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Archive for April, 2015

What is The Microbiome?

What is the Microbiome?

WHAT’S THE MICROBIOME? Our microbiome is the community of trillions of bacteria that live within us, outnumbering our own cells by 10 to 1. This newly discovered world plays a dramatic role in our health and is transforming our very understanding of modern medicine. Indeed, the Mayo clinic has recently said that understanding the microbiome is:

“…as important in the practice of modern medicine as germ theory or the principles of genetics.”




The gut microbiome includes communities of microorganisms from the three kingdoms of bacteria, yeast, and archae plus viruses that live primarily in  the large intestine. The human microbiome consists primarily of bacteria, most of which make their home in the large intestine.

More than 1000 species of bacteria can be found in the human gut microbiota but it’s been estimated that only 150 to 170 predominate in any one person.

What is the Microbiome? Is Your Gut Healthy?

At Susannah Makram Clinics we use The Organix Dysbiosis test

The Organix Dysbiosis test is a urine organic acids test measuring the by-products of microbial metabolism, and is particularly useful in detecting the presence of pathogenic microbial overgrowth. As a stand-alone test, the Organix Dysbiosis Profile allows Susannah to assess microbial overgrowth and guide and monitor targeted therapy for patients.

“Dysbiosis,” is described as an imbalance in the microecology of the digestive tract. When the microbial balance of the gut is disturbed, opportunistic (“bad”) bacteria can overgrow and impede the effects of the “good”, predominant bacteria needed for a healthy gut.


Urine is an important medium for testing microbiology in the gut. Urine contains unique products of microbial metabolism which are used to measure small bowel yeast and bacterial overgrowth.

Advantages of using the Organix Dysbiosis test specifically include:

  • Reports D-arabinitol, a specific marker for Candida sp., which can cause disease in patients, especially if they are immunocompromised.
  • Reports D-lactate, an indicator of L. acidophilus overgrowth and carbohydrate malabsorption.
  • Utilizes the LC/MS-MS method, providing more stability, accuracy, and sensitivity in measuring organic acids at low levels for optimum test results.
  • A single urine specimen is easy for patients, leading to increased patient compliance.
  • Discrimination between microbial classes allows for more focused and targeted therapies.
  • An economical follow-up test for practitioners to monitor targeted therapy.

 The new techniques for identifying microbes have led to the microbiome being called “the forgotten organ” and like any organ in the body, it can go wrong. Problems with the microbiome are being linked to diseases including inflammatory bowel disease and Type 2 diabetes, obesity, cancer, asthma and mental health disorders and autism. 

The NIH Human Microbiome Project has been set up to explore correlations between the microbiome and human health and disease. These also have a impact on healthy pregnancy, birth, mothering and midwifery.

Matamoros et al. (2012) ‘development of intestinal microbiota in infants and its impact on health’ and Collado et al. (2012) ‘microbial ecology and host-microbiota interactions during early life stages’.

Subscribe to Susannah Makram TV channel on youtube. What health conditions are we discussing this week? Let’s start the conversation. What’s good gut health EXACTLY?




IBS and SIBO can be confused. However, there is no denying the existence of SIBO by the medical community. Here’s how to fix SIBO after we confirm the tiredness and the bloating is causing it. To know what is SIBO is to know who’s likely to have it. When we have IBS the nerve endings in our gut are always firing. This creates a condition of visceral hypersensitivity, so our gut is more sensitive than it should be. What triggers this?
The link between our emotions and digestion system makes sense: the gut has been called our second brain. Our gut contains more nerve cells than even our spinal cords.
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth aka SIBO refers to a condition whereby:

  1. Abnormally large numbers of bacteria (usually defined as at least 100,000 bacteria per ml of fluid) are present in the small intestine &
  2. The types of bacteria in the small intestine resemble more the bacteria of the colon than the small intestine.

How to fix SIBO

The majority of our gut bacteria should be in the colon. Bacteria can migrate backwards into the small intestine. Or, when there is low stomach acid or poor pancreatic enzyme production, bacteria in the small intestine can overgrow. When any of these happen it causes symptoms, such as diarrhoea, gas, or bloating.

