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Posts Tagged ‘probiotics’

Healthy Recipes

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Healthy Sauerkraut Recipe

My Name is Susannah Makram. I typically work with families and CEOs. I work with West End production managers, directors, actors, producers. WE need safe and immediate treatment for back pain and health concerns zapping their energy. We need help to feel energised within our modern lifestyle and I empower them to take ownership of their health journey.

Safe. Clinical. Practical. Effective

That is our Naturopathic Portfolio ethos. How can we make it yours? How can we make it work for you In The Four Phases?

Healthy Recipes

Sometimes our clients want snacking inspiration. Their lifestyle encourages taking time to organise meals and more importantly, they enjoy it!

Healthy recipes

Healthy recipes

Vegan recipe

Fermented Foods Are More Digestible & Safer To Eat Than Many Raw Foods

eg. sauerkraut and cabbage – sources of probiotic and prebiotic – dairy free, raw, vegan food, respectively,

Recipe Sauerkraut


Cabbage – 1 small to medium – approx 2 ounces
1 Tablespoon medium grain sea salt or non-iodised salt
1 Teaspoon caraway seeds, juniper berries (optional)

  1. Cut the cabbage in half. Cut out the thick core and stem end and compost or discard them.Thinly slice the cabbage into shreds or small pieces (think coleslaw)
  2. Loosely pack the sliced cabbage into a clean, wide mouth glass jars, sprinkling in the salt as well as the caraway seeds and juniper berries (if using) as you fill the jars. It is not necessary to sterilise the jars for lacto-fermented foods. the jars do have to be pristine clean, however. Pack the cabbage, salt and spices down firmly as you add them to the jar. Once the jar is almost full, loosely cover it and let it sit for 2 to 4 hours. During this time the salt should draw enough juice out of the cabbage to completely cover the solid food. If it doesn’t, top the kraut off with a brine made of 1 teaspoon non-iodised salt dissolved in 1 pint filtered or non-chlorinated water.
  3. Pour the salt brine, if necessary, over the cabbage and spices. Gently press down on the cabbage and spices to release any air bubbles and to submerge them in the brine. Cover the jar loosely with a lid. Place the jar on a plate to catch any overflow that may happen once active fermentation gets going. Leave the jars at room temperature for 3 days. During this time, remove the covers at least once a day and check to see that the vegetables are still submerged in the brine (add additional salt brine if necessary). You should start to see some bubbles on top – a sign that fermentation is underway.
  4. By the end of the 3 days, the sauerkraut should have a clean, lightly sour smell and taste. Put the jars in the refrigerator (no need to put plates under them at this stage). Wait at least 5 more days for the flavor of your sauerkraut to develop. This recipe also works well with red cabbage.

Fermented Vegetables – Why? Tangy tasting, mineral rich, nutritionally dense, gut healing to name a few… WORRIED YOU’RE NOT EATING ENOUGH FRUIT AND VEG? It’s too bloating? You’re missing out on this bloat-free gem.

Lacto-fermentation is the process that produces traditional dill pickles, kimchi and sauerkraut.

Lactic acid is a natural preservative that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria.

The “lacto” portion of the term refers to a specific species of bacteria, namely Lactobacillus. Various strains of these bacteria are present on the surface of all plants, especially those growing close to the ground, and are also common to the gastrointestinal tracts, mouths, and vaginas of humans and other animal species.

Lactobacillus bacteria have the ability to convert sugars into lactic acid. The Lactobacillus strain is so named because it was first studied in milk ferments. These bacteria readily use lactose or other sugars and convert them quickly and easily to lactic acid. However, lacto-fermentation does not necessarily need to involve dairy products.

Do you want more simple dairy free recipes? Gluten free recipes? Throughout the next few weeks we’ll be showing you how to make the most out of seasonal food when you subscribe to Susannah Makram TV. Perhaps you don’t have time to make these so what you need to know is what and HOW? 

Sugar free recipes

Naturopathy at the Bulgari Hotel Spa is fad free. Sugar free diet? Who is paleo any way? We’re personalised: that’s the VIP everyone @ Susannah Makram clinics is. What’s the number one healthy recipe for weight loss? It’s yours. Follow


1. Value our body and its powerful capacity to self repair
2. Value our time and WE know what WE want
3. Value what’s most important – Health is Wealth
4. Value our contribution to the world

When we know what we want, there is only ONE question. HOW?


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Health is a lifelong journey. The Body Youth Code talks about the choices available to you along this journey.

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How to get the health benefits of chocolate

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How to get the health benefits of chocolate

Forget eating dark chocolate only. Here’s how to get the health benefits of chocolate. Even if you hate dark chocolate, vegan chocolate or and kind of dairy free chocolate, you’ll love this. 

