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Best Probiotics

Bacteria in gut

What are the best Probiotics for fat loss? For a flatter stomach? Are probiotics for gut health only? What’s gut health exactly? Can probiotics help with allergies and skin conditions?

Probiotics – everyone’s taking them. So they must promote health somehow!

WHICH probiotic do I recommend and WHY? Read on…

Why’s everyone taking probiotics in modern times?

For a specific concern you need to get the right blend of bacteria cultures. This balance is hard to find in today’s world. Can we need antacids and benefit from probiotics?

flatter stomach

flatter stomach

We’re all in search of a flatter stomach. It seems like this “friendly” bacteria or” good bacteria” in probiotics keeps us regular too. Regularity is a consistent theme in wellness programmes and probiotics support this.


For balancing gut bacteria probiotics and good gut health help optimise health. Does taking probiotics with antibiotics restore balance? READ ON to find out…


Fast fact! Two million of us are consuming a probiotic. We’re drinking a probiotic as a beverage. Or we’re eating  more yogurt or yoghurt. We’re taking powders in sachets and shaking them in water bottles. We’re refrigerating probiotic capsules.

The Best Probiotic

Gut health aids the production of B vitamins. These are vital for efficient running of our nervous system. Our natural probiotic levels are easily damaged. Modern life i.e. poor diet, stress and alcohol are diminishing our levels. Hormonal fluctuations, cigarettes, surgery and drugs are commonplace factors.

We know gut health is a measure of far more than our metabolismGut health is the meter controlling our body’s ability or inability to convert our nutrition to health.

What Is The Best Probiotic Supplement?

Got heartburn, acid reflux or hiatus hernia? Choosing the best probiotic supplement may be the fastest, safest management of symptoms. Heartburn, acid reflux? Similarly, if you experience bloating, bad breath, body odour, gas or excessing burping at or in between meals.  Colds, constipation, diarrhoea, food cravings, PMS or hot flushes are another list of symptoms. Itchy nose and itchy bottom and allergies, stomach pain and stomach ulcers are unlikely indications for probiotic supplementing. Others are: Irritable bowel syndrome IBS, malodorous stools, thrush, urinary infections, vaginal discharge.

Our nutrition and our lifestyle work together for our health.  Our body should break down food we eat properly. Then we can use the nutrients in our food for health. This includes on and off switches involved in hormone secretion. Many other functional pathways rely on healthy metabolism. Otherwise we become sick and tired — literally.

Ongoing biological processes require nutrients to be bioavailable. Prescript Assist aids this process. It makes it easier for your body to eliminate waste. Also so not to confuse the goodness for waste. Prescript Assist ticks the boxes you require when selecting the best probiotic.


Best Probiotics


Chronic Illness

GERD or GORD, acid reflux and IBS isn’t normal. Bloating and constipation aren’t normal.

Probiotics are fast becoming the most popular non prescription medication. Mulling over your purchase in your local health food shop is commonplace. Your organic supermarket aisle is expanding with brand name probiotics. In fact, you are least likely to make your purchase there for this very reason!

Not all probiotics on the market are created equal. What makes the best probiotic supplement? Not all probiotics are created equal. What makes the best #probiotic supplement? You do not have to do this research alone. This 5 tick box list takes the guess work out of your health journey.

If you feel that probiotics are the way to go, this is the single most concise, informative article on the matter. It summarises major variations in the quality and efficacy of probiotic supplements. The are products you can buy at organic supermarkets or online .

Gut Health Diet

The Problem.
Here are 5 MAJOR problems with probiotic supplements on the market today:
1) Strain Homogeneity 2) Perishability 3) Low viability 4) Lack of Prebiotics 5) Weak Scientific Validation


Prescript Assist is Supported by a peer-reviewed, double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical trial – including a one-year follow-up study, verifying long term efficacy

Finding the best probiotic supplement. The Solution. Prescript Assist
1) Broad-Spectrum FormulaPrescript-Assist contains 29 different strains of beneficial bacteria. This better reflects the great microbial diversity of the intestines.
2) Unparalleled Shelf Stability. Prescript-Assist features probiotic bacteria protected by a durable seed-like structure. The probiotic bacteria are safeguarded against environmental factors this way ghostwriting preise. Routine viability testing confirms >95% viability two years after date of manufacture. This is without refrigeration.
3) High Viability. Contains bacteria that reach the intestines intact. This is because the seed-like structure protects against degradation by stomach acid.
4) Prebiotic Support that includes leonardite studienarbeit schreiben lassen. Leonardite is a prebiotic composition of humic and fulvic acids. These allow the beneficial bacteria to proliferate.
5) Back By Sound Science. Supported by a peer-reviewed, double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical trial – including a one-year follow-up study, verifying long term efficacy.



  • Prescript-Assist is gluten-free, dairy-free and suitable for vegans. This makes it suitable for people with gluten intolerance and dairy sensitivity. If you have a wide range of dietary preferences, Prescript Assist is the safest probiotic you can take.
  • Prescript Assist contains 29 different strains of beneficial bacteria. This is important for these reasons.
  • Prescript Assist is effective for both constipation and diarrhoea bachelorarbeit schreiben lassen kosten. If you are alternating between the two, like many IBS sufferers, this probiotic is suitable for IBS. For diarrhoea on its own that is antibiotic induced, it is suitable. For traveller’s diarrhoea, Prescript Assist is equally effective.
  • Prescript Assist is safe to take with SIBO as well.

Prescript-Assist– WHO? HOW? HOW OFTEN? HOW LONG FOR?

  • One capsule twice a day is recommended to begin.
  • If your bad gut symptoms are severe, you can take as many as four capsules daily ghostwriter Husarbeit. Do this until you see significant improvement. After this you can drop down to one or two capsules a day, for maintenance use.
  • It takes at least a month to feel the full benefits of taking the probiotic supplement
  • Prescript-Assist is safe to take for adults, including pregnant and nursing women app erstellen lassen. It is not recommended for children under the age of two to take.

ORDER YOUR Prescript-Assist

Gut Microbiome Diet

Gut health

Gut health diet; our nutrition influences our gut microbiome. Diet influences the function of the gut #microbiota in the long term.
It’s not clear yet how rapidly our microbiota is affected by short-term dietary change.

Gut health is well aligned with our environment and our food choices. Gut health is well aligned with our environment and our food choices.

As it remains unclear how rapidly and reproducibly the human gut microbiome responds to short-term macronutrient change we personalise functional nutrition. big shift in what we’re feeding our bodies i.e. consumption of diets composed entirely of animal or plant products – alters microbial community structure and overwhelms inter-individual differences in microbial gene expression.

