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Posts Tagged ‘low back pain’

Chelsea Osteopath

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Chelsea Osteopath

Sloane Square magazine caught up with Chelsea women in business. Catch Susannah’s #QOTD for women in business in the February 2017 edition of Sloane Square Magazine.

SUSANNAH MAKRAM – Chelsea osteopath @ The Chelsea Private Clinic

Chelsea osteopath

Chelsea osteopath

Follow us! Knightsbridge & Chelsea resident osteopath Instagram account for more quotes like this. We provide up-to-date info re the community, healthy living and healthy eating in the SW community. Can we make our London lifestyle work for us? What is being healthy exactly?

DID YOU KNOW? There’s good evidence that osteopathy is effective in treating persistent low back pain.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends it as a treatment for this condition.

To an osteopath, for our body to work well, its structure must also work well. So osteopaths work to restore our body to a state of balance. We do this, where possible, without the use of drugs or surgery.
Osteopaths use touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage. The techniques increase the mobility of joints, to relieve muscle tension. Also these enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues. This helps our body’s own healing mechanisms.
They may also provide advice on posture and exercise to aid recovery, promote health and prevent symptoms recurring.

Posture advice

Posture advice

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Osteopathy specialises in the (i) diagnosis, (ii) management, (iii) treatment and (iv) prevention of musculoskeletal and other related disorders.

Osteopathy in London

Your osteopath will give you a clear explanation of what they find (their diagnosis) and discuss a treatment plan that is suitable for you. They will explain the benefits and any risks of the treatment they are recommending. It is important to understand and agree what the treatment can achieve, and the likely number of sessions needed for a noticeable improvement in how you feel.

Treatment is hands-on and involves skilled manipulation of the spine and joints, and massage of soft tissues. Your osteopath will explain what they are doing and will always ask your permission to treat you (known as consent). Ask questions at any time if you are unsure what you have been told or if you have any concerns.

Self-help measures and advice on exercise may be offered to assist your recovery, prevent recurrence or worsening of symptoms.


Anti-inflammatory foods

Anti-inflammatory foods

Here’s 4 anti-inflammatory foods and easy ways to reduce inflammation. Anti-inflammatory foods aren’t always easy include in our daily diet so we’ve picked out the best swaps to make as well as pro-tips like avoiding sugar… and gluten and dairy too!

Is sugar free anti-inflammatory? What’s inflammation exactly? Follow us as we answer these questions here. 

Osteopathy and nutrition: ligament sprains and muscles strains produce inflammation. So WHAT CAN WE ACTUALLY EAT to support our body’s in-built healing process?
Here are 4 anti-inflammatory foods to eat for their natural anti-inflammatory properties. Our bodies produce inflammation or release inflammatory markers a response to stress or ‘foreign invaders’.

4 Foods to Relieve Pain

1. JERF. And if you can’t eat enough fruit and vegetable daily consider taking them like this.  Just eat real food Avoid process food – hydrogenated oils ++sugar & salt -contribute to inflammation / joint pain.

Processed food

anti-inflammatory foods

4 anti-inflammatory foods

PRO-TIP: If we just eat real food rather than processed food we’re over half way there! Anti-inflammatory food doesn’t come out of a crisp packet. Foods that are as close to their natural form as possible are really the best kinds of anti-inflammatory foods. Even if it’s not coming from the farm directly, we can try to reduce pesticide and chemical fertiliser content. Follow us for tips on how here. 


Swap this for this. Ketchup and other condiments for real spices or real foods, e.g. turmeric, Liposomal Curcumin
Ginger, ground pepper corns, cayenne pepper, tamarind etc…

PROTIP:Liposomal Curcumin /Resveratrol can remain in the blood for longer, at a higher concentration. And unlike many commercial supplements in varied delivery systems, liposomal delivery is exceedingly safe. Liposomal Curcumin/Resveratrol is made with only natural non-GMO ingredients



turmeric uses

turmeric uses




2. Inflammatory markers:
C-reactive protein (CRP) Especially with high CRP levels, you want to do everything possible to reduce inflammation. Turmeric (and probiotics according to studies)

Acute inflammation is your body’s appropriate response to infection or trauma. You’ve experienced a sore throat, rash, hives, or a sprained ankle.

But inflammation should do its job and then leave. With allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease, or asthma, an overactive immune response and chronic inflammation can slowly wreak havoc. Eventually this can lead to illness and rapid ageing. Your CRP levels should be less than one. Anything higher provides a giant warning sign that you have hidden inflammation.