Sibo and IBS

What are they? Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is one of more than 20 functional gastrointestinal disorders FGIDIBS and SIBO continued.

Studies show 50% patients diagnosed with IBS actually have an underlying imbalance called SIBO.

Naturopath London

Naturopath London

Symptoms IBS

Breaking research from UNC shows that IBS patients depending on their sub-type–or primary symptom such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating–have different clusters of microbes. i.e. Constipation predominant IBSers will have similar flora clusters compared to other IBS-C patients –and this differs compared to IBS-D patients etc.

Sibo symptoms

Do you wake up with a flat belly and by the end of the day look six months pregnant? Even if you have not experienced abdominal bloating to such an extreme, any amount of bloating is not normal. It is a sign of intestinal inflammation or poor gut health. If you are having gas and/or bloating regularly, you could have food sensitivities +/- a gut infection, such as SIBO. Certain strains of bacteria feed off of refined carbohydrates. These strains break them down into short-chain fatty acids, creating gas and causing bloating.

Another strain of bacteria can break down bile salts before your body has a chance to use them. Bile salts are crucial for the breakdown of fats. Without bile salts, the end result is fat malabsorption or diarrhea.

Finally, a third type of bacteria can produce toxins. These damage the lining of the small intestine. This prevents your body from absorbing the nutrients you need, much like what we see with a leaky gut.



10 Risk Factors For SIBO

  1. Low stomach acid 2. Irritable bowel syndrome 3. Coeliac disease (long-standing) 4. Crohn’s disease 5. Prior bowel surgery 6. Diabetes mellitus – Diabetes type I and Diabetes type II 7. Multiple courses of antibiotics 8. Organ system dysfunction, such as liver cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis, or renal failure 9. Heavy alcohol use has long been recognised in association with SIBO 10. Overall there appears to be a moderate association between (the) Oral Contraceptive Pill (s) OCPs and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease and likely, given links, therefore SIBO

Why spend time being treated for the wrong thing? Why repeat what wasn’t working?  [tweetthis]We wouldn’t buy the same broken gift we returned in the past – why do we do this with our bodies? [/tweetthis]

Did you find this article interesting? You might find the 10 Signs Of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth worth a read too. Just click here and subscribe here for the unique video series on treating SIBO for healthy weight loss.

Pro Aging


Pro Aging requires HEALTH – SO WHAT IS HEALTH?

Pro ageing is the new anti aging or ageing well. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity – World Health Organization, 1948.


If I’d known I was going to live so long, I’d have taken better care of myself – Leon Eldred


There seems to be a general trend in the one-size fits all approach to nutritional and lifestyle trends like Paleo or Life Extension & Calorie restriction that encourage their followers to seek longevity of life. This goal is human nature – inherent within the healthy psyche.

Evolution and our intelligence is seeking out the best environment for our body – that is as unique as our DNA – so that we carry the gene of full health potential at all times.

The background of leaders in health or wellbeing is revealing and pro aging is the term most likely sed to describe accurately what we mean when we talk about reversing the signs of aging.  To make an informed decision about healthcare and treatment, I advice that you investigate the background of your chosen healthcare professional. Pro aging factors in real time intrinsic aging processes. It looks at harnessing what makes these processes health and potentially rejuvenating when it comes to your inside out body health and beauty. Tap into The Body Youth Code to learn more.

Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. If you have a healthy lifestyle, your diet and nutrition are set, and you’re working out, you’re going to feel good. – Jason Statham


Sickness comes on horseback but departs on foot – Dutch Proverb
In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired – Unknown


The awareness that health is dependent upon habits that we control makes us the first generation in history that to a large extent determines its own destiny. – Jimmy Carter


Drugs are not always necessary. Belief in recovery always is. – Norman Cousins
A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. – Tom Stoppard
In health there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties. – Henri-Frederic Amiel

He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything. – Arabic Proverb


time for a checkup

Conventional medicine is the medicine of WHAT – what disease, what pill.