DNA contains instructions for building all the parts of the body. The DNA in our bodies is wrapped around proteins called histones. Both the DNA and histones are covered with chemical tags. This second layer structure is called the Epigenome.
The epigenome shapes the physical structure of the genome. It tightly wraps inactive genes making them unreadable. It relaxes active genes making them easily accessible.

gut microbiome diet

gut microbiome diet

Different sets of genes are active in differential types. The DNA code remains fixed for life but the epigenome is flexible. Epigenetic tags react to signals from the outside world such as diet and stress. The epigenome adjusts specific genes in our genomic landscape that responds to our rapidly changing environment

Beneficial Metabolic Effects of the Enteric Microbiota

5 Ways Diet Affects Our Gut Microbiome

1. Biotransformation of bile salts. Bile Acids as Metabolic Regulators.
2. Production of micronutrients (e.g., vitamin K, biotin and folate).
3. Participation in the fermentation of otherwise indigestible polysaccharides by colonic bacteria
to short chain fatty acids.
4. Aiding in the metabolism and/or activation of medications (e.g., sulfasalazine, digoxin). This can support healthy weight loss.
5. Prevention of luminal colonisation by pathogenic microorganisms. This can assist with improving low immunity symptoms.

Gut Bacteria and Weight Loss

Gut microbiota

1. Thin people and obese people tend to have different types of microbes living in their gut. SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?  Weight loss and specifically when obese people lose weight, their microbiota change accordingly.

There’s a strong positive relationship between healthy gut bacteria and weight loss

Obesity is highly heritable and it probably involves genes that pass from parent to child. Body weight is clearly impacted by diet. So the environment and personal habits also play a role.

Gut bacteria and weight loss: Several studies have also turned up evidence linking obesity to the microbiome:

Gut bacteria and weight loss

Gut bacteria and weight loss

2.  A diet high in fat, sugar, and simple carbs is bad for the “healthy” gut microbes that keep us thin. It also encourages the growth of “unhealthy” microbes that make us obese. Obese individuals harbor microbes that are better at extracting energy from food, as well as microbes that signal the body to store energy as fat.

3. The microbiome is changeable.

The relationship among genetics, the environment, and the microbiome as it relates to obesity is certainly complex. But while the genome is fixed and habits are hard to change, the microbiome is changeable. That is why PHASE ONE in the FOUR PHASES of weight loss examines the role of gut bacteria and weight loss for every individual. Find out more about the gut microbiome here.

Fast fact! Our gut is as unique as our DNA so no one nutritional plan, lifestyle or diet tips or advice can work as effectively for you as it will for somebody else. Let that sink in…..

4. Our body can be malnourished even though we’re eating enough. Malnutrition is not simply a matter of lacking calories and nutrients. Some people eat enough nutrients but cannot absorb them properly. So the body produces symptoms of malnourishment because of nutrient malabsorption. The role of microbes can be described when looking at identical twins: one twin undernourished and the other one not. The twins have the same genes, and they eat the same food—but they have different gut microbiota.

There’s no point building on a foundation that’s anything but solid.
This is why personalised nutrition IN THE FOUR PHASES  is key. Each phase is the building block to reinforce the next building block. Every small change made impacts hugely, within the right margins created at PHASE 1.

Taking ownership of our health means making choices about what we EAT DRINK TAKE MAKE. These choices we are making are feeding ‘good’ bacteria in our gut or they are feeding ‘bad’ bacteria in our gut that can than lead to SIBO, for example.

Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet

Kidney Stones Prevalence

Around 12% of men and 4% of women in the UK suffer from kidney stones. This number is rising. We find clinical research into links with oxalate foods to kidney stones and fibromylagia rising. With kidney stones on the rise, this is for good reason.


Saudi Arabia has one of the highest kidney stone rates in the world.

Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet

Saudi Arabia has one of the highest kidney stone rates in the world. Modern lifestyle is the biggest contributing factor. We’ll look at oxalates in food and their role in the Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet separately.


Saudi Arabia has one of the highest kidney stone rates in the world.

The exact cause of kidney stones cannot always be found. A poor diet and dehydration are major risk factors. In many cases, getting a kidney stone is a one time thing and does not occur again. Increasing fluid intake can cut the incidence of getting another stone in half.
VGH researchers recently tried to unravel role of gut bacteria in kidney stones.

Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet

Is our green juice putting you at risk?  [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#greenjuice #health”]Oxalates & Kidney Stones -is your green juice putting you at risk?[/tweetthis]

Naturopath Nutrition

Oxalates – are vegans, vegetarians or green juice lovers at greater risk of kidney stones?

Oxalates and Oxalate foods

Are vegans, vegetarians or green juice lovers at greater risk of kidney stones?        [tweetthis]Are vegans, vegetarians or green juice lovers at greater risk of kidney stones?[/tweetthis]

The part of the plant – i.e. stem or leaf, bran or endosperm – genetic differences between plant cultivars, soil conditions, and time of year harvested can account for differences in oxalate amounts if (plant based) foods as noted by researchers.

Green juice said, cooking method can also make a big difference in foods with a high content of soluble oxalate (which might be the only type that is absorbed at a significant rate in most people). Boiling or steaming and discarding the water after cooking can reduce the amount of oxalate especially in the leaves of leafy greens.

Oxalate is generally not found in animal products. Many plant foods are moderate or high and in some cases, extremely high in oxalate content e.g. spinach, beets, beet greens, sweet potatoes, peanuts, rhubarb, swiss chard. Despite this, a study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that people following a plant-based eating pattern had a lower occurrence of kidney stones. So, other than keeping hydrated, drinking plenty of fluid, how else can we avoid oxalate toxicity found in oxalate kidney stones diet?

  • Boil high-oxalate leafy greens and discard the water.
  • Meet the RDA for calcium. Eat high-calcium foods or take calcium with meals; calcium citrate if you have a history of calcium-oxalate stones.

RDA Calcium – Men (19-70 yo) 1000mg Women (19-50 yo) 1000mg 51+ 1200mg

High Calcium foods

The main calcium contenders are milk, yogurt, and cheese, but dairy should not be the only dietary go-to to fill up on this nutrient.

Non Dairy Sources of Calcium suitable for vegan diets Leafy greens

Kale, seaweed, turnip greens, seafood such as:
sardines, small fish with bones, legumes such as white beans and fruit – died figs, also contain calcium and many foods
(breakfast cereals bachelorarbeit schreiben lassen kosten) and beverages such as rice milk, coconut milk, are fortified with the mineral.

Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. For this reason, some calcium supplements contain vitamin D.

