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Posts Tagged ‘thyroid problems symptoms in females’

Key Thyroid Symptoms

Thyroid Symptoms

THYROID PROBLEMS – overactive thyroid symptoms or underactive thyroid can be overlooked or mismanaged.

TSH IS A HORMONE secreted from the anterior pituitary gland to control THYROID FUNCTION.
Symptoms of thyroid problems are manageable when working with the medical community – at Susannah Makram Clinics .
Optimal THYROID FUNCTION or functional health impacts lifestyle quality.

Hormone Panel

Hormone Panel

The thyroid gland is a vitally important hormonal gland. It plays a major role in:- our metabolism, growth and maturation of our bodies.
WHY DO WE NEED TO KNOW  exactly what’s going on? Because the hormones released affect our body’s overall ability to function. The gland reacts to our environment. Hormones secreted affect how we use the MACRONUTRIENT and MICRONUTRIENTS impacting how we feel, our weight, our energy levels etc.

Thyroid Functional Health

We might be on a seemingly great diet. We’re taking the right supplements and doing everything to take ownership and feel better. However, we’re still not really making any progress. How frustrating if all it took was making small change.

Hypothyroidism – Disorder

Fatigue is a common symptom of an underactive thyroid but it is also a symptom of many other associated conditions. These include adrenal fatigue, food sensitivities and various nutrient deficiencies.
Underactivity in adults often develops gradually. This is why people might not notice symptoms for a while. Possible symptoms can include the following.

General loss of energy and power; Difficulties concentrating or mental slowness
Slowed metabolism; Tiredness; Being overweight
Sensitivity to cold; Slow pulse
Waxy skin thickening and swelling (myxedema)
Dry skin
Deep, hoarse voice
Brittle, dry hair
Loss of sexual desire or potency problems; Sometimes even depression

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

A condition called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a chronic inflammation of the thyroid. It can also lead to underactivity.
Often people with Hashimoto’s will be started on thyroid hormones but continue to feel tired.

Overactivity of the gland is also called hyperthyroidism. It produces too many hormones. This speeds up energy metabolism. The following symptoms can occur.

Hot flashes; Sweating; Trembling
Weight loss
Hair loss
Nervousness, Hyperactivity; Emotional instability and irritability or fatigue
Insomnia and restlessness
Potency problems
Racing heart

Top Thyroid tests

Top Thyroid tests

Top 6 Thyroid Tests

Here is a comprehensive list to take to your doctor.

  1. TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
  2. Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO Antibodies) 
  3. Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TG Antibodies)
  4. Thyroid Ultrasound 
  5. Free T3 
  6. Free T41 or Free T4

You can ask for tests for Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism. Request a copy of your thyroid labs. Then you can see them and ensure they are interpreted correctly.

TSH is a pituitary hormone. TSH responds to low/high amounts of circulating thyroid hormone. This is in advanced cases of Hashimoto’s and primary hypothyroidism. In the case of Graves’ disease the TSH will be low. People with Hashimoto’s and central hypothyroidism may have a normal reading on this test.

Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO Antibodies) and Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TG Antibodies)
Most people with Hashimoto’s will have an elevation of one or both of these antibodies. These antibodies are often elevated for decades before a change in TSH is seen. People with Graves’ disease and thyroid cancer may also have an elevation in thyroid antibodies including TPO & TG, as well as TSH receptor antibodies.

Thyroid Ultrasound-
A small percentage of people may have Hashimoto’s. However, they may not have thyroid antibodies detectible in the blood. Doing a thyroid ultrasound will help your physician determine a diagnosis.

Free T3 & Free T4
These tests measure the levels of active thyroid hormone circulating in the body. When TSH is informal range but free T3 and T4 levels are low, this may lead your doctor might suspect central hypothyroidism (a rare type of hypothyroidism).

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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