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Posts Tagged ‘Calorie Restriction’

Sugar Free Diet Skin Benefits

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Sugar in The Skin

Luxury skincare anti wrinkle cream for ageing skin requires routine. Accelerated ageing, without proper care and nourishment of skin is instantly visible. Degenerative effects of ageing are similarly seen in other organs. Because of its visibility, our skin outwardly discloses to the world many aspects of our inner health.
If we want to heal our skin we have to heal our gut. How do we do this?



ANSWER: Glycation

Glycation is an abnormal process involving sugar binding to a protein, for example fructose to collagen. When the bound sugar and protein are exposed to free radicals they form multiple protein combinations called Advanced Glycation End Products or AGEs. Advanced Glycation End Products hang around in the dermis (the thick layer of living tissue below the epidermis which forms the true skin) and manifest as sallowness in the skin.

You can see this reaction taking place in food; for example baked goods. Or in the delicious sugar shell on the top of a crème brûlée. This making of soft food to hard is glycation. When we eat it, the AGEs from these devilishly delicious nibbles are deposited in the skin.

dairy and acne

dairy and acne

Yes, eventually all carbohydrates are converted to sugar. Even things like brown rice. Less than in the eyeing you up in the fridge! Worst total body offender of the sugar world? That award goes to high fructose corn syrup – corn syrup that has undergone enzymatic processing to convert some of its glucose into fructose. This increases the rate of glycation by 10 TIMES when compared with regular glucose. People with diabetes should be particularly careful, as they will have twice as many AGE deposits in the skin as people without diabetes. And no surprises here but that lifestyle habit, smoking, increases the rate of AGE deposition too!

So what does it do to the skin, exactly?

  •   It makes collagen and elastin stiff and decreases skin elasticity (hello wrinkles)
  •   Inactivates antioxidant enzymes
  •   Increased death of fibroblasts and keratinocytes (not cool)
  •   Makes skin cells more sensitive to UV

Now that you’ve put down that New York Cheesecake slice… Here’s something you can DO.

First, find out if this something that could change your life. Why? It has been suggested that restricting your calorie intake is a way of reducing AGE formation and could increase your lifespan; but who wants to live on 1600 calories a day? Or if you do, don’t you need to know the exact effect this will have? What if its not what you want? Contact us. Find out what we do. Will it help you?

[1] Zouboulis CC. Acne and sebaceous gland function. Clin Dermatol. 2004;22:360–366.
[2] “Diet and Acne,” published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Lead author  Whitney P. Bowe MD, FAAD


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Is Fasting Healthy For The Body?

Intermittent fasting

FASTING e.g. Ramadan can wreak havoc with blood glucose and insulin levels. Why do some actually LOSE WEIGHT during Ramadan? Read on to find out…
FAQs: Is fasting healthy for diabetics? Why do I gain weight during Ramadan? Are there any health benefits to fasting? Can I IMPROVE BRAIN plasticity and HEALTH by FASTING INTERMITTENTLY? READ ON….

Is Fasting Healthy For The Body?

Benefits of fasting – what happens when the body fasts:

After a few hours of fasting, the body starts to burn fat. Also cholesterol is broken down into beneficial bile acids. This is like a lightbulb inside the brain switches on only at night (when you are fasting) this highlights energy pathways used in: RREE

REPAIR. RENEWAL. The liver shuts down glucose production for several hours, lowering blood glucose levels. Instead of ending up in the bloodstream, extra glucose is used to repair damaged cells and make new DNA, which can help prevent chronic inflammation. ENZYMATIC ACTION. ENERGY RELEASE. Meanwhile, liver enzymes are activated and help in the creation of brown fat (the good kind, which converts extra calories to heat). RREE

  • Weight loss
  • Life Extension
  • Gut health
  • Will power

Weight loss

Fasting can make exercising for fat loss more efficient. In turn, exercising makes fasting easier. Burning fat also releases something called ‘glycerol’ from your body-fat stores. When the fatty acids are released, so is the glycerol. Glycerol is a valuable precursor for gluconeogenesis [a metabolic pathway] in the liver that helps keep blood glucose stable.

