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Posts Tagged ‘juice fast’

Health Risks Of Obesity

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What is Obesity

In an adult the diagnosis of obesity is most commonly made using BMI levels. These provide a measure to be viewed in parallel with the health risks of obesity. BMI is calculated as weight in kilograms (kg) divided by height in metres squared (m2). Ideal BMI is 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2. The following classification is advised by NICE:

  • A BMI of 25-29.9 kg/m2 is overweight.
  • A BMI of 30-34.9 kg/m2 is obese (Grade I).
  • A BMI of 35-39.9 kg/m2 is obese (Grade II).
  • A BMI of ≥40 kg/m2 is obese (Grade III) or morbidly obese, meaning that weight is a real and imminent threat to health.

Waist circumference in men:

  • <94 cm is defined as low risk.
  • 94 to 102 cm is defined as high risk.
  • >102 cm is defined as very high risk.

Waist circumference in women:

  • <80 cm is defined as low risk.
  • 80 to 88 cm is defined as high risk.
  • >88cm is defined as high risk.

Waist circumference is used in combination with BMI to assess your health risk of obesity       [tweetthis]Waist circumference is used in combination with #BMI to assess #health risk of #obesity[/tweetthis]

Obesity and Genetics

Obesity is the result of a complex pathophysiological pathway involving many factors that control adipose tissue metabolism. Cytokines, free fatty acids and insulin all play a part and genetic defects are likely to have a significant effect on the fine balance of this process. Nam H, Ferguson BS, Stephens JM, et al; Impact of obesity on IL-12 family gene expression  in insulin responsive tissues. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013 Jan;1832(1):11-9. 

Obesity and Health

Obesity and Health

KRS2 is one gene that has recently been identified as being implicated in obesity and metabolic rate. DNA sequencing in over 2,000 obese individuals identified multiple mutations of the KRS2 gene, and mutation carriers exhibited severe insulin resistance and a reduced metabolic rate. It may be that modulation of KSR2-mediated effects may have the potential to have therapeutic implications for obesity.
Pearce LR, Atanassova N, Banton MC, et al; KSR2 mutations are associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and impaired cellular fuel oxidation. Cell. 2013 Nov 7;155(4):765-77.

Find Out More…

Living with morbid obesity means living at risk for serious health conditions for both men and women combined where applicable. For example, the health risks of obesity are – in terms of the following diseases:-

Type 2 Diabetes
Myocardial Infarction
Colon Cancer
Angina Pectoris
Gall Bladder Disease
Ovarian cancer

Obesity and Health

Obesity increases the risk of breast cancer. It also increases the risk of carcinoma of the endometrium. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS is usually associated with obesity, as is stress incontinence. Obesity impairs fertility in males and females. Obesity increases the risk of fatty liver, along with other features of the metabolic syndrome. Obesity is an important risk factor in the development of chronic respiratory disorders such as COPD, asthma, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, obstructive sleep apnoea. If the person develops a surgical condition, diagnosis is more difficult and almost every postoperative complication is more frequent, including deep vein thrombosis DVT chest infection and wound dehiscence. Not only is osteoarthritis  more common but treatments such as total hip replacements are more likely to be problematical in obesity.

Stress Benefits

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Stress benefits

Can stress be a good thing? What’s the best stress management? Stressed out has negative connotations in every language.

Being stressed, however, is arguably the most universally acceptable response to modern day living and some may even say stress benefits them.

Can stress ever be a good thing?

Stress can help you:

…Under the right conditions & as long as you’re careful to differentiate between the good and the bad.


Let’s look at the Research

In studies on rats, they found that significant, but brief stressful events caused stem cells in their brains to proliferate into new nerve cells that, when mature two weeks later, improved the rats’ mental performance. Berkeley researchers noted: “You always think about stress as a really bad thing, but it’s not,” said Daniela Kaufer, associate professor of integrative biology at the University of California, Berkeley. “Some amounts of stress are good to push you just to the level of optimal alertness, behavioural and cognitive performance.”

Key points about Good Stress: 

  •  Good stress, “eustress,” from the Latin prefix “eu-” meaning “good” or “beneficial.”
  • It is proven that these short periods of stress may help improve brain function and learning as they trigger the “fight or flight” response ingrained in all humans that allows us to learn, grow and achieve more quickly
  • This type of stress isn’t associated with the type of damage that long-term periods of negative stress can do
  • “Good” stress tends to occur in short-term bursts of motivation that challenge one to achieve more expansive goals
  • Unable to control the outcome of negative situations? This is when good stress can help one accomplish their goals, whether  facing a tight deadline at work, getting ready for a test or preparing for a speech.
  • Even if one’s stressors are things to be excited about, they may still experience temporary periods of acute stress that help propel them forward and enable them to overcome obstacles.


