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Cholesterol – Debunking Myths

High fat diet cholesterol

HIGH FAT DIET – What’s this? HIGH CHOLESTEROL DIET works by lowering intake of dietary fat – true or false? High fat diets like paleo or bullet proof, low carb or Atkins cause cholesterol problems, correct? Not true, entirely. One of the biggest cholesterol myths out there has to do with dietary fat. READ ON AS WE BREAK THIS DOWN…Susannah debunks cholesterol myths.
✗ Trans fats or hydrogenated fats and saturated fats promote abnormal cholesterol, whereas…

✔ Omega-3 fats and monounsaturated fats actually improve the type and quantity of the cholesterol your body produces.          

LOW fat diet

LOW fat diet

Cholesterol Level – What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty substance produced by the liver. The body uses it to help build your cell membranes, the covering of your nerve sheaths, and much of your brain. It’s a key building block for our hormone production: testosterone, oestrogen, progesterone and cortisol. 

✔ The biggest source of abnormal cholesterol is sugar and specifically High Fructose Corn Syrup.

✗ “Corn sugar” or High Fructose Corn Syrup HFCS and cane sugar are essentially the same

HFCS and cane sugar are NOT biochemically identical or processed the same way by the body.     

“The digestion, absorption, and metabolism of fructose differ from those of glucose. Hepatic metabolism of fructose favors de novo lipogenesis (production of fat in the liver). In addition, unlike glucose, fructose does not stimulate insulin secretion or enhance leptin production. Because insulin and leptin act as key afferent signals in the regulation of food intake and body weight (to control appetite), this suggests that dietary fructose may contribute to increased energy intake and weight gain. Furthermore, calorically sweetened beverages may enhance caloric over-consumption.” (i)

✔ HFCS contains toxic levels of mercury because of chlor-alkali products used in its manufacturing.

✔ Consumption of high fructose corn syrup, which is present in soft drinks or fizzy drinks, many juices, and most processed foods, is the primary nutritional cause of most of the cholesterol issues

Harmony & Sensuality. Romantic Blond Female in Black Dress resting in Armchair. Satisfaction


✔  Total cholesterol is not as critical as the following:

  • Your levels of HDL “good” cholesterol vs. LDL “bad” cholesterol
  • Your triglyceride levels
  • Your ratio of triglycerides to HDL
  • Your ratio of total cholesterol to HDL

✗ Your lipid profile as often requested by your GP will indicate levels of LDL – keeping this in check is enough to keep you off statins e.g. Lipitor

✗ It is not important to know that there are different sizes of cholesterol particles.

✔ There are different sizes of cholesterol particles. There are small and large particles of LDL, HDL, and triglycerides. The most dangerous are the small, dense particles that act like tiny bullets, easily penetrating your arteries. Large, fluffy cholesterol particles are practically harmless–even if your total cholesterol is high. They bounce off the arteries like beach balls and cause no harm.

✔ The risk of arterial plaque is the more accurate heart attack risk assessment

✔ CVD – as with all disease states – can be prevented or targeted treatment can be administered only by determining the cause; examination and assessment of overall health, the interaction of your genes, lifestyle, and environment that ultimately determines your risks — and the outcome of your life. We practice this functional approach here

Rancid or oxidised cholesterol results from oxidative stress and free radicals, which trigger a vicious cycle of inflammation and fat or plaque deposition under the artery walls.        [tweetthis]Rancid or oxidised #cholesterol results from oxidative stress and free radicals[/tweetthis]    That is the real danger: When small dense LDL particles are oxidised they become dangerous and start the build up of plaque or cholesterol deposits in your arteries.

✔ What is the point in discovering that this is the case by targeted testing if there is no solution? The solution is your Naturopathic Portfolio: Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective management of this cause or the causes of this type of inflammation. If oxidative stress is a factor then the right antioxidant therapy will play a part – at the right time – in the right way, that is bioavailable and therefore taken up and used by your body to eradicate this issue.

