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Posts Tagged ‘gluten free’

Candida Albicans

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Anti fungal cream

Candida or fungal overgrowth on the rise? Anti fungal cream for Athletes’ foot, muscle aches, fatigue, bloating thrush? Fundal overgrowth affects the body. Here’s how, why and here’s what you can do without the candida diet.

What’s the real story?

Symptoms of candidiasis vary depending on the area of the body that is infected. London Naturopath Susannah follows client’s health story. For simple solutions we need to retrace steps. Find patterns in our health.

Why does this matter?

Then we can optimise what is helping us and eliminate what is hindering us. Until we can start from scratch and start eating wider ranges of foods. All the while, nourishing our bodies properly is key. Sound difficult? It’s not, with the right guidance.

We’ve finally made it. We’re at our doctor’s. Hands up. Who’s gone away with a prescription for an anti fungal cream for any of the above?
complementary health specialist may well say that we’re suffering from an overgrowth of candida or candida albicans. This can only be beaten In The Four Phases.

Candida albicans

Candida albicans is a topic of high debate between complementary therapists and the medical community. Mainly, because diagnosing the presence of candida albicans was inaccurate. Almost everyone has some yeast living in their digestive tract. Not so much now, in the right care, using the right clinical and functional approach.

Diagnosis by symptoms can be accurate. However, it’s just not enough data to functionally treat candida overgrowth. If an anti-candida programme makes symptoms vanish or improve, this can confirm the diagnosis of yeast overgrowth. Many a naturopath relies on this elimination diagnosis to treat fungal overgrowth.

Candida overgrowth symptoms

If we’ve got digestive issues like chronic diarrhoea or IBS or constipation, candidiasis may play a role.    [tweetthis]Digestive issues? Chronic #diarrhoea #IBS #constipation – #candidiasis may play a role[/tweetthis]

It’s the same with acid reflux or a sluggish metabolism. Similarly, when we’re not losing weight or not burning fat efficiently. Being tired all the time, harbouring that gut too. How common are all of these though, in modern times? We can see how easy it is to include or exclude reasons that might the key to improving these symptoms by eating differently IN THE FOUR PHASES.

Candida albicans or fungal overgrowth is diet and lifestyle acquired. Therefore, the functional approach to treating candida overgrowth requires changes to diet and lifestyle.

candida albicans

candida albicans

Functional analysis

Making complex carbohydrates even more difficult to break down is mentioned as part of the functional approach. This is the theory with Gut and Psychology Syndrome GAPS and Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD). The organic acids test is a really good place to start.

The idea is if you have a fungal overgrowth, you should avoid disaccharides and polysaccharides. That’s because they’re difficult to break down and they may potentially feed these overgrowths or infections.

The idea is to resume microbial balance. That’s really the focus of any kind of treatment for fungal overgrowth.

How to balance hormones

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How to balance hormones

Here’s how to balance hormones. Female sex hormone levels drop up to 90% during the ageing process. How to balance hormones as we age starts with recognising symptoms of hormone imbalance. We go through this here too. When we’re not feeling our normal self we use functional tests to make sure we have the right hormone reset diet as well as any supporting treatment options available.

How to use the pill

The pill is used by 3.5 mil in the UK currently – roughly one in three women of reproductive age. So are we using The Pill for birth control now more than ever? This figure is over 10 mil women in the US.
The oral contraceptive is particularly popular in the 18 to 30 age group. Usage of the Pill declines sharply after the age of 35.

Are women destined to suffer? Suffering from mood wings, muscle loss, poor sleep, memory difficulties, sexual problems? PMS, menopausal symptoms and other problems are all signs of female hormone imbalance.

This is manageable. Not the result of mutant genes destroying our sexual vitality as we age. At Susannah Makram Clinics we focus on what’s creating these imbalances – and mange the underlying problem In The Four Phases. 

Modern medicine

The Pill

With gum disease existing in nearly half of this population, research investigating the relationship between the pill and gum disease provides us with a timely warning.
We need to consider the impact that oral contraception may have – not only on our dental health – but in terms of overall female hormone imbalance.

Side Effects of Birth control

Side Effects of Birth control

How to balance hormones

Birth Control Pills

Do birth control pills invariably lead to a female hormone imbalance? Let’s start at the start!
Research into the birth control pill’s effect on the mouth shows altered levels of salivary proteins and immune function.
This immunity acts as the mouth’s protection mechanisms against disease.
So when this immunity is lowered it can allow bad bacteria, housed in plaque on the surface of teeth and gums, to increase inflammation of the gingival tissues.
This is especially the case when bad bacteria are not removed properly by brushing and flossing. Hormonal changes that occur whilst taking the birth control pill also alter the blood supply to the gum tissues. This results in an increased inflammatory response to the presence of dental plaque.

Because gum disease doesn’t stop at your mouth, having regular dental health checks are advisable. Gum disease has known links to wider health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, that are well established.

—> Keep reading for the basics of Female Hormone Imbalance. SUBSCRIBE to our video mini series on How to Balance Hormones naturally.

Research has shown that taking the birth control pill or combined oral contraceptives for 12 months or more can increase your susceptibility to gum disease. However, this depends on the condition being present in the first place. So if you’re looking after your dental hygiene well, you most likely won’t be affected by the increased risk that the pill may introduce.

Take home advice. Have a complete dental check-up and notify your dentist that you’re considering commencing the pill. Consult with your GP on the risks and side effects of different contraception pills. If you’re diagnosed with gingivitis or gum disease, you may want to post-pone commencing the pill until your disease levels are under control. Maintain diligent oral hygiene in order to keep your gum health in top shape, with regular 6-month dental check ups.