However, there are studies of obese people developing Candida albicans infections when fasting causes ketosis. So there’s evidence pointing to the idea that KETONE PRODUCTION is not a good idea. Read more about this here. 

intermittent fasting

intermittent fasting

Life extension

Studies indicate that short-term fasting can increase longevity, HELP REGULATE GLUCOSE LEVELS, and help treat everything from ASTHMA and AUTOIMMUNE diseases to CARDIAC arrhythmias.

Exercise! Yes, EXERCISE and intermittent fasting improve brain plasticity and health according to this study. 

Gut health

Caloric restriction might mediate its health-promoting effects on the body by inducing a healthy gut microbiota or gut microbiome. 

A Calorie restricted diet reduces the abundance of bacteria that correlate negatively with lifespan. These changes are associated with reduced serum levels of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein – a marker often associated with inflammation. This suggests that reduced inflammation caused by antigens from gut bacteria might be one of the health benefits transmitted by caloric restriction.

Calorie restriction diet

Calorie restriction or a calorie restriction diet is not necessarily the same as fasting or intermittent fasting. Further studies are needed to clarify how these structural changes in the gut microbiota may extend lifespan. Also further studies are needed to validate whether they could serve as biomarkers for the development of dietary anti-ageing interventions.

Is Fasting Healthy For The Body?

Will Power

Taking ownership of our health requires determination and will power to do so. Fasting or intermittent fasting can help build up your phycological capabilities or mental strength like re-training your mind or remapping neuro-pathways in your brain so that your will have a memory of this healthy behaviour, or the feelings associated with fasting, for life.

Hunger and weight loss DO NOT always go hand in hand. Fasting can ‘remind’ your body this long-term.



The body relies on key nutrients to eliminate toxins, build healthy tissue and more. Therefore, intermittent fasting can cause problems for people who are not generally well nourished.

If you are suffering from autoimmune or chronic illness e.g. diabetes, CVD it is SAFE to seek advice regarding fasting around your Naturopathic Portfolio 

Pro Aging


Pro Aging requires HEALTH – SO WHAT IS HEALTH?

Pro ageing is the new anti aging or ageing well. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity – World Health Organization, 1948.


If I’d known I was going to live so long, I’d have taken better care of myself – Leon Eldred


There seems to be a general trend in the one-size fits all approach to nutritional and lifestyle trends like Paleo or Life Extension & Calorie restriction that encourage their followers to seek longevity of life. This goal is human nature – inherent within the healthy psyche.

Evolution and our intelligence is seeking out the best environment for our body – that is as unique as our DNA – so that we carry the gene of full health potential at all times.

The background of leaders in health or wellbeing is revealing and pro aging is the term most likely sed to describe accurately what we mean when we talk about reversing the signs of aging.  To make an informed decision about healthcare and treatment, I advice that you investigate the background of your chosen healthcare professional. Pro aging factors in real time intrinsic aging processes. It looks at harnessing what makes these processes health and potentially rejuvenating when it comes to your inside out body health and beauty. Tap into The Body Youth Code to learn more.

Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. If you have a healthy lifestyle, your diet and nutrition are set, and you’re working out, you’re going to feel good. – Jason Statham


Sickness comes on horseback but departs on foot – Dutch Proverb
In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired – Unknown


The awareness that health is dependent upon habits that we control makes us the first generation in history that to a large extent determines its own destiny. – Jimmy Carter


Drugs are not always necessary. Belief in recovery always is. – Norman Cousins
A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. – Tom Stoppard
In health there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties. – Henri-Frederic Amiel

He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything. – Arabic Proverb


time for a checkup

Conventional medicine is the medicine of WHAT – what disease, what pill.