✗  By the time there is inflammation it is too late 

✔ As discussed, cardiovascular illness results when key bodily functions go awry, causing inflammation, imbalances in blood sugar and insulin and oxidative stress

✔ We use the science of nutrigenomics, or how food acts as information. This can be used to stall or totally prevent some predisposed disease risks by turning on the right gene messages with our diet and lifestyle choices. That means some of the factors that unbalance bodily health are under your control, or could be given the right test and therefore, treatment.genetic-makeup

✗ Diet, nutritional status, stress and activity levels cannot be assessed accurately.

✔ The right tests can reveal problems with a person’s blood sugar and insulin, inflammation level, level of folic acid, clotting factors, hormones, and other bodily systems that affect your risk of cardiovascular disease.

What do we mean by inflammation and how do we reduce it?

We test for inflammation  here Cardio C-reactive protein. This is a marker of inflammation in the body that is essential to understand in the context of overall risk. Your C-reactive protein level should be less than 1.

Inflammation can arise from poor diet (too much sugar and trans and saturated fats), a sedentary lifestyle, stress, autoimmune disease, food allergies, food intolerance, hidden infections such as gum disease, and even toxins such as mercury. All of these causal factors need to be considered anytime there is inflammation. We conduct clinical consultation and examinations to evaluate these in order to target your treatment effectively.
Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective 

✗  Cholesterol levels are the best indicator to predict Coronary Heart Disease

✔A major study done at Harvard found that people with high levels of a marker called C-reactive protein (CRP) had higher risks of heart disease than people with high cholesterol. Normal cholesterol levels were NOT protective to those with high CRP. The risks were greatest for those with high levels of both CRP and cholesterol. (ii)

✔ Metabolic Syndrome or Insulin Resistance can be tested and treated to manage pre-diabetes (typically in middle age and in PCOS patients) before full blown DM2 takes over. This can prevent or slowly reverse reliance on blood-sugar regulating medication, commonly Metformin 

✔ The side effects of statins have been called to question recently in a research study by the Cleveland Clinic. Problems including muscle pain and weakness have been called to question in this recent study. Statin intolerance is real. (iii)

Elevated levels of a substance called homocysteine (which is related to your body’s levels of folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12) appears to correlate to cardiovascular illness. We measure Homocysteine. Your homocysteine measures your folate status and should be between 6 and 8. Where problematic levels occur, they can be easily addressed by adequate folic acid intake, along with vitamins B6 and B12.

(i) Bray, G.A., Nielsen, S.J., and B.M. Popkin. 2004. Consumption of high-fructose corn syrup in beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity. Am J Clin Nutr. 79(4):537-43. Review.

(ii) Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FA, Genest J, Gotto AM Jr, Kastelein JJ, Koenig W, Libby P, Lorenzatti AJ, MacFadyen JG, Nordestgaard BG, Shepherd J, Willerson JT, Glynn RJ; JUPITER Study Group. Rosuvastatin to prevent vascular events in men and women with elevated C-reactive protein. N Engl J Med. 2008 Nov 20;359(21):2195-207.

(iii) Steven E. Nissen, MD et al Efficacy and Tolerability of Evolocumab vs Ezetimibe in Patients With Muscle-Related Statin Intolerance. JAMA. Published online April 03, 2016. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.3608

Food Intolerance Test UK

Food Intolerance Test

Food sensitivity or food intolerance: where, when, how? Common food intolerances to gluten; wheat intolerance; dairy; yeast; alcohol; histamine… Food sensitivity or food intolerance are hard to identify ourselves. HERE’S WHY…


Clients for functional nutrition in London may have lots of test results to hand. Every one of them has produced VARYING DATA. How unhelpful is that? We understand your frustration at Susannah Makram Clinics.


