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Posts Tagged ‘bupa international osteopathy’

How to fix lower back pain

How to fix lower back pain

Here’s how to fix lower back pain by identifying the cause. People ask “how can I relieve back pain at home?” The reality is you may have a serious underlying condition. This needs to be figured out to get the right treatment. Osteopathy should include home care advice and exercises for low back pain.
If you’re safe to treat you’ll get that too. Low back pain affects 8 in 10 of us. It’s frustrating waking up with low back pain for no obvious reason. It affects our mood. how we work, how we move. Symptoms of nonspecific low back pain are most common.

If you’re having lower back pain symptoms without getting the lower back pain relief you deserve to be safe, clinical, practical, effective you need to change your current treatment or exercise routine.
We’ll break these down (keep reading).
The longer we have this ache or a pain, the longer it may take to achieve our peak performance. The longer we hold on to a muscle strain or ligament sprain, the more complex the pain condition gets. THAT’S NOT ALL…

FAST FACT — Back pain is the largest single reported cause of absence from work.
It costs ~ £5 BILLION (or £200 for every employee) in SICKNESS ABSENCE COSTS
Source: Clinical Standards Advisory Group

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In pursuit of enjoying the best retirement? Wish for the costs broken down? It’s simple: this. Consultation and physical examination at Susannah Makram clinics gives you data: options; costs. Compare costs starting with osteopathy today against costs over time vs. you choose to omit osteopathy with Susannah from the equation.

“Change before you have to” Jack Welch

Preventing lower back pain. Checking in to avoid checking out.
Usually, the first thing one in three people suffering with low back pain relate to is the frustration. If only we were told. If only we were warned how much time they would lose. If only they knew they’d have to skip work. As leaders or employers, running a business… Can you imagine? Not being able to work because of low back pain?

How to fix lower back pain

Sometimes we get muscle strains and ligament sprains. They can affect our quality of life. There are differences between the two but both are dealt with very differently from person to person.

We could have the exact same diagnosis or prognosis as the next person but our experience of lower back pain is different. This is why improving our quality of life is one of the these two, depending on you and not depending on your diagnosis.

1) a check up

2) a health journey

Low back pain

There are some warning signs to be aware of. Lower back pain can need urgent medical attention. Know the signs and spare yourself and your family, long lasting, life threatening, or potentially disabling disease or health complications.

Innovative ways to categorise and measure pain are currently being studied. For example, scientists are using computer-assisted technology to develop a novel programme that will capture and quantify pain experiences. Tools such as this will be combined with existing methods to more accurately and consistently measure pain over time and across groups, diseases, and conditions.

What do the busiest people do when they have pain?

Lower back pain

Lower back pain

Here’s what they don’t do: ignore it. If we feel our body is tense, we might get a massage. “What’s the worst that can happen?”


Lower back pain treatment

OPTIONS? READ ON — Your chosen healthcare professional should outline these to you so you can make an informed decision…

Lower back pain treatment

Lower back pain treatment

  • The diversity of pain conditions requires a diversity of research and treatment approaches.
  • According to the National Center for Health Statistics (2006), approximately 76.2 million, one in every four Americans, have suffered from pain that lasts longer than 24 hours and millions more suffer from acute pain.
  • Pain can be a chronic disease, a barrier to cancer treatment, and can occur alongside other diseases and conditions (e.g. depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury).
  • Pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. Pain is cited as the most common reason Americans access the health care system.

Feeling tired all the time or anxious or restless is more common in people experiencing pain e.g. lower back pain. How can we help you feel refreshed and full of energy? 

Low back pain can creep in, where a little tiredness may have been.

Bad sleep quality and quantity can wreck or strengthen our bodies. If sleep can cause such dysfunction to our bodies then what about pain? Checking in for osteopathy before this happens makes sense.

Otherwise, we’re checking out. Our posture affects our functional health. Don’t have to take time off work — with NO GUARANTEES it will be a happy holiday.

