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Posts Tagged ‘wheat free’

Wheat Intolerance Symptoms


People with wheat intolerance will still experience adverse symptoms from gluten free products

Wheat belly

Is belly fat a wheat intolerance? Gluten-free foods are BOOMING. William Davis’ book “Wheat Belly” drew attention to many people to wheat and the gluten free diet.

Is a wheat free diet good for a wheat allergy or GLUTEN ALLERGY IE coeliac disease? What’s the difference? What are wheat intolerance or wheat sensitivity symptoms? What foods contain wheat? READ ON TO FIND OUT.

It can be tricky with food labels. Here’s how to deal with it. Let us deal with the rest!

Wheat Intolerance Symptoms

Wheat intolerance symptoms differ from coeliac disease. They are poorly defined. They als vary considerably from one affected person to another. Symptoms tend to include: (i) abdominal discomfort, (ii) nausea, (iii) tiredness, (iv) bloating and (v) altered bowel habit. Wheat intolerance isn’t caused by an immune reaction. Symptoms of wheat intolerance or any food intolerance can be very unpleasant. But they can’t cause life-threatening reactions or consequences unlike true wheat allergy or food allergy.

Humans have eaten grains for 10,000 years. So why are so many us going gluten free for health reasons?  In evolutionary terms this amount of time isn’t very long at all. Before it time we hunted and ate animals. We foraged to eat fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. HERE ARE 5 GLUTEN FREE WHOLEGRAINS.

wheat intolerance symptoms

wheat intolerance symptoms

Is there a difference between wheat free and gluten free?

Stress can affect the immune system. So, if you reduce your stress levels, you may find new results. You can feel your food intolerances – including wheat intolerance symptoms – improve.
Can we go back to eating the foods we love after food intolerance testing? When this food is deemed as reactive in our body’s systems? LET’S FIND OUT. 

People with wheat intolerance will still experience adverse symptoms from gluten free products

Wheat Allergy

Wheat allergy is caused by an IgE reaction to one or more of the proteins found in the wheat grain. See the differences between food intolerance and food allergy here. Wheat contains four types of protein: 1) Globulin 2) Albumin 3) Glutenins 4) Gliadins

[tweetthis]People with #wheat #intolerance will still experience adverse #symptoms from #glutenfree products[/tweetthis]

Foods containing Wheat

FOODS CONTAINING WHEAT include breads; cereals; vegetable products (e.g. vegetable pate, tinned beans, vegetable tempura, breaded vegetables, flour; pasta; sauces and condiments; desserts; beverages; medication; confectionary;  Glue on labels and postage stamps. Sometimes, a food label may not specify wheat but another form of wheat product.

Wheat Products

Durum wheat, spelt (triticum spelta), kamut (triticum poloncium). Couscous; Bran, wheat bran, wheat germ, wheat gluten; Farina; Rusk; Semolina, durum wheat semolina; Cereal filler, cereal binder, cereal protein. Flour, wholewheat flour, wheat flour, wheat starch; Starch, modified starch, hydrolysed starch, food starch, edible starch; Vegetable starch, vegetable gum, vegetable protein

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