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Posts Tagged ‘raw vegan probitics’

Sugar Free Diet Skin Benefits

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Sugar in The Skin

Luxury skincare anti wrinkle cream for ageing skin requires routine. Accelerated ageing, without proper care and nourishment of skin is instantly visible. Degenerative effects of ageing are similarly seen in other organs. Because of its visibility, our skin outwardly discloses to the world many aspects of our inner health.
If we want to heal our skin we have to heal our gut. How do we do this?



ANSWER: Glycation

Glycation is an abnormal process involving sugar binding to a protein, for example fructose to collagen. When the bound sugar and protein are exposed to free radicals they form multiple protein combinations called Advanced Glycation End Products or AGEs. Advanced Glycation End Products hang around in the dermis (the thick layer of living tissue below the epidermis which forms the true skin) and manifest as sallowness in the skin.

You can see this reaction taking place in food; for example baked goods. Or in the delicious sugar shell on the top of a crème brûlée. This making of soft food to hard is glycation. When we eat it, the AGEs from these devilishly delicious nibbles are deposited in the skin.

dairy and acne

dairy and acne

Yes, eventually all carbohydrates are converted to sugar. Even things like brown rice. Less than in the eyeing you up in the fridge! Worst total body offender of the sugar world? That award goes to high fructose corn syrup – corn syrup that has undergone enzymatic processing to convert some of its glucose into fructose. This increases the rate of glycation by 10 TIMES when compared with regular glucose. People with diabetes should be particularly careful, as they will have twice as many AGE deposits in the skin as people without diabetes. And no surprises here but that lifestyle habit, smoking, increases the rate of AGE deposition too!

So what does it do to the skin, exactly?

  •   It makes collagen and elastin stiff and decreases skin elasticity (hello wrinkles)
  •   Inactivates antioxidant enzymes
  •   Increased death of fibroblasts and keratinocytes (not cool)
  •   Makes skin cells more sensitive to UV

Now that you’ve put down that New York Cheesecake slice… Here’s something you can DO.

First, find out if this something that could change your life. Why? It has been suggested that restricting your calorie intake is a way of reducing AGE formation and could increase your lifespan; but who wants to live on 1600 calories a day? Or if you do, don’t you need to know the exact effect this will have? What if its not what you want? Contact us. Find out what we do. Will it help you?

[1] Zouboulis CC. Acne and sebaceous gland function. Clin Dermatol. 2004;22:360–366.
[2] “Diet and Acne,” published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Lead author  Whitney P. Bowe MD, FAAD

Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet

Kidney Stones Prevalence

Around 12% of men and 4% of women in the UK suffer from kidney stones. This number is rising. We find clinical research into links with oxalate foods to kidney stones and fibromylagia rising. With kidney stones on the rise, this is for good reason.


Saudi Arabia has one of the highest kidney stone rates in the world.

Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet

Saudi Arabia has one of the highest kidney stone rates in the world. Modern lifestyle is the biggest contributing factor. We’ll look at oxalates in food and their role in the Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet separately.


Saudi Arabia has one of the highest kidney stone rates in the world.

The exact cause of kidney stones cannot always be found. A poor diet and dehydration are major risk factors. In many cases, getting a kidney stone is a one time thing and does not occur again. Increasing fluid intake can cut the incidence of getting another stone in half.
VGH researchers recently tried to unravel role of gut bacteria in kidney stones.

Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet

Is our green juice putting you at risk?  [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#greenjuice #health”]Oxalates & Kidney Stones -is your green juice putting you at risk?[/tweetthis]

Naturopath Nutrition

Oxalates – are vegans, vegetarians or green juice lovers at greater risk of kidney stones?

Oxalates and Oxalate foods

Are vegans, vegetarians or green juice lovers at greater risk of kidney stones?        [tweetthis]Are vegans, vegetarians or green juice lovers at greater risk of kidney stones?[/tweetthis]

The part of the plant – i.e. stem or leaf, bran or endosperm – genetic differences between plant cultivars, soil conditions, and time of year harvested can account for differences in oxalate amounts if (plant based) foods as noted by researchers.