Female hormone imbalance

Hormone imbalance –our body’s internal rhythmic responses to external stressors. When we talk about female hormone imbalance we are referring to sex hormones. These have the general role in the body of growth and reproduction. In particular, the female sex hormones oestrogen and progestin are known to influence physiological outcomes like libido, fatigue, hair loss, mood levels and brittle bones. Due to this influence on the body’s processes, it’s well known that possible side effects and risks of taking the birth control pill, which alters these hormones, can include chronic diseases. An in-depth look at side effects of the pill is here.  Hormone imbalance symptoms can stem from such chronic diseases as heart disease, osteoporosis and certain types of cancer.

Female hormone imbalance

How to balance hormones

Why do female sex hormone levels drop up to 90% during the ageing process?

Hormone imbalance symptoms

Functional nutrition is powerful through its holistic approach. Personalised nutrition aims to achieve the highest expression of individual health, so while this is a list of symptoms, we should only look at the surface. We might ask yourself if the following plague us and if we want to do something about it.

We may have a mild or moderate or severe female hormone imbalance. So, this is only a guide. For example, the more of these health concerns or issues you are experiencing, the more you might be looking at a female home imbalance that is treatable using the right personalised nutrition.

PMS symtoms

Premenstrual syndrome. Premenstrual food cravings (especially sugar or salt). Premenstrual migraines. Monthly weight fluctuation. Oedema, swelling, puffiness, or water retention, bloated, headaches, mood swings. Tender, enlarged breasts.
Feel depressed or unable to cope with ordinary demands.
Timely backache, back pain joint or muscle pain.
Irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, or light bleeding.
Experiencing infertility.
I use birth-control pills or other hormones.
Breast cysts or lumps or fibrocystic breasts. A family history of breast, ovarian, or uterine cancer.
Uterine fibroids.
Anxiety, night sweats, hot flashes or insomnia. Heart palpitations.
Lowered sex drive.
I have dry skin, hair, and/ or vagina.
Noticing changes in memory or concentration.
Bloating or belly fat weight gain. Facial hair.

Symptoms peri menopause

Symptoms peri menopause. Hot flashes, mood swings, headaches, irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, fluid retention, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness, brain fog, muscle and joint pain, low sex drive, weight gain.

Cold Press Juice London

Cold Press Juice

Cold Press juice yields more nutrients. Cold press juice: tasty; refreshing; healthy. Is cold pressed best? Why cold pressed juice? Should EVERYONE Detox or cleanseLondon detox – is this nonsense? Can we detox in London?
Change is difficult. So, we’re keeping nutrition and healthy living simple.  What’s the difference between gluten free and wheat free? Is dairy free any good for your skin REALLY? Detoxification is a natural process. Our liver detoxifies our blood.
“Does juicing help get our energy back?” – London Nutrition expert Susannah Naturopath in Chelsea, Knightsbridge, Mayfair answers. Natural methods of balancing our bodies are a waste of time and money. Without proper guidance. Which is why we’re offering a complimentary course of cold press juice delivered to clients. Enquire here.

London Detox

London Detox

Cold pressed juice is a nourishing food that can be the fix we need in our hectic lifestyles. The art is in making it really delicious! But even then are we really metabolising the goodness of cold pressed juice – raw, unpasteurised juice properly? Are we benefiting from this pure vitamin and mineral hit? How do we get the most of our cold press juice? Can we drink cold press juice with meals? What should we be eating? Can cold press juice be a recipe for help heal poor digestion, or even ill health. Can cold press juice ever be toxic?

Cold press extraction is a 2-Step Process. Picture this.
Three kilos of produce. Now imagine those 3 kilos pressed. Cold Press Juice in London delivers quality micronutrients and phytonutrients you expect from this quantity. Always read the label!

How do we drink ours?

Are there health benefits to drinking a single cold press juice?

Raw, unpasteurised cold pressed juice can be part of a juice cleanse. We’re not calling it that at Susannah Makram Clinics. We’re whole body 4 PHASE method based. We want to choose the best cold press juice and combination that will make you feel better.

Hydraulic press juicer

The extraction method makes every raw ingredient in the juice count. Not all raw juice or cold press juices are created equal. We deliver the raw, unpasteurised kind as it is the only worthwhile and sure fire method to obtain nourishing goodness. The nature of unpasteurised cold pressed vegetables and fruits not only pack a nutrient dense punch. Nutrients packed into each juice are delivered and absorbed by your body. This makes their health benefits most effective and efficient in the most natural way possible.

Cold Press Juice London

Hydraulic juice presses crush and then press fruits and vegetables. This is done in a two-step process. This 2-step action is called cold pressing. Let’s catch this two-step cold press action! Watch How Cold Press Juice is Made for your cold pressed juice delivery:

Cold Press Juicer

Fast Fact. A Cold Press Juicer is also known as a Masticating Juicer or Slow Juicer.
Fast Fact. A Cold Press Juicer slowly compresses fruits and vegetables to ‘squeeze’ out the juice instead of using high-speed force to separate juice from pulp like a centrifugal juicer does.