Allergy or Intolerance

Only about 2% of the adult population are affected. A FOOD ALLERGY is a SWIFT RESPONSE by the body’s immune system to a specific food. Reactions to food allergy are immediate by raised levels (2 hours or less)….

 food intolerance symptoms

food intolerance symptoms

Keep reading for the symptoms of food intolerance. So, they’re difficult to self diagnose. Also, food intolerance test results aren’t helpful if we don’t:

(i)    Know where the triggers can be found in our day to day diet
(ii)   How long we need to avoid the foods
(iii)  Know why we are suddenly reacting to food we ate without any problems whole our entire lives. Does this mean we have to              avoid all these food completely now forever?

That’s not all…

A recent study has shown that those who eliminated trigger foods based on food-specific IgG test results had reductions in weight, BMI body mass index, waist and hip circumference and improvements in all indicators of quality of life that were measured. Quality of life indicators include physical and emotional wellbeing, mental health, social life, pain levels and vitality.

Food Intolerance Symptoms

Food intolerance symptoms — bloating; eczema; sinus problems, lead us to ask: is the food we’re eating making us ill?      [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#foodintolerance”]Do you think that the foods you are eating are making you ill?[/tweetthis]
Genuine food allergy is relatively rare. Food intolerance symptoms like migraine, tiredness, bloating affect up to 45% of us. Why? 

Many Symptoms can be linked to food intolerance and they include…

Abdominal pain | Aches and pain | Acne | Bloating | Constipation | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | Diarrhoea | Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema | Fatigue | Irritable Bowel Syndrome | Itching | Fluid Retention | Headache | Hyperactivity | Migraine | Nausea | Rashes | Rhinitis | Sinusitis | Stomach Cramps | Tension | Tiredness | Urticaria or Hives | Weight Loss/ Weight Gain

An Independent Customer Survey conducted by Allergy UK (2007), carried out on 5,286 people – the results were then divided into patient groups and the findings are summarised here:

Main Medical Condition Reported                  % of People Who Reported Moderate to High Benefit

Gastro-Intestinal  e.g. IBS, Bloating etc                                          80%
Respiratory  e.g. Asthma, Breathing Difficulties, Rhinitis           72%
Neurological  e.g. Migraine, Headaches                                        78%
Dermatological  e.g. Eczema, Acne, Psoriasis                                 76%
Musculo-Skeletal  e.g. Arthritis, Rheumatism                                64%
Psychological  e.g. Depression, ADHD, Panic Attacks                  81%
Others  e.g. Lethargy, General Feeling of Malaise                          79%


Food Intolerance Symptoms

Food Intolerance Symptoms

There are no international standards available for tests that measure food-specific IgG antibodies. The only way that a particular food specific IgG test can be shown to be valid is by carrying out clinical trials.

Benefits of Food Intolerance Testing at Susannah Makram Clinics:

| Hospital standard laboratory tests

| Utilising laboratories with over 30 years’ experience in the field of diagnostic testing

| Four tests available at Susannah Makram Clinics

| Fast turnaround of results

| Comprehensive results reported as individual food tested by name labelled as having: – Reaction, Borderline, No Reaction and  applied to be Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective for you and your needs inside your Naturopathic Portfolio
If you’re overwhelmed by the idea of making drastic changes you’re not alone. Many tests produce false positives. Take the right test but not without seeking advice to unlock your potential – your Body Youth Code.

Bad Gut Health Symptoms

Bacteria in gut

BEST SELLING PRESCRIPTION DRUGS. These drugs are changing our gut bacteria. What does this mean when we’re after good gut healthEVERY YEAR there’s a list of the top selling prescription drugs. (Read on to find out what these are).

Nutrition expert Susannah assesses gut health  our gut health reflects our overall health.

At our London clinics we find patterns in YOUR HEALTH STORY. What does this mean exactly? Gut health and gut bacteria is a topic of overwhelming interest in functional healthcare right now.


The types of bacteria in our gut are summarised here. Gut bacteria are either growing in number or dying.
Our gut microbiome depends on 1) nutrition 2)lifestyle 3) environment. READ ON for 7 SIGNS we have an UNHEALTHY GUT
Gut bacteria rely on what we’re feeding them. The good bacteria we hear about is the one we try to cultivate. More about good and bad gut bacteria and gut health probiotics can be found here.