Green juice said, cooking method can also make a big difference in foods with a high content of soluble oxalate (which might be the only type that is absorbed at a significant rate in most people). Boiling or steaming and discarding the water after cooking can reduce the amount of oxalate especially in the leaves of leafy greens.

Oxalate is generally not found in animal products. Many plant foods are moderate or high and in some cases, extremely high in oxalate content e.g. spinach, beets, beet greens, sweet potatoes, peanuts, rhubarb, swiss chard. Despite this, a study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that people following a plant-based eating pattern had a lower occurrence of kidney stones. So, other than keeping hydrated, drinking plenty of fluid, how else can we avoid oxalate toxicity found in oxalate kidney stones diet?

  • Boil high-oxalate leafy greens and discard the water.
  • Meet the RDA for calcium. Eat high-calcium foods or take calcium with meals; calcium citrate if you have a history of calcium-oxalate stones.

RDA Calcium – Men (19-70 yo) 1000mg Women (19-50 yo) 1000mg 51+ 1200mg

High Calcium foods

The main calcium contenders are milk, yogurt, and cheese, but dairy should not be the only dietary go-to to fill up on this nutrient.

Non Dairy Sources of Calcium suitable for vegan diets Leafy greens

Kale, seaweed, turnip greens, seafood such as:
sardines, small fish with bones, legumes such as white beans and fruit – died figs, also contain calcium and many foods
(breakfast cereals bachelorarbeit schreiben lassen kosten) and beverages such as rice milk, coconut milk, are fortified with the mineral.

Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. For this reason, some calcium supplements contain vitamin D.

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 plays a beneficial role in bone metabolism and keeps calcium in the bones    [tweetthis]Vitamin K2, plays a beneficial role in bone metabolism and keeps calcium in the bones[/tweetthis]    As Vitamin k2 keeps calcium where it belongs and out of the soft tissues we should look at keeping levels high ghostwriter masterarbeit. So really consider cooking methods of leafy green high oxalate foods, like spinach. For example, instead of eating consistently high quantities of raw spinach in, for example, green juices and smoothies we should keep these greens for vitamin K2. We can mix up our methods of intake by steaming spinach leaves and using raw olive oil and lemon, for example, to eat it with.


  • Do not include large amounts of high-oxalate vegetables in your green smoothies.
  • Do not take large amounts of vitamin C. Oxalate is a waste material that needs to be excreted by the kidneys. Since most kidney stones affecting the general public are calcium oxalate, vitamin C degradation may be one of the main causes there hausarbeit schreiben lassen.  Problems recycling the oxidized form of vitamin C usually stem from some type of oxidative damage or chronic infection, both of which, are very common, of course.

Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet. Kidney Stones & Protein Intake

Are low carb dieters, Paleo or high protein diet followers at greater risk of kidney stones?

Do high protein diets have an adverse effect on kidney function?

Several studies suggest that kidney stones themselves are not caused by a high protein intake alone but by an underlying metabolic abnormality. Ketogenic diets, on the other hand, can contribute to kidney stones via other mechanisms.

There is some evidence that reducing protein in people that have pre-existing renal disease may have some benefit. Certainly, in the case of those with renal disease, reduced daily protein intake is guideline dependent on the stage of renal disease or failure bachelor arbeit schreiben lassen. Monitoring these levels with great care is typically managed in your personalised portfolio at Susannah Makram Clinics.

Excess protein intake increases excretion of substances that could potentially increase kidney stones, like calcium and uric acid. One study found that high protein diets are associated with increased uric acid and calcium output in the urine. In the study none of the subjects actually developed kidney stones hausarbeit schreiben lassen erfahrung. So in theory the subjects excreting substances that could contribute to kidney stone formation did not actually develop any kidney stones.