  • Cold pressed juice uses hydraulic pressure to extract juice, gaining a larger yield.
  • Cold pressers make it far easier to fully extract the juice from leafy greens like kale and spinach. You can see how in the video above.
  • Cold pressed juice London is a way of life. Cold pressed juice is a fast and safe way to have our macronutrientsmicronutrients and phytonutrients to hand. Texture-wise, this is a unique experience. Cold pressed juice is smooth and differs from fresh juice. Fresh juice is likely to have bits in the juice. Each cold pressed juice is a unique tasting experience and consistency.
  • As no heat is applied to the fruit or vegetable, there is less oxidisation. The enzymes and nutrients remain live for 3 – 5 days.

Raw Food Juice

  • Cold Pressed Juice is likely made by a method that is called high-pressure pascalisation (HPP), which uses high-pressure chambers instead of heat to inhibit microflora growth. HPP is less destructive than traditional heat processes. It also naturally extends shelf life and so these juice cannot be classified as fresh or raw.
  • Hydraulic juice presses (or cold-pressing) crush and then press fruits and vegetables in a two-step process. The video above shows the two-step method that produces raw cold pressed juice.
  • Cold-pressing simply means that the juice is extracted by crushing the fruit or vegetable, and then pressing it to get the highest yield of juice. This is all done in a cold setting. This way no nutrients in the fruit or vegetable are damaged and enzymes stay intact.


Gut Bacteria and Weight Loss

Gut microbiota

1. Thin people and obese people tend to have different types of microbes living in their gut. SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?  Weight loss and specifically when obese people lose weight, their microbiota change accordingly.

There’s a strong positive relationship between healthy gut bacteria and weight loss

Obesity is highly heritable and it probably involves genes that pass from parent to child. Body weight is clearly impacted by diet. So the environment and personal habits also play a role.

Gut bacteria and weight loss: Several studies have also turned up evidence linking obesity to the microbiome:

Gut bacteria and weight loss

Gut bacteria and weight loss

2.  A diet high in fat, sugar, and simple carbs is bad for the “healthy” gut microbes that keep us thin. It also encourages the growth of “unhealthy” microbes that make us obese. Obese individuals harbor microbes that are better at extracting energy from food, as well as microbes that signal the body to store energy as fat.

3. The microbiome is changeable.

The relationship among genetics, the environment, and the microbiome as it relates to obesity is certainly complex. But while the genome is fixed and habits are hard to change, the microbiome is changeable. That is why PHASE ONE in the FOUR PHASES of weight loss examines the role of gut bacteria and weight loss for every individual. Find out more about the gut microbiome here.

Fast fact! Our gut is as unique as our DNA so no one nutritional plan, lifestyle or diet tips or advice can work as effectively for you as it will for somebody else. Let that sink in…..

4. Our body can be malnourished even though we’re eating enough. Malnutrition is not simply a matter of lacking calories and nutrients. Some people eat enough nutrients but cannot absorb them properly. So the body produces symptoms of malnourishment because of nutrient malabsorption. The role of microbes can be described when looking at identical twins: one twin undernourished and the other one not. The twins have the same genes, and they eat the same food—but they have different gut microbiota.

There’s no point building on a foundation that’s anything but solid.
This is why personalised nutrition IN THE FOUR PHASES  is key. Each phase is the building block to reinforce the next building block. Every small change made impacts hugely, within the right margins created at PHASE 1.

Taking ownership of our health means making choices about what we EAT DRINK TAKE MAKE. These choices we are making are feeding ‘good’ bacteria in our gut or they are feeding ‘bad’ bacteria in our gut that can than lead to SIBO, for example.

Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet

Kidney Stones Prevalence

Around 12% of men and 4% of women in the UK suffer from kidney stones. This number is rising. We find clinical research into links with oxalate foods to kidney stones and fibromylagia rising. With kidney stones on the rise, this is for good reason.


Saudi Arabia has one of the highest kidney stone rates in the world.

Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet

Saudi Arabia has one of the highest kidney stone rates in the world. Modern lifestyle is the biggest contributing factor. We’ll look at oxalates in food and their role in the Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet separately.


Saudi Arabia has one of the highest kidney stone rates in the world.

The exact cause of kidney stones cannot always be found. A poor diet and dehydration are major risk factors. In many cases, getting a kidney stone is a one time thing and does not occur again. Increasing fluid intake can cut the incidence of getting another stone in half.
VGH researchers recently tried to unravel role of gut bacteria in kidney stones.

Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet

Is our green juice putting you at risk?  [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#greenjuice #health”]Oxalates & Kidney Stones -is your green juice putting you at risk?[/tweetthis]

Naturopath Nutrition

Oxalates – are vegans, vegetarians or green juice lovers at greater risk of kidney stones?

Oxalates and Oxalate foods

Are vegans, vegetarians or green juice lovers at greater risk of kidney stones?        [tweetthis]Are vegans, vegetarians or green juice lovers at greater risk of kidney stones?[/tweetthis]

The part of the plant – i.e. stem or leaf, bran or endosperm – genetic differences between plant cultivars, soil conditions, and time of year harvested can account for differences in oxalate amounts if (plant based) foods as noted by researchers.

Green juice said, cooking method can also make a big difference in foods with a high content of soluble oxalate (which might be the only type that is absorbed at a significant rate in most people). Boiling or steaming and discarding the water after cooking can reduce the amount of oxalate especially in the leaves of leafy greens.

Oxalate is generally not found in animal products. Many plant foods are moderate or high and in some cases, extremely high in oxalate content e.g. spinach, beets, beet greens, sweet potatoes, peanuts, rhubarb, swiss chard. Despite this, a study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that people following a plant-based eating pattern had a lower occurrence of kidney stones. So, other than keeping hydrated, drinking plenty of fluid, how else can we avoid oxalate toxicity found in oxalate kidney stones diet?

