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Posts Tagged ‘pregnant’

Getting Pregnant – Facts For NOW

Diet for pregnancy

diet for pregnancy

diet for pregnancy

With 1 IN 6 Couples currently experiencing difficulty getting pregnant, Get The Gloss caught up with their Expert in Naturopathic Nutrition and osteopathySUSANNAH MAKRAM covers the facts we should all know before embarking on the road to fertility.

Infertility is a rising problem. According to recent statistics, ‘one in six couples has problems starting a family, with the number of couples seeking medical help having risen dramatically.’  [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#nutrition”]What you need to know now if you’re thinking about getting #pregnant[/tweetthis]

Fertility and lifestyle

Most experts suggest these increasing problems with couples trying to get pregnant are due to larger amounts of environmental chemicals. These chemicals affect the body’s hormones, in men and women. Also, societal and cultural changes see more women choosing to delay starting a family until established in their careers. The older both men and women become, the more likely it is to encounter difficulties conceiving, for the woman to become pregnant.

The problem however, is that unless specifically trying to get pregnant, most women don’t know enough about fertility and the factors that can affect our chances. So, with the aim of getting us all a little more clued-up we reached out to fertility and nutrition expert, Susannah Makram, for a little more information on the possibilities and problems getting pregnant.

Read the full article here

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