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Posts Tagged ‘yeast free diet’

Candida Albicans

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Anti fungal cream

Candida or fungal overgrowth on the rise? Anti fungal cream for Athletes’ foot, muscle aches, fatigue, bloating thrush? Fundal overgrowth affects the body. Here’s how, why and here’s what you can do without the candida diet.

What’s the real story?

Symptoms of candidiasis vary depending on the area of the body that is infected. London Naturopath Susannah follows client’s health story. For simple solutions we need to retrace steps. Find patterns in our health.

Why does this matter?

Then we can optimise what is helping us and eliminate what is hindering us. Until we can start from scratch and start eating wider ranges of foods. All the while, nourishing our bodies properly is key. Sound difficult? It’s not, with the right guidance.

We’ve finally made it. We’re at our doctor’s. Hands up. Who’s gone away with a prescription for an anti fungal cream for any of the above?
complementary health specialist may well say that we’re suffering from an overgrowth of candida or candida albicans. This can only be beaten In The Four Phases.

Candida albicans

Candida albicans is a topic of high debate between complementary therapists and the medical community. Mainly, because diagnosing the presence of candida albicans was inaccurate. Almost everyone has some yeast living in their digestive tract. Not so much now, in the right care, using the right clinical and functional approach.

Diagnosis by symptoms can be accurate. However, it’s just not enough data to functionally treat candida overgrowth. If an anti-candida programme makes symptoms vanish or improve, this can confirm the diagnosis of yeast overgrowth. Many a naturopath relies on this elimination diagnosis to treat fungal overgrowth.

Candida overgrowth symptoms

If we’ve got digestive issues like chronic diarrhoea or IBS or constipation, candidiasis may play a role.    [tweetthis]Digestive issues? Chronic #diarrhoea #IBS #constipation – #candidiasis may play a role[/tweetthis]

It’s the same with acid reflux or a sluggish metabolism. Similarly, when we’re not losing weight or not burning fat efficiently. Being tired all the time, harbouring that gut too. How common are all of these though, in modern times? We can see how easy it is to include or exclude reasons that might the key to improving these symptoms by eating differently IN THE FOUR PHASES.

Candida albicans or fungal overgrowth is diet and lifestyle acquired. Therefore, the functional approach to treating candida overgrowth requires changes to diet and lifestyle.

candida albicans

candida albicans

Functional analysis

Making complex carbohydrates even more difficult to break down is mentioned as part of the functional approach. This is the theory with Gut and Psychology Syndrome GAPS and Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD). The organic acids test is a really good place to start.

The idea is if you have a fungal overgrowth, you should avoid disaccharides and polysaccharides. That’s because they’re difficult to break down and they may potentially feed these overgrowths or infections.

The idea is to resume microbial balance. That’s really the focus of any kind of treatment for fungal overgrowth.

Nutrition: The Secret To Success


Naturopathic medicine & its principles are historically powerful evidence-based methods of treating the signs of ageing. The secret to success by nutrition, by naturopathy all begins here

Subscribe to Susannah Makram TV so you don’t miss the unique video mini series – 4 Simple Strategies to Getting Your Energy Back.      [tweetthis]Subscribe to Susannah Makram TV for 4 Simple Strategies to Getting Your Energy Back[/tweetthis]

SAFE. clinical assessment and examination can prevent CLINICAL. investigation and if this is not needed to scan for serious disease then it must be divisive to PRACTICAL. personalised nutritional treatment to be EFFECTIVE.

As liaison’s officer to the British Naturopathic Journal, I find this to be more so a priority within the sets of my responsibilities. As founder of The Body Youth Code, founder of The Functional Healthcare Group, I do and I train.

Intrinsic ageing is not a disease but a natural process. This is why, when my client feels let down by unsuccessful treatment, balance is our goal. Repair to solve extrinsic signs of ageing comes next. This is weight loss; hair loss & skincare; chronic Fatigue (or unexplained fatigue)


Gut health – The human intestinal tract harbours a diverse and complex microbial community which plays a central role in human health. So, when treating the body as a whole, it makes sense to address to the cause of skin conditions, low energy levels, unhealthy weight gain etc. to what we put inside our bodies. i.e. our gut health

Professional athletes are reaching their full potential. They’re at the top of their game by taking their nutrition seriously. We start by wanting to take ownership of their health. Effective personalised nutrition – what’s yours? 

CEOs and diplomats and anyone susceptible to stress – any one, in other words! – testify to this fact. Making this manageable in today’s world need not be difficult. It is possible. iStock_000051960718_Small

To all people food is knowledge. It’s not just fuel for the body and its systems.

On a cellular level, nutrition is a vital part of managing the undesirable signs of accelerated ageing [tweetthis]#Nutrition is a vital part of managing the undesirable signs of accelerated #ageing [/tweetthis]

A gut that is functioning optimally provides the environment necessary for inside out health. Our body works as a functional unit.

It takes a lot of energy to break down food with a gut that is not working properly….  [tweetthis]It takes a lot of energy to break down food with a gut that is not working properly[/tweetthis]    for whatever reason!

If we want our nutrition to fuel our body instead of making us unwell and tired all the time, we need to have good gut function.  a healthy gut This in turn directs energies towards cell renewal which is the number one mechanism to reverse the signs of ageing. Tapping into this store of energy successfully, from one individual to the next, is a process that requires the clinical expertise.

Energy by nutrition enhances cell turnover rate to reverse the signs of ageing.   [tweetthis]Direct energy by nutrition towards enhancing your cell turnover rate & reverse ageing.[/tweetthis]


The Body Youth Code is solutions-based. We examine and see how the body is functioning – as a whole. Osteopathy and Naturopathy use such holistic methods .

Osteopathy looks at what factors are causing the body to stop functioning at its best.  The better that this is understood, the better your treatment results. This is equal for back pain, neck pain as for naturopathic nutrition. Personalising this is for your healthy weight loss. Nutrition for healthy skin and nutrition for hair loss require an understanding of the problem from its root. Fertility nutrition and nutrition for tiredness, weakness or fatigue have often more than one cause.

The Body Youth Code has roots in osteopathic and naturopathic principles. The pathophysiology of disease and its specific effect on the neuroendocrine system needs understanding.

“Diagnosis”means to know… through and through, the Greek roots “dia”, meaning ‘through’ (as in diagonal – an angle through) and “gnosis” meaning ‘essential knowing.’

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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