  • Boil high-oxalate leafy greens and discard the water.
  • Meet the RDA for calcium. Eat high-calcium foods or take calcium with meals; calcium citrate if you have a history of calcium-oxalate stones.

RDA Calcium – Men (19-70 yo) 1000mg Women (19-50 yo) 1000mg 51+ 1200mg

High Calcium foods

The main calcium contenders are milk, yogurt, and cheese, but dairy should not be the only dietary go-to to fill up on this nutrient.

Non Dairy Sources of Calcium suitable for vegan diets Leafy greens

Kale, seaweed, turnip greens, seafood such as:
sardines, small fish with bones, legumes such as white beans and fruit – died figs, also contain calcium and many foods
(breakfast cereals bachelorarbeit schreiben lassen kosten) and beverages such as rice milk, coconut milk, are fortified with the mineral.

Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. For this reason, some calcium supplements contain vitamin D.

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 plays a beneficial role in bone metabolism and keeps calcium in the bones    [tweetthis]Vitamin K2, plays a beneficial role in bone metabolism and keeps calcium in the bones[/tweetthis]    As Vitamin k2 keeps calcium where it belongs and out of the soft tissues we should look at keeping levels high ghostwriter masterarbeit. So really consider cooking methods of leafy green high oxalate foods, like spinach. For example, instead of eating consistently high quantities of raw spinach in, for example, green juices and smoothies we should keep these greens for vitamin K2. We can mix up our methods of intake by steaming spinach leaves and using raw olive oil and lemon, for example, to eat it with.


  • Do not include large amounts of high-oxalate vegetables in your green smoothies.
  • Do not take large amounts of vitamin C. Oxalate is a waste material that needs to be excreted by the kidneys. Since most kidney stones affecting the general public are calcium oxalate, vitamin C degradation may be one of the main causes there hausarbeit schreiben lassen.  Problems recycling the oxidized form of vitamin C usually stem from some type of oxidative damage or chronic infection, both of which, are very common, of course.

Oxalate Kidney Stones Diet. Kidney Stones & Protein Intake

Are low carb dieters, Paleo or high protein diet followers at greater risk of kidney stones?

Do high protein diets have an adverse effect on kidney function?

Several studies suggest that kidney stones themselves are not caused by a high protein intake alone but by an underlying metabolic abnormality. Ketogenic diets, on the other hand, can contribute to kidney stones via other mechanisms.

There is some evidence that reducing protein in people that have pre-existing renal disease may have some benefit. Certainly, in the case of those with renal disease, reduced daily protein intake is guideline dependent on the stage of renal disease or failure bachelor arbeit schreiben lassen. Monitoring these levels with great care is typically managed in your personalised portfolio at Susannah Makram Clinics.

Excess protein intake increases excretion of substances that could potentially increase kidney stones, like calcium and uric acid. One study found that high protein diets are associated with increased uric acid and calcium output in the urine. In the study none of the subjects actually developed kidney stones hausarbeit schreiben lassen erfahrung. So in theory the subjects excreting substances that could contribute to kidney stone formation did not actually develop any kidney stones.

This good study from the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism in 2005 found no evidence that high protein diets increase glomerular pressure or hyperfiltration or contribute to kidney disease in any other way in healthy individuals.

The Best Probiotics – 10 Check List

What is probiotics

We TAKE Probiotics for gut health so does what we EAT DRINK TAKE MAKE count towards our gut health? Our digestive problems or overall digestive health alone requires personalised nutrition. Here’s why…

best probiotic

best probiotic

FAQ: which is the best probiotic to take? How, when and even why we eat = nutrition and lifestyle habits = information. This feeds our or nourishes or bodies and informs our gut health and wellbeing. So let’s make choices that count towards OUR health.
Probiotics and Prescript Assist probiotics and antibiotics and probiotics and prebiotics – find out about them here

We have all that friend. They’re super healthy. They eat whole foods, they workout. Yet, they’re catching bugs or unwell. A lot. They look and feel tired all the time.

So this super healthy friend, eating seasonal whole foods – nutrient rich… outside their body. Inside? Useless.
Is this why we’re all taking Probiotics? Well, probiotics do far more than improve digestive function and our ability to stay ‘regular.’ Possibly, Probiotics are the best natural solution for eliminating bloating and puffiness. Probiotics are the safest way to get a healthier, flatter stomach. However, not all probiotics are created equal.

10 Tips For Choosing A High Quality Probiotic

1) Different Probiotics work in different ways. You should discuss what you want to achieve by taking probiotics safely.
2) It is important to Know The Strain. The most common strains you will find are bifidobacterium and lactobacillus. Medications that decrease the immune system (Immunosuppressants) interact with lactobacillus strains. Lactobacillus acidophilus is thought to help with the digestion and absorption of lactose by producing lactase. This may be helpful for those with Lactose intolerance – usually the result of a lactase deficiency.

Probiotics means ‘for life’

They are defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations as ‘live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts as part of food, confer a beneficial health effect by producing gut microflora on the host’.

Probiotics often are not that effective at re-populating the gut flora – Prebiotics are more effective for that. The health benefits of probiotics go beyond gut health. 

