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Posts Tagged ‘yoga for stress’

Osteopath in London

Osteopath in London

Why see an osteopath? Osteopathy in London is more accessible – why?  For Cranial treatment, back pain, sports injury? Back pain or neck pain may be a reason for osteopathy. Some osteopathic techniques can help optimise health.

FAQS @ Susannah Makram Clinics – Do I have to be in pain to book an appointment with the London osteopath?

The simple answer is no. We work using the functional health philosophy that health is more than the absence of disease.

Osteopathy for Sports injury

Typical multifaceted clinical presentations:
Chronic pain – 3 months plus – e.g. back pain or neck pain
– Unexplained feeling unwell or tired IN SPITE OF conventional medical testing revealing no abnormal findings ?

Sports injury

Sports injury

Timing. When’s the right time for physical therapy? When we use functional health as the model to care for our client, we can discuss care pathways available.

Functional Osteopathy — What?

  • Trigger Point Therapy
  • Cranio-sacral Therapy or Cranial Osteopathy
  • Myofacsial stretching and sliding cupping
  • Strain Counter Strain Techniques
  • Controlled Joint traction and mobilisation
  • Gentle Joint Adjustment



If we do not feel you are safe to treat we will refer you for emergency or private further investigation or care.

Is Osteopathy For Me?

Osteopathy is a primary care profession. Your osteopath focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders. Also your osteopath focuses on the effects of these conditions on your general health.

Functional Osteopathy

Functional Osteopathy

We use many diagnostic procedures applied in conventional medical assessment. Your osteopath seeks to restore the optimal functioning of the body, where possible without the use of drugs or surgery.

The human body has an amazing capacity to repair and recover. Osteopathy helps remove any barriers to that process.

In short, an Osteopaths aim is to help restore optimal function, but more importantly, prevent pain returning and injuries from reoccurring.

FAQS @ Susannah Makram Clinics – Can I claim osteopathy on my private medical insurance?

Many private health insurance policies provide cover for osteopathic treatment.  It may be possible to claim for a course of treatment. It is advisable to check in advance with your insurance company before seeking Osteopathic treatment, in order to confirm the available level of cover and whether you will need to have a referral from your GP or a specialist.

Functional health — How?

What about Functional Nutrition

Can the right functional testing can help us make small, simple changes to our diet? Changes that have a greater impact on our quality of life.

In modern times, we want our nutritional facts and we want them NOW! But are they up to date? Where are the clinical trials?
We say we need to change. What we need is to stop saying it and take action before it’s too late.

Our choices of nutrition are becoming recognised – finally! – as massive drivers to our health. This is good news because in modern times we’ve never been sicker. Our food has a lot to answer for.


Stress Test Questionnaire

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Stress and Sick

Chronic stress can have debilitating consequences on our mind and our body.
DID YOU KNOW? Our body is hard-wired to react to stress in ways that actually protect us. It’s our natural stress response. It works for us against threats from predators and other aggressors.

Our body’s stress-response system is usually self-limiting. Once a perceived threat has passed, hormone levels return to normal.
As adrenaline and cortisol levels drop, our heart rate and blood pressure return to baseline levels, and other systems resume their regular activities. Increased cortisol levels commonly challenge those with high stress jobs that go on to suffer with metabolic syndrome. You can work out the likelihood and prevent this if you take ownership at the right time.

Chronic Stress

When stressors are always present, we constantly feel under attack. That fight-or-flight reaction? It stays turned on.The long-term activation of the stress-response system — and the subsequent overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones — can disrupt almost all your body’s processes. This puts you at increased risk of numerous health problems.

Your levels of stress – how do they add up?
Take this stress test and add up your scores. The results at the end are a guide.   [tweetthis]The 60 second #stress test – add up your scores. The results at the end are a guide.[/tweetthis]

Stress Test


  • Under 45 years [1]
  • 45–54 years [3]
  • 55–64 years [2]
  • Over 64 years [2]

Weight and Stress

Body Mass Index **

  • Lower than 25 kg/m2 [1]
  • 25–30 kg/m2 [2]
  • Higher than 30 kg/m2 [3]

BMI Calculator

Divide your weight in kilograms (kg) by your height in metres (m) then divide the answer by your           height again to get your BMI.  [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#weightloss #nutrition”]How to work out your #BMI [/tweetthis]

Fat and Stress

Waist circumference measured below the ribs (usually at the level of the navel)


  • Less than 94 cm [1]
  • 94–102 cm [2]
  • More than 102 cm [3]


  • Less than 80 cm [1]
    Stress Management

    Stress Management

  • 80–88 cm [2]
  • More than 88 cm [3]

Stress Test

Have you ever taken medication for high blood pressure on regular basis?