This good study from the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism in 2005 found no evidence that high protein diets increase glomerular pressure or hyperfiltration or contribute to kidney disease in any other way in healthy individuals.

Ten Dairy Free Probiotic Foods

Probiotic Treatment

Plant based or vegan diets may mean missing out on valuable micronutrients and macronutrients. Also, a vegan diet can exclude natural food sources of good gut bacteria. Dairy free probiotic foods and dairy free probiotic supplements can be gut bacteria friendly. Here’s how dairy free probiotic foods can be vegan diet friendly.

Do you think you have a dairy intolerance? Your skin might give away clues to this. It’s not just the gastrointestinal or digestive problems that come about. or even the respiratory issues. Food intolerance in general can lead to all kinds of health issues.

Dairy sensitivity

Dairy sensitivity

Dairy sensitivity for example can that affect our quality of life on a daily basis. Dairy and skin – When considering a dairy free diet for health reasons you’ve go to be clear and  differentiate between a milk protein intolerance and a lactose intolerance.

Dairy Free Probiotic Foods – Supplements

Know how to select dairy free probiotic supplements that do not contain dairy or lactose.
(1) always read the nutrition labels carefully
(2) The following words indicate that a product contains lactose or milk sugar (3) So avoid milk, lactose, whey, curds, milk by-products, dry milk solids and nonfat dry milk powder.
(4) Prescript-Assist is a vegan probiotic. You can find out more about Prescript Assist here. If the nutrition label on your probiotic lists any of the above ingredients, the product is not suitable for a dairy-free diet.

Ten dairy free probiotic foods       [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#vegan”]Ten dairy free #probiotic foods [/tweetthis]

Sauerkraut: Raw sauerkraut may contain more than 13 different species of gut-friendly bacteria, according to a study published in the American Society for Microbiology Journal. Homemade vegan lacto fermented veggies, such as ‘kraut’, can be made using a recipe that uses cabbage leaves. The cabbage leaves undergo a process called “lacto-fermentation.” The lacto-fermentation process uses sugars in the food one uses.

dairy free probiotic food

dairy free probiotic foods

Cabbage, in the case of raw sauerkraut, feeds bacteria that grow from the fermentation process and that sugar is converted into lactic acid. This acid, along with added salt, preserves vegetables for extended periods of time.

Lactic acid fermentation in and of itself enhances the micronutrient profile of several foods. These foods can then be used as dairy free probiotic foods as well. Vegetables that have undergone lactic acid fermentation, as in the case of sauerkraut and kimchi, often see an increase in the activity of vitamin C and vitamin A. Real sauerkraut has a crispy – not mushy – texture and is loaded with vitamin C and B vitamins. Furthermore, the process of fermenting cabbage actually creates isothiocyanate – a substance thought to inhibit the formation of cancer and tumours.

Vegan Probiotics

Kombucha If you have a SCOBY Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast you can make Kombucha using: a SCOBY, tea, sugar, clean water an the right warm temperature. The final product contains a blend of beneficial bacteria and yeast (probiotics) as well as certain acids and enzymes that aid digestion and promote health.
NOTE: Those on a sugar free diet wanting to increase their intake of air free probiotic foods – There will always be a little sugar remaining, and the amount depends on how long the tea is fermented. Every batch of kombucha is different.
The only things every batch contains are: (i) at least one beneficial yeast, (ii) acetobacter (the beneficial bacteria in the SCOBY), (iii) gluconic acid (a pH regulator) (iv) acetic acid (an anti-microbial acid, which also stabilises blood sugar) . Most batches of kombucha will also contain an analgesic (pain reliever), an anti-arthritic compound, an anti-spasmodic compound, a liver-protective compound, and several anti-bacterial compounds. The Kombucha blend varies from batch to batch. The caffeine content remains after the fermentation process. NOTE: Increasing dairy free probiotic foods on alcohol free diets – There is usually between 0.5 and 3% alcohol depending on length of fermentation. (Beer contains 4-6%.) Single fermentation home brews of kombucha usually contain only 0.5% alcohol. If you do a second fermentation in a bottle, to flavor it and increase the carbonation, the alcohol content will increase slightly.