Vegan Probiotics

If you are vegan it can be challenging to find a vegan probiotic. Some brands use milk in the manufacturing process, or have gelatin-derived capsules, or use bee products. It is not impossible, however, to find a vegan-friendly probiotic formula. It should be all of the following: (i) dairy free probiotic (ii) casein free probiotic (iii) gelatin free probiotic (iv) bee product free probiotic

If you are sensitive to dairy you can find dairy-free probiotics and increase your food intake of probiotics with these foods that are also vegan diet friendly: Ten Dairy Free Probiotic Foods

If you are taking antibiotics it is good to start a Saccharomyces boulardii or S. boulardii probiotic. Take these while still taking the antibiotic as this is a yeast strain (antibiotics cannot kill it). Taking these rather than bacteria and can help prepare the internal environment to welcome new “good” bacteria back into the body. This happens once the antibiotic has done its job of clearing bacteria from the body. There are quite a few randomised, placebo-controlled trials for e.g. here and here that have demonstrated the effectiveness of probiotic use during a course of antibiotics. This is specific for reducing side effects and preventing gut infection. Prebiotics are an important part of any regimen to protect or rebuild a healthy microbiome during and after antibiotic use.

The Best Probiotics - 10 Check List

The Best Probiotics – 10 Check List

3) Demonstrated safety in vivo and In Vitro Studies SBO probiotics have risen in recognition recently as clinical evidence grows to support their traditonally-derived approach. Species from the Bacillus genus, a gut-adapted spore-forming bacteria is found in certain probiotic products. It has been demonstrated to be safe and effective in in vitro and in vivo studies. 4) Clinical Trials – Many probiotic products have not been validated by peer-reviewed, clinical studies. The best products are those that have been studied in the scientific literature.

5) Shelf Stability – Probiotics should be shelf-stable i.e. do not require refrigeration. Many probiotics require refrigeration and lose their potency if not stored within a very narrow range of temperature and this is inconvenient in today’s modern, mobile world. A shelf-stable probiotic is easier to take consistently because you can take it with you wherever you go.

6) Strength – A superior delivery can more than compensate for a product with a lower CFU count i.e. Colony Forming Units. That said, a true probiotic effect involves a significant number of CFU (preferably 10 billion CFU or more per serving). This serving produces significant quantities of lactic acid within our intestinal tract. One of the roles of stomach acid is to prevent harmful bacteria from entering our bodies. However, stomach acid will also kill good bacteria that we swallow in the form of probiotics—unless the bacteria is protected from that acid in our stomachs. Delivery does not only mean making the probiotic go through the stomach alive. The best delivery systems keep the probiotics together in a protective gel as they move deep into the intestinal tract. The more pristine this gel state can be kept, in terms of allowing only probiotics to grow, the better. 7) Time Of Manufacture – always read the label. A time of manufacture guarantee declares the amount of CFUs in a probiotic at the time of production

The Best Probiotics - 10 Check List

The Best Probiotics – 10 Check List

8) Too Many Strains? The most effective probiotics contain several different strains of bacteria that work together synergistically to mimic the natural flora found in the human gut. A broad spectrum of bacterial chains is generally advised. This is unless specifications in point 2) apply e.g.of  broad spectrum is 29 strains of beneficial microflora
9) Viability. To repeat point 6) the good delivery system is required. This is for the probiotic product to remain viable on the shelf. Also, through the harsh acidic environment of the stomach —  delivering active, therapeutic levels at the time they reach the lower GI tract.
10) Value & Gluten Free & Dairy Free. Always read the label.

In the last ten years, studies of the human microbiome, have propelled our appreciation for studies into probiotics. The microbiome is defined as the collective genetic identity of the microbes. These microbes are composed of bacteria, bacteriophage, fungi, protozoa and viruses. They live inside and on the human body and provided us with much data. These bacteria help to balance pH and maintain immunity. They aid in absorption and synthesis of nutrients, to neutralise harmful compounds and produce short chain fatty acids. Short chain fatty acids play a role in the digestive process as well.

In summary, the health benefits of probiotic therapy depend on choice factors. The type of bacterium dosing regimen, delivery method and other underlying host factors. For e.g. the age and diet of the host. Really we cannot summarise this topic just yet: points 3) and 4) call for regular updates. This is an important part of delivering the best personalised nutritional plan for you.

Nutrition: The Secret To Success


Naturopathic medicine & its principles are historically powerful evidence-based methods of treating the signs of ageing. The secret to success by nutrition, by naturopathy all begins here

Subscribe to Susannah Makram TV so you don’t miss the unique video mini series – 4 Simple Strategies to Getting Your Energy Back.      [tweetthis]Subscribe to Susannah Makram TV for 4 Simple Strategies to Getting Your Energy Back[/tweetthis]

SAFE. clinical assessment and examination can prevent CLINICAL. investigation and if this is not needed to scan for serious disease then it must be divisive to PRACTICAL. personalised nutritional treatment to be EFFECTIVE.

As liaison’s officer to the British Naturopathic Journal, I find this to be more so a priority within the sets of my responsibilities. As founder of The Body Youth Code, founder of The Functional Healthcare Group, I do and I train.

Intrinsic ageing is not a disease but a natural process. This is why, when my client feels let down by unsuccessful treatment, balance is our goal. Repair to solve extrinsic signs of ageing comes next. This is weight loss; hair loss & skincare; chronic Fatigue (or unexplained fatigue)


Gut health – The human intestinal tract harbours a diverse and complex microbial community which plays a central role in human health. So, when treating the body as a whole, it makes sense to address to the cause of skin conditions, low energy levels, unhealthy weight gain etc. to what we put inside our bodies. i.e. our gut health

Professional athletes are reaching their full potential. They’re at the top of their game by taking their nutrition seriously. We start by wanting to take ownership of their health. Effective personalised nutrition – what’s yours? 