The top 25 best selling prescription drugs

The top drugs prescribed to the world include cholesterol-lowering drugs or statins. Also, drugs for chronic pain. Top of the chronic pain list are Humira an anti-inflammatory for arthritis   and oxycontin and vicodin. These tally high for pain relief consistently. Insulin glargine injection for type 1 diabetes, metformin for type 2 diabetes and asthma medications like albuterol also rank in the top ten. Several antacids like omeprazole and other drugs for indigestion always rank high.

Research firm IMS compiles a rolling 12-month history in the US. The pharmaceutical industry publication Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News (GEN) do as well.

Gut Health

Gut health refers to the function or dysfunction of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

How do we maintain gut health? Any impairment of the Gut lining can increase the risk of developing infectious, inflammatory and functional GI diseases. An example of gut lining impairment is leaky gut syndrome.

As well, impairment can increase risk of extra-intestinal diseases, such as immune-mediated and metabolic disorders. GI barrier impairment can increase risk of immune-mediated & metabolic disorders.


Bad Gut Health

Bad Gut Health

Less clear, however, is whether GI discomfort in general can also be related to GI barrier functions. In any case, methods of assessing, improving and maintaining gut health -related GI functions are of major interest in preventive medicine. It is worth looking out for your body’s bad gut health symptoms.

A healthy gut

When we feel something’s not quite right, often it’s more than just a gut feeling. As powerful as those are, our precious health calls for understanding and finding solutions. The more we know, the more we can do. Signs of an unhealthy gut are below.

  1. You have a lowered immune response. 70-80% of our immunity to infection and disease is controlled by your gut microbiota.      [tweetthis]70-80% of your immunity to infection and disease is controlled by your gut microbiota[/tweetthis]      Your immune system launches a response, resulting in inflammation. This response might include recent developments of food allergies or food intolerances that you are experiencing later on in life.


  2. You experience unexplained changes in your weight. Bowel and bladder habits are affected. E.g. IBS, digestive issues such as gas and bloating.
  3. You suffer from tiredness that is unexplained. As featured by the Mayo Clinic, studies are connecting bacteria to its effect on energy absorption. “Researchers have identified a difference in the types of bacteria found in a lean person’s gut versus those that live in the gut of someone who is obese. The amount of energy is small, but researchers wonder if over time this could be a factor in weight maintenance.”
  4. You suffer from mood swings, anxiety disorders, depression, poor memory, poor concentration, ADHD or ADD. These may be due to inflammation in the gut. The gut-brain axis explains this.
  5. You have or have had autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases examples are alopecia areata, Coeliac disease, RA, MS, vilitgo, Raynauds, SLE, reactive arthritis, Addison’s disease, Psoriasis etc.
  6. You have skin conditions that are recurrent. Typically your skin issues are non responsive to medication. they don’t respond well to medical grade topical solutions and treatments. Or, they are a temporary solution, until the next outbreak. An example is adult acneacne vulgaris or eczema or rosacea
  7. You have diabetes or insulin resistance. This can be affecting your fertility, whether you are male or female.

DNA Test For Weight Loss – Results

Stubborn Belly fat

Why spend 5 hours in the gym? Imagine achieving your optimal MET (metabolic equivalent) taking the dog for a walk?!
Our laboratory DNA test analyses 4 genes that have been clinically proven to affect your response to diet and exercise.
Stubborn fat e.g. belly fat is a different kind of fat. The result of our DNA Diet may help you. Here’s how:

Is it safe?

YOU GAIN sensible advice so you won’t sacrifice important nutrients or indeed your own time by exercising unnecessarily.

Why are we storing fat around our middle, stubborn fat around our thighs, our hips or upper arms? Stubborn belly fat is a different kind of fat that leads to all kinds of health complications. Taking this DNA test doesn’t just highlight WHY diets have failed us in the past….

Belly fat is a more dangerous fat

Belly fat is a more dangerous fat


Feeling discomfort, low in energy, lacking confidence that comes with stubborn fat and being tired all the time?

