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Posts Tagged ‘what is naturopathy’

6 Reasons: Osteopathy, Nutrition and health

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Functional Osteopathy

Knightsbridge and Chelsea Osteopath Susannah helps optimise professional performance. HOW? Physical therapy techniques unique to osteopathyFunctional osteopathy treats the body as a whole.
How we move is our dynamic posture. Osteopathic techniques with a focus at Susannah Makram Clinics enhance two things: form and function.  We do this to capitalise on our body’s unique inherent strength.
We do this to optimise health. PRO-TIP: Don’t ignore warning signs.

SAFE. CLINICAL. PRACTICAL. EFFECTIVE. Does it always include functional nutrition? 

In London our modern lifestyle means chronic back pain and chronic health concerns recur. —->>>  Why?

Is it stress? What makes us tired all the time? Get stubborn belly fat, skin conditions and poor hair health?
Can  functional nutrition boost performance by a notch after osteopathy?


When’s the best time to have osteopathy?

“Health is more than the absence of disease. Health is about jobs and employment, education, the environment, and all of those things that go into making us healthy.”

Posture and Health

What does being healthy mean to you? Total body wellness or simply feeling balanced? Form and function. The best way to visualise these two things is via our posture. Our posture and health are interconnected.

Are you fatigued at work? Bloated or experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms of stress and anxiety? Chest pains? Feel like you cannot breath properly, you have aches in your joints? Poor posture can lead to an impairment to blood flow through the chest. This strains the blood vessels below the chest to produce a weakness in blood flow to the brain and cause fatigue (Orthostatic intolerance).

Nutrition and health

An internal chemical and hormonal imbalance sets us up for illness. One example can be seen in this study linking Low Immune Function and Intestinal Bacterial Imbalance to the Etiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis. There’s a case for diet and lifestyle alone to be a potential cause of non specific chronic lower back pain. Osteopaths look to treat the cause of pain or disease. Our training includes studying the pathophysiology of disease. Inflammation must exist for a reason. Pain, therefore, must exist for a reason. Put simply, poor posture from lower back pain or an injury we are accommodating for leads to our disrupted patterns of healthy:

(i) breathing (ii) digestion (iii) sleep (iv) responses to nutrition  (v) respones to stress

osteopathy, nutrition

osteopathy, nutrition

Osteopaths are highly competent healthcare professionals, recognised by the NHS. Osteopathy is a way of detecting, treating and preventing health problems. Osteopathy, nutrition and lifestyle change support is health optimisation. How are you feeling?

Osteopathy, Nutrition

The Missing Link In Functional Care. A clinical background in Osteopathy Matters. 6 Reasons – Osteopathy, Nutrition.

  1. Osteopathy seeks to find dysfunction. All the while we’re examining and treating the body as a whole.
  2. Using our understanding of disease pathophysiology and pain pathways are the greatest diagnostic tools of the osteopath.
  3. Correctly identify the cause or causes linked to why you are seeking nutritional therapy to begin with are the only way to deliver the correct therapy or therapy as treatment.
  4. “You can have inflammation without pain, but there is no pain without inflammation”. One cause of pain is metabolic. A type or stage of inflammation indicates a homeostatic imbalance. Both osteopathy and naturopathy adhere to the principle of helping to create the right environment. This is for optimal homeostatis (balance). It means the body will heal itself, as it does in nature. We help this bodily process to happen to the best of its ability.
  5. Clinically, common tests to diagnose inflammation are erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), white blood cell count, albumin levels (and other biomarkers). These tests are nonspecific. So, an abnormal result might be from a condition unrelated to inflammation. With osteopathy, nutrition and lifestyle as a means of optimising health, it’s important to know about this. Recognising signs and symptoms of acute, sub-acute and chronic inflammatory process, for example. Also, being able to interpret laboratory reports thus, is unique and invaluable for healthy weight loss results, unexplained fatigue etc.
  6. Our hormones have a complicated relationship with our Central Nervous System as well as our Cardiovascular Systems.

Functional testing in osteopathy, nutrition

Conventional medical testing will usually produce a result only when you’ve developed a disease. Often you may feel ill long before there is a “measurable pathology” – you know something is wrong but your tests keep coming back clear. Sound familiar? 

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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