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Posts Tagged ‘supplements for hair’

For Healthy Hair

Hair Salon

Susannah sat with STYLENEST to bring us top tips for healthy hair. We all want that ‘just stepped out of the hair salon’ look. We want it 7 days a week. The Sophia Loren blow dry. Katy Perry hairstyles. Nancy Ajram –we want healthy, shiny hair no matter the weather. At destination men’s grooming salon and spa at The Refinery, Mayfair & Knightsbridge Susannah consults.

For Healthy Hair

For healthy hair you just have to know the basics. Hair styling and the environment can really take its toll on our tresses over time. London’s raining days and air pollution are best friends with fringes but frizz and overheating.
Susannah gives away 5 secrets to healthy looking hair all week long. You do not have to spend your weekends fixing hair style disasters. You don’t need to apply vast amounts of product. If you do apply product, make sure you’re applying it properly. Gentlemen, are you listening?

For Healthy Hair

For Healthy Hair

Underlying health conditions need to be addressed for long lasting results. Are you ready to make that investment?  Beauty tips for hair care vary in outcome. Want the whole story — then you’ll get the right care pathway.
Functional naturopathy in London care means testing the cause or causes of your concern. Functional naturopathic nutrition is a journey to health.

As a West End Naturopath Susannah knows our modern lifestyles requires a little help every now and then.
To boost performance, sexual confidence and to help prevent illness.
It’s an investment with the highest possible return. Knowledge is power and your secret weapon for healthy hair, for youthful looks and energy like you had in your teens.

If you suspect underling health problems or simply cannot sustain the healthy head of hair you had not long ago, find to what we can do to help you. Finding out whether or not we’ve inflammation or inflammatory markers triggered by our diet and environment is life changing. Addressing the causes of inflammation and learning how to live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle can dramatically improve your health.

Beauty Tips

Susannah’s beauty tips are for beauty from the inside out at any age that can be passed from generation to generation.
Different types of hair require different types of care but beautiful hair requires care. No matter what. Read Susannah’s top 5 tips for healthy hair here.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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