Chocolate lovers need to know how to get the health benefits of chocolate.  Chocolate advertised with a high cacao content is advertised as having chocolate health benefits. This is not accurate, however.
Cocoa vs cacao health benefits are not to be ignored. Raw cacao is made by cold press of unroasted cocoa beans. The process keeps the living enzymes in the cocoa and removes the fat (cacao butter). Cocoa looks the same but it’s not. Cocoa powder is raw cacao that’s been roasted at high temperatures. When it’s unfrosted the cocoa bean does not lose its molecular structure so the enzyme content and overall nutritional value is retained.

Easy ways to eat cacao

Look no further than this delicious, creamy shake. Super Protein powder-Brown rice and Cacao
Not only is this easy to make shake delicious, it’s also intensely rich with organic raw cacao blended with the complete amino acid punch of organic brown rice protein for an amazing 2 in 1 plant protein and superfood boost.

How to get the health benefits of chocolate

How to get the health benefits of chocolate

Health benefits of chocolate

We can’t vouch for regular store bought chocolate anymore. There are over 500 chemicals in consumer chocolate products. So there is a lifetime of chemical analysis still to be done. The next question: does it have to be raw cacao to be healthy?

Raw, unprocessed cocoa beans are among the HIGHEST SCORING ORAC foods that have been tested

ORAC is an abbreviation for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and was developed by the National Institutes of Health in Baltimore.

Chocolate Benefits Health but ALWAYS READ THE LABEL.

A 100 gram bar of dark chocolate with 70-85% cocoa contains

  • 11 grams of fibre
  • 67% of the RDA for Iron
  • 58% of the RDA for Magnesium
  • 89% of the RDA for Copper
  • 98% of the RDA for Manganese
  • It also has plenty of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium

Quality dark chocolate is: rich in Fibre, Iron, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese & a few other minerals. Add a kick of unprocessed, top quality amino acids to that and you’e got Super Protein powder-Brown rice and Cacao

How to get the health benefits of chocolate start with rule number one, ALWAYS READ THE LABEL

Added sugars

Rule of Thumb –  Less than 5g per 100g is low, more than 15g per 100g is high

Anything ending in ‘os’ is also sugar e.g. glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose, maltose) – are all forms of sugar. As are honey, agave, molasses and syrups like corn and rice syrup.

Fast Fact -> If you’re unsure whether your chocolate is raw or not, look for the word ‘cacao’ rather than ‘cocoa’ on the ingredients label.   Like in this product read cacao Super Protein powder-Brown rice and Cacao
Dark chocolate can also reduce insulin resistance, which is another common risk factor for many diseases like heart disease and diabetes


Chocolate Benefits Heath

Chocolate Benefits Heath

Find out more about quality dark chocolate and antioxidants here


French Way To Eat

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French Way To Eat

We know what we eat is important. What about how we eat — does this impact our health? Can the way we eat impact our healthy weight loss goals?

FACT: Healthy weight loss — even the way we’re eating has an impact.  [tweetthis twitter_handles=”#nutritiontips”]Even when it comes down to weight loss, the way we are eating has an impact. [/tweetthis]
Sick and tired of having an app or device telling us far we’ve come or how limited or movement or breathing is? Technology isn’t answering OUR BODY’S NEEDS. We’ve got to take ownership. In our modern instalife our eyes are bigger than ever. So, it’s not easy. We’ve got to use this lifestyle, however. It’s the biggest vehicle for this change.

1. The French Way to Eat to absorb More Nutrients and Energy From Your Food

Chewing our food properly breaks it down from large particles into smaller particles. It’s these smaller particles that are more easily digested.

Small particles make for easier digestion and nutrient absorptionPathogens – bacteria and parasites – don’t often forcibly invade or take over our digestive system. Instead they are opportunistic organisms. So basically they’re able to flourish when there is undigested food or excessive waste products for them to feed upon. Pathogens can then multiply out of control, excreting their own waste products and damage the walls of our intestine. Leaky gut can result. It’s a serious problem where partially digested foods, fungi, bacteria and parasites enter into the bloodstream. This can cause a wide range of adverse effects to your health.

French way to eat

French way to eat

Chew your food properly! The first stage of digestion starts in the mouth. Without complete coating in saliva it is unlikely that proper carbohydrate digestion will occur.

Recent research presented at the 2013 Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and Food Expo in Chicago showed, in fact, that when participants chewed almonds longer, the smaller particles were better and more quickly absorbed by the body.

Fast Fact! Chewing your food properly means chewing up to 32 times per bite of food on average

French Way To Eat

How Are You Eating?