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 plays a beneficial role in bone metabolism and keeps calcium in the bones    [tweetthis]Vitamin K2, plays a beneficial role in bone metabolism and keeps calcium in the bones[/tweetthis]    As Vitamin k2 keeps calcium where it belongs and out of the soft tissues we should look at keeping levels high ghostwriter masterarbeit. So really consider cooking methods of leafy green high oxalate foods, like spinach. For example, instead of eating consistently high quantities of raw spinach in, for example, green juices and smoothies we should keep these greens for vitamin K2. We can mix up our methods of intake by steaming spinach leaves and using raw olive oil and lemon, for example, to eat it with.


  • Do not include large amounts of high-oxalate vegetables in your green smoothies.
  • Do not take large amounts of vitamin C. Oxalate is a waste material that needs to be excreted by the kidneys. Since most kidney stones affecting the general public are calcium oxalate, vitamin C degradation may be one of the main causes there hausarbeit schreiben lassen.  Problems recycling the oxidized form of vitamin C usually stem from some type of oxidative damage or chronic infection, both of which, are very common, of course.

Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet. Kidney Stones & Protein Intake

Are low carb dieters, Paleo or high protein diet followers at greater risk of kidney stones?

Do high protein diets have an adverse effect on kidney function?

Several studies suggest that kidney stones themselves are not caused by a high protein intake alone but by an underlying metabolic abnormality. Ketogenic diets, on the other hand, can contribute to kidney stones via other mechanisms.

There is some evidence that reducing protein in people that have pre-existing renal disease may have some benefit. Certainly, in the case of those with renal disease, reduced daily protein intake is guideline dependent on the stage of renal disease or failure bachelor arbeit schreiben lassen. Monitoring these levels with great care is typically managed in your personalised portfolio at Susannah Makram Clinics.

Excess protein intake increases excretion of substances that could potentially increase kidney stones, like calcium and uric acid. One study found that high protein diets are associated with increased uric acid and calcium output in the urine. In the study none of the subjects actually developed kidney stones hausarbeit schreiben lassen erfahrung. So in theory the subjects excreting substances that could contribute to kidney stone formation did not actually develop any kidney stones.

This good study from the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism in 2005 found no evidence that high protein diets increase glomerular pressure or hyperfiltration or contribute to kidney disease in any other way in healthy individuals.

Ten Dairy Free Probiotic Foods

Probiotic Treatment

Plant based or vegan diets may mean missing out on valuable micronutrients and macronutrients. Also, a vegan diet can exclude natural food sources of good gut bacteria. Dairy free probiotic foods and dairy free probiotic supplements can be gut bacteria friendly. Here’s how dairy free probiotic foods can be vegan diet friendly.

Do you think you have a dairy intolerance? Your skin might give away clues to this. It’s not just the gastrointestinal or digestive problems that come about. or even the respiratory issues. Food intolerance in general can lead to all kinds of health issues.

Dairy sensitivity

Dairy sensitivity

Dairy sensitivity for example can that affect our quality of life on a daily basis. Dairy and skin – When considering a dairy free diet for health reasons you’ve go to be clear and  differentiate between a milk protein intolerance and a lactose intolerance.

Dairy Free Probiotic Foods – Supplements

Know how to select dairy free probiotic supplements that do not contain dairy or lactose.
(1) always read the nutrition labels carefully
(2) The following words indicate that a product contains lactose or milk sugar (3) So avoid milk, lactose, whey, curds, milk by-products, dry milk solids and nonfat dry milk powder.
(4) Prescript-Assist is a vegan probiotic. You can find out more about Prescript Assist here. If the nutrition label on your probiotic lists any of the above ingredients, the product is not suitable for a dairy-free diet.

Ten dairy free probiotic foods       [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#vegan”]Ten dairy free #probiotic foods [/tweetthis]

Sauerkraut: Raw sauerkraut may contain more than 13 different species of gut-friendly bacteria, according to a study published in the American Society for Microbiology Journal. Homemade vegan lacto fermented veggies, such as ‘kraut’, can be made using a recipe that uses cabbage leaves. The cabbage leaves undergo a process called “lacto-fermentation.” The lacto-fermentation process uses sugars in the food one uses.

dairy free probiotic food

dairy free probiotic foods

Cabbage, in the case of raw sauerkraut, feeds bacteria that grow from the fermentation process and that sugar is converted into lactic acid. This acid, along with added salt, preserves vegetables for extended periods of time.

Lactic acid fermentation in and of itself enhances the micronutrient profile of several foods. These foods can then be used as dairy free probiotic foods as well. Vegetables that have undergone lactic acid fermentation, as in the case of sauerkraut and kimchi, often see an increase in the activity of vitamin C and vitamin A. Real sauerkraut has a crispy – not mushy – texture and is loaded with vitamin C and B vitamins. Furthermore, the process of fermenting cabbage actually creates isothiocyanate – a substance thought to inhibit the formation of cancer and tumours.

Vegan Probiotics

Kombucha If you have a SCOBY Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast you can make Kombucha using: a SCOBY, tea, sugar, clean water an the right warm temperature. The final product contains a blend of beneficial bacteria and yeast (probiotics) as well as certain acids and enzymes that aid digestion and promote health.
NOTE: Those on a sugar free diet wanting to increase their intake of air free probiotic foods – There will always be a little sugar remaining, and the amount depends on how long the tea is fermented. Every batch of kombucha is different.
The only things every batch contains are: (i) at least one beneficial yeast, (ii) acetobacter (the beneficial bacteria in the SCOBY), (iii) gluconic acid (a pH regulator) (iv) acetic acid (an anti-microbial acid, which also stabilises blood sugar) . Most batches of kombucha will also contain an analgesic (pain reliever), an anti-arthritic compound, an anti-spasmodic compound, a liver-protective compound, and several anti-bacterial compounds. The Kombucha blend varies from batch to batch. The caffeine content remains after the fermentation process. NOTE: Increasing dairy free probiotic foods on alcohol free diets – There is usually between 0.5 and 3% alcohol depending on length of fermentation. (Beer contains 4-6%.) Single fermentation home brews of kombucha usually contain only 0.5% alcohol. If you do a second fermentation in a bottle, to flavor it and increase the carbonation, the alcohol content will increase slightly.

Coconut Kefir is another casein free (milk protein free) and lactose free probiotic i.e. a good inclusion in the dairy free probiotic foods listed. dairy free Coconut water kefir is fermented coconut water. Coconut water kefir is a probiotic drink that also contains vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. The vitamin and mineral content of coconut water includes beta carotene, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Niacin, pantothenic acid, folates and vitamins A,B6, C, E and K.