4 Foods Relieve Pain

3. Choose high quality protein sources. We cover plant based protein sources here. If you’re going for fish remember it’s 2-3 portions weekly and see the golden rule. For eggs, fish, poultry and meat remember the golden rule: pastured, free-range or grass fed. Why? Because we are what we eat and what what we eat eats!

4 Foods Relieve Pain

4. Alcohol — 1 ounce / 1oz distilled spirits daily. 5 oz wine or 12 oz beer for women and double for men. Soft drinks — swap soft drinks for unsweetened ice tea. Cheers!

Manuka honey vs raw honey

Manuka honey is simply honey made from one specific plant – the manuka tree. This tree is found in New Zealand. Consumption of manuka honey may offer antibacterial benefits for the health of the digestive system which sugar alone cannot, but research is limited for this.

Raw Honey Health Benefits

Raw honey is honey that hasn’t undergone any heat processing. The resulting ‘raw’ or uncooked honey product leaves the vast majority of bio-active compounds intact.

What’s in raw honey?

Raw honey will contain a much greater variety of bio-active compounds than regular honey. Often these are in a much greater quantity than even manuka honey.
As raw honey can be made from any plant, the quantity and variety of plant derived compounds is very variable. However, bee derived compounds will be much more consistent in their presence and quantity. One such compound is a peptide called bee-defensin, which exists in 2 forms (bee defensin-1 and bee defensin-2), and is a natural part of the bee-hives immune system. This peptide is a known antibacterial agent. Consuming bee-defensin is thought to help promote digestive system health and the immune system, although conclusive evidence is limited.

4 Foods Relieve Pain: Other compounds found in raw honey include a number of polyphenols. For example: caffeic acid and catechins (which are also found in green tea). These polyphenols are known to exert antioxidant properties on the body.

These polyphenols can help the body protect against a range of ailments which are associated with oxidative damage. A number of these compounds will also be in manuka honey, and possibly generic honey. However, they’ll generally be found in higher quantities in raw honey.
NB. The high sugar content of all honey, although it may contain beneficial compounds that can promote our health, will still have an impact on our levels of insulin.


DID YOU KNOW? Our joints and our gut – therefore also our brain! – function best when we eat a diet rich in whole grains. But what about gluten – does this cause inflammation in our gut? —– FAST FACT -> You can find and eat wholegrain gluten free food so if you’re following a gluten free diet you don’t have to miss out on the healthful benefits of wholegrains!


10 Signs Vitamin D Deficiency

D Vitamin Deficiency

ARE MY VITAMIN D levels LOW? Signs aren’t obvious. “EVERYONE should take vitamin D PILLS”. In August 2015 BBC Health news reported this.

What’s our RDA of Vitamin D ? Is our D Vitamin RDA fixed? It’s a hot topic in functional health right now. So, London naturopath, osteopath Susannah breaks it down….

It’s surprising to hear some signs associated with lack of vitamin D. The RDA of vitamin D required for individual health isn’t the same for everyone. READ ON FOR D2 AND D3 VITAMIN REQUIREMENTS.

Living in sunny climate? Global warming affecting your City? Vitamin D not concerning you? Here at Susannah Makram Clinics we see clients from London for osteopathy and naturopathy. They come from all over the world.
We are showing signs Vitamin D deficiency, on a global scale.

Should I Take Vitamin D Supplements?

Pilot studies and regional monitoring suggests that vitamin D deficiency is likely to affect at least 50% white population in the UK. Also, up to 90% multiethnic UK population. 25% children living in Britain will show signs of vitamin D deficiency.

As a London osteopath and naturopath Susannah not only looks for signs of D Vitamin deficiency in clients she’s also interested in the story of our health. STOP BUYING THE WRONG SUPPLEMENTS.

Signs vitamin d deficiency

The same BBC health news article included a guideline. The draft Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition guidelines suggest, from the age of one, 10 microgram pills be taken to ensure people get enough. Find vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 and RDA here.


10 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

A recent study in Australia revealed that one-third under-25s are vitamin D deficient. Is this surprising given how much sunshine the country gets? It’s not as simple as that.

Government experts are proposing that everyone should consider taking vitamin D supplements to counter the lack of sunshine in the UK.

New estimates suggest one in five adults and one in six children in England may have low levels.