 How Do You Know When Stress is “Good” or “Bad”?


  • Bad Stress is a chronic state
  • Short-term stressors provoke the mind and body to positive action whilst Chronic Stress or Bad Stress is so damaging is that, when you trigger the “fight or flight” mode mentioned above – your body undergoes a host of physiological changes
  • Physiological changes occur to your:
  • Immune system
  • Reproductive system
  • Excretory and digestive systems  – all of which are **designed to help you respond to short-term stress

As a Naturopath Susannah sees the active consequences of stress a lot in practice because Naturopathic medicine is a distinct health care profession. We emphasise prevention, management and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and naturally occurring substances that encourage our unique inherent self-healing process.  The naturopathic ethos underpins osteopathy thus. The practice of naturopathic medicine includes modern and traditional, scientific and empirical methods.

At Susannah Makram Clinics we can carry out the Adrenal Stress Test  to correctly identify between the “good” stress and the “bad” stress. Your Functional nutrition is as unique as your DNA. What does that mean exactly?

Lifestyle Nutrition

Whether stress benefits us depends HUGELY on our nutrition and our environment. We can’t always change the latter but we can certainly change the former.

The easier we make this transition for you the more likely you are to follow it and achieve your goals for healthy:

(i) weight loss (ii) skin and hair (iii) body that performs optimally

We can use functional testingz to identify trends in health. So we can optimise health and deliver care pathways. We offer our clients choices, involving you in every step of their health journey.

Find out if you have stress benefits. Or could you be suffering from a chronic stress related illness?  Take our stress questionnaire  here

Cold Pressed Juice, Juicing, Juicers

Differences Between Centrifugal and Cold Press Juicing

Soup and juice is for life. What’s juicing exactly? A Cold Press Juicer is also known as Masticating or Slow Juicer – see one in action here  Soup and juice isn’t a fashion. These are for lifelong nutrition. Our London Naturopath answers: Centrifugal Juicer or Centrifugal Juice Extractor?

Centrifugal (fast blade) and Cold Press (slow juicing)

 Traditionally a Centrifugal Juicer is the most common type of juicer. These typically utilise a fast-spinning metal blade that spins against a mesh filter, separating juice from flesh via centrifugal force. The juice and pulp are then separated into different containers.

Centrifugal Vs Cold Press Juicing

Centrifugal Vs Cold Press Juicing

Centrifugal Juicer – benefits


  • Easy to clean.
  • Can take most fruits and vegetables e.g. carrots and beets, cucumber and kale whole – so there’s limited chopping.
  • Great for juicing for smoothies e.g. Apples, Pears, Celery & Oranges
  • Easy and mobile to move around.

Centrifugal Juicer – disadvantages


  • Fast rotary blade can heat up the nutrients and enzymes in the juice. which can make the juice foamy and oxidise quicker and that can destroy some of the beneficial enzymes in the juice
  • Filter system often allows some bits in the juice
  • Tough to juice leafy greens such as spinach and kale
  • Low yield; As the blade is so fast and the machines are generally designed to work quickly, this creates a low yield leaving the pulp wasted and full of nutrition.

Cold Press Juice – Benefits

A Cold Press Juicer slowly compresses fruits and vegetables to ‘squeeze’ out the juice instead of using high-speed force to separate juice from pulp like a centrifugal juicer does.


  • Uses hydraulic pressure to extract juice, gaining a larger yield
  • Easier to juice leafy greens such as kale and spinach
  • Less likely to get bits in the juice
  • As no heat is applied to the fruit or vegetable, there is less oxidization and the enzymes and nutrients remain live for 3 to 5 days

Cons To Cold Press Juice Machine


  • A good cold press juicer can be a costly health investment
  • Can be heavy and relatively immobile
  • Using a cold press juicer can be a slow process

Buy Cold Press Juicer

Should you buy a Cold Press Juicer?

Juicing removes the fibre from your fruit and vegetables, which helps you absorb the nutrients quicker as discussed here

Whole foods are infinitely superior in vitamin and mineral quality – and oftentimes quantity – than nutritional supplements.

The bioavailability of nutrients varies from individual to individual which is why the Naturopathic Portfolio is simply concerned with your health needs.

The Naturopathic Portfolio is divided into:

1) Eat 2) Drink 3) Take 4) Make

No two portfolios are ever the same.