  • No
  • Yes [1]

Have you ever been found to have high blood glucose (eg in a health examination, during an illness, during pregnancy)?

  • No
  • Yes [1]

Have any of the members of your immediate family or other relatives been diagnosed with diabetes (type 1 or type 2)?

  • No
  • Yes: grandparent, aunt, uncle or first cousin (but no own parent, brother, sister or child) [2]
  • Yes: parent, brother, sister or own child [3]
  • Stress Test Score – to checklist Below

    • 0 = Never/Rarely
    • 1 = Occasionally/Slightly
    • 2 = Moderate in Intensity or Frequency
    • 3 =Intense/Severe or Frequent

    ✓ My ability to handle stress or pressure has decreased.

    ✓ I am less productive at work.

    ✓ I seem to have decreased in cognitive ability. I don’t think as clearly as I used to.

    ✓ My thinking is confused when hurried or under pressure.

    ✓ I tend to avoid emotional situations.

    ✓ I tend to shake or am nervous when under pressure.

    ✓ I suffer from nervous stomach indigestion when tense.

    ✓ I have many unexplained fears/anxieties.

    ✓ My sex drive is noticeably less than it used to be.

    ✓ I get lightheaded or dizzy when rising rapidly from a sitting or lying position.

    ✓ I have feelings of greying or blacking out.

    ✓ I am chronically fatigued; a tiredness that is not usually relieved by sleep.

    ✓ I feel unwell much of the time.

    ✓ I notice that my ankles are swollen — the swelling is worse in the evening.

    ✓ I usually need to lie down or rest after sessions of psychological or emotional pressure/stress.

    ✓ My muscles sometimes feel weaker than they should.

    ✓ My hands and legs get restless — experience meaningless body movements.

    ✓ I have become allergic or have increased frequency/severity of allergic reactions.

    ✓ When I scratch my skin a white line remains for a minute or more.

    ✓ Small, irregular dark brown spots have appeared on my forehead, face, neck and shoulders.

    ✓ I sometimes feel weak all over.

    ✓ I have unexplained and frequent headaches.

    ✓ I am frequently cold.

    ✓ I have a decreased tolerance for cold.

    ✓ I have low blood pressure.

    ✓ I often become hungry, confused, shaky or somewhat paralyzed under stress.

    ✓ I have lost weight without reason while feeling very tired and listless.

    ✓ I have feelings of hopelessness and despair.

    ✓ I have decreased tolerance. People irritate me more.

    ✓ The lymph nodes in my neck are frequently swollen (I get swollen glands on my neck).

    ✓ I have times of nausea and vomiting for no apparent reason.

    ✓ I am easily fatigued

    ✓ I often have to force myself in order to keep going.

    ✓ Everything seems like a chore

    ✓ I have difficulty getting up in the morning (don’t really wake up until about 10:00am

    ✓ I suddenly run out of energy

    ✓ I usually feel much better and fully awake after the noon


    ✓ I often have an afternoon low between 3:00-5:00pm

    ✓ I get low on energy, moody or foggy if I do not eat


    ✓ I usually feel my best after 6:00pm

    ✓ I am often tired at 9:00-10:00 pm, but resist going to


    ✓ I like to sleep late in the morning

    ✓ My best, most refreshing sleep often comes between


    ✓ I often do my best work late at night (early in the


    ✓ If I don’t go to bed by 11:00pm, I get a second burst of

    energy around 11:00pm, often lasting until 1:00-2:00am

    45-65… It is unlikely that you experience significant amounts of stress to impact your lifestyle or health at present
    65-90… It is unlikely that the stress you experience is negatively impacting your health at present
    90-150… The stress you experience may be having serious negative health implications  
    150+… It is likely that the stress you experience is having serious negative health implications  
    Health Conditions associated with Chronic Stress 
    Type 2 diabetes – Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome – infertility – Autoimmune diseases – Depression – Anxiety Disorders – Digestive problems -Heart disease – Sleep problems – Weight gain – Memory and concentration impairment
    How to find the UNDERLYING issues that PREDISPOSE us to chronic illness.
    What or why are they TRIGGERED by PROLONGED periods of STRESS?
    How do we nip it in the bud BEFORE we’re sick?


  1.  Consultation is Key
  2.  Physical Exam is Key
  3.  Special Investigations may include blood pressure average reading, adrenal stress test, blood sugar readings, blood work
  4.   Naturopathic Portfolio  HOW is stress affecting our health? Do we require special investigations? One type of stress management doesn’t work for every body. If working in a high stress job is affecting our health but we can’t check out into a spa then we need to know what to do to prevent chronic illness.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

Call  020 7060 3181