DNA Test For Weight Loss

DNA Diet Test analyses for healthy weight loss at Susannah Makram Clinics gives clear:

(1) % values for optimal fats, carbs, proteins to consume daily for healthy weight loss.
(2) Suggestion for which proteins, carbs, fats you should consume daily for your healthy weight loss
(3) Clear instructions on how to achieve your optimal MET on a day by day, week by week basis

Our genes might hold the key to understanding why diets have failed in the past. We call the study of how this works epigenetics.

Why take the DNA Diet Test for Weight Loss at Susannah Makram Clinics

From your buccal swab sample we have used a process, called the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). This copies the DNA of your genes many times over. This means we can generate sufficient quantities to analyse your genetic material. This is not uncomfortable at all and is all over very quickly!

The DNA Diet test for weight loss lets us identify unique DNA sequences in some of your genes. You get these results within 7-10 working days in hard copy or email, however you prefer to receive them.

Identifying unique DNA sequences

Certain changes (polymorphisms) in these genes have been studied in detail. Evidence correlates these polymorphisms with your weight management and response to specific food. See these in your DNA Test For Weight Loss Results. (e.g. below)


DNA Test For Weight Loss

Taking the buccal swab sample

  • The term ‘Buccal swab’ refers to a DNA collection process involving cells taken from the cheek (from the inside mouth area).
  • Buccal Swabs are sterile. Therefore, it is essential to preserve a sterile test environment. They are produced for medical use. Unless you are allergic to cotton, they should not cause an irritation.
  • An advantage of a Buccal swab is that it allows you to take a DNA sample, in a non invasive way, that is accurate.
  • Buccal swabs should be taken when your mouth is empty. It is best if you swallow first, then swab the inside of your cheek for approximately 30 seconds. The feel is an impression as hard as if you were brushing your teeth.
  • Having a cold should not cause contamination or interferences to your Buccal Swab Sample of DNA testing

Your DNA Test For Weight Loss Results Explained

Not only will the test determine the percentage quantity of fat, protein and the amount of carbohydrate you should be eating but also the type of fat exactly and what type of carbohydrate exactly.



Four primary diet and lifestyle factors

i) exercise, ii) obesity risk, iii) sensitivity to carbohydrates and iv) sensitivity to saturated fats.

Your DNA Test For Weight Loss makes a complete assessment of weight management, both environmental factors (diet and lifestyle) and previous medical history need to be considered in conjunction with the accompanying genetic profile.

Only gene variants that have a beneficial, moderate or high impact on metabolic processes are analysed. These are described in detail in your report. Your report is delivered to you once the laboratory investigation on your buccal swab test has been processed. These gene variants will have impact or a mild impact to your personalised nutrition The required alteration or tweaking is made to your Naturopathic Portfolio

Gene Name for each Area of Activity is reported. The areas of activity of interest in the DNA Test for Weight Loss are:

DNA Weight Loss

DNA Weight Loss

Metabolism and Absorption    FABP2 Ala54Thr PPARG Pro12Ala     ADRB2 Arg16Gly     ADRB2 Gln27Glu   APOA5 T>C
Fat metabolism, obesity and satiety    APOA2 -265 T>C
Regulation of metabolism and feeding behaviour    MC4R T>C
Insulin sensitivity and regulation of energy intake  FTO T>A   TCF7L2 C>T
Exercise responsiveness     ADBR3 Trp64Arg
Circadian rhythms     CLOCK T>C
Fat storage      PLIN G>A
Inflammation     TNFA -308 G>A
Taste sensitivity    TAS1R2       SLC2A2 (encoding GLUT2)
Addictions and Overeating      DRD2

Genetic variations for each named gene are stated. Your Results and Gene Impact are in printed out for you in the list above.

Each gene tested has an impact score in your DNA Weight Loss Report


These results are only a guideline. You are as unique as your DNA.  Eat. Drink. Take. Make. Your Naturopathic Portfolio is Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

Call  020 7060 3181