Functional medicine is the medicine of WHY — why is this symptom occurring now and in this way? What is at the root? Treating the cause of disease and not just the symptoms is the only way you will ever receive successful treatment results for your health concerns or signs of ageing affecting your:

weight management
energy levels – fatigue or chronic pain & chronic fatigue
hair health and skin health – quality and appearance

… because of systemic illness or hormonal imbalance, genetic precursors or metabolic factors, common variable immune deficiency and primary and secondary immunodeficiency syndrome, toxicity from medication or side-effects of medication, etc…                                                                                                                                                                                       The osteopath seeks to correctly identify the WHY 

Eating seasonal food

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Seasonal food Spring UK

Eating seasonal food is healthy – right? Naturopathic healthy eating ideologies encourage eating fresh seasonal food. Why? Are there any health benefits to eating seasonal produce?

Eating Seasonal Food

Seasonal foods have better nutritional value for our overall health. Is this healthy or ethical only?  Eating what’s in season — here’s the lowdown from the Knightsbridge, Chelsea Nutrition Expert.

What is bioavailability?

Nutrient content of foods doesn’t necessarily change but it can be more or less bioavailable. What is the bioavailability of food?
In simple terms, it’s the way our bodies may not benefit from eating the same banana at different times of the year. The nutritional value of the banana might be labelled the same. Bioavailability refers to how nutrients are delivered to feed and heal your body.


Food in Season

Food in Season

Organic food

Non-seasonal produce are foods that are often full of pesticides, waxes, preservatives and other chemicals that are used. Why is our produce pumped full of toxic chemicals these days? Well, it’s so the produce look fresher than it actually is. Seasonal foods also have a much higher antioxidant content than non-seasonal foods.
VERY important side note: eating food in season is delicious! It’s fresh produce that is ripe and ready for consumption!

Organic Food and food intolerance

Eating freshly harvested produce means we’ll be rotating our foods. This helps keep our body from developing intolerances to certain foods.

Spring Detox

This enables us to reap the health benefits of a diverse diet that is naturally detoxifying. For example, in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), spring is associated with the liver. The liver is one of the body’s primary detoxification organs. Synergistically, spring is also the time when dandelion and other bitter greens are fresh and available. These bitter greens support the liver and its function of cleansing the blood.


Our ancestors ate seasonal food because they didn’t have much choice. We, on the other hand, can make informed decisions about what we eat. We can choose to opt out of eating food that isn’t harvested in our current season. Coordinating our diets with the seasons naturally cleanses us. It can help build immunity for the body. Generalised eating plans like the paleolithic diet or paleo diet allude to this. Raw food diets, raw veganism, vegetarianism and even gluten free follow fundamental principles. They might have roots in a way of eating that our ancestors did…

Is Paleo best?

However, the bases for eating a paleo diet in this way, for example, is not 100% accurate. Let’s examine the historical evidence… We’ll look at regional specificities, climate and how there are ever changing updates to these campaigns. We need to appreciate the value of food as medicine. No one prescription is right for all.

Eating Seasonal food

Eating Seasonal food

Categorically eliminating whole food groups to improve health (of all human bodies, without exception) in general and quality of life for all, doesn’t make sense. Providing the information your body needs by food does. Find out how personalised nutrition is changing the lives of so many. Taking ownership of our health isn’t easy… BUT it can be Safe. Clinical. Practical. Effective. Nutrition for health and healthy weight loss, really looks at what’s going on and how we can change this simply.

Blood type diet

Eating for our blood type can be positively reinforced by eating seasonably. It’s pretty neat when you think about it. It’s easy to work out.

Sustainable agriculture

Eating foods in season in our area right now, means we’re more likely to be eating local produce that does not require shipping methods. It’s more likely to be grown by local farmers in our community. Sustainable and environmental benefits contribute to our local economy. Also, this way of life reduces the pounds and pounds of produce that are shipped all over the globe every day.

Foods in season

UK – Support your local farmer’s market. Field to Fork eating.

