genes are clearly at work. Food and exercise still matter.

Read a break down of genetics factors affecting weight loss here in this sample DNA Diet report.

Keep reading to see how your result at Susannah Makram Clinics is shown on your DNA Weight Loss Test Report. READ as No Impact, Low Impact, Medium Impact, High Impact.

What’s the Real Story?

Possessing this ‘glitch’ doesn’t determine whether we are obese but may predispose us to obesity. Those of us with two faulty copies of the gene (one from our mother and one from our father) weighed an average of 7lbs more than those without them.

Genetic Testing For Weight Loss – Weight Loss DNA Test

Genetic testing is said to predict our chances of getting sick with critical illness. Weight Loss DNA Test reports are for healthy weight loss. Functional testing provides an algorithm that regular blood work does not. It’s hard to know how effective these tests are when we haven’t seen many long-term studies on DNA testing by laboratories up and down the country.
This is why, when it comes to offering you a personalised care service, sometimes conventional medicine alone just doesn’t work.

  • The Weight Loss DNA Test for healthy weight loss. What is this? We elect to use gene mapping at Susannah Makram Clinics that has been designed to assist health practitioners in effectively managing our body weight. The results provide guidelines we can use in your Naturopathic Portfolio for Weight Loss. Diets, in general, do not always target specific body fat or belly fat loss. There are health reasons to avoid body fat accumulation in these areas. Your test results help us identify what we need to do to burn fat in these areas.
  • The Weight Loss DNA Test is based on genetic differences in nutrient metabolism and body fat regulation.
  • Genes involved in regulation of energy expenditure, appetite, and fat metabolism, all play an important role in weight regulation.
  • 40% to 80% of the variance in body weight is due to genetic factors. This helps to explain why not everyone becomes obese even though people may be exposed to similar environments.

    Weight Loss DNA Test

    obesity gene

    Weight Loss DNA Test

  • From your buccal swab sample taken in for laboratory testing at the clinical consultation rooms we collect DNA accurately. This sample is used in a process, called the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). This copies the DNA of your genes many times over so that we can generate sufficient quantities to analyse your genetic material. You can see this in action when you subscribe to Susannah Makram TV
  • Four diet and lifestyle variables are analysed for the role they play in your weight management. These are your:
    i) Obesity Risk
    Research has clearly shown that individuals respond differently to carbohydrate in the diet. For some, reducing carbohydrate intake improves weight loss and prevents weight gain.
    ii) Saturated Fat
    Individually, we differ in our response to the quantity and quality of fat in our diet. Our genes may influence how we absorb fat. Not just that. Also our ability to burn up fat.
    iii) Carbohydrate
    Research has clearly shown that individuals respond differently to carbohydrate in the diet. For some, reducing carbohydrate intake improves weight loss and prevents weight gain.
    iv) Exercise
    Exercise is an important part of weight loss. However, some individuals require higher exercise intensities. Some of us need greater time spent exercising to mobilise their fat stores.
Complete Care System

Weight Loss DNA Test

    • Weight Management Genetic Testing has been all over the news in the US – The Today ShowThe Wall Street JournalCBS Morning News – In America they are calling it personalised medicine.
    • All genes tested meet the following stringent criteria for utility in genetic screening tests, including that they:
      • Have proven biological function. Many of the genetic variations in the test panel produce a change in the amino acid structure of the protein and change theactivity of the protein. Other variations in the panel affect transcription factors in DNA-based communications.
      • Have a plausible biological role in weight management. For example, some of the gene variations produce a change in the amount of fat absorbed from a meal or alter carbohydrate metabolism.
      • Have evidence from clinical studies, that individuals with different genotypes have a differential response to either certain diets or different levels of physical activity.

Nutrigenomics – Weight Loss DNA Test

  • Genotype Results show a break down of every genetic variation tested for with the impact of this gene on you as an individual. The gene is measure with regards to how it affect your weight loss by nutrient metabolism and body fat regulation. Your result for each variable tested is shown on your DNA Weight Loss Test Report as No Impact, Low Impact, Medium Impact, High Impact. On your report the genes identified and their role is explained. As shown in 9. and 10. below the areas of genetic activity are broken down into Absorption and metabolism
    Fat metabolism, obesity and satiety
    Regulation of metabolism and feeding behaviour
    Insulin sensitivity and regulation of energy intake
    Exercise responsiveness
    Circadian Rhythms
    Fat Storage
    Taste Sensitivity
    Addictions and Overeating 
  • An example of one of the genes test is CLOCK – Circadian Locomotor Output Cycles Kaput (CLOCK), an essential element of the human biological clock, is involved in metabolic regulation. Carriers of the C allele are less successful losing weight than the TT genotype. In addition, those with the C allele have reduced sleep, report morning fatigue and show an evening preference for activities. They also have higher ghrelin levels which regulates appetite, potentially altering eating behaviour and weight loss.
  • ADRB2 Arg16Gly This ADRB2 receptor protein is involved in the mobilisation of fat from fat cells for energy in response to catecholamines, and modulates lipolysis during exercise. The G allele has been associated with obesity, and G allele carriers are more likely to gain and regain weight and lose weight more slowly. These carriers are less able to mobilise fat stores in response to exercise. In these individuals it is important to emphasise diet for weight management as exercise may be less effective.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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