CEOs and diplomats and anyone susceptible to stress – any one, in other words! – testify to this fact. Making this manageable in today’s world need not be difficult. It is possible. iStock_000051960718_Small

To all people food is knowledge. It’s not just fuel for the body and its systems.

On a cellular level, nutrition is a vital part of managing the undesirable signs of accelerated ageing [tweetthis]#Nutrition is a vital part of managing the undesirable signs of accelerated #ageing [/tweetthis]

A gut that is functioning optimally provides the environment necessary for inside out health. Our body works as a functional unit.

It takes a lot of energy to break down food with a gut that is not working properly….  [tweetthis]It takes a lot of energy to break down food with a gut that is not working properly[/tweetthis]    for whatever reason!

If we want our nutrition to fuel our body instead of making us unwell and tired all the time, we need to have good gut function.  a healthy gut This in turn directs energies towards cell renewal which is the number one mechanism to reverse the signs of ageing. Tapping into this store of energy successfully, from one individual to the next, is a process that requires the clinical expertise.

Energy by nutrition enhances cell turnover rate to reverse the signs of ageing.   [tweetthis]Direct energy by nutrition towards enhancing your cell turnover rate & reverse ageing.[/tweetthis]


The Body Youth Code is solutions-based. We examine and see how the body is functioning – as a whole. Osteopathy and Naturopathy use such holistic methods .

Osteopathy looks at what factors are causing the body to stop functioning at its best.  The better that this is understood, the better your treatment results. This is equal for back pain, neck pain as for naturopathic nutrition. Personalising this is for your healthy weight loss. Nutrition for healthy skin and nutrition for hair loss require an understanding of the problem from its root. Fertility nutrition and nutrition for tiredness, weakness or fatigue have often more than one cause.

The Body Youth Code has roots in osteopathic and naturopathic principles. The pathophysiology of disease and its specific effect on the neuroendocrine system needs understanding.

“Diagnosis”means to know… through and through, the Greek roots “dia”, meaning ‘through’ (as in diagonal – an angle through) and “gnosis” meaning ‘essential knowing.’


Gluten Free Fiber

Gluten free food is available now more than ever. Gluten free recipes too. William Davis’ book “Wheat Belly” drew attention to wheat and gluten consumption on belly fat. Stars like Gwyneth Paltrow of GOOP swear by a gluten-free diet. Tennis star Novak Djokovic eats gluten-free.

BUT IS A GLUTEN FREE DIET HEALTHY? Djokovic suggested the secret of his best season ever in 2011 was going gluten-free.

Gluten free recipes or gluten free food; food free from gluten don’t contain gliadin. That doesn’t mean they’re healthy. 

Nutritious whole grains aren’t always found in gluten free cereal.
Wholegrains are part of a heart healthy diet.

Unless fortified, what do we get from gluten free food nutrient wise? Now we’ve lots of Gluten free cereal to choose from.

Whole grain

WHAT’S SO GREAT ABOUT WHOLEGRAINS? Wholegrains can provide us with enough fibre and help us meet our RDA vitamins. Eating the right type of fibre or fiber and the right amount RDA of fibre can help improve our cardiovascular and overall health. 2 factors prevent us from eating enough fibre. Whether it’s fibre or fiber in your part of the world 🙂

i) Food labels. Names listed on food labs be confusing.
ii) Gluten free diets

According to Coeliac UK most people in the UK do not eat enough fibre and knowing about whole grain gluten free foods is one way to increase fibre intake. 
Adults in the UK should have 18 grams of fibre daily. There are no recommendations for children, but they should eat proportionally less.

Healthy Gluten Free Diet

Where am I getting my whole grains from? Can you get whole grain gluten free foods?
On a Gluten free Diet because you’ve accurately diagnosed with coeliac disease? Or on a GF diet because you’ve identified with gluten intolerance ? Don’t miss out on nature’s super healthy outer layers of unrefined whole grain.

whole grain gluten free foods

whole grain gluten free foods

The “whole” in whole grains. To get your whole grain gluten free foods we should understand what is a whole grain exactly. In their original, unprocessed state, grains like wheat, oats, kasha and rice have outer layers or coats. These layers contain healthy vitamins, minerals and fiber as well as carbohydrates, some protein and healthy, unsaturated fats. A breakdown of the healthy layers:

  • Bran – Outer layer of the grain that contains fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins, phytochemicals, and 50-80% of minerals in grains like iron, copper, zinc, magnesium
  • Endosperm – middle largest layer containing mostly carbohydrates, protein, and small amounts of some B vitamins and minerals – Refined grains are mainly composed of only the endosperm portion of the grain. The milling process removes most of the bran and some germ, along with the majority of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals. As much as 75% of phytochemicals (phytonutrients) are lost in the refining process!
  • Germ – inner component containing healthy fats, B vitamins, phytochemicals, and antioxidants like vitamin E

In humans phytochemicals can help to protect against chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2-diabetes and cancer. Hundreds of different phytochemicals exist in whole grains!

whole grain gluten free foods

So now you’re convinced of the power of whole grains. Here’s how to get them on your plate and in your gut for good gut health and a chance at keeping your blood sugar stable, feeling fuller for longer and avoiding weight gain on a gluten free diet.