Coconut Kefir is another casein free (milk protein free) and lactose free probiotic i.e. a good inclusion in the dairy free probiotic foods listed. dairy free Coconut water kefir is fermented coconut water. Coconut water kefir is a probiotic drink that also contains vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. The vitamin and mineral content of coconut water includes beta carotene, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Niacin, pantothenic acid, folates and vitamins A,B6, C, E and K.

Traditional Miso or miso soup is another dairy free probiotic food. It is made from fermented soybeans, barley or rice. Although miso is not a raw food the fermentation process makes it “live” and full of natural digestive and health –enhancing enzymes. For the best miso, look for a brand that is unpasteurised.

Tempeh is a fermented foodvegan protein and another one of the top dairy free probiotic foods to consider including in your vegan diet. Tempeh can be eaten raw in a raw vegan diet or cooked as a source of vegan protein. Traditionally this food, that originated in Indonesia several centuries ago, is made by adding a yeast-based starter culture to beans (legumes).

Kimchi is a traditional Korean food manufactured by fermenting vegetables with probiotic lactic acid bacteria. Studies find it to be another one of the good dairy free probiotic foods. The major ingredients of kimchi are cruciferous vegetables and other healthy functional foods such as garlic, ginger, red pepper powder.

Probiotic ginger beer or probiotic ginger ale is another one of the dairy free probiotic foods or a beverage made by using the bacterial starter – called a ginger bug. The idea is to bring the ginger bug, that is essentially ginger, filtered water, sugar and the ginger wort together once the fermentation process has begun in the ginger bug naturally.

dairy free probiotics

dairy free probiotic foods

NOTE: Sugar free diets – Much of the sugar in fermented tonics is consumed by beneficial microorganisms, who then transform it. The wild microorganisms eat away at the sugar in the ginger bug, and produce carbon dioxide as a result seo texte schreiben lassen. Do you need to consider increasing your daily probiotic intake? 

When mixed with a flavored sweet tea or ginger wort the microorganisms in the ginger bug begin to consume the sugar in the tea or juice, and, as they do, they reproduce and emit carbon dioxide. NOTE: Making probiotic beverages is not difficult, but does it does take time and attention Amazon Agentur. Alcohol free diets – ginger beer is considered non-alcoholic although it ginger beer does contain less than 0.5% alcohol.

Water kefir is a probiotic beverage similar to Kombucha and Ginger Beer. Water kefir grains are translucent and gelatinous, with a crystal-like appearance ghostwriter diplomarbeit. Like kombucha mothers, water kefir grains are a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts including lactobacillus hilgardii – the species that gives water kefir grains their characteristic appearance.

Moroccan preserved lemons can be consumed in different recipes and are another natural dairy free probiotic food ghostwriter bachelorarbeit. Moroccan preserved lemons are naturally fermented without the use of a starter – just benign bacteria and yeasts naturally present in the air, on our skin and on the fruits themselves.

Vegan prebiotics

Vegan prebiotics

 Sour pickles are another dairy free probiotic food. Sour pickles are tart, as the name suggests and crunchy Ghostwriter. Sour pickles are the traditional alternative to vinegar pickles and are prepared using a simple solution of unrefined sea salt and clean, chlorine-free or filtered water.

Coconut yogurt is the last inclusion in this list of dairy free probiotic foods when the coconut yogurt is made from the milk of the coconut and not from dairy milk. This dairy free probation food that is suitable for vegan diets is made with a mix of plant based probiotic cultures that contain no dairy. Why might you want to increase your daily probiotic intake?


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