Traditional Miso or miso soup is another dairy free probiotic food. It is made from fermented soybeans, barley or rice. Although miso is not a raw food the fermentation process makes it “live” and full of natural digestive and health –enhancing enzymes. For the best miso, look for a brand that is unpasteurised.

Tempeh is a fermented foodvegan protein and another one of the top dairy free probiotic foods to consider including in your vegan diet. Tempeh can be eaten raw in a raw vegan diet or cooked as a source of vegan protein. Traditionally this food, that originated in Indonesia several centuries ago, is made by adding a yeast-based starter culture to beans (legumes).

Kimchi is a traditional Korean food manufactured by fermenting vegetables with probiotic lactic acid bacteria. Studies find it to be another one of the good dairy free probiotic foods. The major ingredients of kimchi are cruciferous vegetables and other healthy functional foods such as garlic, ginger, red pepper powder.

Probiotic ginger beer or probiotic ginger ale is another one of the dairy free probiotic foods or a beverage made by using the bacterial starter – called a ginger bug. The idea is to bring the ginger bug, that is essentially ginger, filtered water, sugar and the ginger wort together once the fermentation process has begun in the ginger bug naturally.

dairy free probiotics

dairy free probiotic foods

NOTE: Sugar free diets – Much of the sugar in fermented tonics is consumed by beneficial microorganisms, who then transform it. The wild microorganisms eat away at the sugar in the ginger bug, and produce carbon dioxide as a result seo texte schreiben lassen. Do you need to consider increasing your daily probiotic intake? 

When mixed with a flavored sweet tea or ginger wort the microorganisms in the ginger bug begin to consume the sugar in the tea or juice, and, as they do, they reproduce and emit carbon dioxide. NOTE: Making probiotic beverages is not difficult, but does it does take time and attention Amazon Agentur. Alcohol free diets – ginger beer is considered non-alcoholic although it ginger beer does contain less than 0.5% alcohol.

Water kefir is a probiotic beverage similar to Kombucha and Ginger Beer. Water kefir grains are translucent and gelatinous, with a crystal-like appearance ghostwriter diplomarbeit. Like kombucha mothers, water kefir grains are a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts including lactobacillus hilgardii – the species that gives water kefir grains their characteristic appearance.

Moroccan preserved lemons can be consumed in different recipes and are another natural dairy free probiotic food ghostwriter bachelorarbeit. Moroccan preserved lemons are naturally fermented without the use of a starter – just benign bacteria and yeasts naturally present in the air, on our skin and on the fruits themselves.

Vegan prebiotics

Vegan prebiotics

 Sour pickles are another dairy free probiotic food. Sour pickles are tart, as the name suggests and crunchy Ghostwriter. Sour pickles are the traditional alternative to vinegar pickles and are prepared using a simple solution of unrefined sea salt and clean, chlorine-free or filtered water.

Coconut yogurt is the last inclusion in this list of dairy free probiotic foods when the coconut yogurt is made from the milk of the coconut and not from dairy milk. This dairy free probation food that is suitable for vegan diets is made with a mix of plant based probiotic cultures that contain no dairy. Why might you want to increase your daily probiotic intake?


The Best Probiotics – 10 Check List

What is probiotics

We TAKE Probiotics for gut health so does what we EAT DRINK TAKE MAKE count towards our gut health? Our digestive problems or overall digestive health alone requires personalised nutrition. Here’s why…

best probiotic

best probiotic

FAQ: which is the best probiotic to take? How, when and even why we eat = nutrition and lifestyle habits = information. This feeds our or nourishes or bodies and informs our gut health and wellbeing. So let’s make choices that count towards OUR health.
Probiotics and Prescript Assist probiotics and antibiotics and probiotics and prebiotics – find out about them here

We have all that friend. They’re super healthy. They eat whole foods, they workout. Yet, they’re catching bugs or unwell. A lot. They look and feel tired all the time.

So this super healthy friend, eating seasonal whole foods – nutrient rich… outside their body. Inside? Useless.
Is this why we’re all taking Probiotics? Well, probiotics do far more than improve digestive function and our ability to stay ‘regular.’ Possibly, Probiotics are the best natural solution for eliminating bloating and puffiness. Probiotics are the safest way to get a healthier, flatter stomach. However, not all probiotics are created equal.

10 Tips For Choosing A High Quality Probiotic

1) Different Probiotics work in different ways. You should discuss what you want to achieve by taking probiotics safely.
2) It is important to Know The Strain. The most common strains you will find are bifidobacterium and lactobacillus. Medications that decrease the immune system (Immunosuppressants) interact with lactobacillus strains. Lactobacillus acidophilus is thought to help with the digestion and absorption of lactose by producing lactase. This may be helpful for those with Lactose intolerance – usually the result of a lactase deficiency.

Probiotics means ‘for life’

They are defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations as ‘live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts as part of food, confer a beneficial health effect by producing gut microflora on the host’.

Probiotics often are not that effective at re-populating the gut flora – Prebiotics are more effective for that. The health benefits of probiotics go beyond gut health. 

Vegan Probiotics

If you are vegan it can be challenging to find a vegan probiotic. Some brands use milk in the manufacturing process, or have gelatin-derived capsules, or use bee products. It is not impossible, however, to find a vegan-friendly probiotic formula. It should be all of the following: (i) dairy free probiotic (ii) casein free probiotic (iii) gelatin free probiotic (iv) bee product free probiotic

If you are sensitive to dairy you can find dairy-free probiotics and increase your food intake of probiotics with these foods that are also vegan diet friendly: Ten Dairy Free Probiotic Foods

If you are taking antibiotics it is good to start a Saccharomyces boulardii or S. boulardii probiotic. Take these while still taking the antibiotic as this is a yeast strain (antibiotics cannot kill it). Taking these rather than bacteria and can help prepare the internal environment to welcome new “good” bacteria back into the body. This happens once the antibiotic has done its job of clearing bacteria from the body. There are quite a few randomised, placebo-controlled trials for e.g. here and here that have demonstrated the effectiveness of probiotic use during a course of antibiotics. This is specific for reducing side effects and preventing gut infection. Prebiotics are an important part of any regimen to protect or rebuild a healthy microbiome during and after antibiotic use.

The Best Probiotics - 10 Check List

The Best Probiotics – 10 Check List

3) Demonstrated safety in vivo and In Vitro Studies SBO probiotics have risen in recognition recently as clinical evidence grows to support their traditonally-derived approach. Species from the Bacillus genus, a gut-adapted spore-forming bacteria is found in certain probiotic products. It has been demonstrated to be safe and effective in in vitro and in vivo studies. 4) Clinical Trials – Many probiotic products have not been validated by peer-reviewed, clinical studies. The best products are those that have been studied in the scientific literature.