Apricot – Blackcurrant – Strawberry – Tomato – Raspberry

Jersey Royal New potatoes – beetroot
Asparagus – Aubergine – Courgette – Watercress – Spring Onion
Peas – pepper –
Radishes –  Sorrel – Spinach- Pak Choi
Runner beans – borad beans – Watercress – Spring onions

Crab – Scallop – Plaice – Sea Trout – Wild

Whiting – Tuna

Beef steaks – Chicken – Sausages – Spring lamb – Pork – Venison

Imported Produce 

Apple – Pear – Quince

Imported Produce 


How To Eat Raw Food, Raw Chocolate

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Raw Food Recipes

At Susannah Makram Clinics naturopathic nutrition means care of our whole bodyNaturopathic Portfolio:- this might include healthy dinner recipes; gluten free recipes; in the MAKE section. Raw food or raw cacao might be indicated. London Naturopathy and naturopathic nutrition works in our modern lifestyle – and international naturopathic portfolios are made for the business traveller. But it’s got to be practical in modern, busy, stressful lifestyle.

Cacao comes in many forms; powder, butter, nibs and paste, making it an extremely versatile superfood that can be enjoyed in a number of ways:

  • Blend raw cacao powder into smoothies and shakes
  • Make your own delicious hot chocolate using raw cacao powder, coconut sugar, vanilla                                                                   & dairy free milk
  • Add to dairy free milk for a home-made chocolate milkshake
  • Add cacao powder to cereal or yoghurt
  • Sprinkle cacao nibs over fruit salads, desserts, or add to trail mix

Raw Food Diet

A raw food diet might be adventurous. A partially raw food diet my also sound impractical. You may be curious about what food you can eat on a raw food diet. All EAT & DRINK sample menu options as easy to stick to. If you think it is impossible, you might be surprised to hear that any one small change – as long as it is the right change – makes a huge difference. You may get to include raw cacao so let’s find out why and what it is exactly.

Raw Cacao Powder

Susannah recommends raw chocolate bars sweetened with xylitol – for a safe sweet treat or for those with or following:

Gluten free

Gluten free

Low carb diets

Sugar free diets
Insulin resistance
Type 2 Diabetes
Genetic Predisposition to slower Carbohydrate metabolism
Metabolic Balance


The Naturopathic Portfolio is not a diet nor is it a general guide for weight loss or nutrition for fertility or for food for skin and hair health concerns. Nor is it a cure for chronic fatigue. YOUR Naturopathic portfolio is designed as a result of your consultation with Susannah.

Your portfolio is your healthy weight loss lifestyle and personal nutrition to optimise your health and give you your energy back. These include hormonal imbalance, fertility concerns or unexplained infertility, hair and skin health concerns and chronic fatigue.

RAW FOOD & ITS HEALTH IMPLICATIONS ON YOUR GUT MICROBIOME    [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#guthealth”]#RawFood & its #health implications on your gut #microbiome[/tweetthis]

 Fermented Foods Have Increased Nutritional Value In Direct Comparison To The Same Raw Food – Pre-Fermentation

eg. sauerkraut and cabbage

According to researchers at Cornell University, levels of antioxidants and vitamin C in sauerkraut range from 57 to 695 mg—with raw, fermented red cabbage having the highest levels of vitamin C, hitting almost 700 mg per cup.


 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of raw sauerkraut has:

Raw Food Diet

Raw Food Diet

1.5mg Iron
48mg Calcium
.9mg Protein
4.3g Carbohydrates
.21mg Vitamin B6
1.5mg Vitamin K
.17mg Niacin
.03 mg Folic Acid

3.5 ounces (100 grams white cabbage raw) has:
27 Calories
0.5 mg Iron
25 mg Calcium
1.5g Protein
3.6g Carbohydrates
.04mg Niacin
.11g B6
0g Folic Acid

Fast fact -> Did you know that the body also rapidly uses up available vitamin C during infection or stress, suggesting that it plays a critical role in immune system health?


 Fermented Foods Are More Digestible & Safer To Eat Than Many Raw Foods

eg. sauerkraut and cabbage – sources of probiotic and prebiotic – dairy free, raw, vegan food, respectively,

Recipe Sauerkraut


Cabbage – 1 small to medium – approx 2 ounces
1 Tablespoon medium grain sea salt or non-iodised salt
1 Teaspoon caraway seeds, juniper berries (optional)