Your Naturopathic Portfolio is Safe. Clinical. Practical. Effective.

5 Wholegrain Gluten free Foods      [tweetthis]5 Wholegrain Gluten free Foods[/tweetthis]

1) Teff 2) Buckwheat 3) Amaranth 4) Millet 5) Teff … EAT DRINK TAKE MAKE … whole grain gluten free foods

Teff: This smallest of grains is nutty and earthy in flavor. Use 3 parts water to 1 part teff. Boil water, add grain and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. The texture of teff is like cream of wheat and the flour can be used to make pancakes. You can add cooked teff to soup or use teff as the main ingredient for polenta instead of cornmeal.

Buckwheat: Despite its name, buckwheat is not related to wheat. So we can include it as one of our 5 whole grain gluten free foods. Buckwheat is pyramid shaped and known as kasha or buckwheat groats. To bring out its earthy flavour, you can cook 1 cup buckwheat with one egg in a large deep non-stick pan over medium heat. Do no forget to stir the buckwheat. This keeps it from clumping until the mixture is dry and separated. Add 2 cups water or broth and cook uncovered over low heat for about 15 minutes. You can mix cooked buckwheat with lentils or other pulses, herbs and a bit of goat cheese or ricotta (casein free). Or Alternatively use it as to stuff bell peppers, courgettes, aubergines, squash, rolled cabbage leaves, squash, etc. Buckwheat flour can be used to make buckwheat pancakes.

Quinoa: Quinoa must be rinsed well before cooking to remove bitter-tasting saponins.  Quinoa cooks in just 15 minutes. Use 2 parts water to 1 part quinoa. You can use quinoa in an array of salads e.g. instead of bulgur to make tabbouleh. Quinoa is also a good substitute for rice in dessert rice pudding.

Amaranth: Amaranth is approx. the size of a poppy seed and has a light peppery taste. It’s one of the best savoury whole grain gluten free foods. You can use 3 to 6 parts water to 1 part amaranth. Boil water, add grain and gently boil for 15 to 20 minutes. As it cooks, amaranth softens from the inside, releases a lot of starch and thickens the cooking liquid. Rinse cooked amaranth and let it drain before using. You can use amaranth to thicken soups and stews. You might want to add milk, seasonal fruit and raw honey for a healthy breakfast. You can even “pop” dried amaranth and make it into a granola-type bar.

Gluten Free Diet

Gluten Free Diet

Millet: Millet is about the size of a small mustard seed, this grain has a mild flavor. Use 2 to 3 parts water to 1 part millet. Boil water, add grain and gently boil for 35 to 40 minutes. You may also “toast” millet in a hot pan before boiling to get a nuttier flavor. Top millet with ground fresh cinnamon bark and seasonal fruit for breakfast or add to make a salad with tomatoes, radishes and chopped basil, for example. Millet is also a great alternative to rice in casseroles, meat dishes and stuffing.

Always read the label. The first ingredient listed should say “100 percent whole grain.” Avoid any food that mentions the phrase “enriched” or “refined.” Look for the Whole Grain Stamp from the nonprofit Whole Grains Council. The “Whole Grain” stamp tells you that the product contains at least a half serving of whole grains.

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Food Intolerance Test UK

Food Intolerance Test

Food sensitivity or food intolerance: where, when, how? Common food intolerances to gluten; wheat intolerance; dairy; yeast; alcohol; histamine… Food sensitivity or food intolerance are hard to identify ourselves. HERE’S WHY…


Clients for functional nutrition in London may have lots of test results to hand. Every one of them has produced VARYING DATA. How unhelpful is that? We understand your frustration at Susannah Makram Clinics.


Allergy or Intolerance

Only about 2% of the adult population are affected. A FOOD ALLERGY is a SWIFT RESPONSE by the body’s immune system to a specific food. Reactions to food allergy are immediate by raised levels (2 hours or less)….

 food intolerance symptoms

food intolerance symptoms

Keep reading for the symptoms of food intolerance. So, they’re difficult to self diagnose. Also, food intolerance test results aren’t helpful if we don’t:

(i)    Know where the triggers can be found in our day to day diet
(ii)   How long we need to avoid the foods
(iii)  Know why we are suddenly reacting to food we ate without any problems whole our entire lives. Does this mean we have to              avoid all these food completely now forever?

That’s not all…

A recent study has shown that those who eliminated trigger foods based on food-specific IgG test results had reductions in weight, BMI body mass index, waist and hip circumference and improvements in all indicators of quality of life that were measured. Quality of life indicators include physical and emotional wellbeing, mental health, social life, pain levels and vitality.

Food Intolerance Symptoms

Food intolerance symptoms — bloating; eczema; sinus problems, lead us to ask: is the food we’re eating making us ill?      [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#foodintolerance”]Do you think that the foods you are eating are making you ill?[/tweetthis]
Genuine food allergy is relatively rare. Food intolerance symptoms like migraine, tiredness, bloating affect up to 45% of us. Why? 