Choosing certain food affects our health but even after those greens – that surely can’t be bad for me… Why am I still feeling bloated and tired and generally not on form? Is this you?

2. The French Way to Eat to Turn Your Digestive System into Your Personal Powerhouse

Simply changing the way that you eat can improve your slumped energy levels & symptoms of (chronic) fatigue.  

Saliva contains digestive enzymes. So the longer you chew, the more time these enzymes have to start breaking down your food. This makes digestion easier on your stomach and small intestine. One of these enzymes is lingual lipase, an enzyme that helps break down fats, for example.

French Way To Eat

French Way To Eat

The chewing process predigests your food into small pieces. This partially liquefies it, making it easier to digest. Digestion is actually a very demanding task for your body. It requires a great deal of energy that can be expended on other things, equally, throughout the day.

You feel more refreshed, calm and alert as a result of not overloading Your Personal Energy Powerhouse! – Your Digestive System.  thanks you, your body thanks you. You are hearing that look younger but even better, you feel it!

3. The French Way to Eat: Don’t Let It Linger

When large particles of improperly chewed food enter your stomach, they may remain undigested when they enter your intestines.

The right environment is necessary to avoid excess bacteria lingering in your intestines. Bad bacteria here will begin to break the larger food pieces down. In other words they will start to putrefy, potentially leading to gas and bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, cramping and other digestive problems.

Fast fact! It takes time (generally about 20 minutes) for your brain to signal to your stomach that you’re full!   [tweetthis twitter_handles=”#weightlosstips”]It takes about 20 mins for your brain to signal to your stomach that you’re full[/tweetthis]

4. The French Way to Eat: Enjoy and Taste Your Food

At consultation the “glazed” look is common. It is the one that comes over a patient asked about their ‘typical’, day-to-day diet or even what they ate a movement ago!

If you don’t remember your food, your food will find it harder to work for you. To lose weight healthily, optimise energy levels and stabilise levels of hormones, essential nutrients, and blood sugar etc. you need your food to work for you. Make sure you have what you eat covered in your EAT DRINK TAKE MAKE.


Why I do Surgical Observation

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Learning For Health

Surgical observation is good practice for physical therapy practitioners – the osteopath, chiropractor, physiotherapist –  working in an integrative way as a team is the difference between a chiropractor and an osteopath? What is the difference between an osteopath and a physio?


Why I do surgical observation boils down to 4 simple things that distinguish the way I work from other physical therapists.

  1. Anatomy Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective
  2. Tissue Health is dynamic Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective
  3. Gut Health is dynamic Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective
  4. Functional Medicine Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective

– Anatomy – Structure Governs Function – Osteopathic Principle in practice

Guess what? The human body is not a textbook. Guess what else? A live human body with live tissue structures is unique.

Functional healthcare

Personalised Nutrition

Personalised Nutrition

Functional Medicine incorporates the latest in genetic science, systems biology, and understanding of how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of disease.  At Susannah Makram Clinics we use this model in our Naturopathic approach to nutrition as prescription

Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership.

Susannah Makram believes in knowing the right treatment that is best for the patient at every step. This begins by booking a consultation with Susannah to find out the factor or factors influencing your complaint.

Doctor comes from the Latin Docere which means to teach and this is applied throughout Susannah’s time with patients during the ongoing treatment or treatment. Consistent reassessment in order to confirm or reject a diagnosis and offer a prognosis based on the decision made by the patient to progress with treatment requires clear and effective communication between the patient and Susannah.

– Tissue Repair & Gut Health – Health is more than the absence of disease

An MRI scan or CT scan or an x-ray do not expose the integrity of tissues inside and outside of joint capsules to the degree that an endoscopic surgical procedure can.

At Susannah Makram Clinics we carry out consultations and a physical exam and any special testing to include:

Orthopaedic testing. Cranial and peripheral nerve function assessment. Blood pressure, pulse, and further special testing related to gut health. We carry out saliva or buccal swab testing if this is the accurate and convenient way to capture data by testing.

Capturing genetic material for use in healthy weight loss for stubborn fat or weight gain using The Obesity Gene Map  Blood work is sent for when necessary to produce accurate results. These are sent back to Susannah and used to help personalise your treatment for your complete care. Skin prick testing for food allergies, testing for hormonal imbalances and food intolerance test may also be recommended for this purpose.

Functional Health

Functional Health


Naturopaths use a holistic approach and recognise that health is more than the absence of disease. Naturopathic nutrition is a type of nutritional therapy that relies on the background of your practitioner.  Osteopaths are highly competent healthcare professionals, recognised by the NHS as fully qualified to diagnose and treat independently.