Best Juicer To Buy

Should you buy a juicer – Centrifugal Juicer or Cold Press?

  • There is an ethical debate over the food wastage involved with juicing
  • Fresh or raw food juice that is organic or cold pressed juices are the better option if you are consuming lots of sugary drinks, sodas or even store-bought “fresh” or organic juices, including green juice that is pre-packaged – always read the label
  • Making your own juice is a great way to know exactly what is going into your juice recipe
  • Store bought Cold Pressed Juice is likely made by a method that is called high-pressure pascalisation (HPP), which uses high-pressure chambers instead of heat to inhibit bacteria growth; HPP also naturally extends shelf life
  • Cold-pressing simply means that the juice is extracted by crushing the fruit or vegetable, and then pressing it to get the highest yield of juice. This is all done in a cold setting, so that no nutrients in the fruit or vegetable are damaged and enzymes stay intact
  • Pasteurisation means that the juice is heated to kill any bacteria, moulds and unwanted organisms. Many juices, not just green juices, are pasteurised because it extends the shelf life of a product

Making informed choices about your health is a good habit to employ at any age. This is the first step towards respecting your body. Being equipped with the knowledge to prevent illness and improve quality of life is invaluable.

Rock stars and DJs like the fabulous Boy George tweets his flavoursome raw food recipes – giving tips on where to source ingredients for vegan meals and other nutrient dense beverages and unique lunch, dinner and breakfast recipes.

There are infinite juice recipes and raw food recipes that you can find me tweeting about. These are inspirational as well as delicious – guaranteed to satiate hunger and also it is impossible not to find something to suit your taste buds – no matter what they find palatable!

Juice Cleanse – Juicer Vs Blender

Juice Cleanse

How to do a juice cleanse isn’t easy. You need kitchen appliances or a plan of action. A detox diet might be confused with a juice cleanse. While a juice cleanse isn’t easy, it’s not as difficult as it sounds. When we’ve been eating normally and then it’s just juice -that’s probably the hardest thing to get our head around.

Rest assured. Doing a juice cleanse or any so-called detox diet properly means hunger pangs will be satisfied.

Preparation is key. Is it right for me? Do we just wish to recreate our favourite organic cafe beverage, for example?

juice cleanse

juice cleanse


Juicer Vs Blending

Blenders and juicers are electrical appliances that are found in many household kitchens.

There are fundamental differences in the juice or smoothie end product when you are using a blender or juicer for a juice cleanse.

Key Points:

  • A juicer separates juice from fibre whereas a blender will blend all of the ingredients together.
  • A juicer or juicing household appliance has options that includes built-in: centrifugal, masticating, twin-gear, hand crank mechanisms
  • Blenders are typically selected based on options for speed – high – low
  • There is no pulp or fibre in the end product of juice from your juicer
  • There is pulp or fibre in the blender end product: smoothie

Both juices and smoothies can be made using recipes to enhance health. A tailored combination treatment might benefit from juices or smoothie to give the gut and our body a rest, to heal itself. Sometimes taking prescription medication can take its toll on our liver, for example. we might want to learn about ways to reduce toxicity levels and remain fit and well throughout your PHASE ONE treatment. Examples of treatment include e.g. chronic pain, itchy, flaky scalp, acne, unexplained tiredness or unexplained infertility.

At Susannah Makram Clinics we’re helping more and more families and business owners realise the potential through nutrition.

Hormonal imbalance, allergies, sensitivities or intolerances, ovulation disorders like PCOS, endometriosis, bacterial, fungal viral/post viral infections etc.

juice cleanse

Should You Buy a Juicer or Blender for a juice cleanse or for your health in general? Which is better?

It’s important that you understand what might be healthy to one person isn’t necessarily healthy for another bachelorarbeit ghostwriter kosten. It’s only with awareness of your health history and expected outlook for the future that you can take ownership of your health. You can decide whether juicing or blending smoothies is appropriate or preferable ghostwriting hausarbeit.

When taken at the right time of the day and using the right recipe or whole food prescription for you:

If you respect that food is medicine then you will take it as prescription aufsatz schreiben lassen. You’ll use this knowledge to make informed decisions about your health for life.

  1. Your Naturopathic Portfolio is designed to work for you.
  2. It answers every question to potential obstacles in your day-to-day lifestyle.
  3. It breaks each of these barriers down into simple, manageable tasks, in the four phases.
  4. It finds solutions that are palatable facharbeit schreiben lassen. We see circumstances at very stage in our story of health. Our expression of health is connected to a concern or condition but we aren’t defined by this.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

Call  020 7060 3181