Physiotherapy Osteopathy Chiropractic Difference

Osteopathy and chiropractic

Physiotherapy; osteopathy; chiropractic. What’s the difference? Which physical therapy is for me? Low down:
1. NHS – Osteopathy and chiropractic aren’t available on the NHS in all parts of the UK. Even in places where osteopathy is available, there may be limited availability. The same applies for Chiropractic treatment.

Finding Osteopathy Chiropractic Difference interesting? Don’t forget to subscribe to Susannah Makram TV 

Osteopathy and Physiotherapy

Many physiotherapists work as part of a multi-disciplinary team. They can work from NHS hospitals. Also, from community based organisations, private hospitals and clinics, sports clubs, charities and workplaces. Physiotherapists and osteopaths and chiropractors all use manual therapy or physical therapy.
That’s to say, we all use touch, to varying degrees. The skill of an Osteopath is high in palpation. The physiotherapist generally uses ultrasound, acupuncture, taping and creams and so on more so than the osteopath and chiropractor. Much hands on treatment technique differs somewhat. Manipulation or adjustment techniques used by the chiropractor, physiotherapist and osteopath – HVT or HVLAT – High velocity, low amplitude thrust techniques – are unique to the profession.

2. Qualifications – physiotherapy osteopathy chiropractic difference

Osteopaths complete a four – or five-year honours degree programme (bachelor’s or master’s), which involves at least 1,000 hours of clinical training. Some osteopaths are qualified to PhD level.
Chiropractors’ 4-year Chiropractic Degree programme ensures completion of bachelor of human science degree completion.
Physiotherapists complete a three-year full-time BSc (Hons ) programme.

Physiotherapy osteopathy chiropractic difference

3. NICE Guidelines – physiotherapy osteopathy chiropractic difference

There’s good evidence that osteopathy is effective for the treatment of persistent lower back pain. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends it as a treatment for this condition.

Physiotherapy Osteopathy Chiropractic Difference

Physiotherapy Osteopathy Chiropractic Difference

Currently, (NICE) recommends manual therapy that might include spinal manipulation (as practiced by chiropractors) as a treatment option for persistent lower back pain.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) advises that manual therapy can be used to treat persistent low back pain.

4. Legal – Primary Certifying Body – physiotherapy osteopathy chiropractic difference

It’s illegal to practice osteopathy in the UK unless registered with General Osteopathic Council. It’s illegal to practise o practice chiropractic in the UK unless registered General Chiropractic Council. Physiotherapy, likewise, unless registered with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy Osteopathy Chiropractic Difference – FAST FACTS

5.  Osteopathy is one of only two complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) that are regulated under UK law. The other is chiropractic.     [tweetthis]#Osteopathy is 1 of only 2 complementary & alternative medicines regulated under UK law[/tweetthis]


6. Chiropractic was founded as a health profession in the US in 1895 by a Canadian called Daniel David Palmer. Palmer practiced magnetic healing and had no conventional medical training.

7. The earliest documented origins of physiotherapy (physical therapy) as a professional group date back to Per Henrik Ling, “Father of Swedish Gymnastics.” He founded the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics (RCIG) in 1813 for massage, manipulation, and exercise. In 1894 four nurses in Great Britain formed the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

8. Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO (August 6, 1828 – December 12, 1917) was the founder of osteopathy and osteopathic medicine in 1874. He was also a physician and surgeon, author, inventor and Kansas territorial and state legislator.

9. OMT is typically used to treat musculoskeletal disorders. These include low back pain, neck pain. Also, pelvic pain, sports injuries, repetitive stress injuries RSI and tension headaches. While osteopathic and chiropractic techniques overlap, they’re not identical. As a general rule, chiropractic manipulation uses direct thrust techniques on the spine (HVLA). Osteopathic practitioners use other, gentler techniques, as well as HVLA.


All three professions now have a similar medical training. They differ in professional training and emphasis during treatment.

Physiotherapists tend to focus on exercises. Chiropractors tend to focus on manipulation of the spine. Osteopaths tend to use exercise, manipulation and soft tissue massage as part of an integrated approach.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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