5) Shelf Stability – Probiotics should be shelf-stable i.e. do not require refrigeration. Many probiotics require refrigeration and lose their potency if not stored within a very narrow range of temperature and this is inconvenient in today’s modern, mobile world. A shelf-stable probiotic is easier to take consistently because you can take it with you wherever you go.

6) Strength – A superior delivery can more than compensate for a product with a lower CFU count i.e. Colony Forming Units. That said, a true probiotic effect involves a significant number of CFU (preferably 10 billion CFU or more per serving). This serving produces significant quantities of lactic acid within our intestinal tract. One of the roles of stomach acid is to prevent harmful bacteria from entering our bodies. However, stomach acid will also kill good bacteria that we swallow in the form of probiotics—unless the bacteria is protected from that acid in our stomachs. Delivery does not only mean making the probiotic go through the stomach alive. The best delivery systems keep the probiotics together in a protective gel as they move deep into the intestinal tract. The more pristine this gel state can be kept, in terms of allowing only probiotics to grow, the better. 7) Time Of Manufacture – always read the label. A time of manufacture guarantee declares the amount of CFUs in a probiotic at the time of production

The Best Probiotics - 10 Check List

The Best Probiotics – 10 Check List

8) Too Many Strains? The most effective probiotics contain several different strains of bacteria that work together synergistically to mimic the natural flora found in the human gut. A broad spectrum of bacterial chains is generally advised. This is unless specifications in point 2) apply e.g.of  broad spectrum is 29 strains of beneficial microflora
9) Viability. To repeat point 6) the good delivery system is required. This is for the probiotic product to remain viable on the shelf. Also, through the harsh acidic environment of the stomach —  delivering active, therapeutic levels at the time they reach the lower GI tract.
10) Value & Gluten Free & Dairy Free. Always read the label.

In the last ten years, studies of the human microbiome, have propelled our appreciation for studies into probiotics. The microbiome is defined as the collective genetic identity of the microbes. These microbes are composed of bacteria, bacteriophage, fungi, protozoa and viruses. They live inside and on the human body and provided us with much data. These bacteria help to balance pH and maintain immunity. They aid in absorption and synthesis of nutrients, to neutralise harmful compounds and produce short chain fatty acids. Short chain fatty acids play a role in the digestive process as well.

In summary, the health benefits of probiotic therapy depend on choice factors. The type of bacterium dosing regimen, delivery method and other underlying host factors. For e.g. the age and diet of the host. Really we cannot summarise this topic just yet: points 3) and 4) call for regular updates. This is an important part of delivering the best personalised nutritional plan for you.

Top 10 Prebiotics

Top 10 Prebiotics

Prone to infections? Suffering from NEW allergies? Have no energy in spite of getting lots of sleep?
There are differences between the best probiotics and prebiotics on the market. Wondering whether you need to include probiotics and prebiotics in your diet? Ask yourself: 1) What do these do for gut health 2) Why you might be feeling unwell without them


Prebiotics are found in whole grains, bananas, onions, garlic, honey and artichokes. Find out more about gluten free whole grains here.

Prebiotics Probiotics

Prebiotics are non digestible carbohydrates. Prebiotics act as food for probiotics. When probiotics and prebiotics are combined, they form a synbiotic. Fermented dairy products – such as live organic yogurt and kefir – are considered synbiotic. This is because they contain live bacteria and the fuel they need to thrive. If we have an autoimmune disorder or fighting any of the above, it might be time to include prebiotics in your diet.

Prebiotic foods

Prebiotic foods selectively stimulate the growth of the beneficial bacteria already inhabiting the gut. These foods include 1) onions (2) jerusalem artichoke, and fruits and vegetables high in soluble fibre: (3) sweet potatoes (4) brussels sprouts (5) asparagus (6) turnips (7) mango (8) avocados (9) strawberries (10) apricots

Modern lifestyles makes us fat and diabetic because of poor gut health  [tweetthis twitter_handles=”@SusannahMakram” hidden_hashtags=”#prebiotics” url=”″]Moder lifestyles make us fat and diabetic because of poor gut health[/tweetthis]

There is no getting around it: healthy gut bacteria is a necessity not a luxury. When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight and metabolism you need to start with your gut environment. Unfortunately, several features of the modern lifestyle directly contribute to unhealthy gut flora:

  • Antibiotics and other medications like birth control and NSAIDs
  • Diets high in refined carbohydrates, sugar and processed foods
  • Diets low in fermentable fibers
  • Dietary toxins like wheat and industrial seed oils that cause leaky gut
  • Chronic stress – the “bad” Stress not the “good” stress
  • Chronic infections (lowered immunity)
probiotics prebiotic

probiotic prebiotic

Soluble fibre dissolves in water to form a gel. It is especially rich in prebiotics called fructo-oligosaccharides. These include compounds called inulin and oligofructose. These compounds are not broken down by stomach acid or digestive enzymes. Instead they are fermented and used by beneficial bacteria in the colon, especially two types called lactobacillus and bifidobacter.

Another type of prebiotic compound is called galactooligosaccharide, or GOS. It is a natural component of human breast milk. This helps get a newborn’s digestive tract off to a good start. GOS provides nutrition for the baby’s colonies of beneficial intestinal bacteria. It also helps prevent pathogenic bacteria from attaching to the lining of the baby’s tract. GOS is especially beneficial for bifidobacter colonies in the colon, according to this review published in the “Journal of Nutrition.”

Best Supplements

If you have a health condition that interferes with your ability to consume fiber-rich foods, an organic soil based, probiotic combined naturally with a prebiotic is advisable.  If you have a health condition that interferes with your ability to drink milk, this is also true. Fiber supplements that contain wheat dextrin or psyllium are also good sources of prebiotics. Supplements are generally considered safe but may cause gas and bloating as undesirable side-effects in some people. Before deciding to go down the supplement route it is advisable to discuss prebiotic supplements with your specialist to determine if they are a good choice for you.

Always Read The Label. Are soluble fiber food additives present in your day-to-day household products? Inulin is sometimes added to beverages and some baked goods and snacks. This makes them prebiotic foods. Another manufactured product called polydextrose acts as a soluble fiber. It is also a common food additive, used to thicken and replace some sugar in cakes and dessert mixes and puddings. Weight Loss or Low Fat or “diet” food products: Wheat dextrin, a grain-derived soluble fibre, is also added to soft foods and beverages by manufacturers to increase the product’s thickness and to replace some dietary fat and lower calories.