Signs  Vitamin D Deficiency

Sign 1. You Have Gut Trouble
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that…

If you have a GI condition that affects your ability to absorb fat, you may have lower absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamin D.

Gut Trouble: This includes gut conditions like Crohn’s, celiac and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity, SIBO and IBS.

Sign 2. You Are Frequently Unwell With Flu or The Common Cold 
The active form of vitamin D tempers the damaging inflammatory response of some white blood cells. It also boosts immune cells’ production of microbe-fighting proteins. Vitamin D may be the seasonal stimulus that informs us why the flu virus is predominant in the winter, abating in the summer months.

Hope-Simpson RE. The role of season in the epidemiology of influenza. J Hyg (Lond). 1981; 86:35-47.
Cannell JJ, Vieth R, Umhau JC, et al. Epidemic influenza and vitamin D. Epidemiol Infect. 2006; 134:1129-40.
Ginde AA, Mansbach JM, Camargo CA, Jr. Association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level and upper respiratory tract infection in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Arch Intern Med. 2009; 169:384-90.

signs vitamin d deficiency

signs vitamin d deficiency

Sign 3. Unexplained Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune disease not confined to Rheumatoid arthritis.  Autoimmune disease causing hair loss e.g. Alopecia Areata and  skin health concerns such as Vitiligo, are included. Also, autoimmune urticaria (hives), autoimmune thyroid disease – and many more. These all may be explained by assessment of your Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D may reduce inflammation. It may also help prevent autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and Crohn’s disease. However, further high-quality research is needed to confirm these results. Some people may have overactive parathyroid glands due to low levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D is the first treatment for this disorder. Increasing calcium intake, with or without vitamin D, may reduce the risk of underactive parathyroid glands after surgery to remove the parathyroid glands.

Sign 4. Your Bones Ache or You Have Back Pain
This is one of the signs of Vitamin D Deficiency that commonly present in clinic. It is easily missed because low back pain is so prevalent or commonplace. In combination with fatigue misdiagnosis such as having fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome is common at Susannah Makram Clinics.

Vitamin D deficiency osteomalacia is different from the vitamin D deficiency that causes osteoporosis in adults. What’s happening is that the vitamin D deficiency causes a defect in putting calcium into the collagen matrix in your skeleton. So what you are experiencing is a throbbing, aching bone pain – typically back pain.

Signs Vitamin D Deficiency – Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to muscle weakness and pain.


Back Pain – Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

Signs Vitamin D Deficiency

Signs Vitamin D Deficiency. Sign 5. You Are Overweight or Obese (or Have a Higher Muscle Mass)
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble, hormone-like vitamin. This means body fat acts as a “sink” by collecting it. If you’re overweight or obese, you need more vitamin D than a slimmer person.

Signs Vitamin D Deficiency. Sign 6. You Feel SAD
Some studies suggest an association between various mood disorders and low vitamin D levels in the blood. These mood disorders include depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Serotonin – the brain hormone associated with mood elevation – rises with exposure to bright light. Serotonin levels fall with decreased sun exposure. These signs Vitamin D Deficiency may creep up unexpectedly and are easily left untreated.

Should I take vitamin D supplements?

Should I take vitamin D supplements?

Signs Vitamin D Deficiency. Sign 7. You Have Darker Skin
Recognise signs vitamin d deficiency. Your skin pigment acts as a natural sunscreen. The more pigment you have, the more time is needed in the sun to make adequate amounts of vitamin D.

Signs Vitamin D Deficiency. Sign 8. Excessive Sweating
Excessive sweating in newborns due to neuromuscular irritability is an early symptom of vitamin D deficiency. One of the first signs vitamin D deficiency is a sweaty head. Recognise signs vitamin d deficiency.

Signs Vitamin D Deficiency. Sign 9. You Have Type 1 Diabetes 
Vitamin D may play a role in preventing type 1 diabetes. Evidence comes from a 30-year study that followed more than 10,000 Finnish children from birth. From this study it was found that children who regularly received vitamin D supplements during infancy had almost 90% lower risk of developing type 1 diabetes than children not receiving supplements.

Hypponen E, Laara E, Reunanen A, Jarvelin MR, Virtanen SM. Intake of vitamin D and risk of type 1 diabetes: a birth-cohort study. Lancet. 2001; 358:1500-3.