Functional care address the WHY. WHY are you unwell? this is what needs to treated in order that you are able to take ownership of your health.  Otherwise, what tends to happen unfortunately, is that a lot of effort is made but results are the same.

Good gut health relies on an environment that is conducive to nutrient absorption. pH levels must be optimal and structural obstructions or lesions in the lining of the gut must be pinpointed and their cause revealed in order that the Susannah Makram Naturopathic Nutritional Portfolio for you is safe, clinical, practical and effective. In the Four Phases.

Allergy epidemic

10 Things To Know About Your Child’s Allergies Now

London naturopath in Kensington and Chelsea Susannah sees complex cases. Acquired allergies and intolerances: are we expected to live with them?
Allergic conditions
have been diagnosed in 50% of UK children .        [tweetthis]In the UK 50% of children have been diagnosed with one or more #allergic conditions. [/tweetthis]      Allergies occur when the immune system reacts, by producing antibodies, to a foreign substance (allergen). When the immune system identifies this substance as harmful, this is an allergic reaction. The same substance does not cause a reaction in most people. Where do our children’s allergies come from? Why is this fast becoming an allergy epidemic?

The allergy epidemic. Fast Facts.

  1. Most to least common environmental allergens: pollen, grass, dust mites, molds or moulds and weeds. Food intolerance/sensitivity: generally less serious, often limited to digestive problems.
  2. Severity ranges from minor irritation to anaphylaxis —a potentially life-threatening emergency. 90% of food-allergic reactions are to peanuts, eggs, milk, (shell)fish, wheat, soy, tree nuts. Symptoms: h
ives, eczema, asthma, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea. Anaphylaxis also causes confusion, rapid heart beat/palpitations,  swelling of lips, tongue, throat, bluish skin, nausea, dizziness, fainting.

The allergy epidemic – understanding it gives us knowledge to combat the allergy epidemic.

  1. The pathophysiology of environmental allergies is fairly well understood. Allergies and asthma often occur together. Diagnosis can be made by history taking, physical exam and a Radioallergosorbent test (RAST) (prick-skin test). Results are nearly immediate. 50-60% of positive skin test results are also false positives. ImmunoCAP (blood test measuring levels of antibodies to specific food proteins). Results take up to one week. Highly controlled food challenges can render a definitive diagnosis.
  1. Introducing high allergenic foods to your child is advisable from 6 months. these foods should be introduced one at a time. leaving 3 days in between each new food is best. It is encouraged to breastfeed babies with eczema or a family history for 4 months+. Avoid cow’s milk or soy formulas. Hydrolysed protein formulas are best. “Hypoallergenic” formulas will not prevent but may delay allergy onset.
  1. Allergic reactions share a genetic link. Specific allergies do not. Studies show a gender-specific genetic link in inherited allergies.
  1. Quercetin can block the effects of histamine before they start. Recommended: 500 mg 1-2 times/ day, weeks before allergy season+ vitamin C.
  1. The best way to fight allergies is to avoid the offending allergen. This is not easy. Controlling your environment is a start. Keep homes cool, dry, non-smoking, low-odour and ventilated (use a pollen-proof screen). If keeping carpets think small, vacuum and dust often. Launder sheets. pillowcases (55°C water) and wash indoor pets, especially cats, after discussing this with your vet weekly. Replace furnaces and air-conditioner filters while in use. Wash stuffed animals (55°C water/place in a plastic bag in the freezer for a few days) monthly.
Allergy Epidemic

Allergy Epidemic

  1. Leukotriene inhibitors and steroids sprayed in the nose can help with symptoms. Conventionally anti-histamines (diphenhydramine; check side–effects) with/out “Mast cell stabilisers” or steroids are given.
  • Changing medication prevents building a tolerance to them.
  1. Subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) or allergy shots are injections of allergens given at increasing dosages. Typical treatment: weekly shots for the first 3-6 months, then monthly for 3-5 years.
  • Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) – a preventive treatment – is not as effective as shots but is safer, since there’s less risk of side effects (anaphylaxis).
  • In the case of severe allergies, carry an EpiPen in case of anaphylaxis.
  1. Most allergies can’t be cured. However, potentially life-threatening peanut allergies have recently essentially cured 9/10 recipients of a new treatment using a dose of a probiotic, together with peanut protein in increasing amounts.

Susannah Makram is a registered Naturopath. Her diagnostic skills are recognised as a registered Osteopath. Her interests in Naturopathic Nutrition, nutrigenomics, epigenetics and the functional approach to healthcare make her Portfolio treatment Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective.

When you correctly identify your child’s allergies, Susannah will help you find a suitable strategy to help manage your child’s allergies. Managing your child’s allergy symptoms need not be a lifelong burden.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

Call  020 7060 3181