Functional medicine is the medicine of WHY — why is this symptom occurring now and in this way? What is at the root? Treating the cause of disease and not just the symptoms is the only way you will ever receive successful treatment results for your health concerns or signs of ageing affecting your:

weight management
energy levels – fatigue or chronic pain & chronic fatigue
hair health and skin health – quality and appearance

… because of systemic illness or hormonal imbalance, genetic precursors or metabolic factors, common variable immune deficiency and primary and secondary immunodeficiency syndrome, toxicity from medication or side-effects of medication, etc…                                                                                                                                                                                       The osteopath seeks to correctly identify the WHY 

Eating seasonal food

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Seasonal food Spring UK

Eating seasonal food is healthy – right? Naturopathic healthy eating ideologies encourage eating fresh seasonal food. Why? Are there any health benefits to eating seasonal produce?

Eating Seasonal Food

Seasonal foods have better nutritional value for our overall health. Is this healthy or ethical only?  Eating what’s in season — here’s the lowdown from the Knightsbridge, Chelsea Nutrition Expert.

What is bioavailability?

Nutrient content of foods doesn’t necessarily change but it can be more or less bioavailable. What is the bioavailability of food?
In simple terms, it’s the way our bodies may not benefit from eating the same banana at different times of the year. The nutritional value of the banana might be labelled the same. Bioavailability refers to how nutrients are delivered to feed and heal your body.


Food in Season

Food in Season

Organic food

Non-seasonal produce are foods that are often full of pesticides, waxes, preservatives and other chemicals that are used. Why is our produce pumped full of toxic chemicals these days? Well, it’s so the produce look fresher than it actually is. Seasonal foods also have a much higher antioxidant content than non-seasonal foods.
VERY important side note: eating food in season is delicious! It’s fresh produce that is ripe and ready for consumption!

Organic Food and food intolerance

Eating freshly harvested produce means we’ll be rotating our foods. This helps keep our body from developing intolerances to certain foods.

Spring Detox

This enables us to reap the health benefits of a diverse diet that is naturally detoxifying. For example, in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), spring is associated with the liver. The liver is one of the body’s primary detoxification organs. Synergistically, spring is also the time when dandelion and other bitter greens are fresh and available. These bitter greens support the liver and its function of cleansing the blood.


Our ancestors ate seasonal food because they didn’t have much choice. We, on the other hand, can make informed decisions about what we eat. We can choose to opt out of eating food that isn’t harvested in our current season. Coordinating our diets with the seasons naturally cleanses us. It can help build immunity for the body. Generalised eating plans like the paleolithic diet or paleo diet allude to this. Raw food diets, raw veganism, vegetarianism and even gluten free follow fundamental principles. They might have roots in a way of eating that our ancestors did…

Is Paleo best?

However, the bases for eating a paleo diet in this way, for example, is not 100% accurate. Let’s examine the historical evidence… We’ll look at regional specificities, climate and how there are ever changing updates to these campaigns. We need to appreciate the value of food as medicine. No one prescription is right for all.

Eating Seasonal food

Eating Seasonal food

Categorically eliminating whole food groups to improve health (of all human bodies, without exception) in general and quality of life for all, doesn’t make sense. Providing the information your body needs by food does. Find out how personalised nutrition is changing the lives of so many. Taking ownership of our health isn’t easy… BUT it can be Safe. Clinical. Practical. Effective. Nutrition for health and healthy weight loss, really looks at what’s going on and how we can change this simply.

Blood type diet

Eating for our blood type can be positively reinforced by eating seasonably. It’s pretty neat when you think about it. It’s easy to work out.

Sustainable agriculture

Eating foods in season in our area right now, means we’re more likely to be eating local produce that does not require shipping methods. It’s more likely to be grown by local farmers in our community. Sustainable and environmental benefits contribute to our local economy. Also, this way of life reduces the pounds and pounds of produce that are shipped all over the globe every day.

Foods in season

UK – Support your local farmer’s market. Field to Fork eating.

Apricot – Blackcurrant – Strawberry – Tomato – Raspberry

Jersey Royal New potatoes – beetroot
Asparagus – Aubergine – Courgette – Watercress – Spring Onion
Peas – pepper –
Radishes –  Sorrel – Spinach- Pak Choi
Runner beans – borad beans – Watercress – Spring onions

Crab – Scallop – Plaice – Sea Trout – Wild

Whiting – Tuna

Beef steaks – Chicken – Sausages – Spring lamb – Pork – Venison

Imported Produce 

Apple – Pear – Quince

Imported Produce 


French Way To Eat

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French Way To Eat

We know what we eat is important. What about how we eat — does this impact our health? Can the way we eat impact our healthy weight loss goals?