  1. Cut the cabbage in half. Cut out the thick core and stem end and compost or discard them.Thinly slice the cabbage into shreds or small pieces (think coleslaw)
  2. Loosely pack the sliced cabbage into a clean, wide mouth glass jars, sprinkling in the salt as well as the caraway seeds and juniper berries (if using) as you fill the jars. It is not necessary to sterilise the jars for lacto-fermented foods. the jars do have to be pristine clean, however. Pack the cabbage, salt and spices down firmly as you add them to the jar. Once the jar is almost full, loosely cover it and let it sit for 2 to 4 hours. During this time the salt should draw enough juice out of the cabbage to completely cover the solid food. If it doesn’t, top the kraut off with a brine made of 1 teaspoon non-iodised salt dissolved in 1 pint filtered or non-chlorinated water.
  3. Pour the salt brine, if necessary, over the cabbage and spices. Gently press down on the cabbage and spices to release any air bubbles and to submerge them in the brine. Cover the jar loosely with a lid. Place the jar on a plate to catch any overflow that may happen once active fermentation gets going. Leave the jars at room temperature for 3 days. During this time, remove the covers at least once a day and check to see that the vegetables are still submerged in the brine (add additional salt brine if necessary). You should start to see some bubbles on top – a sign that fermentation is underway.
  4. By the end of the 3 days, the sauerkraut should have a clean, lightly sour smell and taste. Put the jars in the refrigerator (no need to put plates under them at this stage). Wait at least 5 more days for the flavor of your sauerkraut to develop. This recipe also works well with red cabbage.

Fermented Vegetables – Why? Tangy tasting, mineral rich, nutritionally dense, gut healing to name a few…

Lacto-fermentation is the process that produces traditional dill pickles, kimchi and sauerkraut.

Lactic acid is a natural preservative that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria.

The “lacto” portion of the term refers to a specific species of bacteria, namely Lactobacillus. Various strains of these bacteria are present on the surface of all plants, especially those growing close to the ground, and are also common to the gastrointestinal tracts, mouths, and vaginas of humans and other animal species.

Lactobacillus bacteria have the ability to convert sugars into lactic acid. The Lactobacillus strain is so named because it was first studied in milk ferments. These bacteria readily use lactose or other sugars and convert them quickly and easily to lactic acid. However, lacto-fermentation does not necessarily need to involve dairy products.

Health Risks Of Obesity

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What is Obesity

In an adult the diagnosis of obesity is most commonly made using BMI levels. These provide a measure to be viewed in parallel with the health risks of obesity. BMI is calculated as weight in kilograms (kg) divided by height in metres squared (m2). Ideal BMI is 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2. The following classification is advised by NICE:

  • A BMI of 25-29.9 kg/m2 is overweight.
  • A BMI of 30-34.9 kg/m2 is obese (Grade I).
  • A BMI of 35-39.9 kg/m2 is obese (Grade II).
  • A BMI of ≥40 kg/m2 is obese (Grade III) or morbidly obese, meaning that weight is a real and imminent threat to health.

Waist circumference in men:

  • <94 cm is defined as low risk.
  • 94 to 102 cm is defined as high risk.
  • >102 cm is defined as very high risk.

Waist circumference in women:

  • <80 cm is defined as low risk.
  • 80 to 88 cm is defined as high risk.
  • >88cm is defined as high risk.

Waist circumference is used in combination with BMI to assess your health risk of obesity       [tweetthis]Waist circumference is used in combination with #BMI to assess #health risk of #obesity[/tweetthis]

Obesity and Genetics

Obesity is the result of a complex pathophysiological pathway involving many factors that control adipose tissue metabolism. Cytokines, free fatty acids and insulin all play a part and genetic defects are likely to have a significant effect on the fine balance of this process. Nam H, Ferguson BS, Stephens JM, et al; Impact of obesity on IL-12 family gene expression  in insulin responsive tissues. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013 Jan;1832(1):11-9. 

Obesity and Health

Obesity and Health

KRS2 is one gene that has recently been identified as being implicated in obesity and metabolic rate. DNA sequencing in over 2,000 obese individuals identified multiple mutations of the KRS2 gene, and mutation carriers exhibited severe insulin resistance and a reduced metabolic rate. It may be that modulation of KSR2-mediated effects may have the potential to have therapeutic implications for obesity.
Pearce LR, Atanassova N, Banton MC, et al; KSR2 mutations are associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and impaired cellular fuel oxidation. Cell. 2013 Nov 7;155(4):765-77.