Alkaline Foods Diet

Alkaline Foods Diet

Is plant based healthy? Alkaline food is it all a lie? The alkaline diet myth is threefold. Before we reveal it, let’s break down the alkaline diet

In simple terms — Hollywood celebs on the alkaline foods diet aren’t saying much. So is it working short or long term — at all?

The Alkaline Diet

Let’s look closely at this science. The premise: the alkaline diet – also known as the alkaline ash diet or acid alkaline diet – can help you lose weight. Also, this weight loss is seemingly healthy. So gut health and hormonal balance are positively  maintained. Seemingly.

The acid alkali method claims acid-forming diets lead to indigestion (acid indigestion). This eventually creates a condition known as ‘acidosis’ or ‘chronic acidosis’ which acidify body tissue. What awful acidic food are culprit to avoid on the alkaline acid diet?

The science behind the alkaline diet

The science behind the alkaline diet

There are three basic claims of the alkaline foods diet hypothesis. If we eat acid-forming foods, we get sick. If we eat alkaline-forming foods, we’ll be healthy. Also we will be protected against disease.

Food For Thought: High serum Parathyroid i.e. serum PTH is linked with low bone mineral density, high bone turnover, and an increased risk of (osteoporotic) fractures. How does high serum PTH arise and can we reverse this by diet alone?

The Alkaline Diet Myth

  • One is that alkaline foods diet affects the pH of our blood.
  • Number two would be that our urine pH is an accurate indicator of our health. By extension, we can use these urine test strips to test whether our blood is acidic by measuring our urine acidity. Secondly, by extension, we can use these urine test strips to determine our health.
  • The third claim is that acid-forming diets contribute to modern disease.



Alkaline Foods Diet

Alkaline Foods Diet


  1. Because the pH range of our blood is so tightly controlled by our body it is not possible to alter blood pH just by what we eat. In fact, even slight changes in the pH or acidity of our blood can lead to serious consequences. This includes death. You will not find any reliable medical studies or textbooks that claim that what we eat affects the pH of our blood, as claimed in the alkaline diet hypothesis.
  2. The pH of our urine is not related to the pH of our blood. However, the pH of our urine, does indicate potential kidney function. You will actually find some studies that claim urine pH is an accurate indicator of health. Some claim that our urine pH is a good reflection of our serum pH.
    There are far more studies that have found the pH of our urine does not in any way reflect the pH of our blood. In these studies urine pH isn’t a reliable indicator of anything other than how well our kidneys are functioning. This is because one of their main jobs is to buffer the blood and remove any excess acid that might accumulate from protein digestion. The pH of our urine is not related to the pH of our blood. 
  3. Alkaline foods diet basics.
    Acid forming foods
    : High PRAL Score Foods – Meat and meat products, high protein cheese – Parmesan Cheese, processed cheese, low fat cheddar. Alkaline foods: whole fruits and vegetables and certain whole grains, which are low in caloric density.  5 high quality studies debunk myth 3 by proving that if you eat more protein, you will pee out more acid and calcium, but the amount of calcium in your body does not change. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Nutrition Journal,  American Journal of Kidney Diseases, July 2009, The Bone Journal 2009  These studies found a strong positive association between protein intake and bone health. There have also been controlled trials where they have experimentally induced protein deficiency i.e. dramatically restricted protein intake in subjects and that has led to deterioration of bone mass, microarchitecture, and strength; the hallmarks of osteoporosis.

Diet Secret Of The Stars Exposed

There are three potential mechanisms through which a higher dietary protein intake can positively impact bone health.

1) Protein contains various amino acids that are integral to bone.
2) Eating more protein increases IGF-1 levels and IGF-1, in turn, increases bone growth and bone mass.
3) Eating more protein lowers levels of serum parathyroid hormone – serum PTH – and we know that high levels of serum parathyroid hormone are associated with low bone mineral density, high bone turnover, and an increased risk of (osteoporotic) fractures.


Nutrition: The Secret To Success


Naturopathic medicine & its principles are historically powerful evidence-based methods of treating the signs of ageing. The secret to success by nutrition, by naturopathy all begins here

Subscribe to Susannah Makram TV so you don’t miss the unique video mini series – 4 Simple Strategies to Getting Your Energy Back.      [tweetthis]Subscribe to Susannah Makram TV for 4 Simple Strategies to Getting Your Energy Back[/tweetthis]

SAFE. clinical assessment and examination can prevent CLINICAL. investigation and if this is not needed to scan for serious disease then it must be divisive to PRACTICAL. personalised nutritional treatment to be EFFECTIVE.

As liaison’s officer to the British Naturopathic Journal, I find this to be more so a priority within the sets of my responsibilities. As founder of The Body Youth Code, founder of The Functional Healthcare Group, I do and I train.

Intrinsic ageing is not a disease but a natural process. This is why, when my client feels let down by unsuccessful treatment, balance is our goal. Repair to solve extrinsic signs of ageing comes next. This is weight loss; hair loss & skincare; chronic Fatigue (or unexplained fatigue)


Gut health – The human intestinal tract harbours a diverse and complex microbial community which plays a central role in human health. So, when treating the body as a whole, it makes sense to address to the cause of skin conditions, low energy levels, unhealthy weight gain etc. to what we put inside our bodies. i.e. our gut health

Professional athletes are reaching their full potential. They’re at the top of their game by taking their nutrition seriously. We start by wanting to take ownership of their health. Effective personalised nutrition – what’s yours? 

CEOs and diplomats and anyone susceptible to stress – any one, in other words! – testify to this fact. Making this manageable in today’s world need not be difficult. It is possible. iStock_000051960718_Small

To all people food is knowledge. It’s not just fuel for the body and its systems.

On a cellular level, nutrition is a vital part of managing the undesirable signs of accelerated ageing [tweetthis]#Nutrition is a vital part of managing the undesirable signs of accelerated #ageing [/tweetthis]

A gut that is functioning optimally provides the environment necessary for inside out health. Our body works as a functional unit.

It takes a lot of energy to break down food with a gut that is not working properly….  [tweetthis]It takes a lot of energy to break down food with a gut that is not working properly[/tweetthis]    for whatever reason!

If we want our nutrition to fuel our body instead of making us unwell and tired all the time, we need to have good gut function.  a healthy gut This in turn directs energies towards cell renewal which is the number one mechanism to reverse the signs of ageing. Tapping into this store of energy successfully, from one individual to the next, is a process that requires the clinical expertise.