FACT: Healthy weight loss — even the way we’re eating has an impact.  [tweetthis twitter_handles=”#nutritiontips”]Even when it comes down to weight loss, the way we are eating has an impact. [/tweetthis]
Sick and tired of having an app or device telling us far we’ve come or how limited or movement or breathing is? Technology isn’t answering OUR BODY’S NEEDS. We’ve got to take ownership. In our modern instalife our eyes are bigger than ever. So, it’s not easy. We’ve got to use this lifestyle, however. It’s the biggest vehicle for this change.

1. The French Way to Eat to absorb More Nutrients and Energy From Your Food

Chewing our food properly breaks it down from large particles into smaller particles. It’s these smaller particles that are more easily digested.

Small particles make for easier digestion and nutrient absorptionPathogens – bacteria and parasites – don’t often forcibly invade or take over our digestive system. Instead they are opportunistic organisms. So basically they’re able to flourish when there is undigested food or excessive waste products for them to feed upon. Pathogens can then multiply out of control, excreting their own waste products and damage the walls of our intestine. Leaky gut can result. It’s a serious problem where partially digested foods, fungi, bacteria and parasites enter into the bloodstream. This can cause a wide range of adverse effects to your health.

French way to eat

French way to eat

Chew your food properly! The first stage of digestion starts in the mouth. Without complete coating in saliva it is unlikely that proper carbohydrate digestion will occur.

Recent research presented at the 2013 Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and Food Expo in Chicago showed, in fact, that when participants chewed almonds longer, the smaller particles were better and more quickly absorbed by the body.

Fast Fact! Chewing your food properly means chewing up to 32 times per bite of food on average

French Way To Eat

How Are You Eating?

Choosing certain food affects our health but even after those greens – that surely can’t be bad for me… Why am I still feeling bloated and tired and generally not on form? Is this you?

2. The French Way to Eat to Turn Your Digestive System into Your Personal Powerhouse

Simply changing the way that you eat can improve your slumped energy levels & symptoms of (chronic) fatigue.  

Saliva contains digestive enzymes. So the longer you chew, the more time these enzymes have to start breaking down your food. This makes digestion easier on your stomach and small intestine. One of these enzymes is lingual lipase, an enzyme that helps break down fats, for example.

French Way To Eat

French Way To Eat

The chewing process predigests your food into small pieces. This partially liquefies it, making it easier to digest. Digestion is actually a very demanding task for your body. It requires a great deal of energy that can be expended on other things, equally, throughout the day.

You feel more refreshed, calm and alert as a result of not overloading Your Personal Energy Powerhouse! – Your Digestive System.  thanks you, your body thanks you. You are hearing that look younger but even better, you feel it!

3. The French Way to Eat: Don’t Let It Linger

When large particles of improperly chewed food enter your stomach, they may remain undigested when they enter your intestines.

The right environment is necessary to avoid excess bacteria lingering in your intestines. Bad bacteria here will begin to break the larger food pieces down. In other words they will start to putrefy, potentially leading to gas and bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, cramping and other digestive problems.

Fast fact! It takes time (generally about 20 minutes) for your brain to signal to your stomach that you’re full!   [tweetthis twitter_handles=”#weightlosstips”]It takes about 20 mins for your brain to signal to your stomach that you’re full[/tweetthis]

4. The French Way to Eat: Enjoy and Taste Your Food

At consultation the “glazed” look is common. It is the one that comes over a patient asked about their ‘typical’, day-to-day diet or even what they ate a movement ago!

If you don’t remember your food, your food will find it harder to work for you. To lose weight healthily, optimise energy levels and stabilise levels of hormones, essential nutrients, and blood sugar etc. you need your food to work for you. Make sure you have what you eat covered in your EAT DRINK TAKE MAKE.


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