Find Out More…

Living with morbid obesity means living at risk for serious health conditions for both men and women combined where applicable. For example, the health risks of obesity are – in terms of the following diseases:-

Type 2 Diabetes
Myocardial Infarction
Colon Cancer
Angina Pectoris
Gall Bladder Disease
Ovarian cancer

Obesity and Health

Obesity increases the risk of breast cancer. It also increases the risk of carcinoma of the endometrium. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS is usually associated with obesity, as is stress incontinence. Obesity impairs fertility in males and females. Obesity increases the risk of fatty liver, along with other features of the metabolic syndrome. Obesity is an important risk factor in the development of chronic respiratory disorders such as COPD, asthma, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, obstructive sleep apnoea. If the person develops a surgical condition, diagnosis is more difficult and almost every postoperative complication is more frequent, including deep vein thrombosis DVT chest infection and wound dehiscence. Not only is osteoarthritis  more common but treatments such as total hip replacements are more likely to be problematical in obesity.

How to get the health benefits of chocolate

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How to get the health benefits of chocolate

Forget eating dark chocolate only. Here’s how to get the health benefits of chocolate. Even if you hate dark chocolate, vegan chocolate or and kind of dairy free chocolate, you’ll love this. 

Chocolate lovers need to know how to get the health benefits of chocolate.  Chocolate advertised with a high cacao content is advertised as having chocolate health benefits. This is not accurate, however.
Cocoa vs cacao health benefits are not to be ignored. Raw cacao is made by cold press of unroasted cocoa beans. The process keeps the living enzymes in the cocoa and removes the fat (cacao butter). Cocoa looks the same but it’s not. Cocoa powder is raw cacao that’s been roasted at high temperatures. When it’s unfrosted the cocoa bean does not lose its molecular structure so the enzyme content and overall nutritional value is retained.

Easy ways to eat cacao

Look no further than this delicious, creamy shake. Super Protein powder-Brown rice and Cacao
Not only is this easy to make shake delicious, it’s also intensely rich with organic raw cacao blended with the complete amino acid punch of organic brown rice protein for an amazing 2 in 1 plant protein and superfood boost.

How to get the health benefits of chocolate

How to get the health benefits of chocolate

Health benefits of chocolate

We can’t vouch for regular store bought chocolate anymore. There are over 500 chemicals in consumer chocolate products. So there is a lifetime of chemical analysis still to be done. The next question: does it have to be raw cacao to be healthy?

Raw, unprocessed cocoa beans are among the HIGHEST SCORING ORAC foods that have been tested

ORAC is an abbreviation for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and was developed by the National Institutes of Health in Baltimore.

Chocolate Benefits Health but ALWAYS READ THE LABEL.

A 100 gram bar of dark chocolate with 70-85% cocoa contains

  • 11 grams of fibre
  • 67% of the RDA for Iron
  • 58% of the RDA for Magnesium
  • 89% of the RDA for Copper
  • 98% of the RDA for Manganese
  • It also has plenty of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium

Quality dark chocolate is: rich in Fibre, Iron, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese & a few other minerals. Add a kick of unprocessed, top quality amino acids to that and you’e got Super Protein powder-Brown rice and Cacao

How to get the health benefits of chocolate start with rule number one, ALWAYS READ THE LABEL

Added sugars

Rule of Thumb –  Less than 5g per 100g is low, more than 15g per 100g is high

Anything ending in ‘os’ is also sugar e.g. glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose, maltose) – are all forms of sugar. As are honey, agave, molasses and syrups like corn and rice syrup.

Fast Fact -> If you’re unsure whether your chocolate is raw or not, look for the word ‘cacao’ rather than ‘cocoa’ on the ingredients label.   Like in this product read cacao Super Protein powder-Brown rice and Cacao
Dark chocolate can also reduce insulin resistance, which is another common risk factor for many diseases like heart disease and diabetes


Chocolate Benefits Heath

Chocolate Benefits Heath

Find out more about quality dark chocolate and antioxidants here


Safe, clinical, practical and effective.

Call  020 7060 3181