Energy by nutrition enhances cell turnover rate to reverse the signs of ageing.   [tweetthis]Direct energy by nutrition towards enhancing your cell turnover rate & reverse ageing.[/tweetthis]


The Body Youth Code is solutions-based. We examine and see how the body is functioning – as a whole. Osteopathy and Naturopathy use such holistic methods .

Osteopathy looks at what factors are causing the body to stop functioning at its best.  The better that this is understood, the better your treatment results. This is equal for back pain, neck pain as for naturopathic nutrition. Personalising this is for your healthy weight loss. Nutrition for healthy skin and nutrition for hair loss require an understanding of the problem from its root. Fertility nutrition and nutrition for tiredness, weakness or fatigue have often more than one cause.

The Body Youth Code has roots in osteopathic and naturopathic principles. The pathophysiology of disease and its specific effect on the neuroendocrine system needs understanding.

“Diagnosis”means to know… through and through, the Greek roots “dia”, meaning ‘through’ (as in diagonal – an angle through) and “gnosis” meaning ‘essential knowing.’

Fertility After IUD, Risks & Side-Effects

What are IUDs?

Fertility after IUDs, issues getting pregnant after long term use? IUD is a birth control device. IUDs prevent a woman’s eggs from being fertilised by causing damage or even killing sperm. Most women using these modern methods of birth control are asking about their fertility after IUD usage. There are generally two types of IUDs:

Copper IUD Paragard
Hormonal IUD or Hormonal IUS Mirena or Skyla 

IUDs have an impact to the lining which prevents the implantation and development of a fertilised egg/s. Modern IUDS: Copper and hormonal. Copper IUDs take their name after the same material that covers the stem of the device. Copper causes the fallopian tubes and uterus to produce a type of fluid that kills sperms. Copper IUDs have the longest effectivity of up to 10 years. 

Fertility After IUDs

Pregnancy after Copper IUD removal
Return to fertility after discontinuation of use of the Copper IUD or Multiload Cu-250 intrauterine device was found to be excellent in this study . This was the conclusion of a seven-year study of 55 pregnancies involving 53 MLCu250 users who had their devices removed because they wanted another child.

The overwhelming finding has been that there is no impairment of fertility caused by use of an IUD.1),2)-7) In a recently published review of IUD use and its effect on fertility, randomised trials found a 92% to 100% pregnancy rate, and a case series found a 95% to 96% pregnancy rate by the end of study follow-up.37 A study that evaluated both types of IUDs – copper IUD and Hormonal IUS – found the median time to conception was 3 months for the copper-containing IUD group and 4 months for the levonorgestrel-releasing IUD group, with a life table estimate of the cumulative pregnancy rate at 12 months to be 91.1% and 96.4% for the copper-containing and levonorgestrel-releasing IUDs, respectively.8) The mean time to conception after IUD removal in a different prospective cohort study was 5.4 months.4)

Pregnancy after hormonal IUS and Copper IUD Removal

The majority of evidence supports that the duration of IUD use does not affect the return to fertility.1),3)-7) Doll et al, however, found that long-term IUD use in nulliparous (i.e a woman who has never given birth to a viable, or live, infant) women is associated with impaired fertility.9) Their study was linked to the Oxford-FPA study and focused on nulliparous women and therefore the effects on these women’s fertility as it relates to a first time pregnancy following discontinued use and measured duration of use of the IUD compared with OCPs. Although there was no association between fertility and duration of OCP use, increased duration of IUD use had a significant linear trend of increased impairment of fertility during the first 30 months after IUD removal. The greatest impairment of fertility was found with use for 78 months or longer. Hassan and Killick found the opposite result: women with short-term (<2 years) use of the IUD had a longer TTP than longer-term users (5.8 months and 3.8 months, respectively).4 There is no difference in the return to fertility among women who had IUD removal secondary to desire for conception or secondary to IUD complications (pain, bleeding, pelvic inflammatory disease, expulsion, or vaginal discharge).3),6),7)

The IUD is not only a highly efficacious contraceptive. However, IUD also offers a prompt return to fertility. Return to fertility comes with possible exception of nulliparous women who use the IUD for 78 months or longer.

IUD as contraceptive

IUD as contraceptive

IUDs As A Contraceptive

Hormonal IUD or Hormonal IUS work by releasing levonorgestrel which damages sperms, contains sperms within the uterus and prevents the endometrium from developing to deter a fertilised egg from implanting and growing. Hormonal IUDs work for up to five years and are noted for reducing menstrual bleeding by as much as 95%, as a treatment of endometriosis and prevention of uterine cancer.

Copper IUD or ParaGard is a T-shaped plastic frame that has a copper wire coiled around the stem and two copper sleeves along the arms that continuously release copper to bathe the lining of the uterus. ParaGard produces an inflammatory reaction in the uterus that is toxic to sperm, which helps prevent fertilisation.

Copper IUD or Paraguard Side-Effects

Anaemia – Backache – Bleeding between periods – Cramps – Inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis) – Pain during sex – Severe menstrual pain and heavy bleeding – Vaginal discharge

Statistics show that less than two women in 100 will get pregnant over five years. This is the same as the pill, only if you take it properly. If you take it late or have a funny tummy, for example,  it is not effective. Antibiotics can also affect the reliability of the combined pill. This might account for the reported failure rates: 0.8 per cent for a copper IUD, the Mirena coil 0.2 per cent and the pill nine per cent. Less than 1 percent of women who use ParaGard will get pregnant in the first year of typical use. If you do conceive while using ParaGard, you’re at higher risk of an ectopic pregnancy — when the fertilised egg implants outside the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube. However, because ParaGard prevents most pregnancies, the overall risk of having an ectopic pregnancy is lower than it is for other sexually active women who don’t use contraception.

ParaGard offers effective, long-term contraception. It can be used in premenopausal women of all ages, including teenagers. Among various benefits, ParaGard:

Eliminates the need to interrupt sex for contraception or seek partner compliance
Can remain in place for up to 10 years
Can be removed at any time, followed by a quick return to fertility
Decreases the risk of endometrial cancer and possibly cervical cancer
Can be used while breast-feeding — though there may be an increased risk of perforation or expulsion when inserted soon after delivery
Doesn’t carry the risk of side effects related to hormonal birth control methods
Can be used for emergency contraception if inserted within five days after unprotected sex

ParaGard isn’t appropriate for everyone, however. Your health care provider may discourage use of ParaGard if you:

Have uterine abnormalities that interfere with the placement or retention of ParaGard. Have a pelvic infection, such as pelvic inflammatory disease. Have uterine or cervical cancer. Have unexplained vaginal bleeding. Are allergic to any component of ParaGard. Have a disorder that causes too much copper to accumulate in your liver, brain and other vital organs (Wilson’s disease). Have or are at high risk of a sexually transmitted infection, and won’t use condoms. Had previous problems with an IUD

Possible side effects of Mirena IUS

All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome:

Acne; breast pain or tenderness; changes in menstrual bleeding (eg, spotting); dizziness, bleeding, or cramping during placement.

Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur:

Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); chills; fever; mental or mood changes (eg, depression); missed menstrual period; painful sexual intercourse; prolonged heavy menstrual bleeding; severe or persistent headache (eg, migraine); severe pain or tenderness in the abdomen or pelvis; unusual or odorous vaginal discharge; unusual vaginal swelling or bleeding.

Some MEDICINES MAY INTERACT with Mirena IUS. Tell your health care provider if you are taking any other medicines, especially any of the following:

  • Azole antifungals (eg, ketoconazole), barbiturates (eg, phenobarbital), bosentan, carbamazepine, felbamate, griseofulvin, protease inhibitors (eg, indinavir, boceprevir), hydantoins (eg, phenytoin), modafinil, nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) (eg, nevirapine), oxcarbazepine, rifampin, St. John’s wort, or topiramate because they may decrease the amount of levonorgestrel in the blood. Talk with your doctor if you have questions about whether these medicines may affect Mirena iud
  • Anticoagulants (eg, warfarin) because the risk of their side effects may be increased or decreased by Mirena IUD
  • Troleandomycin because the risk of liver problems may be increased
  • Lamotrigine because its effectiveness may be decreased. Blood levels and side effects of lamotrigine may be increased when Mirena IUD is stopped

This may not be a complete list of all interactions that may occur. Ask your health care provider if Mirena IUS may interact with other medicines that you take. Check with your health care provider before you start, stop, or change the dose of any medicine.

Use Mirena IUS as directed by your doctor. Check the label on the medicine for exact dosing instructions.

  • An extra patient leaflet is available with Mirena iud. Talk to your pharmacist if you have questions about this information.
  • Before using this product, read the patient insert and discuss the information, as well as other birth control methods, with your health care provider.
  • This product will be inserted by a qualified health care provider in a medical setting.
  • Your period may be irregular during the first 3 to 6 months of use.
  • The IUD may be left in place for up to 5 years. If you wish to continue to use this method of birth control for longer than 5 years, your doctor will need to remove the old IUD and replace it with a new one.
  • You may have your doctor remove the IUD at any time if you decide you no longer wish to use this method of birth control.
  • If you are using this product and your current IUD has been in place for longer than 5 years, contact your doctor right away.

Ask your health care provider any questions you may have about how to use Mirena IUS. Important Safety Information:

  • This product does not protect against HIV or other STDs.
  • Contact your doctor immediately if either you or your partner develops HIV infection, an STD, or symptoms of an STD or genital infection (eg, genital sores schlafmaske seide) . You may need to use a barrier method of birth control (eg, condoms). You will need to discuss with your doctor if this product is still right for you.
  • Contact your doctor right away if you experience a change in your health while you use this product, especially if you develop severe or persistent headaches (eg, migraine), symptoms of liver problems (eg, yellowing of the eyes or skin; dark urine; pale stools; severe or persistent nausea, stomach pain, or loss of appetite), high blood pressure, or if you have a heart attack or stroke. You will need to discuss with your doctor if this product is still right for you.
  • Diabetes patients – Mirena iud may affect your blood sugar  kaschmir decke. Check blood sugar levels closely. Ask your doctor before you change the dose of your diabetes medicine.
  • If you experience severe pain, bleeding, or dizziness within hours after the device is inserted, contact your doctor right away.
  • This medication device may sometimes come out by itself or move out of place. This may result in pregnancy or other problems. Check after each menstrual period to make sure you can locate the thread from the IUD that extends through the cervix kuscheldecke baumwolle. Do not pull on the thread. If the device comes out or you cannot feel its threads, call your doctor right away and use a backup birth control method (eg, condoms).
  • Lab tests, including a complete physical exam, pelvic exam, Pap smear, uterine ultrasound, pregnancy tests, liver function tests, x-ray, and complete blood cell counts, may be performed while you use Mirena iud decke kaufen. These tests may be used to monitor your condition or check for side effects. Be sure to keep all doctor and lab appointments.
  • PREGNANCY and BREAST-FEEDING: Do not use Mirena IUS if you are pregnant. If you become pregnant or think you may be pregnant, contact your doctor right away. You may be at risk of serious complications. This may include an ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus), a serious and sometimes fatal condition decke schurwolle.If you become pregnant and the pregnancy is inside the uterus, you may be at risk of serious complications, including severe infection, miscarriage, premature delivery, or death. Mirena iud is found in breast milk. If you are or will be breast-feeding while you use Mirena iud, check with your doctor. Discuss any possible risks to your baby.


1)  Belhadj H, Sivin I, Diaz S, et al. Recovery of fertility after use of the levonorgestrel 20 mcg/d or Copper T 380 Ag intrauterine device. Contraception. 1986;34(3):261-267.

2) Sivin I, Stern J, Diaz S, et al. Rates and outcomes of planned pregnancy after use of Norplant capsules, Norplant II rods, or levonorgestrel-releasing or copper TCu 380Ag intrauterine contraceptive devices. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1992;166(4):1208-1213. 

3) Vessey MP, Lawless M, McPherson K, Yeates D. Fertility after stopping use of intrauterine contraceptive device. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1983;286(6359):106. 

4) Randic L, Vlasic S, Matrljan I, Waszak CS. Return to fertility after IUD removal for planned pregnancy. Contraception. 1985;32(3):253-259. 

5) Andolsek L, Teeter RA, Kozuh-Novak M, Wheeler R, Fortney JA, Rosenberg MJ. Time to conception after IUD removal: importance of duration of use, IUD type, pelvic inflammatory disease and age. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1986;24(3):217-223. 

6) Wilson JC. A prospective New Zealand study of fertility after removal of copper intrauterine contraceptive devices for conception and because of complications: a four-year study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1989;160(2):391-396. 

7) Hov GG, Skjeldestad FE, Hilstad T. Use of IUD and subsequent fertility—follow-up after participation in a randomized clinical trial. Contraception. 2007;75(2):88-92. 

8) Belhadj H, Sivin I, Diaz S, et al. Recovery of fertility after use of the levonorgestrel 20 mcg/d or Copper T 380 Ag intrauterine device. Contraception. 1986;34(3):261-267.

9) Doll H, Vessey M, Painter R. Return of fertility in nulliparous women after discontinuation of the intrauterine device: comparison with women discontinuing other methods of contraception. BJOG. 2001;108(3):304-314. 


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