Many Symptoms can be linked to food intolerance and they include…

Abdominal pain | Aches and pain | Acne | Bloating | Constipation | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | Diarrhoea | Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema | Fatigue | Irritable Bowel Syndrome | Itching | Fluid Retention | Headache | Hyperactivity | Migraine | Nausea | Rashes | Rhinitis | Sinusitis | Stomach Cramps | Tension | Tiredness | Urticaria or Hives | Weight Loss/ Weight Gain

An Independent Customer Survey conducted by Allergy UK (2007), carried out on 5,286 people – the results were then divided into patient groups and the findings are summarised here:

Main Medical Condition Reported                  % of People Who Reported Moderate to High Benefit

Gastro-Intestinal  e.g. IBS, Bloating etc                                          80%
Respiratory  e.g. Asthma, Breathing Difficulties, Rhinitis           72%
Neurological  e.g. Migraine, Headaches                                        78%
Dermatological  e.g. Eczema, Acne, Psoriasis                                 76%
Musculo-Skeletal  e.g. Arthritis, Rheumatism                                64%
Psychological  e.g. Depression, ADHD, Panic Attacks                  81%
Others  e.g. Lethargy, General Feeling of Malaise                          79%


Food Intolerance Symptoms

Food Intolerance Symptoms

There are no international standards available for tests that measure food-specific IgG antibodies. The only way that a particular food specific IgG test can be shown to be valid is by carrying out clinical trials.

Benefits of Food Intolerance Testing at Susannah Makram Clinics:

| Hospital standard laboratory tests

| Utilising laboratories with over 30 years’ experience in the field of diagnostic testing

| Four tests available at Susannah Makram Clinics

| Fast turnaround of results

| Comprehensive results reported as individual food tested by name labelled as having: – Reaction, Borderline, No Reaction and  applied to be Safe, Clinical, Practical, Effective for you and your needs inside your Naturopathic Portfolio
If you’re overwhelmed by the idea of making drastic changes you’re not alone. Many tests produce false positives. Take the right test but not without seeking advice to unlock your potential – your Body Youth Code.

Pain and Gut Inflammation

As a London Osteopath offering a complete care pathway for low back pain and musculoskeletal strains and sprains we do need to include the element of nutrition for total body wellness. Chronic pain change our bodies internal environment

  1. Pain and gut inflammation – what is pain? Defining it  & Redefining it  – A gold standard method for measuring Pain does not exist in practice. There is no universally recognised unit that can, in the present day, be called into existence.
  2. Background – History of Pain – Pain Discovery – Measuring Pain – In the 1940s, a group of doctors at the University of Cornell set out to create a unit of pain intensity. Using the “dol” as a unit, the physicians created a 21-point quantitative scale. Their hot pursuit of knowledge was perhaps reflected in the means by which they gathered relevant data. They tested pain reactions on medical students and women in labor between contractions. Also, they did this by burning their subjects. Understandably, such methods were deemed controversial and “dol” never quite caught on as a unit of pain measurement. Subsequent attempts at method justification, for the sole purpose of recruiting a unit measurement of pain, did not receive the required research grants. It would seem that inflicting pain artificially, or allowing for the natural occurrence of this experience, could not morally accommodate for a study of pain that would be of significant future benefit to the suffering individual.


Consequently, the National Institute of Nursing Research reference that “Pain remains a uniquely personal experience that cannot be measured objectively.”        [tweetthis]#Pain remains a uniquely personal experience that cannot be measured objectively[/tweetthis]

  1. Two definitive categories should be used to inform the pain medicine practice of all health care professionals: Acute Pain – This can be defined as pain that lasts less than 6 weeks, or pain that is directly related to tissue damage. The pain that is experienced from a paper cut or from standing on a tack is acute pain. Pain that is felt after an operation is acute pain; it is severe, but we expect it to go away. Chronic Pain – This can be defined as pain that lasts longer than 3 months. There are at least two different types of chronic pain problems — pain that has an identifiable cause, (an injury), and pain with no longer an identifiable cause (the injury has healed). Most of chronic pain is of musculoskeletal origin.
  2.  Other terms used to describe or define pain include: Neuropathic Pain – Mechanical
    Inflammatory – Chemical (Metabolic) – Somatic – Visceral Referred & Ischaemic Pain
  3. Clinically, the most common tests to diagnose inflammation include measuring erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), white blood cell count, and albumin levels (and other biomarkers) These tests are nonspecific; that is, an abnormal result might result from a condition unrelated to inflammation. Such non-specific tests do not account for IBS and SIBO for example.
  4. If you are seeking solutions by way of nutritional therapy, recognising signs and symptoms of gut health and acute, sub-acute and chronic inflammatory process, as well as being able to interpret laboratory reports thus, is unique and invaluable when it comes to getting results for healthy weight loss, unexplained fatigue etc.
  5. The principles of Naturopathy were first used by the Hippocratic School of Medicine in about 400 BC. The Greek philosopher Hippocrates believed in viewing the whole person in regards to finding a cause of disease, and using the laws of nature to induce cure. It was from this original school of thought that Naturopathy takes its principles.

Other Referenced Definitions Of Pain

Pain is what the person says it is, existing when and where the person says it does.” (McCaffery & Beebe, 1999)
Margo McCaffery is a Nurse Consultant who has published widely about pain medicine. What she is saying here is that pain is individual to the patient, the best judge of the intensity of the pain is the patient, and that the patient should be believed. This definition of pain is taught to all nursing and medical students.
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defined pain as: “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage” (IASP, 1979)
The importance of this definition is that it includes pain that may occur without any recognised stimulus, and it also introduces recognition that pain is influenced by our emotions.
The British Pain Society have a useful glossary of medical terminology, on which pain is defined as:-
“…An emotion experienced in the brain, it is not like touch, taste, sight, smell or hearing. It is categorised into Acute pain – less than twelve weeks duration and Chronic pain – of more than twelve weeks.
Pain can be perceived as a warning of potential damage, but can also be present when no actual harm is being done to the body.”

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