Signs Vitamin D Deficiency. Sign 10. You’re 50 or Older
As we get older our skin doesn’t make as much vitamin D in response to sun exposure. At the same time, our kidneys become less efficient at converting vitamin D into the form used by your body. Older adults tend to spend more time indoors than outdoors in natural sunlight.

The risk of getting too much vitamin D is considered to be extremely low. Vitamin D supplements are available from your GP. Over the counter is available but you should supplement with care. There’s no point in committing to poor quality nutritional supplements. That’s whether you’ve signs of vitamin d deficiency or not.


6 Reasons: Osteopathy, Nutrition and health

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Functional Osteopathy

Knightsbridge and Chelsea Osteopath Susannah helps optimise professional performance. HOW? Physical therapy techniques unique to osteopathyFunctional osteopathy treats the body as a whole.
How we move is our dynamic posture. Osteopathic techniques with a focus at Susannah Makram Clinics enhance two things: form and function.  We do this to capitalise on our body’s unique inherent strength.
We do this to optimise health. PRO-TIP: Don’t ignore warning signs.

SAFE. CLINICAL. PRACTICAL. EFFECTIVE. Does it always include functional nutrition? 

In London our modern lifestyle means chronic back pain and chronic health concerns recur. —->>>  Why?

Is it stress? What makes us tired all the time? Get stubborn belly fat, skin conditions and poor hair health?
Can  functional nutrition boost performance by a notch after osteopathy?


When’s the best time to have osteopathy?

“Health is more than the absence of disease. Health is about jobs and employment, education, the environment, and all of those things that go into making us healthy.”

Posture and Health

What does being healthy mean to you? Total body wellness or simply feeling balanced? Form and function. The best way to visualise these two things is via our posture. Our posture and health are interconnected.

Are you fatigued at work? Bloated or experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms of stress and anxiety? Chest pains? Feel like you cannot breath properly, you have aches in your joints? Poor posture can lead to an impairment to blood flow through the chest. This strains the blood vessels below the chest to produce a weakness in blood flow to the brain and cause fatigue (Orthostatic intolerance).

Nutrition and health

An internal chemical and hormonal imbalance sets us up for illness. One example can be seen in this study linking Low Immune Function and Intestinal Bacterial Imbalance to the Etiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis. There’s a case for diet and lifestyle alone to be a potential cause of non specific chronic lower back pain. Osteopaths look to treat the cause of pain or disease. Our training includes studying the pathophysiology of disease. Inflammation must exist for a reason. Pain, therefore, must exist for a reason. Put simply, poor posture from lower back pain or an injury we are accommodating for leads to our disrupted patterns of healthy:

(i) breathing (ii) digestion (iii) sleep (iv) responses to nutrition  (v) respones to stress

osteopathy, nutrition

osteopathy, nutrition

Osteopaths are highly competent healthcare professionals, recognised by the NHS. Osteopathy is a way of detecting, treating and preventing health problems. Osteopathy, nutrition and lifestyle change support is health optimisation. How are you feeling?

Osteopathy, Nutrition

The Missing Link In Functional Care. A clinical background in Osteopathy Matters. 6 Reasons – Osteopathy, Nutrition.

  1. Osteopathy seeks to find dysfunction. All the while we’re examining and treating the body as a whole.
  2. Using our understanding of disease pathophysiology and pain pathways are the greatest diagnostic tools of the osteopath.
  3. Correctly identify the cause or causes linked to why you are seeking nutritional therapy to begin with are the only way to deliver the correct therapy or therapy as treatment.
  4. “You can have inflammation without pain, but there is no pain without inflammation”. One cause of pain is metabolic. A type or stage of inflammation indicates a homeostatic imbalance. Both osteopathy and naturopathy adhere to the principle of helping to create the right environment. This is for optimal homeostatis (balance). It means the body will heal itself, as it does in nature. We help this bodily process to happen to the best of its ability.
  5. Clinically, common tests to diagnose inflammation are erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), white blood cell count, albumin levels (and other biomarkers). These tests are nonspecific. So, an abnormal result might be from a condition unrelated to inflammation. With osteopathy, nutrition and lifestyle as a means of optimising health, it’s important to know about this. Recognising signs and symptoms of acute, sub-acute and chronic inflammatory process, for example. Also, being able to interpret laboratory reports thus, is unique and invaluable for healthy weight loss results, unexplained fatigue etc.
  6. Our hormones have a complicated relationship with our Central Nervous System as well as our Cardiovascular Systems.

Functional testing in osteopathy, nutrition

Conventional medical testing will usually produce a result only when you’ve developed a disease. Often you may feel ill long before there is a “measurable pathology” – you know something is wrong but your tests keep coming back clear. Sound familiar? 

Physiotherapy Osteopathy Chiropractic Difference

Osteopathy and chiropractic

Physiotherapy; osteopathy; chiropractic. What’s the difference? Which physical therapy is for me? Low down:
1. NHS – Osteopathy and chiropractic aren’t available on the NHS in all parts of the UK. Even in places where osteopathy is available, there may be limited availability. The same applies for Chiropractic treatment.

Finding Osteopathy Chiropractic Difference interesting? Don’t forget to subscribe to Susannah Makram TV 

Osteopathy and Physiotherapy

Many physiotherapists work as part of a multi-disciplinary team. They can work from NHS hospitals. Also, from community based organisations, private hospitals and clinics, sports clubs, charities and workplaces. Physiotherapists and osteopaths and chiropractors all use manual therapy or physical therapy.
That’s to say, we all use touch, to varying degrees. The skill of an Osteopath is high in palpation. The physiotherapist generally uses ultrasound, acupuncture, taping and creams and so on more so than the osteopath and chiropractor. Much hands on treatment technique differs somewhat. Manipulation or adjustment techniques used by the chiropractor, physiotherapist and osteopath – HVT or HVLAT – High velocity, low amplitude thrust techniques – are unique to the profession.

2. Qualifications – physiotherapy osteopathy chiropractic difference

Osteopaths complete a four – or five-year honours degree programme (bachelor’s or master’s), which involves at least 1,000 hours of clinical training. Some osteopaths are qualified to PhD level.
Chiropractors’ 4-year Chiropractic Degree programme ensures completion of bachelor of human science degree completion.
Physiotherapists complete a three-year full-time BSc (Hons ) programme.

Physiotherapy osteopathy chiropractic difference

3. NICE Guidelines – physiotherapy osteopathy chiropractic difference

There’s good evidence that osteopathy is effective for the treatment of persistent lower back pain. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends it as a treatment for this condition.

Physiotherapy Osteopathy Chiropractic Difference

Physiotherapy Osteopathy Chiropractic Difference

Currently, (NICE) recommends manual therapy that might include spinal manipulation (as practiced by chiropractors) as a treatment option for persistent lower back pain.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) advises that manual therapy can be used to treat persistent low back pain.

4. Legal – Primary Certifying Body – physiotherapy osteopathy chiropractic difference

It’s illegal to practice osteopathy in the UK unless registered with General Osteopathic Council. It’s illegal to practise o practice chiropractic in the UK unless registered General Chiropractic Council. Physiotherapy, likewise, unless registered with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy Osteopathy Chiropractic Difference – FAST FACTS

5.  Osteopathy is one of only two complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) that are regulated under UK law. The other is chiropractic.     [tweetthis]#Osteopathy is 1 of only 2 complementary & alternative medicines regulated under UK law[/tweetthis]


6. Chiropractic was founded as a health profession in the US in 1895 by a Canadian called Daniel David Palmer. Palmer practiced magnetic healing and had no conventional medical training.

7. The earliest documented origins of physiotherapy (physical therapy) as a professional group date back to Per Henrik Ling, “Father of Swedish Gymnastics.” He founded the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics (RCIG) in 1813 for massage, manipulation, and exercise. In 1894 four nurses in Great Britain formed the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

8. Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO (August 6, 1828 – December 12, 1917) was the founder of osteopathy and osteopathic medicine in 1874. He was also a physician and surgeon, author, inventor and Kansas territorial and state legislator.

9. OMT is typically used to treat musculoskeletal disorders. These include low back pain, neck pain. Also, pelvic pain, sports injuries, repetitive stress injuries RSI and tension headaches. While osteopathic and chiropractic techniques overlap, they’re not identical. As a general rule, chiropractic manipulation uses direct thrust techniques on the spine (HVLA). Osteopathic practitioners use other, gentler techniques, as well as HVLA.


All three professions now have a similar medical training. They differ in professional training and emphasis during treatment.

Physiotherapists tend to focus on exercises. Chiropractors tend to focus on manipulation of the spine. Osteopaths tend to use exercise, manipulation and soft tissue massage as part of an integrated approach.

Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

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